Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1627: Real problems that have to be faced

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Of course, these things are unknown to the outside world, otherwise, the so-called observers would definitely roar at hiss, it's incredible.

In fact, it is really amazing, because this command system can not only be used for disaster relief coordination and arrangement, but also can be copied to any other actual combat scenarios, especially the development of long-distance large-scale water surface attacks for some time. Warship operations.

Yes, it is no exaggeration to say that this system was born for anti-ship ballistic missiles, and it is also the first generation of anti-ship ballistic missile combat systems with real combat value built for the army after China’s take-off and racking its brains. .

We must know that it took more than ten years for China to take off for this system. The initial goal was to build a complete outer space reconnaissance system, covering the "WS Development" series of optical satellite constellations in low orbit; A series of resource census satellites, BD series navigation satellites and a high-orbit "High Score" series of optical census satellites.

Together with a series of meteorological satellites, radar reconnaissance satellites, communication satellites, and relay satellites, a dense satellite network is formed, so as to carry out round-the-clock reconnaissance and monitoring of high-value large surface targets from the sea.

This plan is not actually created by China's take-off, but a plan based on the space detection network built by the former Soviet Union against the US aircraft carrier fleet.

There is no way, who allowed the former Soviet Union and the United States to fall in love with the United States for so many years during the Cold War. The experience in related fields is like a sea king who is extremely scumbag. The maturity of racing is a mess, not to mention the movements and postures, it is just a look. , A gesture can make some people stunning.

As a fledgling China to take off, of course, it has to learn eagerly. After all, Neptune’s experience is very helpful to the bubble girl drag racing...Uh...Bah, it is very helpful to deal with the threat from the sea.

So not long after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, when China took off, it sent working groups to Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and even Kazakhstan, which inherited the family business, to gain a lot of valuable theoretical basis and technical experience through technical exchanges.

Since then, China Ascendas, which is responsible for the development of anti-ship ballistic missiles, has started to build its own space reconnaissance and command system. It has successively developed the "WS Development" series and the "Marine Environment" series of satellites, and assisted Completed the research and manufacture of the "BD", "Gaofen" and "Skylink" series of satellites.

Coupled with the series of satellites such as "Wind and Cloud", "Pioneer", "Zhongxing", "Practice", and "Remote Sensing" from other units, on the surface, the overall momentum is very large, and it seems that it will soon be built as much as the United States and the Soviet Union. Space network.

But in fact, I am suffering, and I know that, especially the important task of China’s take-off. When constructing this network system, the more I go forward, the more I feel that the so-called mature experience left by the former Soviet Union is an out-and-out big pit in TMD. .

The most fundamental reason is that the cost is too high. Not only is the cost of launching satellites high, but the cost of space maintenance is higher. Especially in the 1990s, China's take-off satellite life technology was still immature, and the normal service life of satellites in orbit was the longest. It is only 3 years long, and the average life span is only 1.8 years.

This has led to many satellites being launched into the sky. They must be reissued and replaced before they can play an important role.

At that time, neither the production cycle of the rocket nor the production capacity of the satellites could meet such a high-frequency launch mission.

Yes, when the former Soviet Union did that. In the 1970s and 1980s, the level of technology was even lower. It was worth the former Soviet Union’s shortcomings in certain key areas. The satellite lifespan was comparable to that of China’s take-off in the mid-1990s. , And if you want to maintain a global network of nearly 500 satellites covering different uses and fields, you must have a super production capacity of launch vehicles and satellites.

In order to achieve this system, the former Soviet Union used a very simple and rude approach. It was a nationwide effort and crazy investment at all costs. Even if there were no launch missions, it had to be produced crazily and used as a stockpile for emergencies. .

The consequence of this is that the financial burden is too heavy, which affects other people's livelihood investment and protection, and ultimately makes the entire country overwhelmed.

The result was the disintegration of the entire Soviet Union.

In any case, China’s take-off cannot follow the old path of the former Soviet Union. It is not in the national interest, and it is tantamount to digging its own grave. Moreover, China’s take-off does not have the solid foundation of the former Soviet Union, let alone nearly 500 for this reason. Satellites in orbit are only one-fifth of the satellites. The level of more than one hundred "universal" series of reconnaissance satellites cannot be maintained by China's take-off.

Therefore, the comprehensive attack strategy changed at the end of the 1990s, instead of seeking a complete and global satellite network like the former Soviet Union, but focusing limited resources on navigation satellites, relay satellites, and low-orbit optics. Key breakthroughs have been made in these key areas of satellites.

As for other types of satellites, theoretical verification explorations are carried out in the name of experimental satellites in order to verify their own technologies and maintain a certain degree of technological iteration and technological innovation. In addition, large-scale actual deployments are not made.

At the same time, it is actively committed to the research and development and innovation of low-cost launch technology, rapid manufacturing technology, satellite durability and fast assembly line of the launch vehicle, striving to increase the service life of the satellite within a period of time and completely reduce the launch cost.

After all, the path of the space satellite network built by the former Soviet Union was correct, but the overall theory did not fit well with its own technological level.

It's a bit like a golden gun. What should an old man have to do with a young and beautiful girl who just graduated from university? You can only take out all your wealth and throw money on the goddess desperately!

The former Soviet Union was in this state at the time, and in the end it could only be exhausted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But it cannot be said that the old-fashioned guys are not good-looking, and the goddess whether it is appearance, temperament, self-cultivation, knowledge or what kind of kung fu They are all first-class, definitely the ideal type in a man's dream.

It's just that if you want to really hold beautiful women in your arms, you have to be in good health besides being rich, so that you can achieve the perfect blend of spirit and flesh, and achieve each other together.

China’s soaring body has nothing to say. It’s called a handsome guy to eat. It’s a good body. He is definitely a long-lived Qijirou. The problem is that his pocket is a little bit shy, not enough for the goddess to be safe and prosperous. In life, you can only send out two test satellites every three to five, to offer a little diligence to the goddess, to move the goddess a little, and to rejoice, so as not to just run away from your hands.

Wait until you have accumulated enough wealth, and when it comes time, you can sleep as you want.

It’s just that before that, I can’t just do it alone. After all, anti-ship ballistic missiles have been developed for so many years. If there is no actual combat value, the impact will not only be the goodwill of China’s soaring goodwill, but also cause unimaginable benefits to the intuitive aspects. Therefore, how to build a low-cost, highly reliable and practical command and control system has become a realistic problem that China has to face.

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