Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 281: And bullet B

, The fastest update to take off the latest chapter of my aviation era!

Just as Moore and others were shocked by Liszt's series of technical achievements in the cabin, Langdon and Mike outside finally stopped their meaningless quarrels.

There is no way, this time is not a time of infighting at all, but needs to work together to overcome this difficulty.

General Motors is a good backer. It is because it has something that people admire. Only this mountain of General Motors can let you rely on. Once you lose value, you can still eagerly move forward. A landslide or something can be smashed. You don't even have any bones left.

Particle Acceleration Aviation Systems looked back on General Motors and was fearless. It was because Particles had the ability to make drones and might win the U.S. military "pioneer" drone project.

So that GM has a breakthrough to get involved in aircraft manufacturing, but once the particle company fails the bid, GM will not hesitate to remove the vest and throw it into the trash can.

Anyway, in the past few decades, General Motors has done similar things. In fact, it is not only General Motors. Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockhet, Northrop and other giants are the same. For this reason, these giants have also given a very The beautiful economic principle is that the competition of the survival of the fittest can maintain the continuous vitality of the United States.

But in fact, it's just the giants who **** the leek hegemony when they look at it, and squeeze it to death.

The Particle Company is the freak under this hegemony. He was formed to rely on General Motors, but he couldn't achieve the set goals of General Motors, and it was easy to be abandoned.

Langdon didn't want to be abandoned. He also wanted to rely on General Motors to realize his American dream of being in the upper class.

Langdon didn’t want to give up his American dream, so Mike didn’t want to. He was greedy and lustful. He just realized financial freedom. He just hooked up with a waitress in a restaurant not long ago. The happy days began. He didn’t want to be just like that. People went to hell.

So their mentality quickly calmed down after a brief collapse.

"I don't know much about the aircraft, but I know the internal situation of the U.S. military well." Mike arranged his collar wrinkled by Langdon, but he kept analyzing: "Even the bullets of H Company. UAVs are powerful and advanced, but so what? Such a big guy, can take off without an airport runway? The air force is okay, and the navy does not matter, because one of them has an airport and the other has an aircraft carrier, but what about the Army and the Marine Corps?

You must know that the "Pioneer" UAV must have four services for joint operations. On this basis, it is best to achieve the joint common use of the four services. Mr. Langdon, you are an aircraft and an expert in this area. , Can the bullet drone of H company do this? "

Langdon wrapped his arms around his chest, his face gloomy and he didn't speak, but he agreed with Mike's analysis in his heart. Whether the bullet-head drone is good or not, let's not say whether it is the airframe or the wingspan.

The "Pioneer" UAV project was originally a bidding project initiated by the Army for a new generation of tactical unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. Later, due to the gradual advancement of the U.S. military's joint combat system, the other three services joined in, with the intention of creating a low cost. It is a tactical unmanned reconnaissance aircraft platform that can integrate the status quo of different military services.

Because of this, although the project was transferred from the Army to the US Department of Defense, and the Air Force’s technicians served as the chief test officer, the Army’s voice in it was not small.

Therefore, even if the bullet-head drone has used black technology all over, it will not meet the requirements of the ground forces.

Mike was able to walk a tightrope between H Company and General Motors. It was also a human spirit. Seeing that Langdon was silent, he knew that Langdon had listened to him, so he arranged his tie and continued, "Not to mention that we also used Israeli IAA. The company's technology, these are things that have been tested in actual combat. This is what the generals in the army value most.

Therefore, at the worst, we can still tear down the orders from the Army and the Marines. If we can, lobby the Navy. This piece of cake is also ours. After all, it is not easy for the H company’s bullet-head drone to board the aircraft carrier. As for As for the Air Force, I believe that we, who have won the three services, will definitely receive strong support from General Motors.

Mr. Langdon, General Motors has helped the Air Force a lot with regard to the F-15 engine. I believe that the Air Force will not support H Company, a leather bag company that only relies on an old man to swindle and deceive, because of the engine..."

Mike talked a lot about it, and it was nothing more than two key points. One is that the H company's installation is too much. It only favors the air force, but forgets that there are third-class and fourth-class people on the ground. Shouted bitterly.

The second is Israel's IAA company's rich experience in technology, which are all summed up in actual combat, and are more fragrant than any black technology.

With these two points in mind, tearing off a piece of meat is just like playing. When the time comes, the GM company behind it will make a small effort. How can the shallow-founded H company fight!

I have to say, Mike’s words really touched Langdon’s heart, especially the problem of GM's solution to the F-15 engine failure, which was really scratching Langdon, because he was a technician involved in the development of GM engines. One of them, and with this, another giant, Pratt & Whitney, was picked down and became the most famous competition case in the aviation development field.

It was with this feat that Langdon became the leader of the particle company and took this opportunity to intervene in the bid for the "Pioneer" drone.

Therefore, Langdon felt that Mike's analysis was not justified, but rather reasonable. What he had more cards in the hole was, what if H Company found the series useless? Still can't fight their particle acceleration aviation system company.

So the calm face finally eased, nodded in agreement, and wanted to say something, but before he could speak, Moore and the others came out of the cabin. Seeing this, Langdon had more words. It turned into a rapid pace to greet him.

"Colonel~www.wuxiaspot.com~Our'sports god' is ready, look..." Langdon's fat face smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum, very enthusiastic and delightful, but he hasn't said anything yet. After that, Moore stretched out his hand and interrupted: "What is the range of your'Sports God' drone?"

"Two hundred and sixty kilometers!" Langdon opened his mouth on the performance index.

Unexpectedly, Moore frowned inadvertently and asked, "What is the unit price after mass production?"

"Um... based on the current R&D costs, each is $2.6 million." Seeing that Colonel Moore didn't look good, Langdon simply quoted his reserve price.

In the end, I didn’t expect to hear his tearful sale price, but Colonel Moore shook his head disappointedly, and said the phrase that I said in the cabin just now: "Very good, Mr. Langdon, but we need to do more. You know that the Ministry of National Defense is very rigorous in this regard."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his head and said to the officer next to him: "Continue testing the Bullet B drone!"

And bullet B? Langdon was dumbfounded when he heard this!

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