Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 888: Price war

It is normal for Director Zhao and Fang Yong to be so surprised, because in his previous discussions, the project he expected to undertake was the MD-90 passenger aircraft.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye directly changed the project from MD-90 to MD-11 after obtaining the FAA's material certification.

The model number has become smaller, but the two models are actually quite different. The MD-90 is a medium- and long-range passenger aircraft with a take-off weight of 70 tons and a range of 5,000 kilometers.

The MD-11 is a large long-range passenger aircraft with a take-off weight of 270 tons and a range of 12,000 kilometers.

The two technologies are strong and the weak, you can tell at a glance, but also because of this, Director Zhao and Fang Yong are very worried, Zhuang Jianye suddenly raised the asking price so high, can the opposite McDonnell talker agree?

You must know that the significance of MD-11 is much greater than MD-90. After all, the positioning of MD-90 is rather embarrassing. McDonnell shouted loudly and said that MD-90 should be against Boeing’s 737 and Airbus’s A320. No matter in terms of range, passenger capacity, comfort, or maintainability, the MD-90 cannot be compared with the explosive models of Boeing and Airbus.

Because the MD-90 is at best just a sandwich between the mainline airliner and the regional airliner, some of which are not high enough to be low, the domestic aviation industry is at a historical node of the new and old alternate, and MD-90 is regarded as a sweet pastry. In fact, as soon as this model came out in the international market, it was rubbed against the ground by Boeing 737 and A320.

As a result, I could only explore the market and seize orders for regional airliners. As a result, I was attacked by Bombardier’s CRJ-200. There is no way that CRJ-200 has more flexible airport adaptability and operating cost advantages. More importantly, CRJ-200 will be point-to-point. The advantage of the regional airliner of China has been brought into full play.

Therefore, although CRJ-200 is not as good as MD-90 in passenger capacity and range, it is more flexible and adaptable. It not only resists the downward impact of MD-90, but also has a faint anti-kill trend.

This makes MD-90's situation very embarrassing.

MD-11 is different. Although MD-11 is also embarrassing in the field of mainstream large-scale long-range civil aircraft, it is limited to civilian passenger transportation. In civilian freight transportation, MD-11 can dominate. Take the United States Federal Express as an example. MD-11 is being used to replace the old models in the past to form the main force of the new generation of global express transportation.

Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other Asian countries have followed suit.

And this also shows from another side that the market prospect of MD-11 is still very good, at least not as high as MD-90.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The key is that the manufacturing of this large-scale long-range flight platform is an extremely huge system engineering. For several times, only Europe, the United States, and Russia have the ability to manufacture.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most important weapon of the country, and because of this, the production technology of this type of large-scale long-range flight platform is tightly grasped by everyone and will not easily be handed over to outsiders.

But Zhuang Jianye just mentioned it. If the occasion was not too formal, Director Zhao and Fang Yong felt that this kid was joking. Of course, no matter how formal the occasion was, the two would not believe that the opposite party could agree.

However, the next moment Director Zhao and Fang Yong were stunned by the scene in front of them. Liszt exchanged a few words with Merlinz next to him, and he turned his head and whispered a few words with others, and finally raised his head and charged. Zhuang Jianye smiled bitterly: "McDonnell Douglas only agreed to combine the aluminum-lithium alloy floor, the carbon fiber composite connectors and structural supports of paragraphs 8 and 12, the titanium alloy truss reinforcement of paragraph 22, and the vertical tail and horizontal The tail wing is handed over to you, but as for the auxiliary power system, wing stiffeners, central wing box, internal fuel tank, and hydraulic cables, etc., it doesn’t work.”

"I can guarantee that if all the projects are handed over to me, the cost will be further reduced by 30%." Zhuang Jianye didn't talk nonsense, and directly came up with his own killer.

When these words came out, Liszt and Merlinz both hesitated, but in the end Liszt still said: "I'm really sorry, Zhuang, McDonnell Douglas gave me only these authorizations. I have no right to promise you other things, not to mention. Even if you agree, your products and materials will be reviewed in accordance with the latest U.S. aviation safety laws. You know, the bureaucracy in the United States is slower than a snail, and what McDonnell needs most is time."

Liszt said this very honestly. In fact, if it hadn't been because of the deep **** with McDonnell Douglas and the good relationship with Zhuang Jianye, Liszt would have said nothing to take the job.

No way, it is because McDonnell Douglas has had a hard time in the past few years. Just as their MD-90 aircraft is a pot of raw rice, McDonnell Douglas in the 1990s is not a pot of raw rice.

The civil aircraft sector was suppressed by Boeing and Airbus sniped, but it was crushed into a sandwich.

In the field of military aircraft, it seems that F-15 and F-18 have exhausted all the good luck of McDonnell Douglas. They were first dismounted in the Navy’s A-12 stealth attack aircraft project, and then encountered in the YF-22 bidding with Lockheed Martin. Fiasco.

The two major projects are both big money-burning projects, and successive fiascos almost interrupted the backbone of McDonnell Douglas, which directly led to McDonnell Douglas' huge losses for three consecutive years.

Now McDonnell Douglas is counting on another YF-35 of the U.S. Air Force to be able to counterattack and make McDonnell Douglas a comeback. Therefore, McDonnell Douglas has almost put all the treasure on this project, and the United Northrop Grumman company is preparing to launch a showdown against Lockheed Martin and Boeing one strike.

But the problem is that this project is a bottomless pit. The US military's initial contract funding is obviously not enough, and most of them have to fill in it themselves.

But McDonnell Douglas' own business has declined in an all-round way, and hematopoietic function is insufficient to support such a huge project. What should I do?

In addition to raising funds in the financial market, the only bayonet in the civil aircraft market can also be used to replace cash flow collection and confidence in the financial market with brilliant performance.

Think of the simplest and most direct way to achieve this goal is a price war.

The problem is that if you want to fight a price war, your own products must at least have a super cost-effective ratio. If you buy one and go to grandma's house at a loss, it is not a price war but a meat cut.

But McDonnell Douglas' civilian airliner inherited the exquisiteness of their military aircraft. The high-cost one is called an outrageous one, making McDonnell Douglas brains hurt?

At this time, Merlinz of Fairchild Aviation Systems, which was nominally acquired by McDonnell Douglas, gave the McDonnell Douglas executives an idea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since Boeing can put most of the production of Boeing series airliners in Japan, Italy, etc. China, thereby reducing costs and enhancing competitiveness, why did McDonnell Douglas follow the example and put the production of several important models abroad.

Take China's Ascendas Group, for example. The materials, technology, and production capacity are not bad. The only thing missing is an opportunity. Moreover, the Chinese are hardworking and able to endure hardship. The best thing is that the labor cost is pitifully low, which is absolutely excellent. Of foundry partners.

McDonnell Douglas executives, who already had the mentality of a gambler, had long ago thought of transferring the production of some models outside the United States. Hearing what Merlinz said, he immediately agreed.

The authorized Merlinz immediately jumped up and down in the United States. First, he found Liszt, who had a deep relationship with the two sides, and used it as a lobbyist to research government agencies such as the US FAA. First, he took down the qualified approvals for several high-end aviation materials produced by Ascendas Group. , Even if it is running on both sides of China and the United States, the general framework is determined.

After all the preliminary preparations were completed, they sat down quietly, but at this time it didn’t matter what model was important. As long as the Ascendas Group can undertake the next step, it is a kind of high-cost operation giant like McDonnell Douglas. Good!

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