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Chapter 1034: Academy Defense War (2)


The first thousand and thirty-four chapters of the Academy Defense War (2)

It was not until the disaster of the nuclear explosion that people saw those sad and uncomfortable images, and reminiscent of the materials occasionally released by Tang Fang and the international quan organization, that people felt the same and understood the suffering of the people of Mongolia. In the words of some people, the border between Monya and the Star Alliance is like a river leading to hell.

In this way, hatred became the only emotion of the Star Alliance people towards the Monya Empire. Even the anti-war activists who had advocated peaceful settlement of disputes no longer took to the streets and no longer attacked the Adam government, but gradually changed their attitudes, hope Ability to erase the evil government that disrespects life, blasphemes people, and has no humanity at all, from the Hillumbel region, so that the members of the Stewart family who regard Kirklaf I as their own will pay their dues for their actions. cost.

If the Star Alliance society was concerned about national sovereignty in the past, then what now permeates the entire country is the hatred of the Stewart family. What people want is to overthrow that evil government ti, and is no longer limited to their own sovereign interests.

For the Gambez Star System Garrison Navy, their only idea is to let everyone in the Deep Submersible fleet go to hell. Even if they raise their hands and surrender, they will not hesitate to bombard the black warships that have been cursed by the endless souls. .

Yes, the Deep Submersible fleet has created a lot of fear in the Star League, but it has also spawned a huge amount of hatred.

When the hostile parties fought fiercely with different emotions, the Morrowind entered the stellar system through the safe passage planned by the prophet ship, appeared on the front line of the battlefield, and then dropped several boarding six boats to the space station without warning.

In order to prevent the Star Alliance Navy 6 team from boarding 6, the Deep Submersible fleet began to counterattack. Tang Fang threw a 5oo population of mosquitoes into the battlefield in one breath, turning it into a black tornado, and directly ruining nearly a hundred warships in the front, so that Dong Bailey and others recovered from the frenzy, annoyed by this huge loss.

From the appearance of Tang Fang’s naval units to the blasting mosquitoes sweeping the vanguard fleet, the Deep Submersible fleet has lost more than 40 warships, although it has also caused damage to 3 T-ships and 1 blue starship to retreat. Many golden aircraft and The guided missile frigate was blown up, and the garrisoned navy also had 10 warship casualties. However, this kind of battle result could not bring any comfort to their psychology at all, on the contrary, the mood became heavier.

How much is a battleship worth of the Deep Submersible Fleet? How much is the 4th-generation warship of the Gambez Garrison Naval Fleet worth? I'm afraid the difference is tens or hundreds of times. A lot of money was lost by the opponent...

Although the imperial government’s money from the pockets of civilians is as simple as eating and drinking water, although those civilians have been working for the country from birth to death... No, it should be said that they are slaves of the aristocracy, whether it is birth, old age, sickness, death, clothing, food, shelter, etc. The Stewart family creates value. Although Kirklaf I had a golden mountain and silver mountain cash cow, a money burning fleet like the Deep Submersible Fleet is not to say that it can be quickly formed by simply undergrounding a decree.

Dong Bailey's heart was bleeding. On the one hand, he regretted the losses, and on the other hand, he was worried that he would not be able to leave here, and eventually turned into a mass of space junk, and he could no longer enjoy the glory and wealth.

Andhra did not have time to excite and cheer for Tang Fang's generous work, only because the communications officer just sent a message that the Navy 6 members of the Morrowind have already boarded the board under the command of Dalton Evelyn. The boat entered the space station and was engaged in a firefight with Navy Team 6 belonging to the Deep Submersible Fleet.

Only then did he and the generals of the general staff react, guilty that they were busy taking revenge on the Deep Submersible fleet, and forgot to take the opportunity to drop 6 fighters on the space station to rescue the faculty, staff and students trapped above. So he hurriedly ordered the fleet to switch to the defensive formation, and at the same time ordered the Navy 6 soldiers to board the boat urgently and perform rescue missions.

On a Minotaur-class battle cruise ship at the back, Tang Fang was also taken aback by the news from the communications officer.

The stubborn old man of Dalton Evelyn...he didn't even care about his life safety, leading the Morrowind's Navy 6 crew to kill the past recklessly, really a desperate guy.

In fact, he understood the old man's mood very well. Andra and others did not know another identity of the Naval Engineering Academy, he and Dalton knew. There are not only the previously captured damaged ships of the Deep Submersible fleet and various precious data collected during the research process, but also many high-tech talents. Once in the hands of the Monya Navy, if the opponent cannot escape The dog jumped over the wall and killed those people directly, blowing up the Naval Engineering Institute. For the Star Alliance, even if the Deep Submersible fleet can be wiped out, there is no perfect victory.

The coordinating agent arranged by the Star Alliance was really unlucky. It happened to be in the attack area of ​​the Deep Submersible fleet, so there was no time to contact the Morrowind hidden in the outer deep space, and unfortunately died. As a result, it was a step late to let the Deep Submersible fleet. The Deng 6 troops invaded the Naval Engineering Academy. Presumably... Lieutenant General Dalton took this mistake to himself...

In order to make this bureau appear real, to prevent the secret agents of the Monya Empire from being abnormal, and because they did not know when the Deep Submersible fleet would come, this operation was not only kept secret from the garrisoned navy, but also did not tell the people in the Naval Engineering Institute. So under the enemy's lightning attack, it was impossible to evacuate all of them.

Only some elderly staff were given priority to be sent to the shuttle to leave, and most of the faculty, staff and scientific researchers remained in the refuge facilities of the space station, relying on the guarding and support of security guards. If they were killed by the Deep Submersible Fleet because of this operation, then everyone including Dalton Evelyn, who made this plan, bears an inescapable responsibility.

Therefore, it is easy to understand the behavior of Mr. Lieutenant General. He has been under too much psychological pressure, and he does not want to see the people of the Naval Engineering Institute lose their precious lives because of their mistakes.

The old man standing in the viewing cabin of the ship, holding the wine bottle in his hand and pouring it into his mouth, became clear again.

Tang Fang sighed and ordered Emma to slow down the attack on the Deep Submersible fleet. At the same time, he sent someone to contact Andra, the head of the garrisoned naval fleet, and also asked them to slow down the attack to reduce the pressure on the Deep Submersible fleet.

This was the first time he contacted the garrisoned naval fleet after his appearance. When Andra and others saw him, their expressions were very excited, until they heard the following words, some guys with a stubborn face were puzzled, I don’t know the key At that moment, why did Captain Tang choose to release the water instead of sending those damned guys to **** in one go.

As the commander of a fleet, Andra is certainly not a fool. In a blink of an eye, he figured out Tang Fang's motives for doing this, and without further explanation, he immediately ordered the ships under his command to shrink their fronts and try to reduce the fire suppression of the Deep Submersible fleet as much as possible.

We must know that the people in the Naval Academy of Engineering have not been rescued yet. The Morrowind 6 team led by Dalton is fighting with the Deng 6 unit sent by the Deep Submersible fleet. The garrisoned Navy 6 team has just arrived at the destination. Join the clan. In this case, if the opponent is forced into a desperate situation, maybe those guys will devote their minds to a piece of jade and burn them and blow up the entire space station. The Star Alliance Navy is not the Munya Navy, and must take into account the safety of those non-combatants.

With the cooperation of Andhra, the joint attack formed by Tang’s combat units and the garrisoned naval fleet has gradually eased from radicalization. The ships of the Deep Submersible fleet slowly stabilized their positions, and there was enough space to adjust their formations and take back those The small fleet that has been divided can avoid further expansion of losses.

From the perspective of the situation, this is a good thing, but Dong Bailey Motherwell is not happy. Andhra is not an idiot, and naturally neither is he, just a moment of thinking about it, he wants to understand the other party's motive for doing this.

Although based on the current situation, the Deep Submersible fleet is in a bad situation, and it has completely become a turtle in the urn. Even if the opponent deliberately slows down the offensive, as time goes on, the Deep Submersible fleet's battleships will gradually decrease, and it will eventually be difficult to escape. End of destruction. But if he was asked to give up like this, he would be very unwilling to join the people from the Naval Academy of Engineering.

Kirklaf saw Dong Bailey's loyalty, but did not understand the mentality and emotions of a guy who climbed from the populace to the top of the pyramid when facing wealth and glory-as long as he can see that he is alive Hope, I will never choose the road of no return.

In Dong Bailey's view, as long as he is still alive, as long as he keeps on working hard, he will definitely find a way out. Until the last moment, he will never give up lightly.

Now the Deep Submersible fleet is surrounded by Tang Fang and the garrisoned naval fleet. It is not too much to say that it is closed and beaten by dogs. But what if those 6 soldiers sent to the Naval Academy of Engineering caught many scientific researchers with Iger Stetman? Can he be taken as a hostage in exchange for the opportunity to escape from his birth? It is said that Captain Tang is a very good person under his opponent...

It is true that this kind of firmness is commendable and is an excellent character. However, in many cases, good things do not necessarily bring good results...everything has two sides.

Dong Bailey was hesitant, unwilling to accept defeat, and when he was lucky in the current battle situation, Tang Fang was also hesitating whether to transport the newly-unlocked centurion to the space station. On the one hand, he wanted to test how strong their combat effectiveness was. On the other hand, I was afraid of pushing the other party in a hurry, and I really jumped over the wall in a hurry to die together.

He didn't know that the commander of the Deep Submersible fleet was Mr. Dong Bailey, and naturally he didn't know what the opponent was like. He just considered the problem in the most logical way and made a decision.

When Tang Lin left the bridge and came back, he had put on the harsh environment protective clothing neatly, and expressed his wishes with practical actions. On the other hand, according to the video data synchronized by Andhra’s flagship, the situation on the side of the stationed navy is not optimistic.

As the most elite fleet of the Monya Empire, the Deep Submersible Fleet is equipped with the navy 6 squadron which is also at the vanguard level. Its equipment cost is even higher than that of blood wolf members. From the dual-use sniper/charge and the multi-function rifle with grenade launcher, To the high-frequency dagger used in close combat, the special power armor comparable to the defense power of the Earth King Kong-class power armor, and to the anti-interference small quantum communication equipment... On the other hand, the equipment of the 6th warrior is simply shabby, not at all. The enemy's opponent fell directly into a weak position after boarding the 6 boat, was hit hard with his head held down, and suffered a lot of casualties.

The old man Dalton Evelyn was even more stubborn to make people speechless. Even in the face of the Deep Submersible Fleet Marine Team 6, which had a combat power several times that of his own troops, he still desperately got into the front line of the battle to command. Don't care about your own age disadvantages and physical defects.

He thought carefully for a moment, and finally sighed, sending Tanglin and Freya to lead a hidden mobile unit composed of ghosts, ghosts, and dark templars to board a special operations transport ship with stealth functions, preparing to follow the structural characteristics of the space station. Sneak into the area close to the refuge from places that are not easily perceived, and give priority to ensuring the safety of the hostages.

Of course, Mr. Iger Stetman is not in this list. The guy who always puts personal interests in the first place, not thinking about picking up girls or going on vacation, knows that he has been betrayed by Captain Tang again and has become a bait to attract enemies. He rarely gives him a middle finger, but swiftly. He took out his own special-purpose power armor and put it on his body, protecting the scientific researchers behind him, turning it into the last line of defense.

At this moment, he seemed so reliable, his back was so tall, and the expression on his face was so resolute. He was completely unlike the unreliable scientists who used to be hippie smiling, sneaky, and malicious.

Tang Fang was very surprised what was wrong with this product, suddenly opened up, or said there is any hidden secret? He didn't realize until he saw a ponytail in a white coat ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a ponytail hanging from the back of his head. The round little bun face perfectly explained what is called innocent and cute female intern, and then he realized that there was a touch of the corner of his mouth. With a helpless smile, I said to my heart that Iger? Stetman, a coward, was uncharacteristically, and turned out to be a flower protector.

So...do you want to satisfy the scientist's wish? But what if I really let the enemy in and scare Iger to pee on his pants? Isn't that a malicious teardown?

His cranky thoughts were interrupted by a sudden situation. The special operations transport ship driven by Tang Lin has not yet entered the space station. It has just repaired a communication node and contacted the security personnel in the m-oo area of ​​the space station. An urgent message from the flagship... to be precise, a piece of video data.

The m-oo zone did not exist in the planning of the Naval Engineering Academy. The garrisoned Navy 6 soldiers who communicated with the security personnel once thought that it was a trap carefully arranged by the enemy to attract them to the past and annihilate them in one fell swoop. It was not until the top military commander and the director of the Naval Engineering Academy who were responsible for the garrison mission confirmed it, and used state secrets as a reason, that the commander of the 6th garrisoned navy team paid attention to this information and informed Andhra, and then passed it to Tang Fang The Minotaur-class battle cruiser where it is located is played on the central big screen. (To be continued.) 8


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