Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 903: There is no harm without contrast

The problem is, this sort of sorties can bring a lot of things. The number of flying is small but the efficiency of the New Delhi officers and soldiers trapped in the SB airstrip will not be so depressed.

It is a pity that only 250 kilograms of supplies were brought on board that helicopter.

We must know that there are nearly 300 New Delhi officers and soldiers in the entire SB airstrip. The 250 kilograms of materials are divided according to the head, and each person is less than one kilogram.

That's all. The 250 kilograms of supplies are the fuel and medicine that the SB airstrip urgently needs. The result is not, but a bunch of cans of curry produced for unknown years and months.

The New Delhi officer who was so angry that he received the supplies directly exploded because this kind of curry cans need to be heated to eat. But the SB airstrip, which suffered an earthquake and cut off road traffic, lacked fuel for heating, plus the height of more than 5,000 meters. Altitude, a lot of curry cans that have been frozen hard are more practical when used as bricks than food.

It’s just that a certain big country in the east couldn’t even see the ghost shadow of a helicopter at that time, while rescue aircraft appeared at the SB airstrip here. As the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no comparison, let alone transporting 250 kg of eggs. The canned curry is just 250 kilograms of shit, which is of extraordinary significance.

At the very least, it confirms the judgment of New Delhi and most international observers and media reporters, that is, the plateau helicopter unit in New Delhi really played a role at a critical juncture, opening up air rescue channels for its trapped troops.

Because of this, Su Mo was very active at that time. Not only did he personally pull Hashimoto to welcome the helicopter that broke through the obstacles, he also personally interviewed the helicopter pilot, and interviewed the rear plateau helicopter unit through the airborne radio. Commander.

That’s all, Su Mo even took photos with the helicopter pilot, the helicopter and the New Delhi officers and soldiers with the canned curry that he couldn’t eat. As for the various slogans, don’t mention all kinds of expressions, just go out without money. jump.

Those who knew they were trapped at the SB airstrip and couldn't get out. Those who didn't know thought that the Zenith Star occupied by Su Mo and others were ready to celebrate their feast.

This is true in person, not to mention the following manuscripts, Su Mo piled up almost all the praise adjectives he knew in his life in this helicopter rescue operation, and said without shame at the end of the article:

This is a very good start. New Delhi used his actions to foretell that a long and splendid power is rising on the South Asian subcontinent.

Fortunately, the communication technology at this time is not developed, and the photos cannot be transmitted. Otherwise, Su Mo can't wait to send out all the photos of himself, so that the world can see, New Delhi is really a goddess with lanterns in the crotch, absolutely cow Forced to shine.

As a result, Sumo and the various self-confidence and self-confidence of the New Delhi garrison were slapped to the ground after the Z-12 helicopter appeared over the opposite Shenxianwan post.

It doesn't matter how many materials were shipped, it is an indisputable fact that the two wounded were actually transported away.

Two large living people lying flat, plus stretchers, medical equipment, and nursing staff, together weigh almost one ton.

In other words, even if the helicopters of a big country in the east don't transport the wounded, they just use the material, at least it is four times that of New Delhi, and still more than that.

The problem is that the helicopters of a large eastern country are not as simple as transporting supplies. The key is to transport the wounded. This is a great boost to the trapped officers and soldiers, because the wounded are not only a burden, but also mentally tortured. .

It stands to reason that the helicopter from New Delhi should also take away some of the wounded. After all, the SB airstrip was affected by the earthquake. Although no one died, the stumbling and tripping wounded more than 20 people. Two of the heavier ones showed varying degrees. Symptoms of fractures and fractures should be evacuated for treatment in accordance with medical practices.

But the problem is that the SA315B Llama helicopter used in New Delhi has a maximum take-off weight of only 2 tons, and its own load is already small. On the plateau, the power is attenuated severely, and the load is further reduced. It can hang 250 kg of curry cans. Delivery to the SB airstrip at an altitude of five kilometers is already the limit.

Want to take someone off from a five-kilometer plateau? Unless it's a sacred cow, I don't know how to go back. How can I transport the wounded back?

So the SA315B "Llama" helicopter that flew over brought the pilot here to install a wave of 13, and then walked away without taking away a wounded person.

On the other hand, a certain large country in the east transported away two at a time.

What does it mean that there is no harm if there is no comparison, and the various New Delhi officers and soldiers who have been proud of it before have a taste of it.

But at this point, there are still some hard-headed people, such as jumping up and down, Su Mo who wants to profit from it is the most joyous one. Although the helicopter on the opposite side is capable, Su Mo still cannot help but slander.

There are not many helicopters like a certain big country in the East, at best there is only one.

What his friend called and told him that this helicopter from a major eastern country was imported from the United States. At present, the United States has stopped the supply of spare parts, and it will become scrap in less than 24 hours.

What other major powers in the East have demonstrated their capabilities have ended here. In contrast, New Delhi, which has 15 SA315B Llama helicopters behind it, will win the final victory.


There are a lot of similar self-confident remarks, plus the blind gods of the New Delhi officers, those soldiers really believe it.

But just as Su Mo and others raised the confidence of the honey juice again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is about to rise~~~ At the time of the tide, there suddenly appeared three planes above the Shenxianwan Post which were much larger than the previous Zhi-12. The helicopter not only loaded a large number of materials and fuel to keep warm from the cold, but also took a squad of fresh troops to replace the tired division trapped in the Shenxianwan post due to the earthquake.

Su Mo and the others, who were about to reach a high tide, instantly disappeared like a balloon pierced by a needle.

There is no harm without comparison.

This is really a lesson for Su Mo and others intact.

A certain big country in the east was replaced by a new force, with high morale and high morale. Looking back at them, even the wounded could not be sent away. Only a small helicopter came in 10 hours, with 250 kilograms of curry used as bricks. can.

The old faces of Su Mo and others have been beaten into pigs by the real facts, what else can be said?

It’s okay if other people watch the jokes with cold eyes. The problem is that Hashimoto is no ordinary person. As a so-called "fair and neutral media person", Hashimoto’s position can change at any time. Since there is no big country in the East, there is no hot spot. , Let’s look at New Delhi from the perspective of humanistic spirit, or else he will be busy with being trapped here tragically?

So Su Mo was dumbfounded and made a stab: "Mr. Su Mo, didn't you say that after tonight there will be many human-shaped snow sculptures at the Shenxianwan Post? Now...Do you still hold this view?"

Hearing this, Su Mo's old face was embarrassed, but he still left his old face and prepared to argue, but before he could speak, a medical soldier rushed over, and Su Mo was scared by just one sentence: "Due to the influence of the plateau climate, the damaged wound has caused an imbalance in the internal air pressure, which has already caused the death of three wounded!"

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