Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1004: M&A amount: US$5.7 billion

Seoul International Airport.

Mu Guangying, Zhao Qianyi and others came to the site of the Daewoo Group’s major strategic adjustment conference in advance according to the arrangement. Just as they were seated, Mu Guangying was frozen by the sudden cold wind and immediately complained: “Daewoo Group is What's wrong? Knowing that the weather in November is extremely cold, wouldn't it be good to put such an important press conference in an open outdoor area like the airport?"

It's no wonder that Mu Guangying is like this. He is from a certain island, and he went to the United States and lived in Florida for a long time. How could he withstand the **** weather of South Korea with cold waves and sea breeze.

After hearing this, Zhao Qianyi nodded immediately: "Who said no, I have never been used to the ghostly weather in Korea, especially in winter. As a result..."

However, when Zhao Qianyi's emotions were in place and he was about to explode in foul language, he suddenly stopped talking. It was because of the executive vice president of KAI Aerospace Group controlled by Daewoo Group and the second son of Daewoo Group President Jin Yuzhe. Walk towards them.

After shook hands with the two politely, Jin Yuzhe asked concerned in English: "Do you think it's too cold here?"

Mu Guangying and Zhao Qianyi glanced at each other, and were about to deny them, but they didn’t expect Jin Yuzhe to take the initiative to speak: “Actually, I also think it’s too cold here. To be honest, if it wasn’t for the release of the Asia Express, the most important product of the group in the next decade. , I won’t put the press conference in such a ghostly place. There is no way. Only here in Korea can we put such a big guy."

Although it is known that Daewoo Group’s choice of Seoul International Airport as the venue for the press conference is bound to have something to do with the transformation of aviation manufacturing, it still surprised Mu Guangying and Zhao Qianyi. They did not expect Daewoo Group to be so fast, it would actually be comparable to the Boeing 757. Is the "Asia Express" available?

It’s no wonder that the two of them were so shocked. You must know that this civil aviation aircraft project, called -2000 by China and the "Asia Express" by South Korea, has made good progress in the initial design, but because Daewoo Group and Ascendas Group are in the final assembly The continuous disagreement on the line setting, system integration and other technical details has led to not much progress in the entire project.

As a result, the so-called "end-of-the-century super project" acquired by Daewoo Group and several major consortiums in South Korea for more than US$7 billion is like a dystocia baby, torturing every Korean nerve.

I thought that such a super project would continue to have twists and turns, and when it was difficult to determine the time to land, Jin Yuzhe suddenly stated that the highlight of this strategic conference was the launch of the "Asia Express".

What does this show?

Daewoo Group officially took the Ascendas Group?

"Although Jianye Zhuang of Ascendas Group is very reluctant, he has no way to deal with the huge financial deficit of his own company. Therefore, the president gave him two choices, or now honestly transfer all of Ascendas Group's related'Asia Express' The project is merged into the Daewoo Group, and then enjoys a 15% equity share every year; or accepts a one-time equity acquisition agreement of US$5.7 billion to get the money away."

Before Mu Guangying and Zhao Qianyi were relieved from their surprise, they were stunned by Jin Yuzhe's next words. After a while, Zhao Qianyi asked nerdyly: "That...that...Zhuang Jianye chose the latter? "

"Yes, I said, he has no choice, and today is the signing day of the equity purchase agreement. At that time, under the witness of Daewoo Group employees, and under the supervision of hundreds of domestic and foreign media, the formal signing of the agreement will be completed. protocol.

Then start the button, and the huge hangar on the opposite side slowly opened, and the full-size model of the'Asia Express' slowly pulled out under the guidance of the tractor, officially declaring Daewoo's transformation of aviation manufacturing to become Asia's first and world's third aviation industry. The group, you guys tell me whether it will be better to stay in Daewoo or to take off, um~~~"

Before he finished his words, Jin Yuzhe looked at Mu Guangying and Zhao Qianyi with a playful look. The two of them felt a little bit of heart. They didn't expect that they had contacted Tengfei in private, and they were about to quit. The second son of the Jin family knew about it, and he was not surprised. That's strange.

Seeing Mu Guangying and Zhao Qianyi being pierced by his own words, they immediately frightened like a quail. A triumphant smile appeared on Jin Yuzhe's face. He immediately patted Zhao Qianyi's arm and pressed Mou Guangying's shoulder: "Look at your face with coldness, I will ask someone to give you two electric warmers later, don't worry, as long as it is my Jin Yuzhe employee, they will not be treated badly!"

After finishing speaking, he led a kind of subordinates, brushed shoulders with Mu Guangying and Zhao Qianyi, and walked slowly toward the top VIP seat, which was also the signing of the equity transfer agreement with Ascendas Group.

At this time, a middle-aged man next to Jin Yuzhe leaned into Jin Yuzhe’s ear and whispered, “President, for people like Mu Guangying who are unfaithful, we should deal with them sooner.”

"If it wasn't for my father's serious illness, and the family's various brothers and sisters, I would have driven Mu Guangying out of Daewoo, but now, my father has appointed me to take charge of the KAI Aerospace Group and give an overview of Daewoo's transformation of aviation manufacturing. I cannot Because of personal likes and dislikes, things that are not conducive to the group happen.

It is true that Mu Guangying does not have a strong sense of belonging, but after all, he has the ability. Before our own talent team is formed, we still need his help. This is like taking off the group before we have all the technologies of the "Asia Express". Just like Zhuang Jianye's strong support, as for after getting it... it depends on their performance. "

Jin Woo-cheol talked and walked, with a full-fledged voice and a vigorous pace, just like a monarch in the heyday of the Lee Dynasty of North Korea, facing three thousand miles of rivers and mountains, slamming Fang Qiu, holding the universe and everything, a domineering mess.

And the people around, whether it's the middle-aged person who asked the question or another gray-haired old man~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they all fell behind half a step and nodded frequently.

No way, now the entire Daewoo Group, from the president, Mr. Jin, to the cleaning aunt, all know that the executive vice president of the KAI Aerospace Group has made a great contribution to the Daewoo Group.

That is to fly to the capital overnight, talk with the head of the VIP room at the airport with Zhuang Jianye, who is about to leave for South Korea, and finally win the remaining 22% of the shares of Ascendas Group and CITIC for US$5.7 billion. So far, the 2000 project It officially broke away from the control of China and became an authentic Korean-led large aircraft project.

Not only do they have the power, they also have the initiative, and more importantly, the full set of technologies, blueprints and even craftsmanship, all of which were obtained through US$5.7 billion.

The president of Daewoo Group, who was seriously ill, learned of the incident, and, apart from anything else, he immediately turned off the process of major strategic adjustments to hide behind the scenes. He pushed Jin Yuzhe to the front desk and asked him to host the entire press conference on his behalf. The meaning is obvious, that is to treat Jin Yuzhe as his successor.

Jin Yuzhe, who became famous in World War I, is very energetic, and this press conference is an important step for him to step into the world’s top aviation industry with the head of Ascendas Group. Therefore, he not only wants to let the world know the ambitions of Daewoo Group, but also Through Zhuang Jianye's sadness, let the world remember his brilliant name, Jin Yuzhe.

Just as Jin Yuzhe was walking and thinking about how to stand out in front of the powerful Zhuang Jianye, a staff member suddenly ran over and whispered in Jin Yuzhe's ear. Before he could listen to Jin Yuzhe, he looked panicked. Said: "What are you talking about? Zhuang Jianye's plane has suffered a serious mechanical failure and will make an emergency landing?"


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