Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 912: Degenerate like this?

Listening to Zhuang Jianye's greetings of Russia and China, many of the Russian aviation industry executives and experts are not very attractive.

Especially when I saw Zhuang Jianye's gray casual T-shirt and blue jeans dress, I felt that the person in front of me was not serious.

We must know that this time, it is a cooperation project between the aviation industry with extremely high specifications. Once it is reached, it is very likely to affect the aviation industry of the two countries. As a result, as the head of the company of the intended partner, let alone a shower and change. Quit, at least dress more formally.

That's all, the key is the line of characters printed on the T-shirt. Anyone who reads it has the urge to go up and down, because it says:

I know aviation technology best.

And it is bilingual in Chinese and English, for fear that others will not understand it.

Such high-profile outfits of Chiguoguo are forced, it's strange that Russian aviation industry executives and experts can feel happy.

In fact, if it hadn't been for the increasingly sluggish domestic economy in these years, and it would have been unable to feed the huge aviation industry left over from the Soviet era, this group of extremely arrogant guys in their bones would not have gone to China to seek cooperation.

In their eyes, China Aviation Industry is a younger brother.

I think they were the Russians who taught the Chinese a screw and a steel plate to establish the current industrial system of China's aviation industry.

From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration for the Chinese aviation industry to call them, representatives of the Russian aviation industry, to call their masters. Since they are the masters, of course they must have the demeanor of a teacher, and at least they must be more skilled than the apprentice.

In fact, it is true. In the past thirty years, the Soviet aviation industry has always been in the leading position in the world, and it is almost indistinguishable from the United States. Compared with China, this little brother does not know where it is stronger.

But the problem is that the aviation industry is a typical government-oriented industry, and it can't be played without a strong country.

The Soviet aviation industry is very powerful, but with the dregs of the Soviet Union, the powerful aviation industry, like other heavy industrial systems in the Soviet period, instantly turned into a castle in the sky. Those who have the old foundation can still count on the old one to live. The weaker ones can only helplessly go bankrupt.

Coupled with the tearing of the industrial chain since the disintegration and the massive loss of technical talents, the Russian aviation industry system has long lost its courage.

But as the so-called lean camel is bigger than horses, Russia’s aviation industry is much stronger than other countries, especially developing countries such as China and New Delhi. Even if they stand still, they are still in the lead as a whole. The dominant position.

It is precisely because of this that after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia was able to rely on the Su-27, MiG-29 and other three generations of fighter aircraft manufacturing capabilities left over from the Soviet era to obtain rich returns in China and New Delhi, and to save the Russian aviation industry that was dying at that time. Last bite.

With this successful example ahead, Russia’s domestic aviation industry is ready to follow suit and make a fortune in developing countries like China and New Delhi.

Therefore, the Russian aviation industry is more concerned about the changes and developments of these countries, especially the major events on the southeast coast of China more than half a year ago and the recent earthquake in the Karakoram Pass. The Russian aviation industry once again sees Hope to make a fortune.

Especially in China, the Russian aviation industry has conducted a detailed analysis of major events more than half a year ago and concluded that China’s three-generation fighters are insufficient, and large transport aircraft also need to be expanded. At the same time, China’s civil aviation airliners are also facing renewal after entering the 1990s. Replacement.

In addition, there is also a huge domestic demand for helicopters in China.

All together, the Russian aviation industry has judged that in the next five to ten years, China’s military and civilian aircraft will have a gap of at least 3,000 to 5,000 aircraft. This is a huge market of nearly trillion U.S. dollars. The Russian aviation industry does not say anything. Swallowing this market in one bite, even if one-third of it is eaten, is enough for the Russian aviation industry to enter the 21st century smoothly and to have spare capacity to develop the next generation of fighter jets, helicopters and transport aircraft.

It is precisely this expectation that when China received an invitation to observe the airborne troops holding a live-fire exercise at the eastern foot of the Karakorum Mountains, Moscow sent them to Norokov in order to check it out during the observation process. The shortcomings of China's military aircraft have made the plan for the Russian aviation industry to target China's market more feasible.

As a result, after a disaster relief operation closer to actual combat than an exercise, the news from Norokov gave the Russian aviation industry a sense that all efforts might be in vain.

Not to mention the excellent performance of the Yun-17 with two turbofan engines. The key is that the power used has also begun to be localized, and the turbofan engine with a large bypass ratio is used, completely abandoning Russian products.

That's it. In terms of helicopters, China has also made significant progress. Not only has the 4-ton Z-12, but also developed and equipped the 8-ton Z-15 to match the S-70 "Black Hawk" imported from the United States. Helicopters, forming an excellent plateau helicopter group, will not only successfully complete the disaster relief mission, but will also become an important transportation tool for the reconstruction of the disaster-stricken outpost for a long time to come.

In addition, China is also actively developing helicopters with larger tonnage. According to reliable sources, a large 15-ton helicopter has begun preliminary ground static tests, and it is expected that preliminary equipment capabilities will be formed in the early 21st century.

All kinds of news are tantamount to blows one after another to the Russian aviation industry.

If the Chinese can do everything by themselves, and then rely on their own fast-developing domestic market to eat up the dividends, what else is their Russian aviation industry?

Is it possible that in the future, except for heavy fighter manufacturers like Sukhoi, other Russian aviation manufacturers will die?

Those big Russian gangsters who don’t feel distressed by selling their cubs don’t feel bad about them, even **** know that they can’t do it, so what should I do?

Of course, it’s a weaker squeeze and teamed up with powerful companies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So it is also the Mi-171 helicopter developed and produced by Russia. The price is 6.5 million U.S. dollars for the Chinese capable of producing Zhi-15. The lion's mouth soared to 45 million US dollars.

Although the price concessions given to China explode, don’t think that Lao Maozi is really kind. In fact, the real purpose of the Russians is to use this low-price dumping method to expand their market share.

As for the so-called cooperation, it is the same purpose. If you have the strength, then take the advantage of you have not fully grown up and take the dominant power in your own hands in a cooperative way.

The problem is that the Russian executives and experts in the aviation industry are doing well in their calculations, but the big brother of the superpower has enjoyed the demeanor for too long, and suddenly condescended to want to cooperate with the previous little apprentices. The gap is simply not enough to talk to outsiders.

I couldn’t put down the shelf I was holding for a while. In addition, Zhuang Jianye, who was accustomed to doing this at random, became angry with several hot-tempered Russian experts. They asked the accompanying officials very rudely: In how many years, did the Chinese aviation industry that we taught us degenerate into this way?"

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