Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 357: Order roller coaster

  Yes, the charm of the Zeus-3 UAV is really unstoppable. As the world's only long-endurance UAV that can perform missions at altitudes above 8,000 meters, its appearance is simply subversive.

Coupled with the development and production of Zeus-3, the Actor Aviation System Company is an authentic German company, and it has received the help of the Federal Republic of Germany, so it quickly won most countries including the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, and Norway. Orders for drones.

The total number of intended orders is 86 sets, the total value is nearly half less than that of the previous H company, reaching 580 million US dollars. After all, the unit price of the Zeus-2 UAV system is only 5 million US dollars. The prices of products purchased from Japanese and European suppliers are much lower than those in the United States, so the overall cost control is very good.

Moreover, the performance is not only not worse than that of American products, but in some respects, it is also much higher than that of American products. After all, there is still no long-endurance drone that can fly to an altitude of more than 8,000 meters in the United States. , This alone is enough to despise the United States ten thousand times.

   Cheap, good performance, or a native European company, European countries naturally feel that the Zeus-3 UAV system is extremely mellow, and coupled with the integration of the Federal Germany, naturally there are many candidates.

   Of course, the reason why Europe has the reputation of being a developed region, it is always at a disadvantage on the international stage. The most important thing is not that they are underdeveloped, but that there are always some **** sticks inside.

This time, the Federal Republic of Germany relied on its own Zeus-3 drone to snipe the fingers of the American aviation giants and defend the European aviation industry. At the same time, it once again brushed a wave of German manufacturing's unique presence in the world. Envy, jealousy and hatred of the country.

The most typical is France. As the only country in Europe that masters the entire industrial chain of the aviation industry, France has always regarded itself as the European leader. As a result, whether it is the United States using the H company to sweep Europe, or the Federal Germany using the actor company to fight back, France This so-called European boss can only watch from the side.

In that state, I just watched other people play mahjong, scratching my head and wanting to push away a senior mah jong who was directly on his arm. He was so anxious, but there was no way for people to remove it, because the pockets of this goods are cleaner than the face and you have no money. How to play cards?

   France is so embarrassed. No matter how they build on fighter jets and airliners, there is a big gap in drones. Without diamonds, you can't take porcelain jobs.

Originally, the Eurofighter project jointly launched with several European countries was very unhappy. Now it is marginalized in the field of drones, so that many countries feel that France has fallen behind in the aviation industry, which makes it proud. The Gallic rooster hurts his pride.

So with the mentality of embarrassing me and not letting you all live together, I first opposed the entry of H company with the Federal Republic of Germany, raised the European Community’s standards for nuclear defense drones, and kicked the behemoth away from the United States. Sitting on the opposite side of Germany, he said that the Zeus-3 drone was not in line with the national conditions of France, and he was ready to make a better one.

   It would be fine if only the French family were making trouble. But at this time, Britain was on the side of France, so the two quickly merged together and prepared to jointly develop a new drone against Zeus-3.

   The division of labor is even clearer, and France is responsible for the overall design and body manufacturing; the UK continues to provide their best aero engines.

  As a result, the two European Community troikas were tied together and confronted the Federal Republic of Germany. However, the Federal Republic of Germany was still a defeated country in World War II. It was born a head lower than Britain and France, which caused many countries to start to waver.

The most notable is Luxembourg and Belgium, which are close to France. Because they are too close to France, they have already been deeply **** by France. Therefore, they are also the first countries to change their course. Then Sweden in Northern Europe has experienced pressure from H Company. Zeus-3 drove away the beasts. Of course, this Nordic industrial powerhouse is not willing to be lonely. It can build its own fighter jets. Naturally, UAVs are not a problem, so they simply announced their own development and production.

   Coupled with Spain and Portugal falling to France, and the increasing number of wait-and-see countries, the 86 sets of orders that the actor Aviation Systems has not covered in the heat have been reduced by more than half in an instant.

   There are only 38 sets of formal orders that finally fall into the hands of Zhuang Jianye, including 12 sets in Germany, 16 sets in Italy, eight sets in Greece, and two sets in Austria.

   can be seen as Zhuang Jianye's straight teeth, this NM is a list of European Axis countries, OK?

   I really did not expect that the Federal Republic of Germany, as the number one European economy, would still have such a poor influence. After World War II has been over for so long, it has not been out of the circle. It is really nothing to say.

   "I knew this a long time ago, I had settled in France at the beginning, but unfortunately I don't know French, so..."

In the administrative office of the newly-built aircraft production plant at the Xiping plant near the zero degree plant, Evans sighed with a dull expression on his face. At once, there were only thirty-eight sets left, with a total value of 580 million. Million US dollars, to now only 260 million US dollars.

The order is just like riding a roller coaster. The high and low torture people don’t say it. In the end, it turned out to be such a result. It is false to say that it is not lost, but Evans can’t help it, because the level between countries is too high. He can't afford to participate in a business without a foot, so Evans regrets it very much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Knowing that the Federal Republic of Germany is so useless, how good it was to stay in France.

Turned over the order briefing given by Evans, and put it on the desk, Zhuang Jianye smiled and shook his head: "As long as you are in Europe, going to that country is the same, there will always be **** sticks out to make trouble, otherwise The economic and technological level of Europe really needs to be combined. The world is not a bipolar structure of the US and the Soviet Union, but a three-polarity. It is a pity that the Europeans do not have the ability, so you can have more than 30 sets, and more than 200 orders have been made. Very good."

Zhuang Jianye’s words are really right. Europe has been engaged in alliances since World War II. The alliances have achieved remarkable results for more than half a century, but the alliances become weaker. The fundamental reason is that they have never been able to accomplish things like China and the United States. General unified integration.

   External competition has intensified, and internal constraints are everywhere. It will be difficult to form a unified pace for a long time like a dung stick in the UK. It will be as large as the entire strategic plan and the aviation industry.

   So why is the United States not afraid of Europe, and even a little despise Europe, the root is here.

If you unite me to fight Yugoslavia, you will have many rifts; if you engage in Euro international settlement, I will fight Iraq and weaken your currency attributes; if you and Russia, I will overthrow Ukraine and let this bad boy become Russia. Hemorrhoids and European hemorrhoids, you have to gnash your teeth.

  Whenever this happens, do Europeans even protest against it, do they want to say? The problem is that the internal voices cannot be unified at all, how to say?

   It can only be that separate countries have their own positions, so the seemingly complete and unbreakable European crystal ball, in fact, when you look at it with a magnifying glass, it is full of cracks.



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