Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 227: To death

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Zhuang Jianye is right, Director Liu is really famous.

The next day, a reporter from Paida who had already transferred to the provincial capital, under the pen name of Jieshi, published an article entitled "With International

What else do we need to do to get on track" commentator article.

From the perspective of God, I explained the ins and outs of Tengfei Factory’s huge foreign claims, and finally concluded that it was not me.

Our foreign exchange earning enterprises are not good, let alone not working hard. It is because there are too many problems in the domestic state-owned enterprises that have accumulated a lot of abuses for a long time, which has hindered the efforts of foreign exchange earning enterprises to further achieve excellent results.

Therefore, the article calls for, while we vigorously promote foreign exchange earning, we must also practice internal skills and overcome the long-standing problems of state-owned enterprises that have long been waiting, relying on, and demanding, so that reform can be pushed to a new height.

If this article is like the previous storm of public opinion, it is just like the quality problem of Tengfei Factory, and it would be worthless to criticize Xia Gao Factory. The reporter of Pian Bai did not do this, but from the perspective of a bystander, "very objective" He treats this case as a model.

Then select the classic sentences in the quality certification report issued by foreign businessmen and compare them with the behavior and imagination of most domestic enterprises, find out the gaps and show the central idea that our reform cannot stop, and sublimate the whole article to reform at once. The height of the attack.

The editor-in-chief of the provincial media and the leaders of the propaganda department saw that the idea of ​​this article was really great, and the whole article was approved with a little modification.

It’s a pity that they only thought about the profound intentions of this article, but did not care about the lethality of Xia Gao Factory. They should know that the foreign exchange earning enterprises were dragged down and the quality problems appeared. The typical models of waiting, relying, and demanding were Xia Gao Factory, although Bai Da After the reporter, there was also a reference to wait, or a class.

The problem is that the prefix Xia Gaochang is real.

So Xia Gaochang suddenly became famous among the party and government leaders at all levels, and it was quickly passed on to the ministries and commissions. The main leaders of the ministries and commissions were so angry.

The public opinion wave of Tengfei Factory has never been smashed into the sky. Now it is good. Xia Gao factory has been hitting the top with a single shot. After so many years, the factories under the ministries have not been regarded as negative models. Now it is good, Xia Gao The factory made history.

The ministries and commissions could still sit down there, and soon led by a major leader of the ministries and commissions, they rushed to the Xiagao factory overnight and started investigating the Xiagao factory.

Director Liu, who had just returned to the capital, heard the news, his head buzzed. He never expected that the news would be published in the journal so quickly, so he hurried back and wanted to walk away. Relationship, to suppress this aspect of the media.

Na Chengxiang's actions were faster than him, and he went straight to the internal magazine.

Now he just wanted to cover it, but he couldn't cover it. Director Liu was just an ordinary bureau-level cadre, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't touch the horizon. Now at the top of the sky, Director Liu is helpless and can only Helpless.

However, this is not over yet. Within a few days, major media across the country reposted the articles in the journals of Paida reporters. The paradox is that the positive and typical words of Tengfei Factory were replaced by a foreign exchange earning factory, but Xia Gao Factory did not. This treatment was fully exposed.

The reason for this is very simple. This is an instruction from the higher-level leaders. As a typical article on the reform of state-owned enterprises, it is made public.

Suddenly, Xia Gao Factory became a backward and ignorant representative. Various investigation reports and critical articles were able to crush Xia Gao Factory to death.

As the incident continued to deepen, the Xia Gao Factory reselled industrial raw materials and smuggled imported cars. After the relatives of some factory leaders used the dual-track system to fill their pockets and were dug up by the media, the Xia Gao Factory immediately became the people's name. Mouse crossing the street.

Director Liu looked at these reports and the internal materials forwarded by the ministries and committees, and he turned his head overnight. It was not that he had never thought about finding someone to be accommodating. But those who call him brothers and brothers on weekdays, hello and my good colleagues hide him like a plague **** , For fear of avoiding it.

Director Liu knew that the Xia Gao factory he had worked for half his life was finished, and was labeled as a negative teaching material for reform. It was impossible to stand up. So in helplessness and hesitation, Director Liu finally waited for the results of the ministries’ handling of him—in advance. retirement.


Director Liu and his Xia Gao factory have become typical examples of verbal and penal criticism. In particular, Director Liu put down the phone and turned to look at the reporter's photos, with a wretched expression, satisfying all the people's imagination of low-quality leading cadres.

Especially some shameless tabloids, the gossip news about Director Liu is even more clamoring. Of course, this is nothing. What saddens Director Liu the most is that the dying Xia Gaochang's counterattack against him has been counted.

All kinds of slander, all kinds of dirty water were constantly splashed on Director Liu, wishing to pile all the responsibilities of the factory on Director Liu.

That is to say, the ministries and commissions still know about Director Liu. They have not fallen into trouble, otherwise they would have been lightly squatting for two years.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye was too lazy to deal with it. He is very busy now. Xia Gao's factory was completely injured by such a toss. How can he not take the opportunity to fish?

After all, it is also a large state-owned factory. It is still very knowledgeable in certain fields. Not to mention others, the electro-hydraulic servo valve of Tengfei Factory is quite difficult to get, and Xia Gao Factory has developed and produced it as early as the late 1960s. The electro-hydraulic servo valve on heavy machinery is much more advanced than Ascendas in terms of experience and team.

Without this background, the ministries and commissions would not be able to hand over the original fly-by-wire flight control system to Xia Gao.

It's a pity that Xia Gao Factory didn't cherish it, so he just killed himself.

"Lao Zhuang, I only saw three profiling machine tools imported from Austria in Workshop No.6." Peng Chuan patrolled the huge Xia Gao factory and ran over when he saw Zhuang Jianye turning around.

Zhuang Jianye frowned and looked at Peng Chuan: "What are you waiting for? Move away, don't think that we will take off the factory and become rich, the civilian products have been slow for almost a month, and we will die soon!

"No, if I can move, I will move. The problem is that there is a note attached to the success factory~www.wuxiaspot.com~Peng Chuan explained.

Hearing this, Zhuang Jianye smiled: "Who I thought it was? It turned out to be a successful factory with no quality. Let's move. Let them come to me if something happens."

"Are you sure they won't beat you?" Peng Chuan was a little worried.

"Beat me? You think too much of them, and you will scold me at most, and you still swear secretly in your heart. Okay, don't be stunned. If there are any good things to get rid of quickly, it will be difficult to get them taken by the success factory. ." Zhuang Jianye thought for a while, said his own judgment, and then urged Peng Chuan to move the equipment quickly.

Peng Chuan was so courageous. Hearing Zhuang Jianye's words, he immediately greeted people to move imported machine tools.

Soon a middle-aged man ran over angrily, pointing at Zhuang Jianye from a long distance and said angrily: "Zhuang Jianye, you take off the factory, don't deceive people too much, the ministries clearly assigned the three imported machine tools to us, in black and white. Write clearly, you..."

Before I finished talking about one of your words, Zhuang Jianye took out a report from his bag, and the correspondent handed it in front of his eyes: "Foreign businessmen’s quality inspection report, I have handed it over from Xia Gao factory, you succeeded in the factory, you say me Do you want to pay or not? It's all in black and white..."

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