Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 905: Disruptive luck-17

Yes, it is not true.

Especially in the scene two hours ago, all military observers seem to be in a dream.

There is no way that that kind of scene is too shocking.

Especially when the twin-engine jet transport aircraft flew over their heads, the unique feeling when the heartbeat resonated with the roar of the engine really made people get goose bumps.

What Zhi-12, what bigger helicopter, what S-70 "Black Hawk" helicopter, all lost their luster after the huge figure landed.

Even if it has an unusually cute appearance, it can carry an S-70 "Black Hawk" helicopter and a Straight-12 helicopter with the transport aircraft, which pales in comparison to that twin-engine transport aircraft.

This is not how good the appearance of this twin-engine transport aircraft is, let alone what is special on it.

But the fact that this transport aircraft clearly surpasses Yun-15plus is already extraordinary.

Not lost to the take-off and landing capacity of the Yun-15plus transport aircraft, but has more than twice the carrying capacity of the Yun-15plus. The twin-engine medium transport aircraft called the Yun-17 conquered the military of various countries in a gorgeous actual operation. Observers.

"Everyone, the details of the Luck-17 you want, have already been brought here..."

Just as the military observers were holding binoculars and looking at the busy field airport in the distance, with the scenes of Lun-17 domineering landing and roaring in their heads, the officer in charge who accompanied these foreign military observers Came over with a lot of information.

As a result, before he finished speaking, a large number of pretending military observers immediately followed the athlete who heard the starting gun. Before the binoculars could be put down, they turned around and rushed to the officer. The half-talking officer was startled. Before he could react, he was surrounded by a group of military observers.

"Quick~~ Give me a copy!"

"And mine~~"

"Ahmed, don't grab it. The C-130 in your country is not very good."

"Your Ann-12 is not bad, so why squeeze me in front?"

"Everyone, please talk about etiquette? What we know is the performance parameters of the 17th. I don’t know and thought it was a group of refugees robbing food. Please note that we are military diplomats, not refugees... Then, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, please get me ten copies~~~"

"Neval, you bastard~~~"


Where did the officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel have seen this scene? The usual handsome military observers are like the aunt outside the store. They go crazy if they don't agree. How about the decent military observers? How about demeanor?

The problem is that the lieutenant colonel is still thinking about decency and demeanor. The military observers from various countries don’t have that leisure time. They are surrounded by hands and feet. They are specially approved by the superior in a blink of an eye. They use the mimeograph that has just been shipped to urgently print out 20 copies of Yun-17. The performance parameters were robbed by this group of former real gentlemen and the old gangsters behind them.

As a result, many military observers from various countries who have not been grabbed can only look at the lieutenant colonel officers pitifully. It is obvious whether they can be accommodating, and take a few more copies, whatever the conditions are, and all kinds of positions are arbitrary.

After being looked at for a few seconds by a pair of fiery eyes that almost melted the Karakoram’s ten thousand-year glacier, the lieutenant colonel couldn’t take it anymore, and he was puzzled. Isn’t it just a transport — 17 was urgently transferred for transport Is it a medium-sized rescue helicopter produced by Ascendas Group? As for this?

Not only the lieutenant colonel at the scene could not figure it out, even Zheng Quanli, who coordinated various departments and units in the field airport for disaster relief, could not figure it out.

This time, the plateau air disaster relief bridge was built, and the country has dispatched Yun-8, Yun-15, Yun-15plus, Yun\\Oil-15, IL-76 and even Yun-16 special large-scale structural parts for the aerospace sector. Send over.

How about such a variety of transport planes that do not see those military observers? Why do they have a soft spot for Yun-17?

Is it luck—what is special about 17?

Impossible, others don't know, he still doesn't know Zheng Quanli? The so-called Yun-17 is actually an improved version of Yun's oil-15 dual-engine.

That is to say, the original four small thrust turbofan engines of Yun's oil-15 are replaced with two turbofan engines with greater thrust. As for the basic performance, there is no essential improvement, and it is still with Yun's oil-15. Quite, why don’t these military observers be so crazy about Yun\Yu-15?

It’s also because Zhuang Jianye is not here. Otherwise, he will definitely teach himself this cheap brother-in-law. If he only knows how to fight, he can’t pretend to consume something a little bit better than this kind of use?

Why can’t I study hard with my wife? Look at her, Ning Xiaoxue, now she is almost becoming the domestic retail queen. Now she is ready to play the information superhighway. The layout of Dalian Zhuang Jianye is sighed. Let’s look at Zheng Quanli. Zhuang Jianye could only sigh, how could there be such a big difference between men and women sleeping on the same bed.

The reason why military observers from various countries are eager for Yun-17, but they do not wait to see Yun-15. The reason is simple. Yun-17 has lower operating costs and is more cost-effective to use.

After all, Yun's oil-15 is a four-shot, and Yun-17 is a double-shot.

Even if the thrust of the four engines with \\Oil-15 is not large, the fuel consumption is also very cost-effective, but the maintenance cost is still doubled compared with the double-engine, after all, the basic structure of the turbofan engine is not bad. The maintenance steps for medium and above thrust are basically the same. Even if the double-engine of the Yun-17 has a larger thrust than the Yun-15, from the perspective of maintenance, the Yun-17 is obviously more convenient and more cost-effective.

Of course, the maintenance cost is only one aspect that makes military observers of various countries interested in Yun-17, and it cannot be the key to the rush. After all, there are so many dual-engine transport aircraft worldwide, and the maintenance cost is low. , Why do you have a soft spot for Luck-17?

Very simple, because Yun-17 is big enough.

You must know that in the current world mainstream transport aircraft field ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ twin-engine transport aircraft are basically the light transport aircraft such as Yun-15plus or An-32.

The bigger ones are medium-sized or heavy-duty four-engines.

Two-engine medium-sized aircraft are not absent. For example, the C-160 transport aircraft jointly produced by France and Germany has a take-off weight of 51 tons and a deadweight of 16 tons. From the indicators, it is not very different from the Soviet An-12 and the American C-130. many.

The problem is that sometimes, just a few tons of payload can determine the outcome of a battle or the degree of redundancy of deep improvements on such platforms.

In addition, An-12 and C-130 have a very high degree of overlap with C-160 in terms of tasks, so that C-160's export situation is not ideal except for several European countries.

Precisely because of this, there is a common illusion around the world that it seems that it is difficult for a twin-engine transport aircraft to develop to a medium size or above.

However, all of this was completely overturned on the Yun-17, with a maximum take-off weight of 65.8 tons and a load capacity of 23.5 tons. The indicators of a typical medium-sized transport aircraft use double-engines beyond imagination!

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