Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 381: Not bad money

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The middle-aged military officer surnamed Zhao didn't think there was any problem with his words because of professional reasons. One said one, and the other said two were the qualities that soldiers should have.

However, he didn't feel much about it himself, but like a cold wind, the people at the air ports, including the leaders of the ministries and commissions, fell into the cold in an instant.

No way, I really don't know what the transfer meant by the senior officer who had been close to the head of the headquarters.

If you follow the military equipment, it is obviously inappropriate. After all, the chemical milling equipment of the Ascendas plant is a typical complete set of industrial manufacturing equipment, which is not compatible with weapons and equipment.

But if you follow the complete set of equipment, the troops who are tightening their waistbands will have to buy a screw at the wine table. If the price is high, obviously the troops cannot afford it; if the price is low, take off the factory. You have to lose money here.

If at other times, these things are nothing, then a few people took the middle-aged officer named Zhao to the hotel restaurant, bored two bottles of Lai Mao, and just said the words.

The problem is not that the head of the headquarters is still here. Is it possible that he pulled the head of the person over, opened his mouth half a catty, and then slapped his shoulders and shouted: "Big brother, for the sake of face, do you think five million will make it?"

I guess they dare to do this today, and tomorrow they all have to go home and dream of taking five million.

At this time, the head of the headquarters only stared at the chemical milling equipment in front of him, and occasionally called one or two workers to ask about their work and living conditions.

A posture that went deep into the grassroots and rooted in the masses was obviously to hand over the most important thing of equipment transfer to a middle-aged officer surnamed Zhao.

Faced with this situation, Zhuang Jianye couldn't speak up. After all, he was just the director of the Ascendas factory, and he was far from the others in the administrative level.

But he didn’t worry about it, because the accompanying ministries and commissions leaders would also support them. Otherwise, a unit outside the aviation system would come to a factory under the aviation system to discuss equipment transfer, and the accompanying ministries and commissions would not even put a fart. The news that other units picked up the bargains spread out, and the career of the leader of this ministry has come to an end.

There is no way. Today’s domestic business ecology is like this. The small books of various places and industries are still very serious. It has not formed a large pattern of connecting upstream and downstream in a few decades.

This has led to the extreme prevalence of local protectionism.

Because of this, if a local or departmental leader can't help his subordinates resist pressure, keep the market, and gain share, they will be poked and scolded by the people below, so that they can't even hold the coffin board firmly.

This is the case in the local area, and the same in the aviation system, so Zhuang Jianye can stay behind and watch the changes, but at this time, the position leaders have to help Tengfei factory support.

"Director Zhao, do you think this will work." The head of the ministry took a look at the head of the headquarters who was chatting with two workers not far away. Knowing that the old head was not ready to intervene in this matter, he settled down and looked again. Director Zhao said to him: "Let’s put aside the transfer of equipment. After all, the cost of the entire equipment needs to be recalculated here at the Ascendas plant, plus some details need to be improved. Let’s delay it for a few days. After the Ascendas plant has figured out all the bits and pieces, let’s sit down and have a good chat."

I have to say that the leaders of the ministries and commissions played Tai Chi really beautifully. At this time, it is really not suitable to talk about the transfer. If nothing else, you can take care of the face of the head of the headquarters.

Even though this man meant to be outside, the enthusiasm that he showed just now can be seen by even a blind man. This old chief is concerned.

At this time, when talking about transfer, let's not say that it is a cocoon. It will inevitably be tied. It is better to drag it later, whether it is a ministry or a take-off factory.

Director Zhao did not expect that the leaders of the ministries and committees would say this. He was slightly taken aback. Even though he realized that what he said suddenly made people in the aviation system think too much, he laughed, "It seems that the comrades in equipment procurement let you eat. A lot of pain, rest assured, I am different from them. What I am doing here is originally a profitable project. As long as it is beneficial to the development of our domestic high-tech industries, I will not be stingy with funds."

As soon as this remark came out, the leaders of the ministries and commissions were stunned. Didn’t he never come into contact with the people in the army. Some were bold, smart, and unsympathetic. Some of them could kill two cows with alcohol, but they just didn’t see them. As generous as Director Zhao, even more generous than foreign businessmen.

So that the leaders of the ministries and commissions thought for the first time whether the director Zhao in front of them was a liar.

Not only the leaders of the ministries and commissions, but Shen Jianwei and even Peng Chuan and Wei Guangping are like this. There is no way. Some time ago, for 15 Peregrine-1 gyroplanes, the entire Ascendas Factory was swept by a single member of the army.

How much is that thing? The unit price is 30,000 RMB, and the total of 15 aircraft is only 450,000. The troops dare to do so desperately. The chemical milling equipment in front of us cost nearly 4 million for the plant to take off. As a result, Director Zhao, who has a military background, You said it's not bad money?

Who believes?

Zhuang Jianye believed it, although to outsiders, Zhuang Jianye's expression at this moment was a state of twisting in surprise, which was even more exaggerated than Shen Jianwei.

But Zhuang Jianye really believed it.

The production capacity of the 146 factory, the head of the headquarters attaches great importance to it, and now it is said to be a big profitable project, which is not short of money; contacting the current point of time, if Zhuang Jianye does not know the big killer deal with a major oil country in China, then he is still very powerful Is it through the crowd?

Billions of dollars, no water, proper cash payment, Director Zhao short of money? If he was short of money, the God of Wealth who was on that day could hang himself directly with Yue Lao's red rope.

So Zhuang Jianye's eyes suddenly became watery, the more I looked at Director Zhao’s serious black face, the more I felt kawaii, what kind of unsmiling officer this is, it is clearly Zhao Gongming who came from the sky, the reincarnation of Old Guan’er Zhao. God of Wealth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Of course, the one behind him is even more powerful.

With billions of dollars, why has the domestic aerospace system been leading other industries after the reform and opening up? In addition to the country’s policy inclination, the billions of dollars from a major oil country are indispensable. If Tengfei Plant can get a share of it, not to mention how much money it can make, at least it can give the capital invested in the past few years. Catch it back, if so, why doesn't this money make?

Anyway, big dogs pay the bills, and don't make no profit!

So when everyone was thinking about whether Director Zhao’s words were true or false, Zhuang Jianye smiled and pointed at a workshop not far away: “Director Zhao, where is the laser etching room for the chemical milling equipment? Unlike ordinary manual etching using a scalpel, laser etching is more efficient and has a lower rejection rate. If Director Zhao is interested, we can go and take a look."

Hearing this, Director Zhao's eyes lit up immediately, but before he could speak, he heard the head of the headquarters faintly saying, "Let's take a look."

Before the voice was over, I saw the head of the headquarters with his hands behind his back, and several of his escorts were already walking in the direction of Zhuang Jianye.

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