Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 400: blossom everywhere

It’s no wonder that Evans was so angry. Just a month ago, the Zeus-3 drone, the actor's flagship, began delivery. It stands to reason that the delivery started in September after receiving the intended order in mid-May. This speed is not slow. .

   But the British BBC seized on this incident and lashed out at the actor Aviation Systems Company's low production efficiency and insufficient production capacity, which seriously affected the urgent needs of European countries for nuclear protection.

   Then the media in France and Spain began to reprint, and soon a wave of public opinion was formed.

However, neither Evans nor Irving cared at the time. After all, in Europe, if a company was not caught out by the media, it would be embarrassed to go out and say hello to others, so the British BBC caught the capacity to do things. Making a fuss, it's not a big deal in their eyes.

   Anyway, I have already started delivering Zeus-3, the BBC is just a noisy pug, as long as he is ignored, how can he bark no matter how fierce it is?

   What the two of them did not expect was that it was such a pug-like thing that one day opened its blood basin and bit it at the neck of Actor Aviation Systems.

   It was half a month ago. In the evening, the British BBC suddenly broadcast a tainted witness interview on their golden current affairs program.

An internal anonymous employee claiming to be from Actor Aviation Systems in Germany told the BBC that the Zeus-3 UAV system produced by Actor had serious quality problems. In the spirit of being responsible to the European people, he himself went through repeated ideological struggles. , Finally decided to stand up to expose the vile tricks of the actor company, as a whistleblower to wake up European countries.

   As soon as the news came out, it shocked the whole of Europe, and the BBC seized this news hot spot and continued to dig, and soon more shocking news was revealed by the BBC.

  The Zeus-3 UAV system of Actor Aviation Systems is actually an assembled product, and most of the parts are made of low-end and low-cost components.

  In order to solve the production capacity, the actor company has a joint venture with a little-known model factory in a large eastern country.

The model factory in a big country in the East is notoriously inferior. The models of its main business are not only rough and of poor quality; it also pretends to enter the field of small power generation equipment. As a result, the poor quality has caused extremely serious losses in a large country in the East. The government of a major country ordered an investigation.

The BBC found several Hong Kong and Taiwan businessmen who are closely related to a large eastern country. They broke the news that the model factory in a large eastern country that they had a joint venture with the actor was called the worst company they had ever seen because they imported from that company. Small power generation equipment can't be used at all, it's just a pile of scrap iron.

All in all, in short, after some operations by the BBC, Actor Aviation Systems is not only an irresponsible black-hearted company, but in order to earn excess profits, it will not hesitate to lose the bottom line of European companies and find a bad company without experience. Partner.

Let’s not talk about how many Europeans’ employment has been affected by the actor’s company, but the country it chooses is very problematic. A large country in the East, a backward country that may still be braided, has even built a small power generation equipment. No, what kind of spare parts do you expect them to supply?

  Who would dare to use such a Zeus-3 UAV system?

A series of BBC reports instantly detonated European public opinion, and major media reprinted them one after another. With this storm of public opinion, France's Dassault Company announced in the first time that their newest, long-term voyage entirely using European technology UAV, central nervous system-1 is about to enter the sea trial test phase.

   The key point is not to test, but to completely adopt European technology. This is to step on the Zeus-3 UAV from another angle.

   Soon after, British Aerospace's Anglo-4 UAV also announced that it was preparing for a test flight, and emphasized in the statement that all their UAV parts come from European suppliers.

Sweden’s Viking-3; Italy’s Gladiator-6 also announced that it has entered the test verification stage, and even Turkey, which is not seen in Europe, also came to the side, indicating that its own independently developed recognizer-2 is progressing well. .

   In an instant, European drones sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain, and they appeared one after another, making it as if they could not gain a foothold in Europe without them.

   As for the so-called European Union before, it has long been made into a joke by the cold reality.

   There is no way, this is the case in Europe. It is a helpless move to unite or something. As long as there is a little something that can be done by oneself, it is guaranteed to make a difference.

   After all, there have been three generations in various countries, and they are all people who have been rich in their ancestors. Real airplanes can't be played by themselves. Can't drones be tried? Even the Federal Republic of Germany can produce something, why can't we?

   Yes, the Federal Republic of Germany can make drones. It must not be difficult.

This judgment has almost become the consensus of European countries. The reason for this judgment is simple. Although Germany has a well-developed industry, as a defeated country in World War II, its industry has been restricted by the victorious countries. The most typical one is It was the German aviation industry, which was almost castrated by several victorious nations.

   Therefore, Germany can make all kinds of machinery and equipment, but it has almost no achievements in the aviation field.

   As a result, it is such a country that has nothing to do. It actually cultivated a company like actor, and relying on Zeus-3 to defeat the similar products of the United States, which is known as the number one aviation power.

It’s nothing to resist the infiltration of American aviation giants~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But once the external pressure is lifted, the British and French, who are known as the second echelon of the aviation industry, will have a bit of a face. First, they united to form pressure on Germany. I feel that drones are not difficult to do, and Britain and France have long been uncomfortable with each other, so don't stand next to each other and do your own thing.

   Britain and France took the lead. Sweden, Italy, and Spain, who felt that the foundations were not bad, naturally learned a lot. Therefore, European drones instantly became standard equipment in various countries, and they were gradually blooming everywhere.

That’s all here. The prime contractors of these countries have to step on the actor's company overtly and secretly. There is no way, who will let them be at the forefront of the field, and who will not make you stumble. child?

  The most excessive of these is the United Kingdom. Not only does British Aerospace target the actor company, all kinds of suppression, all kinds of slander, but also manipulate the BBC this vicious dog to bite.

   caused the actor's company to lose a lot in just half a month. Not only half of the orders were cancelled, but also one third of the staff had to be laid off to save money.

However, Evans and Irving are most helpless by the Federal Government of Germany, known as Europe’s economic powerhouse. Germany, which is the engine of the European Union’s economy, dare not even let go of a fart when its domestic enterprises are under siege. The international division of labor does not include the aviation industry in Germany.

Now that the actor company has opened an opening, the German government also wants to test the waters. If other countries don’t respond, they will continue to develop awkwardly. If the rebound is relatively large, then continue to stubbornly. Only one company can be controlled. Lao Tzu decades ago The capital was bombed flat, what's the deal if it's gone?



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