Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 370: China's

   The entire temporary director's department suddenly became surprisingly quiet. A dozen high-ranking military officers were all staring at the staff officer in charge of reporting. The brightest of them was the head of the headquarters.

   "What's the situation? Say it again?"

The head of the headquarters could no longer maintain the stability of the past. He stood up from his seat suddenly, and the staff of the director department who was in charge of reporting was stared at by more than a dozen big bosses. He was very nervous, and suddenly asked by the head of the headquarters. What should I do, my mouth opened for a long time, but I didn't say a word.

Fortunately, the security guards of the head of the headquarters were very discerning. They stepped forward and took the briefing in the hands of the staff and passed them to the head of the headquarters. After receiving the briefing, the head of the headquarters quickly came to the map, holding a red and blue pencil and The drawing ruler quickly and accurately marked the situation map in the southwest according to the latest report.

Immediately he threw the red and blue pencils in his hand on the map, frowning immediately, then straightened up, turned to look at the dozen or so senior officers who had already surrounded him, and asked, "Who can tell what the airborne troops do? Arrived?"

   Yes, how did the airborne troops do it?

You don’t need to ask the head of the headquarters. A dozen high-ranking officers are already haunted by this question. Even the old leader of Zheng Quanli, the head of a certain air force, and the hanging needle pattern on his forehead are almost affected by him. Wrinkled into Erlangshen's third eye, it was obviously puzzling.

   There is no way, it is true that the command post of the right-wing attack group is not a fixed field command post in the traditional sense, but a highly mobile command organization integrated into the armored transport platform using imported communication equipment.

  Because of this, the command organization of the right-wing attack group can not only carry out fixed command like the previous command post, but also can carry out mobile command along with the fully mechanized high mobility.

   In other words, there are countless possibilities for the command post of the right-wing attack group, making it impossible for the enemy to touch, let alone defeat it.

Obviously, this is a trump card given by the imaginary enemy force specifically to the airborne troops. There is no way. Judging from the previous exercises of the airborne troops, what they are best at is not attacking fortifications, but the so-called beheading, that is, using what can be used. By all means, determine the location of the enemy's command authority, and then concentrate your efforts to kill it in a thunderous manner to win the victory.

The B Military Region Heavy Equipment Group, which prepared half a year in advance, naturally understood the decapitation tactics of the airborne troops very thoroughly, so it made targeted arrangements, that is, the mobile command equipment just equipped to be assigned to the airborne troops. The right flank of the troops attacked the troops.

  Isn’t the paratroopers good at hitting other’s command organizations, then I’ll put the command organization on a track, run around and walk around, so you can’t catch it, it depends on how you fight.

   As a result, the airborne troops not only found them, but also knocked them clean. This hand shocked the military leaders, including the head of the headquarters, and they all wanted to know what methods the airborne troops used.


Compared with the puzzling military leaders in the director’s department who inspired a strong thirst for knowledge, the commander of the right-wing attack group is much luckier, because his death heralds his withdrawal from the exercise. Since he has withdrawn from the exercise, then Without any scruples, he pulled an airborne officer who was in charge of attacking his command organization and said rudely: "Where is Zheng Quanli? Take me to see him!"

   "The dead cannot speak." The paratrooper officer was very upright.

"Shit, I'm dead during the exercise, but when I finish the exercise, it is your classmate of Brigadier Zheng." As he said, he took out a document book from his pocket, and measured it at the airborne officer in front of him, without shame. He continued: "You see, the National Defense University's student certificate, you know, the National Defense University is all qualified to observe the exercise of the Strategic Command, hurry, hurry up and contact you Brigadier Zheng, and said that he was sleeping on his upper bunk. Jiang Liang is looking for him."

The airborne officer who finished the battle really didn’t know what the National Defense University was, but he knew that it’s definitely not easy to be called a university. What's more, he also knew that his brigade commander actually went to the capital for further studies not long ago. Maybe this one is called. Jiang Liang really knew Brigadier Zheng.

   So he picked up the intercom and contacted the command post. After getting a reply, he said to Jiang Liang: "Follow me, our brigade commander asked me to take you over."

Unlike when commanding troops, Jiang Liang was eager and fierce and fierce. Jiang Liang, who took off the burden of command, was like a different person. Not only was he approachable, he was also very talkative. He talked a lot with the paratrooper officer along the way until Seeing the strange flying machine that looked like a three-wheeled motorcycle, I couldn't take care of the others anymore. He pointed to the Peregrine-1 gyroplane and yelled, "Don't tell me that you used such a three-wheeler to ambush us."

   The paratrooper officer nodded proudly: "You really guessed it. We used this thing for three consecutive troop projections to quickly complete the advance arrangement of this ambush."

   After hearing this, Jiang Liang's heart stunned. Although the paratrooper officer said lightly, the hidden things behind it were by no means simple. If Zheng Quanli didn't control the every move of his command organ, how could he arrange an ambush in advance?

   You must know that although the three jumpers in front of you are novel, but that thin appearance is okay to make an infiltration raid, and his heavy mechanized troops are still not enough to see, there must be some tricks he doesn't know behind.

   Jiang Liang was curious about boarding the gyroplane and asked: "How did you catch our command authority?"

"Of course I found it in accordance with the orders of superiors? How? Is it difficult?" The paratrooper officer sat in the cab~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The understatement almost didn't make Jiang Liang spout out a mouthful of blood, but As soon as he was about to say a word, he heard the airborne officer's reminder: "Sit down, we are going to fly."

   The engine was started before the words fell, and the accelerator was stepped on, the Peregrine-1 rotorcraft slid along the grass, and in a blink of an eye, Jiang Liang stood up from the ground with a frightened expression.

   Waiting for the Peregrine Falcon-1 rotorcraft to land again, Jiang Liang unfastened his seat belt and staggered towards the grass beside him, before squatting there, spitting out.

   "I said Ryoko, isn't it the last day, as for."

Jiang Liang, who was still vomiting, felt much more comfortable after being patted on his back. Knowing that his old classmate Zheng Quanli had arrived, he rubbed the corners of his mouth with his sleeves, and glanced at the side with a deep smile. The thief's Zheng Quanli: "It's not your soldiers, so let's fly and fly a few times in the sky, and then I will... uh..."

There was another vomiting, and Jiang Liang felt better. Then he helped Zheng Quanli to stand up weakly, not polite, and asked bluntly: "It's all old classmates, let's not hide it, let's talk, how to lock me Of the command authority."

   "Use them." Zheng Quanli raised his chin toward a row of square cabin vehicles not far away.

   Jiang Liang looked at the situation, and immediately opened his mouth in surprise. After an incredible long time, he said: "You also got a mobile command platform? France or Italy?"

   Zheng Quanli smiled proudly, showing a row of white teeth: "Chinese!"



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