Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 966: What do the Arab brothers like?

The Pakistani and Iranians don’t know if they believe Zhuang Jianye. Anyway, under Zhuang Jianye’s signal, Tengfei Group really did it. Six light torpedoes were hung on the special racks on both sides of Zhi-12. They looked powerful and domineering. .

After that, he tried to add eight C-701 small anti-ship missiles to the flight display, which was so full of military ethics that it exploded.

The headquarter leaders and domestic experts who had accompanied the Pakistani and Iranian military forces to come here secretly shook their heads.

If according to Zhuang Jianye's method, Zhi-12 is not a helicopter, but an all-around machine every second.

However, think about the photos of the European and American friends that Zhuang Jianye showed them with missiles hanging under the fighter jets, and the helicopters filled with attack weapons. As the saying goes, the crows in the world are generally black. As long as Zhuang Jianye can really fool out, see For the sake of small money, they should not be able to see it.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye's meticulous preparation and powerful speech finally captured the hearts of Pakistani and Iranians. However, due to the moving domestic economies of the two countries, the Iranians only purchased 4 Z-12 air assault models.

The unit price is only 10 million US dollars.

If this is placed with other friends, the business may not be big, but it is still a small profit.

But here is the same as blood loss in Ascendas Group, because Ascendas Group must guarantee the reputation of this export, it must make great concessions in maintenance and return to the factory for overhaul. Performance, as well as the practice of Ascendas Group's rescue in Karakorum Pass, it is foreseeable that if there is no more mature improvement plan for Zhi-12, the money earned by Ascendas Group will be doubled in future maintenance. .

In comparison, Pakistan is much more reliable, so I just say I go to a good brother for help, and I can get a few more customers for Ascendas Group, and I just need to give a preferential price.

For experience, of course, the higher the popularity, the better. It is best to find someone who is stupid and rich. Zhuang Jianye promises to pass a mana and a good eldest brother.

Then... Then... Maxim came.

Although it's a bit of a thing to cooperate with others with an immature product, but think about the industrialization of the UAE in recent years, the progress of industrialization is in full swing, but the real dry goods have not been found, and I feel more comfortable.

Almost all of the core equipment and processing technologies for seawater desalination in cooperation with the Netherlands come from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

In cooperation with the United States, the smelting core gas turbine is produced by General Motors, the infrastructure is Japanese, and the supporting equipment is German.

In the Abu Dhabi nuclear power project, the reactor and pressure vessel are French, the cooling cycle is American, and the infrastructure is Japanese.

That's all, the key is that most of these important project operators are from developed countries in Europe and the United States, and only a few of the most expensive positions are held by the royal palaces of the UAE.

No way, the people of the UAE, who can eat oil by inserting chopsticks, have long been fed up by the life of lying down and making money.

I don't understand the complicated technology, and the work at the bottom feels too hard. In contrast, I can count money by poking the ground with chopsticks.

In this way, the UAE has essentially won several decent face projects and then declared outright that it has become an industrialized country. It has no Mao. Instead, it has made European and American developed countries use cooperative projects to become crazy blood suckers. While testing its own technological capabilities, it will continuously transfer the wealth of the UAE to developed countries in Europe and America.

Such a stupid person with a lot of money, don't...should be called a good brother with infinite charm, Zhuang Jianye can't wait to hold his thigh and call his father.

It should be understood that once the cooperation with the UAE helicopter production is implemented, the benefits of Ascendas Group will be much greater than that of the Arab religious fund's sole investment in Ascendas Group.

First of all, the production line needs all kinds of processing equipment, where does it come from?

Of course, Chinese products are made with Chinese equipment, but what should I do if they are not satisfied with European and American soil?

This piece of Ascendas Group's other manufacturers in the United Nations can swallow it in one bite, which solves the employment problem, creates a huge foreign exchange, and kills two birds with one stone.

The equipment is solved, should the infrastructure of the factory be considered? The UAE can’t build it on its own, Japan and South Korea’s own aviation industries are in a mess, and Europe and the United States are not comfortable with China. What should we do?

Of course, you have to use China's own.

Ascendas Group does not have its own construction team, but through its controlling China Merchants Bank, there are several large collective construction companies in the SAR with indirect shares. In addition, Ascendas Group has been involved in infrastructure equipment manufacturing in the past. Although powerful infrastructure companies cannot make a lot of money, it is fine to make a small profit.

With the plant and equipment, the rest is production. The spare parts need to be provided by Ascendas Group to make a fortune; the daily maintenance and debugging of the production line requires the assistance of Ascendas Group to make a fortune; no one in the UAE does first-line production Need to provide labor dispatch from Ascendas Group, but also make a fortune.

Until the last Zhi-12 was produced and dumped in Arab countries, it was even more profitable.

What? Complex maintenance?

Please, don’t talk about top toys such as Lali, Lamborghini, and Gulfstream 550. Even a limited-edition Chanel bag cannot be maintained once by ordinary small households. Therefore, straight-12 maintenance is expensive. , After all, it is the luxury of helicopters, the existence of invincible sea, land and air, the Arab prince’s first choice for eagles, if it’s cheaper, I’ll ask you if you lose your share, not lose face~www.wuxiaspot.com~As for the small There are many faults and maintenance difficulties, so there are many reasons to explain. After all, it is extravagant and delicate like a girl. You princes who love to play medieval riding don't know how to pity, of course there is a problem.

If you encounter a shaft, you don’t listen to the explanation. The UAE is not a display. The military virtue is not sufficient, but it has the ability to make money. Which prince dares to blow up his hair, believe it or not, will stop your monthly payment next month.

With such an operation, although the shipment volume of Zhi-12 helicopters will not be too large, it is enough to learn from experience. In this way, through the use of Arab countries, Ascendas Group can continue to find and solve problems. The Zhi-12 has been improved and matured, and then returned to China to fight again with Russian, European, American and domestic manufacturers.

It can be said that Zhuang Jianye has played a big game in helicopter cooperation. If it weren't for this, a resource-based country like the UAE would not be able to pick up such a big bargain if it had money.

However, from another perspective, it is the Ascendas Group that gets the cheapest. Otherwise, Zhuang Jianye's interests are paramount, and the aviation industry knows that it is impossible to make a loss-making business.

Of course, the UAE’s own situation is there. I don’t understand what the aviation industry is. I’m very tempted to hear Pakistan’s side words, but I don’t really treat the money as money, so I can only find a few. A cousin from the seven aunts and eight aunts helped to check.

Only then did the spokespersons of countries such as Egypt, Algeria, and Syria, which are full of military virtues, be called over and examined from the "professional" perspective of their military.

In other countries, Zhuang Jianye may be a little worried. In Arab countries, Zhuang Jianye has relaxed a lot. The old aviation industry knows the king. I don’t know what the Arab brothers like?


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