Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1078: Curse

Larry Cook said: "The best way now is to send someone to the Dillard star system to hold him for a while before Tang Fang makes up his mind. By the way, I can see if we can reach some kind of exchange agreement. Hold this down."

Terry Ferdinand said: "Do you think he might trust us again?"

At this moment, Adam Oliver stood up from the conference table and said solemnly: "There may be a way for him to reconsider how he should treat the Star Alliance... I have decided to submit my resignation to Congress."

This sentence is more explosive than Leith Adinan’s saying that Hamlet is a liar. The news that Tomlinson Daller and others have learned in advance is not surprising, but for what Adam Oliver suddenly said. She was totally unprepared, staring at him dumbfounded.

"No, although it is your suggestion to cooperate with the Anubis Legion, we are the one who passed this decision. It is impossible for you to bear the fault alone." Peggy Gasol objected.

Rene Ismail also said: "Now is the time of war. If you change the president during this period, it will cause huge losses to the entire army and even the entire society, triggering shocks on multiple levels. I don't agree with you. ."

Lu Yuankui and Larry Cook were silent. To be honest, they were very excited. Once Adam Oliver submitted his resignation, it is very likely that a Republican dang member came to power, which is naturally a good thing for them.

But Terry Ferdinand sighed and said: "I knew today, why bother back then. This makes Tang Fang vent at the most, but he can't get his friendship anymore."

"That's enough." Adam Oliver said sullenly: "Someone must be responsible for this. Dalton Evelyn is dead, but it's not enough... As long as I can tide over the difficulties, I will die. can."

It’s an obvious reason to take responsibility if you do something wrong.

At that time, Tang Fang was attacked on the Alcais star in the Babylonian star system. At that time, the Morning Star casting had not yet started, and the Star Alliance government could suppress this matter with authority. However, it is different from the past. The society will be unpredictable turbulence and changes, so someone must pay the price. At least some of Tang Fang’s anger and grievances can be calmed before he can go to the negotiating table, and finally bury this matter in the dust of history. Not to be mentioned, not to be disclosed.

Tomlinson Daller and Peggy Gasol looked up at the frozen picture in midair, looking dispirited and extremely depressed.

They still do not regret it, they are just sad.

Rene Ismail felt Adam Oliver's determination and no longer continued to persuade him. After all, he was rationally told that the loss caused by the president's abdication was far from revealing the horror of the impact on the Star League society.

No matter how you look at it, this method can only be used to reduce Tang's hatred and hostility towards the Star Alliance government. As long as the parties concerned do not disclose this huge scandal to the public, people will not know what happened. As to whether the friendship between the Star Alliance government and Morningstar can be restored, it can only be determined by the Republican successor.

Terry Ferdinand took the crutch from a young congressman next to him, got up and walked out the door, his steps were no longer as eager as he had come, and the anger on his face disappeared, leaving only a deep sorrow.

Can he say Adam? Oliver are not patriotic? he can not. Can he say they are a bunch of wine and rice bags? Nor can he. There are too many things in this world that can't be done by hard work alone.

The people inside failed his efforts, but he no longer had the strength and the mood to get angry again, because Adam Oliver and others were also a group of poor worms, who were forced away by the Anubis Army's knife on the neck of his family. Poor worm on the dead end.

Tomlinson Dalle said that Tang Fang was a good man, better bully than the gangsters of the Anubis Legion, and the Star Alliance government chose to betray this good man and gang up with the gangsters. Don't you know that for Hei 7 and others, the Adam government is not a good person.

Good people... are always bullied in this world.


When Terry Ferdinand left the meeting room, Tang Fang also finished speaking in the meeting room of the Central Naval Port of the Dillard Star System, leaving Grant and the others not too many opportunities for questioning, and got up and walked outside the door.

To some extent, the Dalton Evelyn and Adam government were forced to do so. He can forgive the former, but it does not mean that he will also forgive the latter.

The former has already died, and the death penalty has been eliminated. What's more, he still has some respect for Dalton Evelyn. As for the Star Alliance government... he looked out into the space outside the porthole, and the Hades-class aircraft carrier quietly stopped outside the military port. The channel is like a demon with convergent minions and murderous intent, waiting for the order to go out.

At this moment, there was a crisp sound of footsteps behind him, it should be high heels hitting the smooth floor.

Kylenia caught up with him from behind, looking at the warship outside the window, but her thoughts drifted to another place: “I’ve said that the complexity of dealing with an organization far exceeds the complexity of dealing with an organization. The relationship between people. Organizations... Many times are like a devil who is good at manipulating human nature. Even a good person with innocent nature, once connected with it, it is likely to become the most paranoid lunatic and criminal in the world. "

"In the land of ‘organization’, good things often don’t last long, but bad things accumulate more and more. Eventually everything will be corrupted, collapsed, and then overturned and re-started again and again, endlessly."

"You and Terry Ferdinand, and natural people like Dalton Evelyn are easy to interact with, but can you do it with an organization? I warned you long ago not to spam your sincerity and kindness. If you insist on doing this, please be aware of the person who gives your friendship, so as not to end up suffering and being deceived."

Tang Fang didn't refute. Ren Kellynia complained of her immaturity. In fact, he has long been accustomed to her preaching. Just like the oldest eldest sister in the family, she always wants to speak on behalf of her mother, essentially for her own good.

Of course, there are also some complaints in this... complain that he didn't listen to her, and be more cautious in dealing with the Star Alliance, keep it as if you are away, don't go so close. Because only in this way can we better negotiate terms with the Adam government and deal with every issue more rationally.

In short, he needs to position the interaction between Morningstar Casting and the Star Alliance as a country-to-country diplomatic exchange, instead of practicing his life goals and ideals like a sentimental youth.

Her background, the years when she was involved in underground activities in the Celtic star system, the time she spent with Harrington Harris... These experiences made her more clearly aware of the evil and cruelty of the word "organization".

Talk to the organization about human nature, morality, justice, fairness, and sincerity... Only the simplest, oh no, the most stupid guy will do this.

"How are you going to treat the Star Alliance government?" Kylenia finally asked this key question.

At the meeting just now, Tang Fang just recounted his experience in the Gambez star system, and told Grant and others not to intervene in the battle between the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire and the Star Covenant, and did not target the Star Covenant government. Further arrangements.

"I... haven't figured it out yet." Tang Fang's gaze penetrated the Hades-class aircraft carrier and landed in the direction of the Duma star system.

She was not surprised that he had this answer. If he had made up his mind, Captain Tang must have said it in the meeting just now, instead of quickly escaping from the room at the last moment and avoiding Grant and others asking this core question...

She actually knew exactly what Tang Fang was thinking or worrying about.

His emotions on the betrayal of his allies are very complicated, or that there are several Tang Fang who represent different personalities are arguing. From the perspective of a businessman, this is tantamount to a good opportunity for blackmail. You can lie on the behemoth of the Star Alliance to draw more blood to strengthen yourself, but it is a bit wrong to use economic benefits to make up for the emotional damage. Willingly. From the perspective of a passionate young man, he should make the Star Alliance government pay the price of blood, and use pain to force them to behave well, so as not to happen again. However, from the perspective of a gentleman, he had to take into account the future of the Star Alliance people. Once Morning Star Casting and the Star Alliance government were torn apart, it would inevitably cause an uproar in the entire society and make the country turbulent.

He didn't know what choice to make, so he seemed very confused, which led to resistance and boredom, and he could only avoid this problem as much as possible.

"Oh." Kylinia sighed heavily, thinking that if Captain Tang was as good as unscrupulous people like Mackintosh and Halifax, he wouldn't have so many worries. Without so many ties, and without feeling the responsibility and pressure, the goal of eradicating the Stewart family may be achieved earlier.

But like that... will he attract so many people to gather around him? It may be, but it must not be Claire, Grant, Aros, Howson... and herself, it will be guys like Faraday, Rockefeller, Serves, and Sulbaggio.

She joked: "If you are asked to be an emperor, you must be a benevolent emperor, but it will not last long. Maybe one day you will pick up your son and curse "I'm not doing it," and just find a corner to hide."

Tang Fang said, "Are you laughing at me for avoiding the problem?"

Kylenia smiled and nodded: "I still said that. You should be tougher, otherwise...In the future, more people will use your kindness to deal with Morningstar Casting."

The two had left the corridor of the Unicom conference room and arrived at a hall surrounded by green trees and streams that Tang Fang suggested.

This is a place used to relax and decompress the staff of the military port. You can smell the fragrance of flowers, hear soft music, see the stars in the distance and gratifying green trees, and there are brown benches by the pool of the central fountain where you can sit Read a book above, or take a can of coffee from the beverage rack in the corner to the table near the viewing window for afternoon tea.

Yuffi sits on the lawn closest to the viewing window, with his hands behind to support his body, and the lower abdomen bulges upward, and there is a little life listening to the world.

Alina was sitting on the meadow next to her, with a hand on her lower abdomen, with surprised eyes and an excited smile on her face, as if she felt a small but great fetal movement. And Kudria stood in front of the viewing window, did not look back at the little happiness behind, focused her gaze on the huge hull of the Hades-class aircraft carrier, her eyes blinked with the stars in the distance, not knowing what she was thinking. .

Kylenia looked at his face and said, "Have you ever thought about how their life trajectory will change if you die in the Gambez star system? So I hope you will do more for yourself every time think about it."

"Thank you." Tang Fang nodded, "I will sort out my mood as soon as possible, and then study what to do next."

Kylenia didn't say much, nodded in response, turned and walked towards the area where Yuffi and Alina were. It seemed that even if she was as rational as her, she couldn't resist the temptation of small lives. The maternal side defeated the strong woman. The side.

He stood on the spot and looked opposite for a while before walking towards his room with a smile.


On the first day Tang Fang returned to the Dilar star system, the outside world was calm. The personnel of the engineering fleet and construction units thought that Captain Tang might have taken a big advantage again and got a giant aircraft carrier, Grant, Byron and others. I came back from the front line to celebrate. Anyway, this place is not very far away from the front line. As long as the intelligence work of the Star Alliance Navy does not make a big mistake, the relic warships such as the Angel of Right and the Seraph can rush to the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire. The army arrived on the front line before the invasion.

What's more, seeing this giant aircraft carrier ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the relic warship that is said to be called the Fallen Angel. Only then did Mackintosh and the Sulu Empire frontline commander Abdul Abdul have stabilized the army. As long as Prince Le has no problem with his mind, he will never take the initiative to invade the Star Alliance without investigating it clearly. In the case that the Yunwhale-class super aircraft carrier and the Freud-class super aircraft carrier are not listed, he recklessly restarts The flames of war are obviously counterintuitive.

On the second day after Tang Fang returned to the Dillard star system, the photos of the Hades-class aircraft carrier and the Fallen Angel appeared like a storm surge on the Star Alliance network and spread quickly. Many people are wondering where the legendary Ypsilon descendant got the two powerful battleships from, and don't know how they will perform in the next battle. The people of the Star Alliance responded with expectation and encouragement, believing that Tang’s military strength has been improved, which indirectly represents the improvement of the Star Alliance’s naval power.

At the same time, the news that the Deep Submersible fleet was attacked by Tang Fang in the Gambez star system spread like wildfire. Some people suspected that the two battleships were the treasures that Captain Tang grabbed from the Monya Navy. It caused a storm of public opinion, and it was very pleasant for the Star Alliance society. Firecrackers in many places rang from morning to night, and residents of some cities even held rallies spontaneously to mourn the victims of the Dortmund tragedy. To celebrate this great victory.

ps: There will be 2 more updates tomorrow, remember to set aside the reward money~ (to be continued.)

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