Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 925: The danger of being attacked

Therefore, after Liu Cong briefly introduced the basic properties of the H-ZB800 composite material, his conversation suddenly changed: "As Mr. Djokovic said, the Soviet leader helped us build the aviation industry at the beginning of the year. Without the help of the Soviet leader, Nor does it have our achievements today, nor does it have the glory of Ascendas Group."

Liu Cong paused for a while, and a textbook-level acting demonstration like Zhuang Jianye appeared in his mind, and a kind of gratitude appeared on his simple face just right. He continued: "We have an old saying in China called the grace of dripping water. Quan Xiang reported that the predecessor of our Ascendas Group, the 23rd branch of Yonghong Aviation Manufacturing Plant, was originally established using equipment provided by the big brother of the Soviet Union. We always remember this kindness in Ascendas Group.

Because of this, if Mr. Djokovic and other Russian colleagues have any requirements, as long as our Ascendas Group can help, it is absolutely incumbent, not to mention other things, but it is more tolerant than high-thrust turbofan engines. Although our Ascendas Group can't keep up with the leading level of Europe and America, in some respects, they still don't have to be far behind. "

Speaking of the WD-60ML turbofan engine hanging in front of the test bench, he said proudly: "Take the WD-60ML turbofan engine in front of you. Of course, the exact model should be called WD— For 60ML-22, because of the application of composite fan blades and the unique S-shaped aerodynamic layout, the overall number of blades is reduced to 22, and the bypass ratio is further increased to 10.

As a result, compared with traditional high bypass turbofan engines such as D-30KP, the engine has reduced fuel consumption by 38%, reduced noise by 41%, reduced weight by 27%, increased overhaul interval by 300%, and sustained a thrust of 11.2 tons. The emergency thrust can reach 12.5 tons..."

Liu Cong is more and more vigorous, but Djokovic and others are more and more shocked. Although the maximum thrust is 12.5 tons, the D-30KP turbofan engine is obviously not comparable to WD-60ML-22. , Especially in terms of fuel consumption and overhaul intervals, WD-60ML-22 is almost rubbing the D-30KP turbofan engine to the ground.

In fact, let alone the D-30KP turbofan engine, the CFM-56, which is now widely used on Boeing 737 and A320, is also comparable in terms of indicators, and even surpassed in individual performance. Don’t say goodbye. But the composite fan blades on the first-stage fan are one to two generations ahead of the CFM-56 series turbofan engine.

In other words, with the epoch-making fan blades, the WD-60ML-22 turbofan engine is enough to rank among the world's advanced aero engines.

what does this mean?

As long as China is willing, it will soon be able to produce a civilian passenger aircraft of the same level as the Boeing 737 and A320. By then, with China's low labor costs and efficient production efficiency, the position of the Boeing 737 and A320 will not be shaken in a short time. , But it’s a matter of minutes to overthrow Figure-204.

We must know that in recent years, the Ascendas Group relied on its self-produced TRJ-500 regional airliner and the ERJ-140 series regional airliner that later cooperated with Brazil, which has penetrated the five Stanleys of Central Asia to the utmost.

After experiencing these two essentially indistinguishable regional airliners, Kazakhstan immediately retired all 32 Tu-154 and 44 Yak-42 aircraft belonging to the state-owned Almaty Airlines and replaced them with Ascendas Group production. The 88 70-seat ERJ-145s are used to carry out air passenger transportation tasks in China and neighboring countries in Central Asia.

As for longer-distance passenger services, all Boeing 737NG series are used.

In this way, Almaty Airlines has reduced its operating models from the previous six to two, and the cost has been reduced by 60% compared with the previous period. At the same time, it has become the first airline in the CIS to completely phase out Soviet-made civil aviation aircraft. .

This move of Almaty Airlines is no different from the great benefits of aviation manufacturers in Europe, America and other regions. You must know that including Central Asia, the regions of the former Soviet republics have always been regarded by Russia as their sphere of influence. Not to mention the political and military influence, economically, Russia still maintains the economic cycle system in the CIS that originated from the Soviet era.

On the one hand, this is driven by the internal links of the industrial chain left over from the Soviet era. On the other hand, it is also Russia's desire to maintain its geographical advantage.

The aviation industry, as the most high-end product in the industrial category, plays an important role in maintaining the industrial chain and strengthening geographical connections. This is why Russia is almost unable to unravel, and it must tighten its belt and spend money to maintain the importance of the Tu-204 passenger aircraft project. the reason.

There is no way, the CIS countries originated from the Soviet era Tu-154 and IL-62 were originally very poorly safe, coupled with the age of disrepair, has reached the edge of decommissioning, if the Russian aviation industry at this time Without the support, the Soviet-made aircraft of the CIS countries will be completely swept by countries outside the region.

At that time, Russia's influence is bound to be severely weakened, so even if the Russians gritted their teeth in a difficult situation, they must stick to Tu-204.

But the problem is that Russia is not the Soviet Union after all. After a shock therapy, I almost shocked myself. Even if I see the current development trend, it is like a sickly old man, watching the beautiful women dancing around the poles, an old man. The heart thumped with excitement, and the result was that there was no response.

I can only watch Almaty Airlines unscrupulously replace Soviet-made civil aviation aircraft with foreign brands. That’s all. The problem is that this demonstration effect is still exponentially spreading around the country. Uzbekistan The airline is also preparing to follow the example and replace part of the Yak-42 with the ERJ-145 produced by Ascendas Group.

Even Azerbaijan, located in the South Caucasus, sent a delegation to visit China to evaluate the situation of the ERJ-140 series of regional passenger aircraft.

All of these have sounded the alarm for the Russian aviation industry, but they have not put too much energy on the Ascendas Group. After all, the profits of civil aviation planes are mostly in large flights above 80 tons. In other words, the Russians have not yet. Ascendas Group, which only specializes in regional airliners, puts its eyes on the super giants like Boeing, McDonnell Douglas and Airbus.

I hope that my own map-204 can regroup and stabilize the basic CIS, and it is not too late to look back and slowly pick up the small role of Ascendas Group.

As a result, when Djokovic got a deep understanding of the WD-60ML-22 turbofan engine~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he suddenly discovered that the little character in their eyes seemed to have opened his mouth, ready to go to the more seductive The field of large-scale civil aviation aircraft launched an impact.

Due to the market share of Ascendas Group in Central Asia before, Djokovic and others can imagine that once a dual-engine single-aisle narrow-body trunk airliner equipped with a WD-60ML-22 turbofan engine successfully landed, Central Asia’s five A Stan can immediately become the possession of the Ascendas Group.

As for the European and American airworthiness certificates, other routes cannot be flown?

What's the point? The two countries that are most closely connected with Central Asia are China and Russia. As long as these two countries are open, it will not be a problem. As for the people in Central Asia, what should they do if they go to Europe and the United States? Just transfer between China and Russia.

All in all, operation is not a problem, price is not a problem, and even less a problem in terms of competitiveness. Regardless of other things, but in terms of fuel saving and overhaul intervals, it has already crushed the chart-204, the genuine oil tiger and the king of faults.

At that time, the Russian aviation industry will not be confronted with Airbus and Boeing. It will be a dangerous situation in which there are strong enemies in the front and chasing soldiers.

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