Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 786: The plane that dad bought you

However, whether it is true regret or false and serious, Shi Jun knows very well that the moment he swallowed the remaining 400,000 yuan of the Yonghong factory and took his wife and children out of the country, he was on a road of no return. .

It's not that he doesn't want the prodigal son to return. The problem is that the embezzlement of more than 400,000 public funds is not a small problem. According to the current domestic law, at least 15 years will be sentenced.

You must know that at this time, he is no longer the vigorous young man who has just entered the Yonghong factory. He is full of food and the whole family is not hungry.

Now he has a wife and children, and he has to think about his wife and children without thinking about himself.

This is why, after arriving in the United States, Shi Jun cut his head and insisted on integrating into American society.

Didn't he know that the neighborhood where his family lived in the United States was discriminated against by the locals?

Isn't he not sure that the company he works for is not the core department of McDonnell Douglas, but a Fairchild Aviation manufacturing company that was taken by McDonnell Douglas and treated it as stinky shit?

Didn’t he know that the few models he participated in were not obsolete goods that failed in the market, or junk goods killed by the US military?

Doesn't he understand that he is a tool man with a little use in the eyes of Americans?

Shi Jun knew that he knew better than anyone else, but what could he know, could he still resist?

He has already resisted once in China with alternative means. If he repeats his tricks in the United States, the world will really have no place for his Shi Jun family.

Because of this, even if he knew the nature of everything, Shi Jun had to grit his teeth, not only endure, but even use lies to win the sympathy and favor of American society.

He has gone too far on this road in recent years, and now he has stopped slightly when he sees Chujiao 6pro and Jianjiao 7Max, but when he looks back, he has disappeared from the other side of China.

"Can not go back……"

Shi Jun sighed softly in his heart and raised his eyes just to see the gaze cast by Zhuang Jianye. When his eyes were facing each other, Shi Jun was inexplicably flustered. He immediately moved his gaze away, but unfortunately confronted Merlinz who was looking at him. Above, Shi Jun was a fierce spirit, and subconsciously some souls were not possessed.


Zhuang Jianye indeed stayed on Shi Jun for a while, and even looked at the man named Merlinz staring at Shi Jun fiercely, as if he was about to swallow Shi Jun in one bite.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly, as if he hadn't seen them, he retracted his gaze and refocused on the booth.

If he saw that Shi Jun might be troubled by others four or five years ago, Zhuang Jianye would have to help him out. However, as Shi Jun himself thought, everything disappeared the moment he left the country.

What's more, during this period of time, Shi Jun has made many remarks against the American technical team and Thailand to denigrate the Ascendas Group. This means that Zhuang Jianye had a relationship with His Royal Highness in the early years, and he could deal with it calmly. The bidding plan is easily left passive by Shi Jun's remarks.

Of course, if you really want to get there, Zhuang Jianye also has a way. Isn't it just than the lower limit, he dare not say that the lower limit has not been afraid of anyone.

Besides, Shi Jun has nothing to tell other than just beeping lies. It's not that he doesn't want to say anything, but that there is nothing in his stomach and there is nothing to say.

It's no wonder that other people, who let Shi Jun leave the technical department to think about how to get promoted and make money every day, either forming gangs or inciting infighting. What useful things can such people provide foreign manufacturers?

At best, it’s just that the technology of Ascendas Group is not good. Domestic aviation technology is lagging behind these vehicles. For the cheeky Zhuang Jianye, I hope Shi Jun can promote it more, so that he can make a surprise and seal his throat with a sword. .

Obviously Shi Jun did this, otherwise his supervisor would be like eating people, wishing to kill Shi Jun on the spot with his eyes.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye didn't have the time to care about the outcome of Shi Jun, because he was now dealing with His Royal Highness, while he drew the curtain openly.

One head is almost as big as two.

There is no way that the pampered Teddy dog ​​of His Royal Highness is scurrying all over the floor, earning several exhibition items one after another. His Royal Highness the Prince doesn't stop this product, but rather said to Zhuang Jianye without embarrassment: "You see? This is it. My Captain Walloon Shinano, like me, is an ace pilot of the Thai Air Force. He has the most alert intuition. He probably discovered that the JJ 7Max is extraordinary and wants to experience the horror of the Chinese fighter... Hi... Alondo, What are you doing? If Captain Wallon Shinano loses a piece of hair, believe it or not, I will strip you all over..."

If you don’t look at the chaotic scene and just listen to the words of His Royal Highness, you really think Captain Vallon Shinano is a skilled super pilot. However, when Alondo is about to reach out and grab Vallon Shinano’s neck, His Royal Highness yells. , Revealed the unusual dog identity of this lucky captain.

So what I saw and heard, Zhuang Jianye’s old face was almost blackened to the bottom of the pot, and even more so, the proud Captain Walloon Shinano actually raised his dog legs under the landing gear of the JJ 7Max and swore with precious body fluids to the aircraft. Ownership.

That’s all. The key is his master, the shameless Crown Prince who is still excited and exclaimed: "Zhuang, look, look quickly, Walloon Shinano is swearing his sovereignty, what a smart baby, that’s why I like it. The reason for it is cute, smart, and loyal. Unlike those women who think a lot, apart from solving physical problems, they are far worse than Walloon Shinano."

He turned his head and glanced at Zhuang Jianye, whose face was already purple and black, and waved his hand nonchalantly: "Look at your petty, isn't it because the landing gear was **** by Walloon Shinano, and there are no missing parts. As for... ...To...to...I don't want to hear your explanation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since Wallon Shinano likes it, you have a plane of 9.98 million dollars, and I will give you 12 million dollars to help Walloon Shinano buy it."

Zhuang Jianye had all kinds of MMPs in his mind, but he didn’t expect that His Royal Highness would give his beloved dog with one mouthful. Bah... It was the heroic ace pilot Captain Vallon Shinano who bought the JJ 7Max in front of him, and he also paid a premium of 2 million US dollars. I just feel that the body fluid released by Wallon Shinano is too little. It should be the same as the Songkran Festival in Thailand. Sprinkle it on the Jianjiao 7Max with a dog leg.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye, who had been dark-faced, immediately turned into a spring breeze, and his face was warm, and he pointed his thumbs at Vallon Shinano again and again, and praised shamelessly: "Oh, Captain Vallon Shinano is unparalleled in the world, brave and invincible. In that case, Then I will name this Jianjiao 7Max the Air Warrior Valon Shinano, how about?"

"Okay, this name is good!" His Royal Highness nodded in satisfaction, and quickly blew a whistle. The running Teddy returned immediately after hearing the sound. With a leap, he plunged into the arms of His Royal Highness and immediately before him. The Jianjiao 7Max said softly to the little Teddy: "This is the plane that my father bought for you. It is named after you. Don't waste it."

Hearing that, including Zhuang Jianye, there is a black line on the scene...

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