Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 949: WD—56 ML turbofan engine

Things that were unbelievable to Lucio and others were really normal in the eyes of Lin Guanghua and Lao Zhong.

Developed countries, including the United States, have published so many papers. Are academic articles published in public journals for outsiders? Why else? How good is it to stay at home and give birth?

Since it's published, apart from pretending to be B, why can't others apply and practice in the past? Anyway, it is pretending to be B. Ascendas Group will help you turn boring words into reality, and use the spirit of great love to help old professors and experts who can only write papers and academic articles complete the sublimation of B.

From this perspective, the Nobel Prize of Ascendas Group cannot be exaggerated.

Lucio certainly didn't know that Lin Guanghua and Lao Zhong would be so shameless, but even if they knew it, there was nothing to do. It was a genius to be able to come up with a concept. Isn't it another genius to be able to translate concepts into practical applications?

Not to mention anything else, he is considered a veteran of fuzzy control theory. He not only read the "Application of Fuzzy Controller in Aviation Engine Fuel System" published in the previous year, he even made a report based on it. The series of derivative studies have won unanimous praise from the academic community.

But so what?

A theory is always a theory. Before it is transformed into reality, nothing can be changed except for the nomination in the academic circle.

Lucio doesn't want it? No, he thought very much. The problem is that no matter how you think about it, the ability to transform reality is useless.

Because of this, Lucio was surprised and said deep down that he was not jealous. It was a fake. Why can you China Ascendas Group have such a theoretical transformation ability, but our Embraer Aerospace Industry Corporation can't?

We believe in God, and his old man should take care of us.

However, as a pious believer, Lucio, as a devout believer, is impossible to curse at God’s nose. What's more, let him come to the Tengfei Group at this moment and encounter the application of algorithms based on fuzzy control theory. When it comes to aero engines, isn’t it God’s favor of the old man?

After all, a thing needs to be evaluated from different angles, otherwise it is really difficult to understand God's good intentions.

Thinking about it this way, Lucio’s jealousy in his heart disappeared, and he became extremely happy. So after a brief exchange, he introduced himself very enthusiastically to Lin Guanghua, Lao Zhong and others: "I was in Colombia in the early years. When studying in university, the main direction of my research was fuzzy control theory. Now there are papers in many authoritative mathematics academic journals and computer application journals. So I think we can carry out more in-depth cooperation in this area, and apply fuzzy control theory to aviation The application on the engine goes further..."

"I think Mr. Lucio's proposal is very good!" Speaking of cooperation, Lao Zhong, who is engaged in technology, naturally gave way to the C position. Lin Guanghua once again took over control of the audience: "Our Ascendas Group has also been committed to seeking cooperation. Partners, work with us to promote research in aviation engine control, but..."

What Lin Huaguang said was called a pretty. The problem is that no matter how pretty it is, it’s all discounted after the turning point "It's just...", making Creedo stunned for no reason, knowing that it might be bad, and just about to speak. Going back to the top, Lucio took the lead as soon as the words came to his lips: "Did you encounter any difficulties?"

With Lucio's cooperation, how could Li Guanghua give Credo a chance and sighed deeply: "Oh, let's not hide it from Mr. Lucio, the most troublesome thing we have now is the lack of R&D funds. The previous NB— You must have seen the 233 3D printing equipment. Almost all of the R&D funds of our Ascendas Group were swallowed by that thing.

To be honest, it is not an exaggeration to say that analog control technology can go to the present. If you don't believe me, where do you look..."

Speaking of Lin Guanghua pointing to the empty door frame beside him, his face was instantly bitter: "There should be a door here, because we don’t have enough funds, so we can only put it like this first; there are also microcomputers used by our technicians, logically speaking. Using IBM is the best choice. As a result, due to funding reasons, we can only take the second place and use Toshiba products; the tables, chairs and benches, we all know that the solid wood is solid, but we have no money and can only use particle board; Have……"

With a bitter old face, Lin Guanghua pointed to the office of the huge Aero Engine Software Division and was crying for a while. He almost said that he had no money to eat today, so he could only open his mouth and face the northwest wind for a while.

Lucio knew that this was Lin Guanghua’s poor performance. He didn’t believe it at all, but he felt that Lin Guanghua was right. The research and development cost of analog control technology applied to aero-engines was definitely not low. The size is estimated to be really difficult to handle.

So, can Brazil take advantage of the danger and bring this technology over?

Lucio is a firm activist, basically doing what he thinks, so he immediately put forward his constructive opinions: "If Ascendas Group has difficulties in R&D expenses, I have a good suggestion here, that is, apply The simulation control system technology for aero engines is packaged and sold to Embraer. This will not only deepen the cooperation between our two companies, but also share the high research and development costs, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone."

"Of course it's all right. To be honest, this invisible and intangible software is the most annoying. We've already wanted to do it." Lin Guanghua agreed without saying a word, and then looked at Creeldo: "Crieldo What do you think, sir? If you can take the $1 million along with the digital electronic control system you want to take."

Creeldo originally thought that Lucio was too reckless. He knew what Lin Guanghua was. He knew better than anyone else. When it comes to interest, when it comes to exchange, it is a big hole with a small hole, and a hole with a hole.

As a result, he did not expect that Lin Guanghua did not like the previous NB-233 3D printing equipment this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The lion opened his mouth and brought the art of killing people to the extreme, but gave an unbelievable low. s price.

Yes, this is no longer low, but it is in vain. The fuzzy control theory and technology applied to aero engines is cutting-edge technology, and the full power digital electronic control system is what they dream of. As a result, 1 million dollars in hand?

So that the rather sophisticated Creedo felt that this world was not real, Lin Guanghua was reconciled? Impossible, does this guy have a conscience?

And before Creeldo could react, Lucio nodded eagerly: "Deal, deal, even if the company doesn't get the $1 million, I will take it personally."

"Mr. Lucio is such a refreshing man!" Lin Guanghua praised Lucio without hesitation, and immediately turned his head to the staff beside him and ordered: "Go, add the sale of the WD-56ML turbofan engine. In the NB-233 3D printing equipment contract just now, report it to NB at that time."

Lucio hadn't understood this, but Creedo felt a little in his heart, and asked quickly: "Mr. Lin, what we want is algorithms and software. How come the WD-56ML turbofan engine is sold?"

Lin Guanghua let out a sudden "Oh", and then he almost didn't let Creeldo jump off the building on the spot: "Algorithms and software must of course be matched with hardware to be effective, not to mention our analog control technology and full power digital electronic control system. The improved version is based on the WD-56ML turbofan engine. How can you understand if you don’t use the engine? Then I won’t become a harmful scammer!"


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