Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 895: Mourning

No wonder these political cadres show such helpless expressions.

The mental outlook of an army is closely related to the personality of its chief officer.

I don't know which leader said this sentence, which is not suitable for the airborne troops deployed on the eastern foot of the Karakorum Mountains.

After more than half a year, Feng Bolin was still discussing the matter of fighting and not fighting. Even the veterans retired and the recruits were enrolled in a new season, which showed the problem.

There is a knot in the hearts of the soldiers. As the chief officer of this army, does Zheng Quanli have a heart?

You must know that at the beginning of receiving a higher-level combat readiness order, Zheng Quanli wrote the posthumously, bit his finger first, and wrote his name on the **** banner of "I have me in the first battle."

Then he was the first to step onto the cockpit of the plane with a full set of parachute gear.

Yes, Zheng Quanli, who was sitting in the cabin at the time, didn't want to come back alive. To be more precise, once it started, the chance of survival of his chief officer was the same as that of ordinary soldiers.

No way. At that time, the entire airborne force only had 5 Y8, 6 Y15, 15 Y15plus and 4 Y/O-15 capable of performing long-distance fast airdrop missions.

At full play, only two battalions of troops can be airdropped to the designated area at one time, and they are still light infantry without any heavy weapon support.

And this is still the theoretical value when there is no battle damage. The question is, can there be no battle damage after it starts?

Therefore, in the previous military chess game, the airborne troops have repeatedly demonstrated and finally concluded that in the best state, the transport aircraft group to which the airborne troops belong can also provide two transportation tasks, which can deliver up to 1,800 people to the designated area. troops.

It is not that the transport fleet does not want to perform more transport tasks, but after two rounds of transportation, the entire transport fleet will be completely destroyed.

This is still the best result, the worst is that they were all beaten in the first round.

There was no way that there was a significant generation gap between the Air Force combat aircraft and the imaginary enemy at that time, although the Air Force had two T-500 air radar warning aircraft as reinforcement.

The problem is that this kind of semi-suspended radar warning aircraft is not an early warning aircraft after all. In high-intensity combat operations, its multi-target discrimination ability, command and guidance ability, electronic warfare capability and its own security are not as good as real early warning aircraft.

Perhaps the T-500 airborne radar warning aircraft can still play some role in the secondary direction, and it will not have much substantial influence in the main direction.

And this is not the most important thing. The key is the landing troops. As long as they are in time, Zheng Quanli gritted his teeth and insisted that he might still have the hope of retreating.

But the problem is that the landing force is more obvious than the air power. Regardless of the many ships mobilized at that time, the spread of thousands of sails on the sea is magnificent, but you must know that 90% of these are civilian ships, and even quite a few are still Wooden fishing boats not only have basically zero protection, but also have poor maneuverability.

Imagine that the enemy doesn't need to do too many tactical actions, just put several thousand-ton warships on the surface of the sea, and can use naval guns to push the so-called thousands of ships and sails back.

Because these ships are not only weak in protection, but also unable to support firepower. In desperation, the troops can only fix the 152mm howitzer and 122mm howitzer on the deck of the ro-ro freighter, and use artillery to provide fire support on the sea. However, the turbulence of the waves caused the hull to become unstable. , The artillery can't even do basic aiming, so the accuracy of this kind of fire support can be imagined.

Air support is not available, and the landing troops will not be able to arrive in time. What will happen to the more than 1,000 people led by Zheng Quanli, without thinking about it, it must be very tragic.

It is precisely this huge gap in strength that the headquarters' final halt of operations was changed to exercise deterrence.

Doesn't Zheng Quanli know the intentions of his superiors? of course I know!

But he just feels that the clenched fist should be punched out. Even if the strategic goal is not achieved, a small punishment and a big admonition should be done.

However, after all, the higher-level considerations are deeper, broader, and more strategic than Zheng Quanli. Even if Zheng Quanli is very annoyed, he has rejected his plan. When the superior is pressed down, Zheng Quanli cannot refute it, but his emotions inevitably affect his troops. Of officers and soldiers.

So much so that after more than half a year, officers and soldiers would submit bright red war requests to the command headquarters from time to time. Zheng Quanli, the chief officer, did not stop him, and all his brains were taken to the higher level to show that his troops were available.

Then...then their unit was transferred to the eastern foothills of Karakoram by the headquarters.

It wasn't that the headquarters felt annoying and sent it to the frontier without seeing it, but that the border situation on this side of the border did indeed have some extremely strange changes.

No way, the situation in the southeast of the year ago, the restraint of the headquarters gave the outside world an alternative interpretation, so certain regional powers felt that their opportunities were coming, and they began to move frequently along the border, and felt that the headquarters could maintain restraint on the southeast coast. This kind of restraint is also maintained on the northwest frontier.

The headquarters of Nachengxiang is not the general staff of the Republic of China~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a cotton regiment kneaded by people. After receiving the report from the Krai, he immediately decided to organize a strategic exercise at the headquarters. After the selection, it was found that Zheng Quanli's troops were the most determined in combat and had the most courageous atmosphere. In the words of a head of the headquarters at that time:

"This is a mourning soldier. As the saying goes, the mourning soldier will win, so I will choose him!"

Zheng Quanli’s troops did live up to the headquarters’ expectations. After receiving the order, they belonged to 5 aircraft, 6 aircraft, 15 aircraft, 15 aircraft, 15plus, 4 aircraft, oil-15, and one aircraft that had just arrived from Russia. All of the second-hand Il-76 transport aircraft were dispatched, and they carried out eight consecutive fleet transportation missions in just two days, transporting 2,400 combat troops together with 400 tons of materials to the peace training ground at the eastern foot of the Karakorum Mountains. .

This action immediately made some neighboring countries who had a good mind had to press the restless and careful eyes. There was no way. A large eastern country with 2,400 combat troops and 400 tons of materials could complete it in two days, and in turn weighed itself. Suddenly discovered that the same amount may take a month.

However, the restless mind was pressed down, but the small movements did not stop. There is no way. The momentum has been built up in domestic and international public opinion. The early stage is even more poignant. If this is silently counseled, it will not become a laughingstock. ?

So the big moves are gone, but the small moves are done twice every other time, showing that they are OK, not counseled, and still strong. What are you waiting for in China? Bring all the ballots, banknotes, stocks...

Zheng Quanli can see this? I couldn't get used to it, so Zheng Quanli handed over a live ammunition exercise plan that spanned day and night. He was about to invite military observers from various countries to come over and see if he wanted to continue to be tough, or just admit it!

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