Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1051: Break through the blockade (part 1)

One after another, young people with passion for serving the country and the idea of ​​serving the country died in front of him. If in the Karilan-Ruttonado no-man’s land battle, the death caused by the battleship and battleship duel was a bit confused and unreal because I didn’t witness the whole process with my own eyes, then the death that was happening before my eyes was really real. To make people irrefutable, even deceive oneself and others, use spiritual force to comfort

Can't do it.

Dalton Evelyn glanced at an airship docked on the apron on the left hand side. The hull was about 70 meters long, and its outline was similar to that of the ruined warship, except that there was only one cross-head, a V-type aircraft. The wings are also a pair, which looks like a castrated version of the mothership.

In fact, he was not looking at the airship, but the mechanical monster with its teeth and claws on the airship. If it stretched out its tentacles, it could easily hit the one hiding behind the bunker, but it didn't do that, even if it used the crimson one-eyed in the middle of the face to the right to face him for a long time.

This is not the first time that [无][false] novels ww.qulu.m have appeared. Since they appeared, there have been five or six times. Even if he deliberately provoked with a gun, he couldn’t draw hatred, those monsters. It's like not seeing his existence.

The guards around him were anxious to obstruct this desperate behavior at first, but later simply let them go. Anyway, those mechanical monsters wouldn't behave like a lieutenant. Of course, this kind of special treatment is limited to him alone. If he is replaced by someone else, there will only be one end-death.

People like Black 5 and Black 6 are not fools, and the Marines belonging to the Morrowind are not fools either. After the lieutenant general experienced a fourth escape, the Sergeant Major thought of a possibility, and then told Dalton of this speculation. The reason why those mechanical monsters allowed the lieutenant’s provocative behavior was not because they could not see it, but because Someone instructed to do so. When they were trapped on the first floor of the hangar, the security soldiers contacted Tang Fang's combat units briefly, hoping to help them break the enemy's blockade and leave here.

After that, due to the sudden intensification of communication interference from the enemy, both parties lost contact, and then the three-faced monster appeared on the scene, killing only the grass-roots combat soldiers, completely ignoring the existence of Dalton Evelyn. Moreover, judging from the combat capabilities of the Three-faced Monster, they can clearly eliminate the joint force composed of security soldiers and the Marines belonging to the Morrowind, but they choose to gradually eat away and play with them to kill the Star Alliance soldiers.

Then contact the Marines of the Deep Submersible Fleet and a few unfamiliar soldiers wearing different styles of power armor and holding Gauss rifles to build a firepower blockade before and after the exit. The combat behavior is very passive and not active at all.

They and them, for doing so? The answer is ready.

Yes, as trapped beasts, they became decoys for the enemy, used to attract Tang Fang's combat units into the hangar. That's why those three-sided monsters will selectively ignore Dalton Evelyn, let him provoke him, and let him go crazy.

This is a trap, using Tang Fang's friendship with the lieutenant general, using Tang Fang's kindness, and a carefully arranged trap.

But they had no way to inform Tang Fang, reminding him that this was an enemy's conspiracy. The strong interference has completely shielded their communication with the outside world, and even the communication between the teams distributed in different areas in the hangar has become intermittent and extremely blocked.

They came to help the security soldiers, but they did not expect that they would eventually become a tool used by the enemy to drag Tang Fang down.

The sergeant chief did not say much, but the commander of the security soldier kept asking, "Do... do it?"

The first one was to remind Tang Fang not to be fooled, the latter one was to think about what they could do to escape the desperate situation and survive the war. As security soldiers guarding the Naval Engineering Institute, they have never imagined that they will face such a complicated situation... Now they want to protect the national property and the safety of their compatriots. It cannot be done with a simple patriotism.

Dalton was silent. What can he say? Can he have a way?

The sound of gunshots is getting rarer, and the resistance is getting weaker and weaker. Not only because the soldiers died one after another, but also because their morale had fallen to the extreme, many people wanted to resist, but also to die, to waste their energy to resist?

This is totally different from what was shown on the screen and what the government promoted. The enemy is not so mentally retarded, and his sincerity does not necessarily lead to victory, as it is now, it can only be reduced to a tool used by the enemy to attack Tang Fang.

Did not help, but became a burden. Did not hold the national property, but became a hostage... This is really very, very ironic, this is really very, very sad.

Some people looked at Dalton Evelyn, who was taciturn and hadn't said a few words since they got into trouble, and felt that they could understand Lieutenant General's mood. This kind of thing will not feel good on anyone with a conscience.

Huh... a tentacles from the tri-face monster bypassed the barrier of the bunker and pierced the full helmet of the Lancer II power armor from above. The last second-class soldier died without making any sound. The blood spread on the ground in front of him, slowly turning into a pool of red blood.

The sergeant master is not under the control of the three-faced monster, but he does not spare those vicious and crude words to greet the family and elders of the madman. With the intelligence of a mechanical monster, he would definitely not do such meaningless things. It must be ordered by people to select second-class and first-class soldiers who have not been in the army for a long time. Ravaged youth, trampled on blood.

It is a pity that he did not personally witness the undifferentiated offensive of the relic warship against the Gambez star system garrisoned naval fleet and the Deep Submersible fleet. If he had seen such a scene, he might understand the pilot's approach. Because this is the style of the 6 adults, this is in line with the interests of the 6 adults.

Many people are not reconciled, but what can be done if they are not reconciled? Can not rush out, beat and beat, completely become a turtle in the urn.

Just when they couldn't see hope and gradually gave up resistance, an abnormal noise came from the sky. It turned out that the second-story lifting platform slowly fell. The face of the master sergeant is even more ugly. Now the three-faced monsters in the field are unable to deal with them. Many people lose their courage and confidence. Face the enemy's reinforcements, fight and resist?

When the negative thoughts were boiling in my mind, I suddenly heard a beast roar from above, and then a huge black shadow fell from the sky, slamming directly on the armor of the castrated version of the ruin battleship, making a huge noise, and the entire platform vibrated.

The armor of the castrated version of the ruined warship was very hard, and it was not dented or broken due to the fall of the black shadow, so it can be said to be undamaged. However, the three-faced monster who stood on it just now became a pitiful beast wailing at the feet of the giant beast. Pieces of black shadows flew all around, falling to the ground and crackling, frightening some people. They looked down at the many broken tentacles. Although they left the body, they twisted and rolled freely. Like a living thing.

Just now the three-faced monster used this to pierce the bodies of the second-class soldiers, but until now, the invincible mechanical monster was torn apart by a larger creature to shoot people...looks...looks like a slim and slender creature. The enchanting is being dismembered and torn apart by a beast that doesn't understand pity, fragrance, and jade.

This is not beautiful at all, but it is very hate-free.

At this moment, the two tri-face monsters that came to support suddenly lost their speed and floated from the ground as if they were in a weightless space. Then a dazzling lightning storm appeared, and the current shook the face and tentacles of the tri-face monster. The piercing thunder sounded, like countless small scalpels, cutting nail-sized wounds one after another, leaving large burn marks.

The two three-faced monsters finally regained gravity, and fell to the ground one after another. There was a small electric current spreading on the surface of the watch, and many small tentacles between the faces were still twitching gently.

An angel-like figure jumped from the elevator platform and slowly landed without the influence of external force, with one slender leg in front and one bending backward, like a ribbon of solidified light fluttering behind him.

Many people were dumbfounded, unconsciously showing a pilgrimage-like expression on their faces. It was so long before they shook their heads vigorously, awakening from a trance state, seeing the somewhat vicious face clearly, and realizing that the slowly falling figure did not land on the world. angel.

But is there a difference? Although its face is not beautiful at all, it is sending the three-faced monsters into **** just like the giant beast in front. In other words, they are saving these people.

The lifting platform is not used to transport the three-sided monster, it is used to transport the three-sided monster enemy! Where do they come from? Is it?

At the same moment, the sky lowered several small platforms again. The harsh sound of the machine gun rotation and the sharp sound of the bullet hitting the bunker beat the eardrums like a storm. The rocket left a smoke dragon at low altitude and hit the blockade bunker. Burst into a fireball.

A familiar voice came from the communication band, "General...General...what are you like?"

It is the companion who has just been sent to the upper level to support the security soldiers! The Chief Sergeant felt hot in his heart and said excitedly that you are down? Didn't you encounter the enemy's sniper, or to say..."

"Yes, he is here." When the word "he" was said, the voice trembled.

The Sergeant Major was not happy at all, but was shocked, "Where is he? Quickly tell him, this is a conspiracy... It's a trap set by the enemy to lure him!"

The man was not excited by his roar, and cleared his throat with a cough, then said to him. "

"He? He's coming? This stupid..." The Sergeant Chief didn't say everything, his eyes swept over the invincible two figures, one fat and one thin, and he was suddenly startled. From that guy to the Star Covenant, only real idiots would call him a "stupid", such as those who said that he rebelled against the Star Covenant government by hitting the rocks with eggs. But none of the truly smart people and political elites call him "stupid."

Tang Fang came here to save them, obviously this is a trap! He is such a wise man who chose to be a fool in order to save them... Is he a fool? He is not. And they are the least qualified to say that he is a fool.

The sergeant chief observed carefully and did not find Tang Fang's figure on the small lifting platform that fell into the air, nor did he receive any response when calling in the communication frequency band. Where did that guy go?

The people on the Star Alliance side did not expect the friendly forces to come from the sky, and the Marines under the Deep Submersible Fleet were also caught off guard by the bullet rain falling above their heads, and looked very embarrassed.

The situation of the entire battlefield was reversed in a blink of an eye. The Monya naval soldiers who had the advantage and were relaxed and happy faced the enemy from the condescending position. The low bunker almost lost its function. A narrow area to avoid attacks from the sky.

The people from the Anubis Legion clearly told them that the six masters had obtained control of the ruins, and most of the equipment was under his control, but because the enemy would come down from the second floor, those lifting platforms fell into the enemy's hands?

Perhaps it was the reception of a call for help from the Mongolian officer ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or it might be the situation of the hangar seen from the monitoring equipment. A large platform in the center of the cabin fell quickly from the third floor, as if a three-sided monster like an army jumped from above. Fall, making a regular, rustling sound like Songtao.

The Hunyuan body looter tore a three-faced monster in half, and turned his face to face the three-faced monster cluster that jumped down from the elevator platform and roared. The Hunyuan Destroyer not far away liberated the nether energy level, the light band floating behind him became more and more condensed, the **** structure above the forehead lit up with horizontal stripes, and the terrifying mental shock wave flooded the hangar space like a tide.

The three-faced monsters of the Star Alliance navy soldiers who tried to jump to the small platform around to kill the second floor were like sudden death birds. They fell from mid-air and fell to the floor of the hangar. They became like boneless mud, and their tissues twitched and twisted. , But no matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't stand up.

A first-class soldier who was exposed in front of the three-faced monster and almost died under the wrist stabbing got up from the ground, boldly raised the muzzle, pulled the trigger forcefully, and watched the bullet hit the alloy face. spark.

As usual, the bullets fired by the Mattock VI assault rifle cannot cause spot damage to it.

In fact, the first-class soldier knew very well that the rifle in his hand would not cause damage to the three-faced monster. He was only used to vent his emotions and release them without being overly depressed.

The bullet in the magazine was finished, but it didn't hurt three sides. The first class soldier is also a brave fellow, and he walked away angrily, stepping on a twitching wrist with heavy steel boots. (To be continued.)

Chapter One Thousand and Fifty One Breaking Through the Block Line (Part 1)

Chapter One Thousand and Fifty One Breaking Through the Block Line (Part 1) was played by members of [No * Wrong] [Small-Said-Net]. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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