Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 231: Suspend

Obviously the success factory does not have this ability.

   In that case, even if Zhuang Jianye met Huang Feng, there was nothing to talk about. Even if Zhuang Jianye agreed to let the shot blasting machine market, Chenggong Factory could not return to its former glory.

  The reason is very simple. As a high-end processing equipment in the aerospace industry, shot blasting machines have high technical requirements for production. On the other hand, their long service life is also a feature that cannot be ignored.

   In other words, if Chenggong Factory cannot produce a shot peening machine with better technology than Tengfei Factory, the market occupied by Asengfei Factory will never be taken back.

  Because there is no factory that casually buys high-priced equipment and says that you don’t use it, and switch to a low-end product with a large performance difference.

  Of course, due to the exception of certain interest exchanges, the question is how much of a similar interest successful factory is worth the exchange?

Because of this, in a sense, the shot peening machine is a completely technology-led seller’s market, just like the lithography machine decades later. Only Asim’s best and most Advanced, so people don’t need advertising or marketing, focusing on products and not buying? Yes, you can't make a high-performance chip.

  If you want to do it, you have to come to Asmer to buy it. The price is too expensive to say, and you have to wait in line. If you are impatient, you can get out at any time. Anyway, there are so many customers behind Asmer.

   There are many similar companies in the United States, Japan and Europe. They have achieved the ultimate in technology and crushed their peers step by step. What kind of marketing do they use? You can make money lying down!

Although the shot blasting machine of Ascendas Plant is not as overbearing as the Asimer more than two decades later, in a sense, it is completely an excellent model of this technological extreme model.

   So at this time, it is not the problem of Ascendas making uncompromising and letting the market not let the market go, but regressing, and the compromise is completely ineffective, because the gap in products lies there.

   Although Zhuang Jianye does not want to admit it, in fact, the current Ascendas plant can really apply a sentence on the Internet in the field of domestic shot blasting machines. Brother also wants to keep a low profile, but the strength does not allow it!

   How to talk about this situation, and how to talk about it? It’s impossible to talk about it, okay, in case something touches Huang Feng’s sensitive nerves and it passes all of a sudden, how can he still behave like Zhuang Jianye?

You know this is not a joke. I heard that Huang Feng fainted at Xia Gao factory and stayed in the hospital for half a month. Zhuang Jianye was really afraid that this person was really not recruited. It would be difficult to come and touch porcelain. Up.

   But if you don’t see it, it’s not a problem that the generals don’t come out in the meeting room. Just like Shen Jianwei said, if this is spread, the impression of Tengfei Factory in the ministries will drop several levels.

   It is important to know that the attitude of the ministries and commissions towards Tengfei Factory is very controversial. It is said that Tengfei Factory is very aggressive in reform and it is worth advocating; but some people think that Tengfei Factory is too cold-blooded, and it is too unsympathetic to kill all the factories in this system.

With such a bipolar reputation, the ministries’ general idea of ​​Tengfei Factory is not to criticize or support, and to look at the principle of “two-no-one look”. Don't get out of the circle if you are tossing about one acre of land.

   This makes Ascendas how to deal with Huang Feng a bit difficult. How can Huang Feng be the director of the successful factory, and his level is nearly one level higher than that of Zhuang Jianye. It is really bad to treat it like this. What should I do?

Zhuang Jianye frowned, holding his teacup, walked around the office a few times, sighed and didn't know how much, until all the tea in his hand was drunk, then he gritted his teeth. See, let's see, so I put the tea cup in my hand on the table, and raised his chin at Xiao Qin: "Go, go to the meeting room!"


"Brother, look, I can't help it. I was stabbed by a foreign businessman and stabbed in the back by a domestic competitor. Don't you know that when I returned to the factory from the special zone, there was panic everywhere, and all production was stopped. Seeing that the wages of the workers are almost nowhere to be found, they can only break the jars..."

In the conference room, as soon as Zhuang Jianye came in, he rushed to Huang Feng who was wrapped in a military coat in three steps and two steps. Older brother, older brother, short, began to explain that Tengfei Factory did not deliberately grab the market of Chenggong Factory's brother. In order to keep the factory alive, the workers have no choice but to stay hungry. If you want to complain, Huang Jianye will blame me.

   Hearing Huang Feng with a straight nose wrapped in a military coat was stunned. He said that he had known Zhuang Jianye's shamelessness for so many years, but I didn't expect that this person's shamelessness was a thousand times worse than I thought.

   It's no wonder that I couldn't get any other people out of it several times. If I measured the thickness of my skin, I knew that I couldn't keep up with it.

   "Director Zhuang, uh... have you finished?"

   Finally, taking advantage of Zhuang Jianye's tiredness and drinking water to moisturize his throat, Huang Feng touched the runny nose with his handkerchief and murmured a question.

Zhuang Jianye, who was drinking water, froze for a moment, looked at Huang Feng with no expression on his face, he felt a little bit in his heart, and secretly said, this guy won't really want to touch porcelain. Although it's just a cold, it's still a disease. I really want to say No.

   The problem is that the good things are almost gone just now, and then I really want to scold my mother. There is no way to nod mechanically: "Ah~~ almost, why, your brother doesn't care?"

   Huang Feng did not answer, but took out a document from the briefcase on the ground ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ pushed it along the conference table to Zhuang Jianye, and clicked with his hand: "Look!"

  Zhuang Jianye felt a little bit in his heart. Looking at this posture, there should be nothing good about the documents. It will not succeed in using the influence of the ministries and commissions to forcefully divide the market share, right?

The more Zhuang Jianye thinks about it, the more likely it is. Let alone now, it will be decades later. Important state-owned enterprises want to take the lead in resources and use their influence to guide the direction of policy. In this regard, as a domestic company The first-class aerospace manufacturing company, the successful factory has this strength.

   If this is the case, Ascendas Factory really has nothing to say, no matter how hard you are, can you just pass the ministry?

Zhuang Jianye was a little upset. He picked up the folder and opened it. It turned out to be a red-headed document of the ministries and commissions. His heart was cold. As a result, when he looked at the content inside, Zhuang Jianye's eyes suddenly widened and he quickly raised his head and looked surprised and laughed. Huang Feng, who was extremely happy, rubbed his eyes and looked down at the contents of the file again, then raised his head to look at Huang Feng, who was smiling with a snot.

   Repeated this many times before stammering in exclamation: "Lao Huang...you...you...you come to our Ascendas factory...hang out?"

Hearing Zhuang Jianye was so surprised that he couldn't even speak enough, Huang Feng smiled extremely happy, and other than that, he could see the embarrassed appearance of Zhuang Jianye, who has revealed his great potential in the market. These days' unhappiness and patience are all worth it, so Wiping his nose with a handkerchief, hehe asked: "Why? Not welcome?"

   Zhuang Jianye slapped his forehead, this old NM Huang is a talent, not welcome? Immediately stretched out his hand to hold Lao Huang as if afraid of running away: "Welcome, it's so welcome!"

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