Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 927: Complete picture—204 production line

Not only Djokovic, but other executives and experts in the Russian aerospace industry are a little panicked. There is no way. They really did not expect Ascendas Technology to be at the forefront of the world. The ambition of Ascendas Group in the field of civil aviation passenger aircraft will be so great.

As for the feasibility...

In terms of composite materials, the first-level fan blades of the turbofan engines of the Ascendas Group use advanced composite materials. Components with such high requirements can be used. Isn't the second-level structure on the aircraft a matter of minutes?

Therefore, the preparation of 30.7% of composite materials in 2000 is not feasible, but Tengfei Group’s willingness or not, even in the opinion of some Russian experts, the 30.7% of the composite material consumption of Tengfei Group is conservative, with H-ZB800 and The excellent properties of the H-ZB900 two composite materials, with the application of carbon fiber, metal matrix and glass fiber and other composite materials, the overall proportion of 40% or even 50% is not a problem.

The only consideration may be the cost factor. The problem is that civil airliners with excellent performance are all built with high advanced technology. The more advanced the profit margin is. In this respect, high cost equals high profit.

As for the flexible wing with advanced bionics, it seems to these Russian experts that Tengfei Group’s solution is not a problem. After all, the fourth-generation fan blades they have seen before and the composite blades in front of them are the most advanced super\ \\\Composite blade with both subsonic speed.

This kind of aerodynamic layout requires a very strong empirical foundation and theoretical research supplemented by mature three-dimensional industrial software to be constructed.

It can be said that small blades can fully demonstrate Ascendas Group's solid foundation in aviation basic science. At least Ascendas Group's aerodynamic research is no worse than any aviation giant in the world.

Relying on such a deep foundation, it is obviously a multiplier effort to tackle the flexible wing with half the effort. Even some Russian experts feel that the Ascendas Group has made breakthroughs in this area at this time. After all, the Chinese have always been technically low-key and conservative. If there is no definite result, it is impossible to show it to others.

This can be seen from the rigorous and serious news reports of the Chinese people. Because of this, many Russian executives and experts, including Djokovic, believe that Ascendas Group has made very significant progress in 2000.

But the impact on them was called a devastation.

At this time, Liu Cong’s heavy blows were one after another: "According to our current progress, it is estimated that-2000 will first fly in 2002 and will be officially delivered in 2005.... The current planned investment is 50 billion yuan. The largest domestic investment aviation project...Several major domestic airlines are very interested in our -2000, and the expected order will reach about 800 aircraft...Central and Southeast Asian countries are also very interested in -2000..."

Liu Cong is more sexually excited the more he speaks, but Djokovic and others listened to the more ugly face, and NM dare to say Central Asia, if the five Stan all used yours-2000, the former Soviet Union\\ \Russia has squeezed out the picture for more than ten years-what's the use of 204? Don't be melted as scrap iron!

Yes, Djokovic and others were shocked and terrified. It was -2000 from the perspective of take-off weight, passenger capacity, and range. It was completely a product of the same level as Figure-204.

Since it is a level, fierce competition is bound to occur. The question is, is the figure-204 competitive?

Looking at the flight records of the previous Soviet civil airliners, we can see that the comfort and safety of Soviet-made civil aviation planes can only be said to be reluctant, and there is no competitiveness at all. friction.

As the so-called family matters, I know it, and I look at it-2000 performance is not part of European and American products. Djokovic and others know very well that if you really want to go head-to-head, the picture-204 100% will be-2000 rubbed on the ground. .

How to do?

"Mr. Liu~~ Comrade Liu~~~ Davaris~~"

Seeing that Liu Cong was about to turn a simple project introduction into a live conference in 2000, Djokovic finally couldn't help it. He worked hard with his whole acting skills and tried to squeeze out an amiable, calm smile and firmness. And politely interrupted Liu Cong's nagging.

Liu Cong was not annoyed because he was interrupted, but looked at Djokovic in confusion: "Mr. Djokovic, do you think I have something unclear about what I said, so that you are right-2000 has no more In-depth understanding?"

Hearing this, Djokovic almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, don't understand? Further understanding, I almost tore up the carefully nurtured Tu-204 passenger plane.

The problem is that Djokovic wanted to return to his mind, but his smile became more gentle: "No, no, my dear Davaris, you introduced very well, and from a professional point of view, you are taking off The group's-2000 has indeed reached a very high level, but..."

No matter how good it sounds, and if you like the suggestion, I’m afraid that this will follow. But at the moment, Djokovic is playing this routine very slippery, in line with the self of the actor who is possessed by Stanislavsky. In self-cultivation, Djokovic turned out to be very natural and calm, and he can be called the great actor in the old drama.

In this regard, Djokovic still squeezed his micro-expressions, with three points of regret, three points of anticipation, three points of excitement, and one point of regret, and continued to say: "It is a pity that the entire project investment It’s too big. What era is it now? Economic globalization, not the antagonistic era of the Cold War era. Therefore, the key to the product is the size of the profit. I cannot deny that your Ascendas Group’s 2000 is very advanced, but 50 billion The RMB investment is really too big.

You know, the airworthiness certificate of this kind of civil aircraft is very strict. What if Europe and the United States get stuck in this regard? -2000 is equivalent to losing most of the international market, and the profit point of this large trunk airliner is the long-distance international route..."

Having said this, Djokovic paused, then squinted his eyes to look at Liu Cong, and asked very solemnly: "By then, your domestic airlines will not be able to operate international routes. You think it is still possible to purchase 800 aircraft. Quantity?"

"This one……"

Liu Cong listened to Djokovic’s analysis ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The chubby face was embarrassed. Djokovic immediately took advantage of the situation and pursued it: "So, I personally think that Ascendas Group is not It’s better to use it to make more valuable investment if you smash it on an uncertain project. For example, the Tupolev Design Bureau's Tu-204 passenger aircraft project, because Tu-204 has not only obtained the European and American airworthiness certificate, More importantly, it is about to enter the mass production stage. As long as the Ascendas Group is willing, we can carry out in-depth and extensive cooperation on this project. As I said before, we were partners in the 1950s, and we are still the best Davari. S."

"Picture 204?" Liu Cong frowned for a moment, and then shook his head firmly: "Maybe not. We don't even have a basic production structure. Such cooperation is simply unrealistic."

"My young man, did I say the feelings of comrades and brothers in vain?" As soon as Liu Cong's voice fell, Djokovic had a look of hatred for iron and steel: "I was able to help China build a complete aviation industry. In the industrial system, although people are old now, they can still allow you Ascendas Group to build a complete map-204 production line, your 2000 invests 50 billion yuan, our complete map-204 production line only needs 4 billion...not 2 billion The renminbi is enough!"

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