Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 920: Fan blades of the new 1st generation turbofan engine

Of course, Liu Cong will not tell the stories behind the super-sound molding-diffusion bonding process. As for the most important data, even a decimal point is not mentioned, so Liu Cong talks a lot. It just talked about the basic principle of super forming-diffusion bonding process.

If there is any difference, perhaps Liu Cong is relatively simple and honest, and he just explained the general knowledge points in some middle school textbooks in more detail.

If it is a group of students in the college entrance examination sprint class who are working hard for key universities, then it is not said that these principles of Liu Cong are definitely a big killer, maybe the last science subject of the college entrance examination depends on this knowledge Click to crack.

The problem is that Liu Cong’s person is not a high school senior, but a veteran who has been in the Soviet and Russian aviation industry for most of his life, so these principles are similar to the boring movies that they have watched 50 or 60 times. In the same way, listening to the beginning can tell the end, but Liu Cong broke it apart and said it in such a detailed manner that the executives and experts in the Russian aviation industry almost collapsed.

Do they want to hear this? Don’t they Russians know the principle of super-sound molding-diffusion bonding process?

As early as the Soviet Union, they had already begun to study this sophisticated manufacturing process in the aerospace field and made considerable progress in the laboratory. If they were not clear about the basic principles of super forming-diffusion bonding process, how could they make progress? ?

Therefore, including Djokovic, a group of executives and experts in the Russian aviation industry don’t want to listen to any principles. What they want is the most core data, which can make the titanium alloy wire like a wire in the fan. The detailed data of the ribs in the cavity of the blade.

There is no way, the Soviet industry, which lacks strong industrial software support, does not lack theory. What it lacks is efficiency. In addition, in the 1980s, the Soviet Union as a whole was permeated with hyperbole, which made the already inefficient Soviet industry even more unbearable.

The super-molding-diffusion bonding process is the most powerful test process that eats test data. In other words, it is a process that requires constant exploration and comparison to achieve refined micro-manipulation.

For this kind of data-eating process, powerful industrial software is a powerful tool to get twice the result with half the effort, because industrial software can narrow the range of values ​​no matter how bad it is. If it is a little bit better, you can directly produce several key data points, and then follow The numerical value of the software can be tested one by one, and the efficiency is called high.

Without software, it is not impossible to achieve mass production of the super-molding-diffusion bonding process. It just requires endless scrutiny and experimentation, often for several months or even years of repeated exploration for a value.

You need to know that there are thousands of core values ​​in the super molding-diffusion bonding process. If each value takes such a long time, then the workload is simply...

This is also the reason why the Soviet Union did not study the supersonic forming-diffusion bonding process later than in the West, but it did not fully grasp the reason for industrialized mass production at the time of disintegration.

This is the same as the industrial software of the Soviet Union. It developed very early, but it still lags behind the West. There are many internal reasons, but no matter what the reason is, everything has passed away with the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Because of this, Djokovic and others will look forward to the seemingly honest and honest Liu Cong to reveal one or two key figures in the introduction. It doesn’t need more than one or two, so they will refer to the Soviet Union when they return. The test data left over from the times has explored core data indicators suitable for mass production.


"Do you Ascendas Group intends to transfer the super-sound molding-diffusion bonding process?" Looking at Djokovic, who was taught by Liu Cong for a middle school physics class, I did not expect that Liu Cong, who had a loyal face, would be so difficult , Bypassing all the key elements, and picking up all kinds of useless knowledge points.

But he still couldn't refuse, who asked him to ask others with an old face. They taught you how to teach you, but also pick and choose. Then there is really no place for his old face of Djokovic.

I can only follow Liu Cong into the new factory for a visit to the new factory, and while listening to Liu Cong's slow chatter, I feel very emotional.

Fortunately, Liu Cong is not the kind of stubborn guy who talks about it for a long time. He will be tired after talking for a long time. Taking advantage of this stall, Djokovic simply gave up the routine of talking and went straight to Huanglong. Hesitant to speak, it does not conform to the character of the fighting nation, and it is straightforward to come.

Of course, the big-tailed wolf still has to pretend in the process. No, with the conversation, Djokovic said with pride: "You can rest assured that the Russian aviation industry has developed for nearly a century, and the accumulated results are like stars. It will definitely satisfy you Ascendas Group."

Before he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the accompanying officials, and continued: "Our main purpose this time is to promote the aviation technology cooperation between China and Russia. To be honest, many Soviet experts who assisted China in the 1950s heard this news. I was so happy. Many people found me before I set off and asked me to greet my colleagues in China."

As he said, Djokovic's eyes became very firm, and his wrinkled old face became even more tense, as if the time was not as good as the Sino-Russian aviation technology cooperation people he shouldered.

Now that the emotions are in place, Djokovic is really possessed by Stanislavsky at this moment, and he has begun the self-cultivation of his actor, expressing what he desires most in a bold and firm manner: " Let me see that the transfer of super-sound molding-diffusion bonding technology is a good embodiment, which shows that the traditional friendship between our two countries has withstood the test of history, and our technological cooperation in the new century is even more promising, so..."

"So you'd better tell'NB' about this. As long as he nods, everything is easy to say." Djokovic's performance just came out, and before he reached the limit, he was interrupted by Liu Cong's words. .

This makes the old man a little unhappy, not to mention which is "NB"? Is the official very big?

"'NB' is the Zhuang Jianye who left just now, Mr. Zhuang,'NB' is his fancy name." This is the accompanying official who hurriedly reminded him, Djokovic just remembered who NB was, he couldn't help snorting coldly. He said: "If you want to find Zhuang Jianye, you can find Zhuang Jianye. With such good cooperation conditions, I believe that as a mature aviation enterprise leader, Zhuang Jianye will make a wise decision."

"You can go to him after the visit, but I want to remind a few people, NB has said that no matter who it is, even if the king comes, he only sells products but not technology."

Liu Cong was not polite. Djokovic had already clearly robbed him. His bottom line came out naturally, but his words suddenly angered other executives and experts in the Russian aviation industry, and blushed. The responsibility of the thick neck Liu Cong is not aware of current affairs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is even a young and energetic person who questioned the authenticity of the fourth-generation turbofan engine fan blades of Ascendas Group. After all, they have only seen models so far. , I haven't even seen the real thing, let alone the production line.

Taking this as a breakthrough, many Maozi began to clamor that Ascendas Group showed them fakes, otherwise they would show the production line to let them understand.

Just when many Maozi collectively put pressure on Liu Cong and the scene became chaotic, a muffled noise suddenly came not far away, which directly scared the clamoring Maozi into silence.

And Liu Cong smiled and calmed down those quiet hairs: "It's okay, it's not an explosive, but a bird-impact test of our new generation of turbofan engine fan blades."

"A new generation of turbofan engine fan blades?" Djokovic immediately grasped the key point in Liu Cong's words, then pointed to the model and asked further: "This is not a new generation?"

Liu Cong smiled more brilliantly: "Of course not, because our new generation of fan blades use brand new carbon fiber composite materials!"

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