Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 838: Real, military and civilian technology

It’s hard to say about other categories of Ascendas Group, but in terms of drones, Ascendas Group, let alone in China, is not afraid of anyone even in the world. So Ascendas Group ends up fighting, and the headquarters’ anti-radiation drone project is also No more suspense.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye also raised his hands to support. There was no way. Lao Zhuang had no intention of fighting. He heard that the headquarters spent 400 million US dollars to buy six sets of "Habi" UAV systems.

Four hundred million dollars was just made by Israel. Don't mention the pain in Lao Zhuang's heart.

If it weren't for the shitness of the H company that year, Zhuang Jianye would have liked to go directly abroad and file various judicial proceedings against IA Aviation Technology.

Therefore, it must be done, and it must be done so that the "Habi" UAV cannot catch up.

Zhuang Jianye’s will is the supreme instruction of the Ascendas Group. In addition, the Ascendas Group has not stopped making progress in drones for so many years. It is still trying to expand the technical boundaries of the UAV system. It is just that the profits of the old platform are sufficiently lucrative. These technologies are not taken out, but stored as benign technical assets, waiting for the right time to take them out to earn more excess profits.

Otherwise, the whole thing will be shaken out, and people's imagination will be satisfied at once. How can we make money in the future? It is necessary to give customers some expectations and consumer desires.

But this time it’s different. The "Habi" drones are all coming to the door. If you don’t take out the bottom of the box and swear that you are the world leader in the field of drones, there will be no more changes in the future. Many foreign competitors push their noses on their faces.

As a result, Ascendas Group internally discussed, bit the teeth, and gave up nearly half of its technical assets to create a true multi-batch autonomous controllable drone interactive mission system, the so-called drone swarm technology.

The core of these is the network construction and communication system settings between drones.

This is the most critical part of the entire drone swarm technology, because the multi-batch drone interactive mission system built by Ascendas Group is not a simple point-to-point, flying to the target face to face, mechanically completing the so-called single item of strike or reconnaissance. task.

It has basic logical perception capabilities.

That is to say, you can freely switch between reconnaissance, evaluation, cruise and attack, and can share its own situation with the rear control center and other drone platforms while switching, so that other drone platforms can adjust their tasks according to the shared intelligence Attributes and ultimately determine the next task.

In this way, the mission flexibility of the entire UAV system is greatly expanded.

Take the army unit as an example. If the heavily armored unit is equipped with the swarm UAV system of the Ascendas Group, artillery can launch swarm UAVs during offensive operations, using its concealment and mobility advantages to defend against enemy positions. Carry out approach reconnaissance, focusing on detecting weak links in the enemy's forward deployment and the deployment of enemy anti-tank firepower.

At the same time, the real-time image transmission capability of the swarm UAV system is used to form the dynamic situational awareness of the command agency on the battlefield, thereby forming a relatively transparent battlefield.

On this basis, when the heavily armored units begin to implement battle breakthroughs, the swarm UAV system can use the previous situational awareness. On the one hand, it can focus on attacking all kinds of enemy anti-tank firepower and open the way for the tank armored unit to attack. Relieve threats; on the other hand, use air and mobile advantages to attack time-sensitive targets that are difficult to deal with with traditional firepower, reverse **** targets, and concealed targets.

At the same time, it assisted the rear artillery unit to conduct artillery calibration and fire damage assessment. After the armored unit successfully broke through, infiltrate the enemy's deep or flanking targets according to the actual situation, reconnaissance, and direct firepower or even direct attacks.

In army operations, the air force’s operations are resolute. It can be used as a signal decoy to attract the enemy’s air defense fire radar to start up, consuming valuable air defense firepower; it can also directly attack the enemy’s air defense radar to clear the way for one’s air power; Directly participate in offensive operations and launch "suicidal" air strikes against the enemy.

All in all, the swarm UAV system of Ascendas Group is not a traditional single mission mode, but a highly integrated multi-attribute integrated combat tactical system with multiple functions.

Precisely because of this, the practicality, mission expansibility and final effect are several levels higher than that of the Israeli "Habi" UAV.

After all, the flexibility of the "Habi" UAV is not the slightest inferiority. Although it has the ability to return and recover without an attack, it can hover over the target for a long time, and it has certain UAV functions, but In fact, the "Habi" is still an anti-radiation missile in nature, and does not have multi-task capabilities.

And the swarm UAV system of Ascendas Group is not only anti-radar, it can also perform reconnaissance, guidance, electronic jamming, and even point-to-point clearance...

Expansibility is not generally big.

However, to achieve this goal, the traditional communication device, the network layout is obviously unable to achieve, there is no way such dynamic real-time data transmission is not the ordinary communication system can bear.

At the same time, the confidentiality of communication must be good, and the quality must be high, especially between the UAV platforms, it is impossible to help but transmit fast and resist interference.

Ordinary civil communication architecture must not work.

For this reason, several scientific research units within the United Nations of Ascendas Group jointly developed two communication systems.

One is the distributed confidential communication architecture of a topological network similar to the Internet. There is a more appropriate general term for this architecture abroad, the so-called data link.

It is mainly used for communication and control between various UAV platforms and the command center.

The second is an ultraviolet secure communication system based on routing communication, which is used for short-distance and rapid communication between UAV platforms.

On the basis of these two communication systems, combined with satellite communication and relay communication, a closed network structure is finally formed, so as to realize the complexity of independent and decentralized UAV nodes, that is, they can perform tasks individually and cooperate with each other. system.

Of course, as a whole new system, many places are groundbreaking, and naturally there are some shortcomings, such as the communication channel problem of the data link, because the level of integrated circuits in China is relatively low, and it is not available abroad. The highest level of large-scale integrated circuits and chips.

Therefore, the swarm UAV system of Ascendas Group can only control five UAV platforms to perform tasks at the same time~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the computer produced by the Institute of Aeronautical Computing will be overloaded, and the UAV will be overloaded. There will also be crashes between platforms due to mixed communications.

Secondly, although each UAV platform has a certain degree of autonomy, it is limited by the limitations of algorithms and integrated circuits, and the autonomy is relatively limited. It cannot completely distinguish targets and control independently. In many cases, the rear control center is required to intervene .

Finally, the volume of each classification system is too large. Ascendas Group is stepping up its miniaturization research, but it is obviously impossible to install it on the "Habi" UAV with a length of only one meter at this stage. This is why it is taking off. The group finally chose ZB-MAXpro as the carrier platform because the platform is large enough and it is easy to modify. Of course, more importantly, ZB-MAXpro can quickly realize civilian use, thereby sharing the high R&D costs of Ascendas Group.

After all, Ascendas Group is not a typical military industry enterprise. All the technology is not exclusive to the military. It is the kingly way of military and civilian use, grasping with both hands and making money with both hands.

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