Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 885: Quack

"One hundred million dollars?"

After listening to Zhuang Jianye’s quotation, Park Zhemin’s voice was a little out of tune. From a design perspective, the 100 million US dollar package solution is indeed ridiculously expensive, even if it contains the production price of centralized and complex components, it is not cheap.

Therefore, it is normal for Park Cheolmin’s voice to change its tone. After all, North Korea’s overall economic situation is not good, and 100 million US dollars is indeed a big burden for them.

But just when everyone thought that Park Cheolmin would veto it, and hesitantly dragged it out at the worst, they saw this high-level trade representative with a serious face flashing a trace of determination, and immediately nodded amidst the stunned people. "No problem. As long as it is good for the people's livelihood in North Korea, 100 million US dollars is a little bit more, but we will take out the money we should spend even if we tighten our belts. I believe that our country’s decision-making department will agree with Mr. Zhuang. As for the proposal, we can start consultations on the details after I have notified the domestic authorities."

"I believe in your country’s determination to improve people’s livelihood and infrastructure. Our Ascendas Group is still the same. As long as it does not violate our development philosophy, no matter who it is, we will do our best to provide help. After all, world peace and human development Is the eternal subject."

Speaking of Zhuang Jianye, he turned his head and looked at Peng Chuan: "Old Peng, North Korea's affairs are left to you. You can handle the details according to our past practices."

Peng Chuan nodded expressionlessly, but in his heart he cursed that Lao Zhuang was cunning.

By convention, what convention?

It is not the practice of the civilianization of military equipment.

In recent years, Ascendas Group has long been playing similar routines in the export of special equipment and products to Pakistan, Thailand, Myanmar and other countries.

Take the elementary school 6Pro exported to Myanmar as an example. As long as you are not blind, you know that this training aircraft covering elementary and intermediate levels can serve as a light ground attack aircraft.

Even if it is not armed, it is an out-and-out military trainer.

However, Ascendas Group does not admit that this aircraft is a military trainer, but uses a sports trainer to name it. When exporting, it is not based on military output, but is based on the name of civil aviation pilot teaching equipment or special equipment for flying clubs. Exit.

The people who don't know the truth really think that Chujiao 6Pro is an out-and-out civilian product, which is completely unrelated to military use.

Everyone knows that Myanmar’s civil aviation pilots and the superior units of the flying club are all their own air forces. They get the 6Pro for elementary education, and then purchase suitable standard ammunition from other Chinese companies. With a little modification, they can act as a small bomber that ravages the rebels. .

In this regard, Ascendas Group expressed its helplessness at most. It produces genuine civilian products by itself, but what can the customers who use them do not just let them be the enterprise?

As the saying goes, airplanes are innocent, and it is the people who use airplanes to make mistakes.

This is true for airplanes, and the same for those high-tech special equipment and high-end aviation materials. Anyway, Ascendas Group will always stand under the big sign of world peace and human development, shining with incomparably bright light of justice.

What? Some people say that the Ascendas Group is fake and serious, selling dog meat as a goat?

In this way, it's a good bargain, and a kitchen knife can still cut people. Why didn't it be prohibited by the authority? The products produced by such a conscientious and responsible enterprise as Tengfei Group have been made irresponsible. Is there a king? Is there any justice?

Therefore, whenever the domestic and foreign media chewed their tongues with such things, Zhuang Jianye and other Tengfei Group executives immediately turned on their fire until the other party was so embarrassed.

Firmly occupying the moral commanding heights and holding the export of civilian products unswervingly, it seems that Ascendas Group is restraining its hands and feet. In fact, it is the opposite. Due to the moral justice of Ascendas Group, it has attracted more orders from countries and organizations.

Of course, the tacit understanding between the two parties during the transaction is indispensable. For example, the current Piao Zhemin obviously did a lot of homework before he came, and he has a complete set of black talks about Zhuang Jianye, which can smoothly enter the next stage.

On the other hand, Badia is obviously not clear about the rules of the Ascendas Group. Zhuang Jianye's words can't get this Persian descendant at all, which makes Badia see all the confusion that is happening in front of him.

The heart said that North Korea dare to have the face to talk about developing people's livelihood? The ghosts didn't believe it, but the result was such an obvious nonsense that Zhuang Jianye and other high-level officials of the Ascendas Group actually believed it.

Badia was in the same mood as a dog, is this all right? Zhuang Jianye and others' heads were rubbed by the plane's arm, or something wrong, why did the IQ drop so badly?

As a result, when Badia observed it carefully for a while, he suddenly discovered that it was not that Zhuang Jianye and the others had dropped in IQ, but that his brain was not enough to keep up with the rhythm of others.

The projects that Park Zhemin mentioned, what are the livelihood projects, are completely cutting-edge core components in the aviation and aerospace fields.

Ascendas Group doesn’t care about this at all. Anyway, the aviation and aerospace fields are dual-use high-tech fields. If the Ascendas Group is dying, it is only for civilian use, not military, and it’s no problem to put it in any corner of the earth.

After all, the rocket is equipped with satellites as a vehicle for space and earth, and is a good helper for exploring space; with a kill warhead, it is a proper missile.

I really want to say what I want, nothing wrong.

So Badia finally realized that the two lines of Ren and Du were connected. After Park Zhemin got the promise to his satisfaction, Badia changed his unhappiness, and before Zhuang Jianye explained the next itinerary, he smiled like a flower. , Said in a somewhat flattering tone: "Mr. Zhuang, I was excited just now after seeing the powerful capabilities of the JSNB-Ⅱ system. I forgot that we have also introduced a series of projects for the people's livelihood in Iran."

Zhuang Jianye looked at Badia in surprise: "Really?"

"Yes, it is true. For example, in the oil refining project, we are going to invest US$2 billion; there is also a meteorological monitoring project on the Iranian plateau. As we all know, the desertification in Iran is very serious and the erosion of cultivated land is particularly prominent. We must do well. Good prevention and inspection work so that our people can reserve basic farmland..."

Badia talked a lot about it. It’s no exaggeration to say that he is for the country and the people. It is no exaggeration to say that directly throwing into the Iranian election will definitely get very good election results~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So Zhuang Jianye laughs I smiled very happily, and then stretched out two fingers: "200 million US dollars, I will make a package plan for you..."


One sheep is also rushing, and two sheep are also released. If you eat more, you can take more, and if you eat less, you can take less. Zhuang Jianye is still very particular about this, just like the next visit, JSNB-Ⅱ Now that the system has brought out the high tide, what is left is naturally the stage of a cigarette after the event, which ends without surprise.

Of course, apart from controlling the rhythm, Zhuang Jianye has another important thing to implement, so after he threw Badia and Park Zhemin to Peng Chuan for contact, he took Director Zhao and Fang Yong at the new factory of Ascendas Group. In the high-level conference room, sitting opposite the Brazilian Aerospace Agency, including Edo'o and Creeldo.

After some courtesy, Zhuang Jianye immediately cut into the theme: "We have seen the Embraer project. The ERJ-140 is really good, but 25% market share is not enough.

"Then how much do you want?" Edo'o asked.

Zhuang Jianye smiled and said one word: "All!"

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