Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 865: Shrinked Boeing 737

As soon as these words came out, Badia, Park Zhemin and others were taken aback, and immediately looked at the fancy plane that had landed on the runway, then turned to look at the smiling Song Changzheng, and then looked out the window again. The planes that were about to taxi to the tarmac showed a sense of whether they were mistakenly heard on their faces.

"Mr. Song... we... we... shall we sit here and head to the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains?" After half a minute, Pu Zhemin looked at Song Changzheng in surprise and asked the question in his heart with difficulty.

Before Song Changzheng could answer, Badia put his arms around his chest pretentiously, and said with a smile, "It should be two planes of the same type, otherwise there are so many people, how can an ordinary regional airliner sit? come."

After hearing this, all the counselors or representatives of other countries nodded suddenly, and even Park Zhemin was slightly less confused, showing a subtle smile.

But just when everyone thought they could see the good intentions of the Chinese side, Song Changzheng smiled and waved his hand: "Two planes are too wasteful, one is enough!"

"Mr. Song, are you kidding, this small plane can hold us people?" Before Song Changzheng had finished speaking, Badia sneered and questioned.

Counselors and representatives from other countries also nodded in agreement with cold expressions.

No wonder they are like this. Regardless of the number of people in this VIP lounge, there are only a dozen people, but there are still about 30 escorts in the ordinary lounge next to it.

No way, Badia, Park Zhemin and others are either senior commercial representatives or commercial counsellors based in China. They can’t be alone when they come out to conduct business with China. The commander should come alone. At least one translator, one assistant, and secretary. It cannot be less.

This is not only for work, but also for the external display of the country’s image. It must not be weakened. Therefore, a counselor or representative will have three or four escorts. If you count some people who walk in relationships, talk about pomp, and support younger generations. Yes, it is not surprising that there are five or six accompanying persons.

One or two countries’ counsellors or representatives are fine. The key is that five or six came as soon as they came. Together, there are almost forty people, including a large group of Song Changzheng’s men. There are 57 employees in this line.

Generally, a mainline airliner with more than 100 seats is half full, and a dozen or so crew members are enough to carry out a low-profit medium and long-range route.

If not, it is impossible for Badia to vowed to say that China will arrange Boeing 737 or A320 as a landline to the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains. It is not that Badia thinks that their level has reached this level. It is really the number of people. There, how can a small plane fit.

As a result, the Chinese side sent over such a small plane.

Yes, in the eyes of Badia, Park Zhemin and others, the fancy-painted plane that has been parked on the tarmac is too small, even if many of them have a little knowledge of the aircraft, they can see it at a glance. come out.

Because there are still many airplanes parked on the tarmac, let alone the behemoth Boeing 747 in the distance, a Soviet-made Yak-42 aircraft nearby is a typical representative of the regional passenger aircraft.

It has a take-off weight of 56 tons, carries 110 passengers, has a range of 2,200 kilometers and is equipped with three turbofan engines.

As a result, the twin-engine aircraft with the words "Take off" painted on both sides of the fuselage was a lap smaller than the Yak-42 aircraft, so that people who understand aviation technology such as Park Cheolmin found that the takeoff weight of this aircraft was extremely high. Will not exceed 40 tons.

A plane of less than 40 tons wants to carry 57 people, what a joke!

We need to know which of the regional airliners with more than 50 seats in the world is not more than 40 tons. As a result, China has found an aircraft with less than 40 tons for them to ride. Do you think they can fool around if they don't know how to do it?

"The special plane arranged this time is the prototype of our Air Force T-500 radar security aircraft, TRJ-500 regional passenger aircraft, the specific indicators, you have already learned from the T-500 radar security aircraft, why, do you have any doubts? ?"

Seeing that Badia and Park Zhemin looked strange, Song Changzheng hesitated and asked, but it was okay not to say that. After saying that, Badia and Park Zhemin felt like MMP for a while.

They have indeed known the basic performance and index data of the T-500 radar warning machine before. It is a beautiful mess, and the bright numbers can flash blind people's eyes every minute.

But because of this, Badia, Park Cheolmin and others are nothing on the surface, but they are in their hearts. Nothing is just because they exaggerate the data to make the performance bright and make their own products invincible sales routines. They really Don't see too much.

As a result, many times I listen to the propaganda data and buy it back. The disgusting things that are actually not the case for Yifei can be said to abound. Therefore, when Badia and Park Cheolmin and others saw the data of the T-500 radar warning machine , A word came out subconsciously in my mind: fake!

Under such a preconceived situation, they naturally have no good impression of the TRJ-500 regional airliner. If the performance is not half-folded, they are already worried about the middle face. As a result, Song Changzheng said this at this time. If so, it's strange that Badia, Park Cheolmin and others don't curse in their hearts.

Do you treat others as fools or idiots and use paper data to fool people, so Song Changzheng can’t be more honest?

Song Changzheng doesn’t know what Badia, Park Zhemin and others think. Seeing that these old gang look more and more ugly, Song Changzheng smiled: "Don’t think too much about it, or else, let’s board the plane to see. Look, if we are satisfied, we will take the TRJ-500 regional airliner to the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains. If we are not satisfied, we are changing. Anyway, we will visit the TRJ-500 regional airliner when we arrive at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains. Whether it is successful or not, let’s take a first look. ."

After hearing this, the faces of Badia, Park Cheolmin and others looked better, so they exchanged glances, and finally Park Cheolmin agreed to say: "Then let’s go and see if we are not satisfied, I hope Mr. Song Can respect our opinions."

"No problem!" Song Changzheng nodded without hesitation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then stepped aside, and made an inviting gesture towards Badia and Park Zhemin.

Now that it was settled, Badia, Park Zhemin and others didn't bother, so they opened the door and left the VIP lounge in a mighty manner.

After going through the lobby, passing the security check, and entering the special registration channel specially opened for their pedestrians at the airport, soon Badia and Piao Zhemin and others entered the cabin of the TRJ-500 regional airliner along the door.

Xuan even was stunned by the sight in front of him.

The lights in the entire cabin are bright and soft. A row of four seats are arranged on both sides of the aisle, extending to the rear of the cabin like a soldier waiting for inspection. It looks neat and majestic. The luggage rack and air-conditioning vents above are ingenious. The integration, not obtrusive, unpretentious, and very natural, coupled with the right portholes and exquisiteness, makes these high-end flying people can't help but exclaim in their hearts: this is a reduced Boeing 737!

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