Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 876: Kneeling almost humiliatingly

Zhuang Jianye can see everything else, but in terms of industrial software and design, he really can't make it through.

It was not a question of how much money to invest, but because the Ascendas Group was stuck in this field and almost kneeled in humiliation.

Just in the second year when Ascendas Group proposed the concept of Industry 3.0, advocating that various domestic fields unite and move towards digitalization, the CATIA-V2 version of the French Dassault Company acquired by Ascendas Group’s homogeneous H company was unable to meet the requirements because the version was too low. The latest aviation design requirements are about introducing the latest V3 version to enhance the design capabilities of Ascendas Group.

However, at that time, Ascendas Group and its partner H Company became more and more divergent, and eventually turned against each other and began to fight in the field of drones.

In the end, Ascendas Group crushed H Company with absolute strength, but this fierce competition was not easy for Ascendas Group to stand alone. After all, the competition between Ascendas Group and H Company allowed European and American aviation giants to see the potential of drones.

Immediately after entering in a big way, H company was wiped out by GM, and the founder was even more unclear. Ascendas Group escaped due to national reasons, but Zhuang Jianye through Evans and Owen’s Actor Aviation System Company did not. So lucky, they were targeted by the French company Dassault.

For such a core enterprise in a big country, one of the top five international rogues, it is not difficult to understand the logical chain behind the actor aviation system company. He quickly found the figure of Ascendas Group, and then Dassault used the CATIA software. Lived by the throat of Tengfei Group.

If you want the V3 version, yes, you can package and sell the Actor Aviation Systems Company and its Zeus-3 UAV and small pulsation production line technology to Dassault. Otherwise, you want the V3 version? Ha ha!

It’s not that Dassault’s CATIA software is completely blocked from Ascendas Group. Ascendas Group can still use it. Even the V3 version can also be sold to Ascendas Group. The price is even more favorable. But for Ascendas Group, Dassault’s approach is better than It is even more uncomfortable to block it directly.

The latest V3 version can be given to you, and the price is easy to negotiate, but it is not a full version but a simplified version castrated by Dassault.

In other words, many professional databases and design codes related to aviation are not available to Ascendas by Dassault.

The core of computer-aided design software like CATIA is the database and design code. With this thing, the designer can click the mouse in front of the computer, and all kinds of components can be automatically generated. Otherwise, you have to pick up the drawing pen and work on it. All kinds of complicated calculations and experiments are drawn repeatedly on the drawings.

That's all, it doesn't matter if you don't give it to Ascendas Group. If you have the ability to block all the domestic CATIA software, Zhuang Jianye will be happy instead.

Dasuo did not do that. It castrated the version to Ascendas Group, but sold the complete V3 version to Northwest Aviation Factory and Binjiang Aviation Manufacturing Company.

One of these two units produces Yun-8, which is directly benchmarked with Ascendas Yun15 series; the other developed Yun12 and Ascendas TM-9 form a de facto competitive relationship.

In this way, Dassault’s approach is self-evident, that is, let two other domestic aviation manufacturing companies and Ascendas Group tore each other, while Dassault stood outside with arms folded, looking at the three in the cage. The beast killed you to death.

Zhuang Jianye is well aware of Dassault’s sinister intentions, but Northwest Aviation Factory and Riverside Aviation Manufacturing Company are indifferent to it. Can they not see Dassault’s tricks?

No, they can see it, but what they want to do more is to monopolize the domestic large-scale aircraft and general aircraft market. Therefore, compared with Dassault’s design software, Ascendas, the spoiler, is their thorn in the eye.

Some giants outside are stuck in key areas, and friends inside have launched fierce industry competition. Ascendas Group immediately encounters a situation where it is attacked.

At that time, Ascendas Group had not thought of seeking solutions from other places, such as obtaining the same type of industrial design software as CATIA from the United States at high prices.

The problem is that the American similar software is not as open as CATIA, and the more powerful than CATIA are all prohibited items.

No way, the Americans are so pissed, thinking that monopoly is to completely monopolize from the root, so many very powerful industrial design software is only owned by giants like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman, and others can only produce one item from them. There is a glimmer of clues in Xianghei technology products, but it is not known at all. It can only be known from these giants that they have raised product prices again and again. The capabilities of these software are very powerful.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Take Boeing’s Boeing 767 airliner, the complete design uses more than 9,000 sets of software for computer-aided design, but less than 1,000 sets are open commercial design software, and the remaining more than 8,000 sets are all It is Boeing's own high-performance software developed by itself, so that the unit price of Boeing 767 exceeds 100 million U.S. dollars.

But this has nothing to do with Ascendas Group, because if you can't get powerful aerospace industry design software, you will either watch your own inefficiency and the market will be divided up by your friends; or you can only kneel down and compromise with foreign giants.

In the end, Zhuang Jianye chose the latter and packaged and sold Actor Aviation Systems, together with the Zeus-3 UAV and small aircraft pulse production line, to Dassault.

The total value is only 2.5 billion US dollars.

It was a low sale, but even so, Dassault still didn't give up the tricks of the Tengfei Group. In the end, it only paid 500 million US dollars, and the rest was all exchanged for other technologies and products.

For example, the experience model of the latest V4 version of CATIA software; there are also French aviation anti-submarine sonar; magnetic probes; electronic warfare countermeasures, radar guidance systems, integrated navigation systems and communication systems, etc...

All in all, they are some products that are not the most advanced for France, and it is not cost-effective to throw them to Ascendas Group.

Ascendas Group used these technologies to develop external mission pods for the improved An-26 for the incoming army, which indirectly improved the navy's mission support capabilities.

It can be regarded as making up for the loss of Ascendas Group from other aspects~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the shame given by Dassault Company, the ups and downs of Ascendas Group are unforgettable, especially Zhuang Jianye, in reaching the so-called "historical significance" with Dassault. After the reconciliation, an article entitled "Our crisis has just begun" was published within Ascendas Group.

While reviewing the development of the Ascendas Group, it revealed the shortcomings and deficiencies within the group, and warned that the past achievements of the group have become history. The group must change its thinking and start anew, so that today's bowing will become tomorrow's swagger.

Soon Ascendas Group started a new round of internal reforms and business adjustments through inflation in 1988, increased the commercial conversion rate of aviation technology, highlighted the supporting facilities in the infrastructure field, and expanded the share of the medical field.

Zhuang Jianye turned into a faceless Zhou Peipi, and started to earn money frantically, and then smashed money frantically in three directions according to the ratio of 1:1:1. One is aero engine, the other is high-end aviation materials, and the last is to let Ascendas Group's humiliated industrial design software!

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