Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 908: Straight-fifteen

Others are familiar with Zheng Quanli, the commander of a certain unit of the airborne troops, and Norokov is even more familiar with it.

Two years ago, when Zheng Quanli was ordered to go to Russia’s Frunze Military Academy for further study, Norokov was his old buddy in the dormitory. The two of them were fine at night and got two Russian cans and two bottles of vodka. Less can be reduced until dawn.

So this time Russia sent Norokov as a military observer to observe the airborne troops’ high-altitude exercises. Zheng Quanli was very happy. As the saying goes, there are friends from afar. How can we not snoring while drunk, so Zheng Quanli is going to invite him after the exercise is over. Norokov, the brother who slept on the upper bunk, used the barley wine here to get a good Hara.

When the Nachengxiang exercise just started, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred at the Karakoram Pass. The actual combat exercise was transformed into actual rescue. Due to the sudden incident, Zheng Quanli was appointed as the deputy commander of the disaster relief headquarters, mainly responsible for opening up the field. Airports, the formation of ground guidance teams and other tasks.

Busy is one day and one night, until the leaders from the headquarters just arrived with the command team, Zheng Quanli then unloaded the burden and rested for a few hours. After he was relieved, he came to see that there was still some time, and then he was going to find Noroko. Fuxu recounts the old.

After all, it's his old buddy, because he couldn't entertain him because of an emergency. If he just pretended not to know, he wouldn't be Zheng Quanli.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the station where military observers from various countries were concentrated, I heard Norokov's blows to the sky.

If other people don’t expect to see you at all, turn around and leave, all as if they don’t know this person, but Zheng Quanli still knows Norokov after studying and living in Russia for more than a year.

There was nothing wrong with this man, he liked to show off his smell, he was able to fool the unknown people for a moment, and finally he obediently paid for the so-called family planning supplies used by Peter the Great.

Now that Norokov started to repeat the old tricks again, Zheng Quanli couldn't get used to it, and immediately spoke out to look at it.

Norokov was still very upset when he heard that there was a disruptor behind him, but when he looked back, it turned out to be Zheng Quanli. The unhappiness on his face was immediately wiped out. He opened his arms to Zheng Quanli and shouted enthusiastically: "Hi, my dear Davaris, how about seeing you finally? Everything is going well?"

"Not bad. Except for two hands and feet frostbite, there is not much loss. Next, we are going to take advantage of the next snowfall to transport more reserve materials to the three disaster-stricken outposts. If possible, we will even transport materials and build them for living. And movable semi-permanent board houses."

"It's not easy. Not to mention the large size of the board house with large components, the weight is not small, and the plateau environment, it takes some effort to get it up..."

After hearing Zheng Quanli's words, Norokov immediately climbed up. What PS-90 engine, what Yun-17 improved model, and what Sino-Russian cooperation is absolutely not mentioned.

It seemed that what he said just now hadn't happened, and he was completely thinking about Zheng Quanli.

I can see that the military observers who understand Russian are stunned. They have seen shameless people, but they have never seen such shameless ones. Just now they vowed to say what luck—17 they belonged to the Russians. After being dismantled directly by others, Norokov was okay as everyone else should do whatever it was. It was completely the same as I didn't do it and didn't know anything.

These military observers are very speechless.

But Norokov didn't care about it. In fact, he couldn't help it because he wanted to. Could it be that he knew that there was no Russian element on Luck-17, so he insisted on pulling it up in front of the host?

In the end, I guess I didn’t even touch the side, and I still end up stealing the chicken without losing the rice. So it’s better to take advantage of the old acquaintance to come over and expose this piece. Although it loses some face, it is better than being framed. It's comfortable to grill on the fire.

As for the face, for the fighting nation, fists are justified, but you have to pay attention to the methods and methods. Men, bend and stretch are the real men. Just being hard and not soft is called disease and cure.

What's more, if you can't reach the luck-17 porcelain can't touch anything else? He doesn't believe it. A certain big country in the East, which suffered such a big loss on the southeast coast half a year ago, is not worried about its equipment construction?

As a military observer, Norokov came to China to observe the exercises and daily training. In fact, he was instructed by Moscow to use his connections in a major country in the East to take a look. In the next few years, the major powers will make preparations for their equipment in Russia.

Especially in the highly profitable aviation equipment, the Russians have always regarded a big country in the East and a big country in South Asia as the gold masters. Whether it is a normal means of normal transactions or a scam, it is a promise to come and make money. Rokov's biggest task.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yun-17 to touch the porcelain. When Zheng Quanli said that in the future, he would transport board houses to the three disaster-stricken outposts, and rebuild the garrison system of the three disaster-stricken outposts including Shenxian Bay. Immediately, it was like an idiot who heard the sound of the fairy, blushing and talking with Zheng Quanli on this topic.

Just chatting, Norokov’s fox tail came out: "Their dear Davaris, as far as I know, you have insufficient experience in cold-proof board houses in China. Otherwise, I will follow Moscow contacted them and transported them from the Far East.

You must know that these things have been tested in the extreme cold of minus 50 degrees in the former Soviet Union, and the effect is very good. In the Soviet era, they are essential materials for our training in the Far East and the Arctic Circle. Zheng, my dear Davari Shi, you know, my feelings for China, seeing your soldiers standing by at an outpost five kilometers above sea level, as a soldier I sincerely admire, let me do something for you. "

When he said this, Norokov's eyes pleaded, his feelings were sincere, and he showed the delicate feelings of a Russian rough man to the fullest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's a pity that Zheng Quanli knows this urinary **** better than anyone else. Unable to believe it, she shrugged very Russian and asked bluntly: "Norokov, my dear Davaris, we have something to talk about, don’t engage in the slurs, okay? Or just Hara Less, or Goodbye."

"Of course it is that Hara is missing." Norokov laughed, and patted Zheng Quanli's shoulder with a big hand like a bear's paw. Then the smile converged and a hint of shrewdness emerged: "The rice-171MT helicopter suitable for plateau use is 10 million. A U.S. dollar one, capable of lifting heavy equipment, a Mi-26 heavy-duty helicopter for 24 million U.S. dollars, which can be used in cold-proof board houses in plateau areas, 20,000 U.S. dollars per square meter."

Hearing this, Zheng Quanli was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered: "My dear Davaris, don't you think that we really can't do anything if we leave Russia with heavy helicopters? Then your man is too bad for us. The Zhi-15 that was put into use is not suitable for dry food."

As if to confirm Zheng Quanli's words, before the sound completely fell off, there was a sudden sound of propeller rotation on the field airport. Norokov turned his head and saw that one was obviously larger than the straight-12. The medium-sized helicopter hoisted a white box structure slowly to produce the sky, and immediately flew to the Shenxian Bay post on the snow-capped mountain under the eyes of everyone...

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