Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1628: No reconnaissance-No. 10 high-altitude high-speed unmanned reconnaissance aircraft

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But how to solve it is a worldwide problem. After all, the aircraft carrier formation is not fixed. Instead, he travels east and west on the sea. If you want to withstand the trend of such big guys, the best way is to be outside. A layer of surveillance satellite network is arranged in the layer space, so that the aircraft carrier has nowhere to hide. After all, you can see more and see far when you are condescending, what else?

Even if the United States and the Soviet Union face this problem, there is no solution. What's more, China, which has come from behind, takes off?

If you don't follow this path, can you find another way? This is not an impossible question, it is just a dream!

At that time, China Ascendas also had great disagreements on this issue. After all, it was the most feasible technical route set by the former Soviet Union and the United States. It is at least reliable, stable and feasible, even if the cost is high. Some, but the feasibility is very high.

But if you start anew, who can guarantee success?

Of course, some people will say that the innovations that China took off in the past were not quite successful!

The problem is that those innovations can be found in developed countries in Europe and the United States, which means that the relevant technical routes have already existed, or have already been realized. Blank or do better.

For example, carbon fiber composite materials. Before China took off, the United States and Japan had already done it very maturely. Various grades of carbon fiber materials were placed there. China took off as long as it followed the technical routes of the United States and Japan. Just keep going.

There are also two series of -200 and -220 civil airliners. Whether it is Boeing in the United States or Airbus in Europe, the overall structure has long been set up. From a basic theoretical point of view, even unconnected aviation undergraduates To be clear, there is no secret at all, just follow it.

From this perspective, it is correct to say that China Ascendas is committed to innovation, because without innovation, there will be no such great achievements; but it is not true that China Ascendas is really capable of innovation, after all, many things were not created by China Ascendas itself. , But to follow the technical route that developed countries in Europe and the United States have already paved without hesitation until now.

It seems that the technological route that truly belongs to itself and can lead the world is difficult to find in China's take-off.

These are the two fundamental concepts of "manufacturing" and "creating" that were long mentioned by people around 2000.

After so many years, China's take-off is more dedicated to "manufacturing", and there is still a long way to go from real "creation".

Because of this, they suddenly abandoned the former Soviet Union's technical route and looked for other alternatives. Many insiders in China's take-off were worried that they might screw it up.

This is true even internally, let alone the outside world. The worries of the army will only be worse than that of China's take-off. Some technical cadres have even personally visited Zhuang Jianye to persuade Zhuang Jianye to give up the idea of ​​starting a new stove. They can wait, even if it drags on for another decade or two In ten years, they also wanted a mature and reliable anti-ship ballistic missile system, not a model that would survive the malpractice and be meaningless.

To put it bluntly, I still hope that China will take off and stick to the technical route of the former Soviet Union.

From the bottom of his heart, Zhuang Jianye recognized the technical route of the former Soviet Union, because it is obvious that the technical route of the former Soviet Union is the real solution, but the question is who pays for the huge construction and maintenance costs?

We must know that although the headquarters' funding for anti-ship ballistic missiles is increasing every year, it did not reach 1.8 billion yuan a year until the beginning of the 21st century. Even the annual funding of less than 2 billion yuan was shared by several units, and China took off. There are many tasks, but at most you can get two-thirds of the total.

For this little money, let alone the development and launch of hundreds of satellites, it is not enough to maintain the normal operation of these satellites.

Unless the total annual expenditure can rise to RMB 8-10 billion, don't even think about it.

But the problem is that even if the domestic finances have been greatly improved, the funds are much more abundant than in the 1980s and 1990s, and there is no way to cope with such huge expenditures every year.

No way, who made the troops owe too much in the past two decades.

Don’t you see that the Army’s Type 59 tank is still taking the lead? The Seventh Master of the Air Force or the main force? The navy's air-submarine fast architecture is still continuing?

Want to change, want to upgrade, it can't be done with just one's mouth, it is a pile of real money.

Faced with so many shortcomings and holes, the annual increase in funding is simply not enough. Where can I allocate excess funds to support a huge system that exceeds the volume?

Not to mention the question of waiting. The more you delay some things, the easier it is to deteriorate. Once the quantity changes and the qualitative change is added, if you don’t have a means to press the bottom of the box, you really have to watch the situation go to the worst In the direction of the abyss?

Therefore, such valuable strategic and operational equipment as anti-ship ballistic missiles has formed combat capability one day earlier, and grasped the initiative of related events one day earlier.

This is not the opinion of Zhuang Jianye, but the true state of affairs of the headquarters!

So when Zhuang Jianye presented two reasons to the technical cadres who came to the door, these technical cadres were dumbfounded. There was no way. They couldn't solve the problem whether it was funding or the situation. There was nothing to say.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye's pressure is also great. After all, he is starting a new course and developing a set of his own unique technical route. If it really doesn't work, the cost is second. The key is that delaying the time for the troops to form combat effectiveness is not worth the loss.

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye was very cautious in this regard. He put forward no fewer than a hundred alternatives, and finally rejected them one by one. During that time, Zhuang Jianye's hair was mostly white, and he almost didn't stick to it. .

Until one day in the canteen where China took off, a technician joked: "What if the high-altitude gliding warhead can be made into a manipulable drone? Isn't it science fiction?"

At that time, many people were laughing and scolding this technician for being innocent, and being obsessed with science fiction and movies all day long was poisoned, and even such an unreliable method could be thought of.

The technician also didn't care. After all, compared to the interstellar warship, the time and space shuttle, the gliding warhead into a drone is too low, and he laughed.

However, those who talked about these people were unintentional, but Zhuang Jianye, who was eating inside at the time, listened to it intentionally. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Because others don’t know, he, the person in charge of the anti-ship ballistic missile project, knows very well that the reentry supersonic glide warhead of the anti-ship ballistic missile is strictly speaking a UAV with an autonomous control system. .

There is no way, is there any essential difference between the target-oriented change of orbit, steering, drift, and attack, and the attack drone? Aside from being a bit faster, there really isn't much difference.

If this is the case, can it be possible to create a special UAV that can fly in suborbital high speeds, so that it can conduct large-scale reconnaissance and surveillance in key areas under the control of ground personnel?

The aerodynamic shape and related materials can be copied from the hypersonic glide warhead; the UAV-related control, reconnaissance, and communication components China Ascendas, the UAV ancestor, can be said to be as many as there are.

In this way, Zhuang Jianye thought about it and became more excited. He immediately organized personnel to conduct a feasibility study, and quickly worked out a specific implementation plan. This is now wandering in the suborbital space 45 kilometers above the epicenter of the W area. High-speed unmanned reconnaissance aircraft!

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