Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1096: Breeding plan

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However, it didn’t take long for him to pick up the flower again and look at the female alien and say: “I see, it’s the tradition of your ethnic group to eat your beloved man, just like praying mantis and spiders. If this is a kind of I will never shrink from the test."

Tang Fang stared. Although Deputy Chief Chen has always been cheeky, the Devil’s return to the Dillard star system did not harm Cristier and the little girl in the foreign engineering team, but this guy has never been very motivated. , I immediately withdrew if I didn’t see the hope, there was no time to be as persistent as today.

It seems...the pursuit of humans is really very different from that of humans. Deputy Head Chen is also very hard to talk about a vigorous cross-species love, even life is not necessary.

He felt that he should do good deeds to accomplish the other party, so he turned to look at Cathy's profile: "Do you want to think about it?"

"No." The female alien rebuffed him categorically: "I have no interest in humans." After speaking, she jumped off the iron fence and floated towards the exit of the connecting bridge.

Tang Fang had a regretful expression on his face: "I think it's better for you to put away those messy thoughts."

Chen Jian did not take his persuasion to heart, moved the bouquet of roses to the front and sniffed hard, looked at Cathy’s back, and raised the finger that had just been cut: "Oh, your refusal hurts deeply. Me, it is like a dagger coated with honey and poison, which makes me painful and happy. This suffering makes me realize how strong I am to have you. It burns my soul like a flame... …Ah, Miss Cathy, I won’t give up until I can hold your hand and watch the Milky Way together. Time is quiet."

"It's really hopeless." Tang Fang shook his head, got up from the handrail, and walked in the direction of Cathy. However, he walked three or four meters forward and suddenly turned back, walked quickly in front of Chen Jian, and kicked a stab: "Get off my boat, I don't want to look at you for another second."

The deputy commander looked stunned. In any case, he didn't expect this guy to turn his face faster than a book. He was sympathetic to his encounter a moment ago, and then he kicked him to the ground.

Tang Fang ignored him. As he walked forward, he shouted at Cathy’s away back: "Tell Soya to prepare for the attack."

Chen Jian got up from the ground, carried the bunch of flowers in his arms and walked in the opposite direction, without much loss or regret on his face. For him, being rejected has long been accustomed to it, as simple as drinking water and eating.

About 10 minutes later, the Fallen Angel disconnected from the hydraulic equipment of the dock and slowly left the berth. Not far from the Central Military Port, the Seraph was born from nothing and began to turn around.

In a short time, with two instantaneously spreading light waves, the Seraph and the Fallen Angel disappeared almost simultaneously.

Standing in the viewing cabin closest to the battleship dock, Chen Jian stared blankly at the place where the Fallen Angel disappeared.

In front of the porthole on the second floor, Kylenia sighed heavily.


As the security departments at all levels of the Star League implemented concentrated arrests and interrogations of the agents of the hostile country that emerged in the storm of public opinion, the Sauron Empire and the Republic of Date were also confirmed to have taken the opportunity to make many small actions. This news caused great dissatisfaction with Adam Oliver. As a counterattack, the five countries of the Star Alliance, the Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic, the Silver Eagle Group, and the Turanx United Kingdom announced that they would carry out economic activities on the Sauron Empire and the Date Republic. Sanctions.

The reason why the Star Alliance’s Babylonian star system can become the trade center of the entire Hilumbel region is due to appropriate economic policies, and the advantageous geographical location is also an indispensable and important factor.

Geographically, the Star Alliance is located in the center of the Hilumbel region, and most of the transport fleet for international trade must pass through the Star Alliance before reaching the target country. Now that the five countries including the Star Alliance and the Charles Federation have imposed economic sanctions and cargo embargoes on the Sauron Empire and the Date Republic, the foreign trade channels between the Sauron Empire and the Date Republic have been cut off, at most arrogant and arrogant. The Phoenix Empire traded, and other than that, it was unable to open up new trading markets.

There is no doubt that such sanctions are a heavy blow to the two countries. Forex, stock markets, bond markets, futures markets, etc., a series of economic and financial fields have experienced severe earthquakes.

At the same time, the Star Alliance government announced that it would withdraw the Phoenix Empire’s right to operate the Alcais Star within the Babylonian star system. Any merchants, travelers, and garrison from the Phoenix Empire will move out within two months. Those who fail to leave will Seized by the security department.

The Star Alliance's counterattack... finally began. As an economic power, the center of the entire Hilumbel region, it has unique military and economic advantages. As far as this country is concerned, in order to fight its enemies, apart from military power, it can also launch economic and financial wars.

Once the Phoenix Empire, the Sulu Empire, the Monya Empire, the Sauron Empire, and the Republic of Date lose a large part of their export channels, mineral trade and resource adjustment cannot be carried out, which will inevitably have a major impact on the domestic industry, life, energy and other fields. However, the five nations of Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic, the Turanx United Kingdom, the Star Alliance, and the Silver Eagle Group are able to travel freely. What will happen over time, no one will know.

This national antagonism that began with the stolen auctions seems to have developed into a social disaster affecting the entire Hilumbel region. However, the internal political environment of the Phoenix Empire and the Date Republic deteriorated, and the Sauron Empire also had the Turanx United Kingdom behind. Although they acted very tough, they were mostly bravado. For example, more and more people have seen that the Phoenix Empire’s frequent provocations of the Star Alliance navy on the Sokanada line are actually just a continuation of the internal political struggle. For the Star Alliance frontiers, Ingrid Alexander’s Jupiter expedition The threat of the army is not as great as the burning of the legion.


Tang Fang has no interest in how the Star Alliance government counterattacked the guys who had been in the storm of public opinion before. He informed Cathy that the two sisters left the Dillard star system together and were contacted by the relevant department and resided in the Akubado star system. Researchers and military soldiers have all evacuated, just waiting for him to accept it.

Thinking that when he first visited the Acubados star system, the bearded webmaster complained more than once that the life here is very difficult, hoping to leave here to work in a relatively rich place, and now he finally waited for this day.

When the Fallen Angel and Seraph arrived, the scientific research space station in the outer space of Akron was already empty, which made Tang Fang feel that it was a pity that he could not sit down with the station master Beard for a drink.

Cathy parked the warship, followed Tang Fang to the space station, and used a special corrosion-resistant landing ship to enter Akron's orbit.

Looking at the planet below the planet covered by the strong acid ocean, the corners of his mouth were involuntarily curled up slightly, thinking that the Star Alliance government tried to lease this airspace to him at the beginning, so that Morningstar could cast his home here. What was it for? The Duma star system is closer and easier to control.

At that time, he did not have the same strong military power as he does now. He could only choose the Dilar star system far away from the capital economic circle, and develop in the spirit of the emperor's distance. It never occurred to him that in a year, he once again set foot on this land, and the Akubado star system has the surname "Tang".

When he fell into the memory, Cathy had already manipulated the aircraft into the atmosphere of Akron Star. After a brief bump, the darkening environment outside the window awakened him. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a rain cloud.

Because of the influence of the strong acid ocean, the water vapor that evaporates to the sky also glows with a strong green. The acid rain that followed the wind slapped the portholes of the landing ship, making a crackling sound, and the green water marks snaked down, bewildering the distant scenery.

He still remembered the jellyfish-like bodies in the ocean, the shell creatures that lived on volcanoes, and the huge tree monsters in the bottom of the habitat.

The last time he left here, he planned to get air force units of the aircraft carrier and mothership level and then come back to burn the glass. He wanted to get rid of the big guys below who made him shameless. However, he hasn't waited until the aircraft carrier and the mothership are unlocked. He came here again because he felt that doing so was a waste of resources.

The acidic solution on Akron’s surface contains organic components, which can be absorbed by the bacteria blanket tumor to create a bacteria blanket. Why not turn this land into a place for Zergs to retreat and breed? Although buildings such as the Main Nest, Infected Abyss, and Hydralisk's Nest cannot be materialized yet, the original Main Nest has been unlocked, and it can be summoned into real space just like Spines Reptiles and Spore Reptiles.

When rushing to the wandering planet a few days ago, he once asked Abathur, as a source of protozoan, what is the difference between the real world and the system space in the original main nest, and whether it will be affected by the system after entering the real space. Bound by power, it needs to consume gas, crystals, and Zerg population to incubate protozoan units.

Abathur told him that this was not the case. The original Zerg units that the original main nest hatched in the system space required gas, crystals, and population. However, after entering the real space, if you want to hatch the Zerg unit, you must accumulate enough source material, which is the life essence of a powerful creature, and the Zerg unit hatched in the real space will not be like the Zerg unit hatched in the system space. Through the power of the system and the Worm Nest network to freely spy on their "mind" and arbitrary drive, they are completely a replica of the original Zerg on Zerus, and can only be controlled by conquering by force to make them fearful.

However, incubating protozoan units in real space has a huge advantage-it is not limited by the system's population. As long as there is sufficient source quality, it can hatch endless zerg units and form a huge army.

This shows what? This shows that the Primordial Zerg has entered the realm of visualization, but these days are too busy, and there is no time to communicate with Abathur about the Primordial Main Nest.

Just like the protozoa grow, multiply, and evolve on Zerus... They are not like the Dominant Zerg who has been transformed by Emmon, they can absorb the nutrients in the fungus blanket to survive. It must be like ordinary organisms to ingest source materials to obtain nutrients to grow, evolve, and expand the size of the population.

Then the biggest problem facing us is where to go to collect the source material needed by the original main nest to incubate a large number of protozoan units.

Of course, the easiest way is to hunt humans. Unfortunately, he is not a devil like Kolklav I and Sulbaggio, and he can’t deal cruelly against his compatriots. Moreover, Abathur also admitted that he is a weak creature like humans. The level of source quality is like a drop in the bucket for the difficult task of expanding the size of the native Zerg population.

Since human beings cannot provide high-quality source quality, they can only focus their attention on some more powerful life forms. There are not many planets like Planet 5 with rock worms and centipede monsters. Nami star was blown up by him. Fortunately, there is a planet occupied by epic creatures ------ Akron in the Star League.

Similar to the rock worms on planet 5 and the bat demon of Nami, the aqbd-1 jellyfish bodies are derived from epic creatures in the form of seashells, and they are distributed in a large number in the strong acid ocean. Not to mention that there are more powerful tree monsters under the ground~www. wuxiaspot.com~Although the marine environment is not suitable for the breeding of protozoa, the presence of tumors in the bacterial blanket allows him to easily overcome this problem. As long as he wants to, he can completely turn this ocean planet into a terrestrial planet with a blanket of bacteria that is thousands of meters long.

In this way, the protozoan units can move freely on this planet, by hunting down aqbd-1 jellyfish bodies and seashell-type epic creatures, and obtaining their source material to multiply the race.

For Akron’s planet, humans can only detect shallow waters and cannot go deep into the bottom area. The last time he came to explore, he was only active in a small area. Now that there is tree monster activity in the crust of this planet, and there are sea shells living near the volcano, maybe there are other powerful life forms evolved from epic biological genes outside of the aqbd-1 jellyfish in the sea.

Of course, this requires native Zerg units to explore on their own, and he doesn't want to waste time here. After all, the Star Alliance’s transport fleet is transporting the precious minerals needed to manufacture the Dimensional Lock to the Dilal star system, and it’s already time to return to the Lost Lands to dredge the space channel from "Delta-5" to "Alta-7" Not far away, and according to Emma's calculations, the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress should also be repaired, and if there is no accident, it can be put into service.

According to his plan, he planned to stay here for a period of time, using the blanket tumor to expand an appropriate area for the original worm nest to hatch the first protozoan units, and then hand the expansion task to one of the three protozoan group leaders The Jager Claw.

Abathur said that the original Zerg units hatched from the outside of the original main nest cannot be controlled by the power of the system. In fact, he does not need to control it himself. As long as the power of the system can restrain the leaders of the three original Zerg populations and Zulwin, Use them to control Akron's fast-expanding protozoan unit, so that's it. (To be continued.)

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