Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 917: This is it

Others may not feel so much in this regard, but Djokovic and other executives and experts in the Russian aviation industry are sensible.

Especially Djokovic, the deputy chief designer from the Tupolev Design Bureau, was responsible for the development of the Tu-204 passenger plane before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The original plan was to apply a new generation of turbofan engines produced by the Soviet Union with a large bypass ratio on the picture-204.

No modern three-dimensional industrial design software?

At that time, Djokovic didn't care at all. What happened? He couldn't live without it? I think that when the Germans were forced to get under the city of Moscow, even the kerosene lamps could not be lit in the factory. Instead of using their hands to make weapons, the Germans were drowned in the lair with their anti-human evil thoughts.

Because of this, the heady Djokovic did not believe in evil at all. There are so many well-educated engineers and draftsmen in the Soviet Union, even without those imperialist software, they can draw them one by one. .

So this painting...was drawn to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Djokovic just woke up like a dream at this time, it turns out that once there is a generation gap, some things really cannot be filled in with human power.

In fact, it is true. Drawing design and even the initial computer graphic design belong to two-dimensional design. General things can be dealt with. A little more complicated mechanical analysis, structural settlement, and finite element analysis cannot be displayed.

Don't mention how to solve it if you can't see it.

It is precisely because of this problem that the United States took the lead in developing three-dimensional industrial design software, which was initially used in nuclear weapons research and aerospace fields with good results. It was subsequently adopted by major industrial giants and soon developed a second generation on this basis. The third generation of 3D design software.

Among them, the third-generation 3D industrial design software developed by Lockheed Martin applies VR holographic projection technology, combined with higher-level algorithms and large computers, so that complex curved surfaces and high-difficulty sections that could not be displayed in the past can be fully displayed.

Obviously, these things cannot be achieved by relying on a large number of engineers to calculate and draftsmen to draw strokes by stroke.

Even if you can barely get the theoretical design style out, the turbofan engine fan blades can be made?

It is obviously naive to have such an idea. In addition to the shape, the material, structure, force level and other thresholds are waiting in front.

If this is not the case, turbofan engine fan blade technology cannot become one of the core technologies of large bypass ratio and high thrust turbofan engines.

Regardless of other things, just to withstand the impact of birds is not affordable for ordinary materials and structures.

The impact of a 0.8 kg bird at a very high relative speed is equivalent to a high-speed, full-force collision of an ordinary family car.

Under such conditions, turbofan engine fan blades less than 1.5 cm thick must be structurally intact.

This is equivalent to saying that a Passat hit a small board less than 1.5 cm thick at high speed. As a result, the Passat A-pillar and B-pillars were completely destroyed, the car was completely scrapped, and the thin board was fine.

Thinking of this level, let alone ordinary aluminum alloys and steel, ordinary titanium alloys can’t do it. That’s all. The key is that the quality of such fan components must be strictly controlled. Things that are too heavy will affect performance.

Light weight, high structural strength, durability, corrosion resistance, easy maintenance...

Waiting for the indicators to be listed together is completely driving the rhythm of aeronautical engineers crazy.

Others don’t know, they want to make the Tu-204 with a large bypass made in the Soviet Union really go crazy faster than Djokovic with a turbofan engine.

Djokovic, who couldn't get it out behind closed doors, was ruthlessly slapped in the face. Finally, he used traditional Soviet-era art. He took other people's products to see if he could copy it, but he bought three or four from Europe and the United States for a big price. There are different types of large bypass turbofan engines. When they disassemble their fan blades, almost all the heads of the Russian supporting manufacturers shook like a rattle.

No way, they really couldn't make it out of the complicated structure in European and American blades.

Because that is a new type of hollow support structure that is significantly different from the third-generation honeycomb blade structure, the force is more uniform, the structure is reasonable, and the most important thing is that the fan blades with this structure are lighter.

It's just how this thing was made. The Russians did not analyze it for most of the day. They just knew that the material of the blade itself was high-strength titanium alloy, and then...there was no more.

The appearance is uncertain, and the manufacturer is also clueless. If this is in the Soviet era, it will be a little hopeful to toss slowly, but the Soviet Union is broken into a dregs, without strong support, Figure-204 Russia’s self-produced large bypass can only be a dream than a turbofan engine.

In the past few years, Djokovic, who was in charge of the Tu-204 project, did not give up. He ran in Moscow and called for more investment in the Tu-204 project. In less than 10 years, he will definitely build a model no less than Airbus A320. And the classic airliner of Boeing 737 came out.

However, the newly born poor in Russia are almost unable to open the pot, and the salaries of all classes are almost unable to be issued. What kind of passenger aircraft project is still allowed to me? Just vote for 10 years? Is your Djokovic's head broken, hurry up and stay cool.

This is not bad. Some unscrupulous Russian oligarchs regard Tu-204 as a money-making business. On the surface, they kindly introduced Djokovic to engine giants such as Rollo and Pratt & Whitney, so as to replace Russia with European and American power. The product.

In fact, it was just a soft knife killing, using this so-called cooperative method to stifle Russia's aero engine manufacturing capabilities and even the research and development capabilities of large passenger aircraft.

Djokovic knew the consequences of doing so no matter how bad he was, he refused the so-called goodwill of these oligarchs without even thinking about it.

If you don't eat hard and soft, there is no way. Picture-204 is dead or alive and can only be resigned.

Djokovic was also forced to be unable to do anything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I heard that there was a chance here in China, so he hurriedly came over to see if he could use Tupolev’s old foundation for some money. , In order to maintain the Tu-204 project that he has been fighting for for 15 years.

As a result, the money-selling cooperation hadn’t even started, so he saw a wide string with forward and backward swept profiles like the Damascus scimitar of the newly launched "Trent" series turbofan engine fan blades in the Ascendas Group. Titanium fan blades.

This gave Djokovic a sense of seeing him thousands of times, that the heat is in the dim lights.

The excitement was just as congested as it was when I broke a melon more than 40 years ago.

However, even with such excitement, Djokovic was still steady, because he did not know what the structure of the wide-string titanium alloy fan blades of Ascendas Group was like, so he suppressed the madness of his heart, and asked with a vibrato. Liu Cong: "The structure inside your blade is..."

"That's it!" Before Djokovic could finish speaking, Liu Cong took apart the model in his hand, revealing the "Z"-shaped structural support inside. Djokovic saw this and his eyes suddenly widened. Tremblingly pointed at the model: "Yes...Yes...this is this...this is..."

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