Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1640: Sell ​​yourself to bury your father?

   Therefore, this time Liu Lei still pays much attention this time, otherwise it is impossible to open a VIP box on the 8th floor of the top floor of the Ascendas Hotel. You must know that the box at this position can not be booked by simply spending money.

Of course, Liu Lei can put on a bigger scene, but I don’t think it’s too necessary. After all, where is Cheng Feng’s coffee shop, the boss of a courier company, there are several of the same type in China, all of which are added. It can't keep up with a fraction of the China Ascendas Group, so it's generally acceptable.

   However, Liu Lei's own cards were not high or low, just right, but he was really flattered by Cheng Feng.

   You must know that he is sitting in Sinzhou this time for nothing else, but for the freighter leasing and pilot training of Fengfeng Air Cargo Company.

Since the rapid rise of domestic e-commerce, the demand for express delivery can be said to be increasing day by day. However, in addition to the competitive service awareness of many domestic express companies, the most important thing is the timeliness of delivery. Air transportation is clearly unmatched in this regard. Efficient.

   Just like FedEx in the United States, it owns more than one hundred large cargo planes, which can reach any region in the world within 48 hours.

   Looking back at the country, the same 48 hours cannot cover all provinces in the country. It is precisely because of this gap that various express companies can be said to have their magical powers across the sea.

  For example, the strong brother in Beijing builds asset-heavy storage centers in hub cities across the country to cover the corresponding areas. Once customers place an order, they will dispatch freight from the nearest storage center and deliver them to their door within 48 hours.

   The advantage of this is that the goods can be delivered efficiently and quickly. However, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the construction of the storage center requires a huge amount of funds, which can easily lead to the company's capital chain not keeping up and directly rushing to the street.

   Don’t say anything else, just look at Brother Qiang who ran to the Edelweiss Investment Management Company two or three days later, you know, this product is short of money again, and Sister Xue urgently needs to give him charcoal in the snow.

   There is also the three links and one access. These companies are not as arrogant as the strong brothers and engage in heavy asset allocation. So they have taken a different approach and signed agreements with major airlines to lease vacant aircraft cargo spaces.

   You have to know that whether it’s a cargo or passenger aircraft, when the cargo compartment is always unfilled, the airline is empty or empty. It is better to pack it and lease it to the courier company to earn a wave of extra income.

The advantage is low cost and simple operation; but the disadvantage is also unavoidable, that is, the uncertainty is too great. Once the airline's cargo warehouse is full, or there is an emergency task that cannot be provided, the three links and one delivery can only be stared. .

Although Cheng Feng likes to engage in opportunistic tricks, he is still very careful in business. He compared the practices of Jingcheng Qiang and the three links and one da, and combined the actual case of FedEx in the United States to make a comparative analysis, and finally came to a conclusion. , Chengfeng Express has to go the way of FedEx.

The reason is very simple. Chengfeng Express is an open express company. Unlike Jingcheng Qiangge’s bundled self-contained e-commerce platform, Chengfeng Express’s business is numerous and complex, and it is unable to clearly stock and classify goods, which makes it impossible to carry out. Construction of a storage center.

   At the same time, Chengfeng Express focuses on the safety and efficiency of parcels, so the uncertainty of airline cargo space is unacceptable for Chengfeng Express.

So think about it, if others are not as good as you own, you should build your own cargo fleet and cultivate your own air transportation company, and strive to achieve expedited parcel delivery within 48 hours before 2010, and general parcel delivery within 72 hours. To the extent that the standby team has expanded, expedited packages can even be delivered within 24 hours.

It is precisely with such a goal that Cheng Feng attaches great importance to the construction of the fleet and composition and the pilot team. Not only does he set aside other businesses and personally sits in the formation of the Sinzhou fleet and the training of pilots, he even personally participates in related training. Be sure to understand everything you need to know, and get a rough idea of ​​what you don’t, so that you can manage it directly in the future.

Of course, Cheng Feng’s heart is good. However, the funds on hand are not sufficient, so that he can only use aircraft leasing to form a fleet. Even a team of pilots cannot hire mature veterans at a high price. Arrangements for good selection of couriers in their own couriers for professional training.

   It can be said that all that can be saved is saved.

Under such circumstances, Cheng Feng is still very clear about how many catties he is, as long as Liu Lei and Liu always take the time to see him, introduce this classmate Maralne over, and let the grandma assassin owe him a favor. What kind of high-standard reception Liu Lei expects.

   As a result, I never expected that the place where Liu Lei arranged to meet was the VIP box on the 8th floor of the hotel. It can only be said that the face of the Princess Ascendas is so great. If you change yourself, the coffee shop on the first floor is probably the limit.

   There is also Maralne, who has also stayed in the hotel for a while. Naturally, I know that the place on the 8th floor is not only mysterious but also rarely open to the outside world.

   The curious Maralnet once wanted to open the road in US dollars and book a fun room, but was told by the hotel that it would not open to the outside world unless approved by the vice president of China Ascendas Group.

   If you change to another hotel, Master Maralne will get angry, maybe I will buy your entire hotel, depending on whether you open it or not!

The problem is that the reason why Ascendas Hotel dared to call Ascendas Hotel is because there is China Ascendas Group behind it, and it doesn’t matter if there are people in Malar. It's almost the same to buy his F&K Transmission Systems Company.

   So Malarne didn't expect to have such a high standard at the beginning. It would be enough to have a second and third floor meeting room, and give him a minute or two to talk about cooperation with China Ascendas.

It's hard to imagine that the meeting place was actually placed in the VIP box on the 8th floor. This made Malarne also flattered. The eyes that looked at Cheng Feng were all wrong, and he just felt that his old classmate was not showing up when he was in school. Leaking water, I didn't expect it to be so delicious in China.

  It is understandable that Maralne thinks so. After all, the inside story of this product is unknown, so when I heard that I went to the VIP box on the 8th floor to meet, I subconsciously thought that it was all Cheng Feng's face.

Cheng Feng naturally knows what Malarne's eyes that can’t wait to dedicate to art express what UU read www.uukanshu.com wanted to explain, but there was a misunderstanding about this matter, but he was ruthless when he caught a cold. The pinch off.

   What's wrong with showing one's strength? It was not that he asked Liu Lei to meet in such a high-end place. If you want to admire in Maral, you can admire it. When that time comes, let your American grandmother give me more financing than anything else.

Therefore, instead of having a guilty conscience, Cheng Feng calmly patted Malarne's shoulder: "My old classmate, let go a little bit. There is nothing wrong with Cheng Feng, you are like yourself. Just like home, don't be restrained!"

   Malalne nodded quickly: "Don't worry, I am more open now than playing a football game!"

Cheng Feng smiled, and then reached out and pushed the door directly into the VIP box designated by Liu Lei. Then the three of them introduced each other and took their seats. At this moment, Maralne couldn’t wait to look at Liu Lei and said, “Mr. Liu, I’m here. I have come here to hope that your group can have extensive and in-depth cooperation with our F&K Transmission System Company. In layman’s terms, I hope that our F&K Transmission System Company can be integrated into China’s soaring aviation industry chain, if possible. If so, our F&K Transmission Systems Company hopes to set up a factory in your country and work together with China Ascendas to contribute to the development of China’s aviation industry..."

   Liu Lei was a little stunned when he said this, while Cheng Feng on the side was completely stunned, asking what Maralnet was going to do? Sell ​​yourself to bury your father?


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