Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 976: "Invisible" we are serious

Not only that, it should be known that in addition to radars near the Hongqi-7 anti-aircraft missile position, infrared detection equipment is also equipped, and these equipment seem to be equally ineffective against the “silent ones” who have been flying overhead.

Aside from this, the noise that helicopters usually have can also be heard by ground defenders not far from the "silencer", right?

The result is the same as the previous Zhi-2 light helicopter. Under the action of sea breeze and the working noise of air defense equipment, the ground personnel did not notice the sky at all.

Undetectable by radar and invisible by infrared equipment, coupled with noise control like the Zhi-2 light helicopter, the "silencer" is just as silent as its name, hovering quietly above the enemy's head.

"This...this...this...is the legendary invisibility?"

After a few minutes of silence in the general tuning hall, a leader of the troops finally reacted, raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at the "silent" helicopter that had been circling unscrupulously in the depths of the defense on the screen, and finally said The words that have been raised in the hearts of the leaders, but are still shocking.

Yes, this sentence is really shocking enough.

Once upon a time, when these leaders saw the US military's F-117 stealth attack aircraft coming and going like wind over Iraq, where the air defense system is more complete than the domestic air defense system, it was shocking.

When the United States began to officially test the fourth-generation fighter F-22 in recent years, the super-powerful performance with stealth as the core has completely defeated almost all third-generation fighters, making even the third-generation fighters not widely equipped in China. Shocked.

Although later, based on the new style of military struggle, the headquarters proposed the "new three strikes" of fighting helicopters, cruise missiles, and stealth fighters, and used this to construct new combat policies to meet the urgent needs of military struggles under the new situation.

But how to fight this new three-fight, how to fight, go up to the headquarters, go down to the grassroots level, but have no idea, especially for stealth fighters, because there is no relevant equipment, it is impossible to figure out the specific performance of this type of equipment, except for some points. There is no way to make substantive progress beyond the theoretical research on the paper.

The more it turned out to be, some of the troops felt an unattainable feeling of depression in the United States.

You don't even know the basic performance of other stealth aircraft, how do you fight?

Especially after major events, this kind of frustration seems to have a tendency to spread. Especially in the face of the endless advancement of technology in the United States, which crushes the world's new equipment, many people in China are no longer depressed, but about to collapse.

There is no way, the gap is too big, so big that it is completely desperate.

And this is also an important reason why domestic technicians in related fields have left the country in recent years. They can't get people at all, and they have to hold on. It's better to pack up and go there. Maybe the country really collapsed that day. Isn't it true that you can make a good return home when you come back?

It is such a preconceived idea that takes root in their hearts. When the leaders of these forces see the "silent" helicopter that can "stealth", they will see the F-117 more than they did in the Gulf War; they saw it at the US military test flight site. Still shocked at F-22.

Can our country actually produce stealth aircraft?

We are actually no worse than Europe and America in terms of stealth aircraft?

I also have equipment for this stealth aircraft?


The three questions of various souls exploded in the minds of the leaders, which set off brainstorm after brainstorm, and finally turned into a coincident voice: Is all this true?

"Give me Zhuang Jianye from Ascendas Group!"

The head of the headquarters seemed to be a little surprised. He did not expect the Army Aviation Special Forces Brigade to use stealth helicopters in the exercises so quickly, but at the moment, the head of the headquarters has no time to entangle these. Seeing that the leaders of a kind of troops around him are like sleepwalking, in " In front of the helicopter screen, I didn’t know if I was living in an illusion or reality. The head of the headquarters simply ordered the next staff to call Zhuang Jianye.

After being connected, the head of the headquarters directly Antong hands-free and made the call public to everyone present.

"Xiao Zhuang, I am now in the General Office of the Director's Department of the annual exercise. The Silent Man you produced has been used in the exercise by the Army Aviation Special Forces Brigade. Many leaders who are observing have some doubts about this. Come and report to them. , Some circumstances of the'silencer'."

"This one……"

At the moment, Zhuang Jianye had just sent Zarif away, and he was eating barbecue seafood with Xia Baolong and the others on the island, when the head of the headquarters called after him.

Of course, this is not the reason for Zhuang Jianye’s hesitation, but because the "silencer" has been a confidential project known to a few people until now. It is not clear how many people at the headquarters know about Zhuang Jianye. Anyway, only Zhuang Jianye really knows this project in Ascendas Group. , Song Yanan in charge of materials and Gu Jingyou in charge of overall design.

In addition, even Lin Guanghua and Peng Chuan, the veterans of the Ascendas Group, don't know what the "Silent" model does. They just clear that this is a special model ordered outside of the Army Aviation plan, and they don't know anything else.

As a result, it was such a highly confidential model. Since the head of the headquarters asked him to introduce it, Zhuang Jianye really wanted to tell this big man, sir, can you bypass the small one?

Even if I said deliberately, the problem is that the surrounding environment does not allow it.

The head of the headquarters also seemed to find that he was acting too hastily. After all, the phone was very lively, and it was obviously hilarious to a certain extent, but now the mood in the general office has been brewing to a certain extent, can you stop the spread of that depression? , Now is an excellent opportunity.

So the head of the headquarters hesitated slightly, then spoke again: "Then briefly talk about your experience."

The head of the headquarters bit the words "simple" and "experience" a little bit hard. Although Zhuang Jianye drank a few cups of alcohol and his head was a little dizzy, he heard the implication of the head of the headquarters, so he coughed lightly, which was quite burning. Said: "My experience is just one sentence,'invisibility' we are serious!"

As the saying goes, the fewer words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the bigger the matter, this sentence may not be a big deal to others, but it is no less than a thunder that thundered in the ears of the leaders of the troops.

Although there are no mainstream stealth aircraft such as F-117 and F-22, the Silent Helicopter has allowed the country to touch the threshold of stealth. Since there is a breakthrough from zero to one, will it be far from one to one hundred? ?

"Lao Meng, what do you think of the Silent? Do you also think that its noise reduction is also electric drive?" Just as the leaders rejoiced that there was an aircraft like the Silent, the head of the headquarters Suddenly turned his head to look at Meng Qingguo.

Meng Qingguo was at a loss for words. You know that just now he vowed to say that such a good noise reduction performance as Zhi-2 can only be achieved in light helicopters. As a result, what he said was still in his ears. The Army Aviation Special Forces Brigade released one. The Silent", slapped his face.

There is no way to "silencer" but a typical medium-sized helicopter, according to Meng Qingguo's theory, should not be powered by electricity. As a result, this "silencer" is actually better than straight-2, whether it is infrared control or noise control. , This made Meng Qingguo a little confused, and he didn't know whether his theory was wrong or the Ascendas Group used Zenith Black Technology.

But this cannot be said to the head of the headquarters, he can only answer with an awkward blushing face: "I...I...I don't know too well."

Hearing that the head of the headquarters smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't know it, just figure it out, otherwise how can you work if you are confused?"

As he said, he got up from his seat and waved at Meng Qingguo and the others: "Go, go to the helicopter production plant of Ascendas Group and see what new tricks they use!"


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