Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 933: 120 hours long endurance drone

Altlain’s voice was not deliberately hidden, so it was not only Elena and Quinn, but also other media reporters around who heard it clearly, so they gathered around, and even more impatiently, they just opened their mouths and asked. : "Hi~~Otleline, can you talk about the specific situation, don't worry, if the news is great, I will pay you 50 dollars."

"You'd better save a glass of whiskey in the bar!" Otterlain replied with a smile, and then told the news that he had learned from an anonymous person inside Motorola without delay.

When Elena, Quinn and others heard that their eyes became bright, they didn't expect it to be due to the weather. However, there were also some cautious people who expressed doubts and hesitated and said: "I think it's more to the west. The official statement of the launch center shall prevail. After all, China has been operating here for many years, and the weather conditions must be better understood than others."

"I don't think so." As soon as the voice of the questioner fell, Elena did not hesitate to oppose: "As we all know, the United States is the most technologically advanced country in the world. Apart from other things, the United States is currently on track. There are as many as 12 satellites, of which 6 are geostationary orbit satellites, which can provide weather forecasts for any region and at any time in the world, with an accuracy rate close to 100%. Does China have it?"

A question made the questioning person speechless. As media reporters who transferred to the aerospace field, although they did not have an expert level, most of them were not novices, and even some senior reporters themselves possessed aerospace fields. With a further degree, I understand the role of meteorological satellites in weather forecasting.

As a well-deserved hegemon in the aerospace field, the United States is naturally leading the world in this regard. Because of this, the United States has become the only country in the world that can accurately forecast the accurate weather conditions in any region of the world.

This is quite significant for the United States to dominate the world.

Not to mention other things, just talk about the Gulf War a few years ago, and the Desert Sabre ground operation that followed Operation Desert Storm. At that time, a huge sandstorm that had not been seen in many years was blown on the border between Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

Based on years of experience, the Iraqi defenders believe that it is impossible for the US military to launch an offensive under such weather conditions, because the wind direction of this sandstorm is changeable and it is easy for the attacking party to suffer.

As a result, the U.S. military not only carried out an offensive, but the wind used the power of the fire, and the fire used the power of the wind to push the Iraqis.

The reason why the U.S. military dared to be so bold is that they benefited from the accurate forecast of the sandstorm by their on-orbit weather satellites, and finally determined that the wind direction was mostly strong. Hegemony.

In contrast, China does not have no meteorological satellites, but there is a fault phase that is not connected. In 1988 and 1990, two meteorological satellites, Fengyun 1A and Fengyun 1B, were launched.

Unfortunately, the service life of the two satellites is only a short period of one year. According to the plan of the aerospace department, a Fengyun 2 satellite will be launched in the middle of next year. But before this, only foreign commercial satellites could be rented for weather forecasting. No matter how good things are, there is no way to use their own things at will.

Therefore, foreign satellites can only provide a general outline of weather trends, and specifically, ground monitoring stations, air sounding balloons and other auxiliary methods are needed to make accurate predictions.

However, many years of human practice have shown that the detection methods on the ground can't get a glimpse of the fast-changing rhythm of nature. Otherwise, why do humans launch weather satellites?

Therefore, the error rate of this kind of weather forecast is very high, especially in the field of high weather requirements such as space launch. A little bit closer, the window period may be missed, which will cause serious losses.

That's why, aerospace is a large toy that can only be played by a powerful country. It is true that this thing tests not only high-end manufacturing, but also complete peripheral equipment.

It's like an expensive Barbie doll. What can a doll that Guangbo slipped up with? At the very least, you need to wear clothes and shoes to be considered as a whole. If you want to be brilliant, you need to match a few more sets, and then the scene, furniture, care...

It's something completely bottomless.

Obviously, China surpasses most countries in this respect, but compared with the United States, it doesn't even have the qualifications to call Dad. The reporters present are not flexible-minded people. After a little thought, you will know the launch of the Ascendas Group.

So the quick action immediately took out the satellite phone, and the slightly slower one quickly considered the words.

All in all, there is one who counts as one, and they are all ready to pass back this hot news, even if they don't fight for the first place, they must be brilliant.

Among them, the news reported by Elena of the British Sky TV is the most alarmist. It is straightforward to say that this failure will bankrupt Ascendas Group and hit China Aerospace hard. This shows that a developing country with immature technology to undertake such a high-tech commercial business is What a ridiculous thing, and then commented in an imperious tone:

"I would like to make a sincere suggestion from a proud manufacturer like Ascendas Group, which is to do your own thing first. Although swan meat is good, it is not something you can eat if you want."

Unlike in the 1980s, when communication equipment was not developed, journalists could only forward their urgent articles by telegram. Now it is the mid-1990s, and satellite phones have become popular. In addition, during the Gulf War, live news on CNN and other radio and television in the United States was added. The sudden emergence of news has led to an unusually rapid spread of news today.

Less than half an hour after this group of foreign media reporters in the West Field of China sent their manuscripts, European and American television media have already inserted the text news about the failed launch of Ascendas Group in the program.

After an hour, in-depth comments began to dominate the screen.

After an hour and a half, special reports began to appear.

Two hours later, a strong wave of public opinion began to spread beyond the borders.

What takeoff group is dead end.

What China's aerospace technology is backward.

What an aerospace company is doomed to cross-field aerospace.


And so on, it can be said to be very uproarious. In a word, China's aerospace technology is unreliable and immature, and it simply cannot afford to undertake commercial space launch missions for other countries.

"It seems that we have moved other people's cakes!"

Zhuang Jianye learned about the overseas media reports at the first time. He glanced hastily, smiled, and threw the media report materials in his hand aside. He immediately got up from the sofa and walked out. This smoky meeting room.

As soon as he left the house, a flash of flash almost blinded Zhuang Jianye's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes. Fortunately, he brought sunglasses in advance, otherwise four or five bottles of eye drops might not be enough.

And before Zhuang Jianye could adapt to such a big media battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~Elena of British Sky TV had already begun to attack: "Mr. Zhuang, what is your comment on the failure of the launch of Ascendas Group?"

"Comment?" Zhuang Jianye smiled, his face became cold, and he reached out to Elena: "FakeNews!"

Immediately after beckoning, the two Ascendas Group staff behind him immediately lifted up a large-size display screen. After turning on the power, it immediately showed a dynamic display of the clouds over the West Field. Zhuang Jianye did not talk nonsense. He took off his glasses and pointed the screen with his finger. The image on the above said: “According to the real-time weather data provided by the Raiden-120 long-endurance drone produced by our Ascendas Group, after one hour and fifteen minutes, 50 minutes of ordinary clouds will appear over the West Field. Therefore, our long-distance The four rockets will be launched normally in one and a half hours."

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, but Altlain seized another key point and asked: "Mr. Zhuang, you said Raiden-120 is a drone with a long voyage, so how long is this long voyage?"

Zhuang Jianye smiled slightly and gave a surprising answer: "Since it is 120 behind the lightning, it naturally means that the battery life is 120 hours."

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