Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 867: 3rd generation aluminum-lithium alloy

If Zhuang Jianye can make men silent, and women cry after hearing it, the sentences of the "I understand better" series are definitely well deserved.

Regardless of other things, as soon as Zhuang Jianye said this, Song Changzheng directly helped his forehead, full of black lines. As for Badia, Park Zhemin and others, let alone, they were completely stunned by this sentence.

Xin said where this product came from, dare to say so bluntly, dare to say that he knows regional airliners best?

But just as everyone in the cabin was stupefied, Zhuang Jianye had already begun his eloquent performances, and the core was naturally the basic situation of the TRJ-500 regional airliner.

The entire aircraft is 31.5 meters long, 7.3 meters high, 2.8 meters wide, and has a wingspan of 23.2 meters.

The cabin has a length of 19.7 meters, a maximum height of 1.92 meters, a maximum width of 2.63 meters, a floor area of ​​46.3 square meters, and a total luggage compartment volume of 24.6 cubic meters.

The aircraft has an empty weight of 17.5 tons, a fuel load: 8.7 tons, a maximum commercial load: 8.6 tons, a maximum take-off weight of 35 tons, a standard seat size of 64, and the number of seats can be adjusted according to different needs. They are 10 luxury business type; 24 seats High-equipped business type; 44-seater simple type, 64-seat basic type and four configurations.

When necessary, the number of seats can be increased to 72, so as to perform fully loaded passenger tasks.

The maximum ceiling is 13,200 meters, equipped with two WD-52ML turbofan engines, and the maximum speed is 860 kilometers per hour.

With a cruising speed of 800 kilometers per hour, the maximum range is 3,400 kilometers with 70 passengers on full fuel, and the range of the 10-seat luxury business model will reach 4,800 kilometers.

Nowadays, Zhuang Jianye is travelling on the basic 64-seat TRJ-500 regional airliner. With full fuel, the range is 3,600 kilometers, enough to fly from Shanghai to the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains.

"Wait... Mr. Zhuang, you just said that the TRJ-500 regional airliner has a maximum range of 4,800 kilometers?"

Just as Zhuang Jianye was talking about the TRJ-500 regional airliner's situation, Badia and Park Zhemin who were sitting in front suddenly shined, and they seemed to have caught their long-awaited loophole. Glancing at each other, Park Zhemin immediately interrupted Zhuang Jianye's performance.

Zhuang Jianye smiled upon hearing the words, and corrected Park Zhemin: "This gentleman, 10 luxury business-type talents have a range of 4,800 kilometers. The average passenger model can't reach this number."

"Of course we know this." This time Badia spoke, as aggressively as ever: "But how did we hear that the maximum range of the T-500 radar warning aircraft developed based on the TRJ-500 regional airliner exceeded? 8000 kilometers? I don’t know if the previous data is wrong, or what Mr. Zhuang is saying is the truth?"

Whether it is wrong or the truth, a hat of untrue data is firmly attached to Zhuang Jianye's head.

Badia and Park Zhemin’s faces are full of curiosity, just like debunking the emperor’s new clothes, showing that a human and an animal are harmless, but they have long been happy in their hearts.

They have been holding back for so long to wait for the loopholes on the Chinese side. The size does not matter, as long as they can be exploited. Anyway, what they want is to put pressure on them to complete their vain plan.

I thought that Zhuang Jianye, the head of the Ascendas Group, should be more cautious than Song Changzheng. The two were still thinking about what to do. They did not expect that the other party made a mistake. The range of the civilian version and the military version is so different. How can you understand without breaking?

So Badia and Park Zhemin seized the opportunity to run directly, saying that Zhuang Jianye and Song Changzheng should make concessions this time, either directly to the military version of Yuanhangcheng, or they contributed the civilian version to let them choose one of the two. , They are not at a loss.

Badia and Park Cheolmin are shrewd. Counselors or representatives of other countries are not fools. Otherwise, they would not be able to sit in this position. So when Badia and Park Cheolmin fired their guns, other people looked on. Some even showed It was filled with indignation. It was obvious that he was giving Badia and Park Zhemin a boost, and if there was a big disagreement, they held a group to denounce the Tengfei Group for discriminating against them.

Seeing this, Song Changzheng in his seat was a little worried. He was just about to get up to help Zhuang Jianye round the field, but was stopped by a look of Zhuang Jianye's eyes. He immediately glanced at the performance of the people in the cabin with a smile, and finally fixed his gaze. In the case of Badia and Park Cheolmin: "The two asked the question very well, even if the two of you don't talk about it, I have to talk about it."

As he said, he turned his head towards the equipment bay behind him and ordered: "Boy, bring things here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the assistant boy came over with a palm-sized triangular metal cube. Zhuang Jianye didn't pick it up, but raised his chin at Badia and Park Zhemin, motioning to give them something.

Although Badia and Park Cheolmin felt strange, they were very disapproving in their hearts. Even if they took out extraterrestrial life, neither of them would make any waves, because those things were not worth mentioning compared to their vain plans. So they sneered at Zhuang Jianye's actions, thinking that just taking out something would make them throw their five bodies on the ground, and then they would worship?

Dream it!

Just thinking about it in his heart, the superficial kung fu still needs to be done, so Park Cheolmin took a face and took the cube from the kid’s hand seemingly serious. At first there was nothing, so he played it in his hand, but The next moment Park Zhemin's slender eyes suddenly widened, and the movements on his hands accelerated rapidly. He immediately turned his head to look at Badia and uttered a word in surprise: "It's an aluminum-lithium alloy!"

Badia still waved his hand nonchalantly when he heard the words: "Hey~~ Isn't it an aluminum-lithium alloy? What's the big deal..."

"It is not a general aluminum-lithium alloy, but the third-generation aluminum-lithium alloy, which can be used in missile warhead shells, low-temperature fuel storage tanks, and missile shells!"

Park Cheolmin said in a low voice with a trembling sound of shock. Although the voice is not loud, every word hits Badia's heart like a heavy hammer, so that the Persian who has an above-the-top eye is really surprised. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then I was shocked and finally shocked.

No wonder they are like this. Aluminum-lithium alloy is a popular metal material in the aerospace field, and it is widely used. Therefore, it is generally said that although this material is advanced, it will not cause too many accidents.

However, the third-generation aluminum-lithium alloy is different. The reason for this is very simple. Compared with the previous two generations, the third-generation aluminum-lithium alloy is lighter in weight, stronger, and more tough. At the same time, the processing adaptability is also obtained. Great improvement, especially in terms of weldability, has allowed this lightweight metal material to completely get rid of the shackles of the riveting process and fully embrace the welding process, thereby further reducing the structural weight of aircraft or spacecraft.

Especially on missiles or launch vehicles, the third-generation aluminum-lithium alloy combined with the welding process can often reduce the weight of the original missile or launch vehicle by 12% to 30%, fundamentally increasing the range.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the biggest technological breakthrough of metal materials in the aerospace field in the past 15 years.

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