Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 499: See also Liszt

"I believe what they said is true."

The McDonnell Douglas engineer had just finished speaking. Before the interpreter could reply, standing behind Foss, the taciturn assistant suddenly spoke. McDonnell Douglas turned his eyes to the slender, angular and handsome face behind him. The assistant who looked a bit of vicissitudes: "How do you know?"

The assistant smiled unexpectedly, looking extra peaceful and natural in the shadow of the light.


"Well, let's just say, when can we build such a big airplane."

Standing under the towering tail, watching several busy American engineers on the scaffolding, after some idle talk about the damage to the plane, Lin Guanghua suddenly sighed and looked up at the plane above it, as if it were Looking at the unattainable ladder, I felt a little lost for no reason.

Liu Chun on the side was talking humorously. After listening to Lin Guanghua's words, he couldn't help but put his smile away, looking at the person in front of him with complicated eyes: "I have to say that the maintenance of American aircraft is really good. I don’t know if you have noticed just now. When they disassembled the apu auxiliary power unit, they only used two people, moved four fixed latches and six fastening bolts, and also set up a retractable support frame inside. The apu auxiliary power unit can be removed without too much effort."

Speaking of regaining his gaze, he continued with some shame: "In comparison, we are still a little far behind in this regard, at least not as well as the Americans in the details."

"The details of maintainability are the accumulation of experience, as long as you have time, you can master it sooner or later, but the big bypass is more than experience than the turbofan engine.

As soon as Liu Chun’s words fell, Qian Qiang stared at the huge large bypass turbofan engine under the vertical tail wing, and said in a daze: “In this regard, we are at least 30 years behind the United States. Comparing several small engines with people, it's like a sky and an underground."

Qian Qiang’s words were too true and too cruel, so that as soon as they said it, everyone who had pointed Jiangshan fell into collective silence, regardless of McDonnell Douglas’ reputation and performance. The weight of more than one hundred tons, more than two hundred. The maximum take-off weight of tons is there.

In comparison, the plateau eagle series that Ascendas Aviation can best handle is not even a younger brother in front of you.

We must know that the project was set up in the years, and mass production at the beginning of 70 years. It has been nearly 20 years since it has been an obsolete model in the United States and the Western world. However, it is still an existence that can crush all living things in China. Can crush everything in the country, what will the current product look like? Lin Guanghua and others dare not think about it, because the more they think about it, the more desperate they feel.

"Since you can see the goal in the sky, then just rush up." Just when everyone's expressions were low, Zhuang Jianye folded his arms and said something very outdated. Lin Guanghua and others immediately looked at Zhuang Jianye in surprise, and said to their hearts. How big is your experience in Lao Zhuang, can you not see such a big gap?

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Zhuang Jianye glanced at a few people when they noticed that the eyes of several people were wrong.

Lin Guanghua and the others looked at each other and nodded unceremoniously.

Zhuang Jianye did not feel that these people had lost their face, but he laughed: "In fact, despair is not about the big gap with the goal, but not seeing the goal at all. What's more, you only think about how many years the US aviation industry is ahead of us. , I don’t think about when people started to develop the aviation industry.

In 1903, comrades.

More than 80 years ago, when did we start? At the end of the 1950s, it has only been 30 years now. In this comparison, our development speed is not slow, but very fast, OK? "

"You are the typical Ah Q spirit." Qian Qiang retorted bluntly. Liu Chun nodded quickly, and Lin Guanghua said in a shameless voice: "Lao Zhuang, don't secretly change concepts, face the facts squarely."

"Facts? What are facts?" Zhuang Jianye asked with a smile, but before Lin Guanghua could answer, Zhuang Jianye immediately asked himself: "The fact is that we faced the flood with the Egyptians five thousand years ago; we were with the Babylonians three thousand years ago Writing civilization; two thousand years ago we fought like the Romans in all directions; one thousand years ago we were as prosperous and happy as the Arabs. In the past five thousand years, other nations have risen and fallen, ups and downs. Only our Chinese nation has always been at the historical card table. Facing the arrival of one participant after another? Why?"

Zhuang Jianye looked at a few people with strange expressions and paused for a while and continued: "Because we believe in the belief that man can conquer the sky; because we uphold the healthy nature of the sky, and the gentleman has the spirit of self-improvement; because our bones are engraved with the princes and kings Stubborn, this is the fact."

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Guanghua: "Does Lao Lin want to build a more advanced aircraft?"

Lin Guanghua nodded.

Zhuang Jianye turned his attention to Liu Chun again: "Old Liu, how about you?"

"I want to dream."

Finally, he looked at Qian Qiang, and before Zhuang Jianye could speak Qian Qiang nodded: "If you don't build a high-power engine, I'm afraid I won't die."

Zhuang Jianye spread his hands when he heard the words: "Isn't this the end? What else is there to despair? Anyway, all I see is hope, so, don't think about it when it's okay. This is the same as chasing a girl. It’s easy to cringe if you want to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. If you like it directly and generously, you will chase and fight vigorously, maybe you will be able to hold the beauty back after a while."

The originally serious atmosphere was made lighter by Zhuang Jianye's nondescript metaphor. Lin Guanghua smiled again, and immediately felt wrong and asked Zhuang Jianye: "We all have goals, what about you Lao Zhuang?"

"Me?" Zhuang Jianye was stunned for a moment, then laughed, winking mysteriously at several people: "Guess?"

Lin Guanghua and others did not expect that Zhuang Jianye would be so shameless. Just as he was about to crusade, they saw a tall and thin foreigner with gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, sharp edges and corners, and a handsome, vicissitudes of life coming toward this side. Lin Guanghua opened his mouth in surprise at the sight of the visitor, and quickly gestured to Zhuang Jianye. Zhuang Jianye quickly turned his head and widened his eyes in shock.

As a result, the person came to reach out to Zhuang Jianye very politely, and said gently: "Long time no see, Mr. Zhuang."

Zhuang Jianye was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted. He quickly reached out and held his hand to the person, his face returned to normal: "Indeed, Mr. Liszt, we haven't seen him for a long time."

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