Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1121: 1 Qi

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He didn't drive the car to keep up, but looked at those over 2 meters of power grids and the indistinct checkpoints in the rain screen for a moment, then turned the steering wheel and returned to the city.

Tang Lin was originally angry and didn't understand when he saw him: "Why didn't you do it?"

Kleiya also looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't worry." Tang Fang said, "The purpose of our rush here is to find a stronghold of God's armed forces in the Republic of Date. It is not time to start, so as not to startle the snake, pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon."

Tang Lin hit the glass window next to him with a fist, cracking to pieces, and the cold wind and rain poured into the car, wet his side face. He didn't understand, how could he not understand, Pliden? Almaty ordered the raid of evil JIAO organizations like Genesis. How could it affect those Catholics? What crimes did they commit? They should be punished like this.

Those people are already very unfortunate, but why is God so cruel that let tragedies reincarnate in their lives time and time again.

This is not fair, this is cruel.

Claire saw his bleeding right hand in the rearview mirror and handed her handkerchief over, but didn't know how to comfort him.

Tang Lin shook his head and rejected her kindness, as if only in this way could he release his anger and killing intent. If Tang Fang hadn't stopped him on the opposite side of the church before, those soldiers might have become fast and cold dead bodies under the rain curtain.

The weather without the sun is depressing, and the society without the light is desperate. Even if you live in the most luxurious hotel in Heerte city and immerse yourself in the hot spring pool, you can't dispel your grievances.

In the process of entering the hotel, Tang Fang saw the mother of a child who was driven away by the security guard waving a baton, because she would hug the wealthy merchants, begging them to take their children away and leave this A planet without hope.

Now he finally understands why Han Jingyun determined Plettenberg? Almaty is over. The moment he took over the data chip, it was the beginning of Mr. President's bad luck.

A person like Han Jingyun who has been in the political arena for dozens of years has so venomous eyes, how could he not be able to tell what character he is.

The Talida star system was attacked by God's armed forces, Kravchuk was killed, and the Hlatim Guard suffered heavy losses. There is no doubt that it will deal a heavy blow to the Prime Minister, but this is not an opportunity. Smart people are always good at taking advantage of emergencies to turn bad things into good things.

The wound on Tang Lin's right hand had healed. With a white towel on his head, he completely immersed the parts below his neck in the steamy spring water, and distracted him by listening to the gurgling spring from the cracks in the rocks.

In the harsh environment of Meilinxing, it is conceivable to be able to enjoy the comfortable service brought by the hot springs.

No words for a night. In the early morning of the next day, Tang Lin, who had only fallen asleep only in the middle of the night, was awakened by a person. When he opened his eyes, he found that Tang Fang had finished washing and was neatly dressed. He was walking into the living room and calling him to get up quickly.

He didn't dare to neglect, he patted his head and jumped out of the bed, put on his clothes three times, and then went to the bathroom to wash his face. When he walked out, Claire was already standing at the door.

Tang Fang didn't explain anything, and took the two of them downstairs to eat something casually. Then he left the hotel and drove out the dilapidated maglev vehicle from the parking lot that drew the eyes of the security guards and drove to the grid-blocked area that was found by tracking the prisoner car yesterday. .

When the vehicle left the city, it was abandoned by Tang Fang in the wasteland. The three of them changed into protective clothing for harsh environments, and then took the Banshee fighter plane to sneak towards the destination.

Neither checkpoints nor radar stations on the ground found invisible hunters in the air. Soldiers wearing Ghostmist-class power armor focused more on the convoy slowly entering the inner area of ​​the power grid.

The mayor of Haierte's car became a member of the road convoy, and the police chief sat in the front police car.

When the convoy entered a huge prison that was built shortly after the wall was not washed away by acid rain, the Banshee fighter hovered over a building in the backyard, and the three of Tang Fang slid down the rope and landed on the still water. Rooftop.

Even if the rain has stopped and the sky is not covered by clouds, there is still no way to see the face of "Kymor". There is only a circle of indifferent light and shadow hanging on the horizon, exuding a dull and depressive atmosphere.

There were a few screams from the narrow and sealed iron windows below. Tang Lin clenched his fists and took a deep breath, finally suppressing his irritability, slipping down the fire ladder, and sneaking forward behind Tang Fang. .

After the vehicle was parked, the mayor of Haierte, accompanied by the chief of police and officials from relevant departments, walked to the middle bulletproof car and greeted a man in his 50s holding a purifier.

Soon after this person left the carriage, the door on the other side opened, and an old man about 70 years old walked down, holding a lacquered red crutch in his right hand, as bright as blood.

The middle-aged man put the purifier he held in his hand on his mouth and sucked hard, and said a word to Dalier, the mayor of Haierte, in exchange for the people around him to wait and bow his head. He scanned the buildings inside the high wall again, looked at the guards with power armor on the wall and live ammunition, then gave the old man on crutches a little humility, and walked side by side to the office building facing the door.

There is no doubt that this is a prison used to hold the so-called Genesis Evil JIAO followers, but the office building is extraordinarily magnificent. From a distance, it looks like a sword that pierces the sky. No... in official terms, it should be called Law sword.

The middle-aged man and the old man walked in front, and then the mayor, police chief, warden and others who stood aside.

The prison guards were divided into two rows and stood on both sides of the road, with calm eyes and solemn expressions, and they were inspected by the middle-aged man.

At the same moment, the three of Tang Fang detoured from the backyard to the square in front, hidden behind the flower pond in the corner, quietly watching those people walking through the corridor, up the stairs, and entered the magnificent office building.

No one knew that there were three people hidden in the shadow behind the flower pond in the corner of the square, and no one knew that there was a detector hovering in front of the office building, and every move inside could not escape Tang Fang's eyes.

Perhaps the air in Haierte City was terrible, or it might have been exhausted. After the middle-aged man entered the meeting hall, he coughed violently, which really caused Mr. Mayor to squeeze his cold sweat and quickly ordered people to turn on the air filter system.

"I've stayed in Deltas for a long time, and now I come back to Haierte, I really feel a little uncomfortable." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Dalier took the lung lung tea from the beautiful waiter and put it in front of the middle-aged man. Then he took another cup and put it respectfully in front of the old man. Then he sighed and said: "It's all because of my lack of ability. The city’s environmental governance is good and Mr. Commissioner is affected."

The middle-aged man holding the purifier in front of him was called Meldan, and he was the messenger sent by Governor Merlin Star to inspect the progress of the JIAO organization in the eradication of Genesis. In addition, the middle-aged man has another identity-the former mayor of Haierte, now serving in the Governor's Mansion of Deltas, the capital of Merlin Star, can be said to be the red man in front of the Governor.

Since leaving the city of Helte and heading to the city of Deltas, Meldan has begun to wear respirators, purifiers and other things, which are said to be the root cause of the disease when he was the mayor of Helte.

"You are not entirely to blame, the pollution problem in Heerte City cannot be solved overnight."

Said it is not completely strange, in fact it is not completely strange. Dalier was not surprised that Meldan would say this...If the pollution of Helte was cured overnight, where would the Commissioner's face be placed? Isn't this tantamount to slap him in the face? The more incompetent the successor, and the worse the environmental pollution, the more comfortable and stable people like him will be.

To be precise, Dalier would not spend his mind on the issue of environmental governance at all. Not only would he fail to bring benefits, but he would also make the faces of those big men who were transferred from the city of Helte enough to determine his future look ugly.

To be an official in such a general environment, one must understand the rules and know how to advance and retreat. The business ability is not important, but the ability to drill is important.

"Please rest assured, the commissioner, I will work hard and strive to return Haierte City to the sky before I resign as mayor."

"The governor-general admires the most motivated and responsible officials like you."

No one will take Mr. Mayor's promise to heart, because it is said that, but things cannot be done.

Meldan seemed to be flattering Governor Merlin, but in fact the meaning of this sentence was to appease Dalier and tell him that he would speak nicely for him in front of the Governor.

At this moment, the warden came from the side and handed a PDA to Dalier.

"Mr. Commissioner, this is the list of Genesis Evil JIAOs who have been taken into custody under the efforts of all the police in Haiter. Please have a look." He pushed the PDA to Meldan: "All security personnel are in place, Mr. Commissioner. It can be inspected at any time."

Meldan took the PDA, scanned a few glances, and said with a smile: "2688 people, it seems that Genesis has deceived many civilians. Fortunately, President Plideon discovered this major hidden danger that threatens the stability of the country. Sweep the order, otherwise, I am afraid it will cause major disturbances in society in the future."

"Good job." He patted Dalier on the shoulder, put his PDA on the table, and looked at the hazy sky outside the window and said: "Specific inspection work is unnecessary, I believe you are a person." The purifier was placed on his mouth and sucked hard.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Commissioner, I will definitely not let down your trust and cultivation." After showing his loyalty, Dalier waved to the police chief, warden and others at the rear: "You go to the restaurant for a while and let Mr. Commissioner take a break. Too many people here will affect indoor air circulation."

The people in the back left very obediently, but Dalil didn't leave until he couldn't hear the footsteps. He opened the door and looked left and right, then closed it tightly, and returned to Meldan to sit down.

"All the troublemakers have been settled, and Fix's side...will be put into production soon."

Fix is ​​the largest zero-refining enterprise in Heerte City. A few days ago, many people died due to a safety accident, which caused a group of people to be dissatisfied with the working environment and incited workers in other production workshops to make trouble together. Many of the smelting equipment almost got into a fight with the police who went on duty.

Of course, Dalier would not spare those troublemakers. On the surface, Fix is ​​controlled by a businessman, but everyone in the entire Haierte officialdom knows that that person is just a pair of white gloves. Its real boss is Meldan. .

That Meldan is Meldan in front of me. Meldan would be unhappy if he loses the "Fix" cash machine. Meldan was not happy, and the governor would not be in a good mood. The Governor will not be in a good mood, and he will not have a bright future paved with gold. So he would never let this happen.

Meldan was very satisfied with Dalier's well-behaved and thought he was a very good person.

"Well, good job." After saying this, it seemed to think of something again: "Rawls? Martin, too."

Rolls Martin is also a zero-refining company with shares in another former mayor of Haierte.

"Please rest assured, I will not let you down~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dalier said respectfully.

Meldan took a sip of tea, smiled and said, "Well, work hard, just tell me if you have any difficulties."

Darryl groaned slightly, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"What's wrong? Really encountered difficulties?"

"To tell the truth, the situation in Haierte City is a bit bad. Affected by the continued deterioration of the living environment, many people have left the city, and the population has plummeted. Haierte’s economy has had a negative impact...The GDP has been declining for three consecutive years, and government taxation has also been drastically reduced."

Meldan frowned when he heard the words. He had just made a ticket to Dalier and promised to add more words to the governor. But if it is really like Dalier said, the economic situation of Haierte City is getting worse and worse. The cities of Mei Lin star became the last, even with his help, the Governor-General would not give the green light, because he always had to worry about the opinions and emotions of officials at the same level as Dalil.

The old man who had not spoken but looked at the dim sunlight outside the window suddenly said: "There are actually many ways to solve the problem of economic growth decline. It just depends on your choice."

Darryl heard the words and looked over. He didn't know who the old man was. Meldan didn't notify him in advance. It wasn't until the convoy came to Helte that there was an old man in the car except Mr. Commissioner.

Even if the identity of this person is not recorded in the documents sent by the Governor's Mansion, the energy must be extraordinary to be able to ride in the same car with Meldan, so he has always been very respectful when entering the prison from the outside.

I don’t know if Meldan deliberately created an atmosphere, or he really forgot to introduce the identity of the old man. Until then, he smiled and said, “By the way, I haven’t introduced you to the identity of the old man... Maybe you have heard of the name, Guy Flynn." (To be continued.)

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