Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1029: Illness comes from the mouth

The monster in front of him is obviously an epic creature, but the unlock item is in the human base. This is the first time this has happened. He didn't find the answer to the question until he found a defensive facility called "Hell Fort" in the sv's construction menu.

In the Freedom Wings campaign, the planetary fortresses and **** turrets belong to the Zerg side scientific research upgrade project. You need to choose between the two in the game. Sister Logic obviously wouldn't give him this kind of restriction, because the planetary fortress had already been unlocked, so the system only expanded the defensive structure of "Hell's Fort".

"Epic creature...Zerg side technology...Is that OK?" He muttered, turning his attention back to reality.

Hell’s fortress is not as easy to use as the firebat’s bunker in his opinion, so he even omitted the steps to check the production parameters.

With the efforts of the centurion, the flying snake, and the dark templar, the minotaur and monkey monsters remaining nearby have been eliminated. When Tang Fang walked to the open space in front of the bow, Claire was shaking her head and smiling bitterly. Tang Lin swiped Hekatti in mid-air, shook off the monster’s blood, and inserted the one made by Lori Swann behind him. Mechanical scabbard.

Look at the -20a in the girl's hand, and then at Tang Lin with a smug expression, he still doesn't understand what happened.

The **** of death snatched from Black 9 appeared in his hand in amazement, and then handed it to Kleiya.

She hesitated for a moment, just like Tang Fang, she said nothing, and calmly took the death marvel.

Tang Lin rolled his eyes and said, "If my mother is alive, she must be very sad."

"I think she will punish you to wash the bowls for a month, otherwise you will have no food."

Claire was amused by the dialogue between his two brothers, and chuckled: "When is the time, you still have the mind to make a joke."

Tang Fang really stopped talking and laughing, put away those combat units, and summoned 3 vulture chariots as a means of transportation.

Looking at the invisible darkness ahead, Tang Lin sat in the driving position and turned on the lights, and casually said: "What the **** is this guy doing, we haven't moved since the Fallen Angel."

It's okay for him not to speak, as if responding to his spit, the ground began to vibrate, and a low muffled noise came from ahead.

"Crow's mouth." Tang Fang cursed bitterly, and immediately started the car and drove forward.

Kleiya fell behind him, and while receiving feedback from the detector, he said: "I think that after Kudria joined Morningstar Casting, Tang Lin has become more cheerful and not as boring as before."

"Brother, are you sure this direction leads to the exit?" Tang Lin's voice came from behind. In fact, he wanted to ask if this road leads to the big snake, but it feels very inelegant, so he changed his view.

When he finished asking this sentence, seeing the latest data from the detector synced to the harsh environment protective clothing, his face became ugly: "I don't think this is an appropriate choice."

The muffled muffled sound from the front was deep and clear. Compared with the firecrackers on New Year's Eve, it was more like the sound of ten thousand horses galloping in the pasture.

The light beams from the headlights of the vulture chariot illuminate the gray-brown ground, and also illuminate the green liquid surging in the darkness. The tumbling waves rise into the sky, and the torrent hits right and left, as if a mountain torrent erupts, approaching quickly from the front.

The vulture chariot can drive on the water, but it does not mean that it can also travel long distances in the acid river.

Tang Fang greeted the two loudly: "Don't panic, sit firmly."

Noah chose the path to take for him, but he didn't want to go. It was really disgusting to drill. And he knows very well that the road ahead is very difficult, and the road back is also difficult. God knows what the **** is in Yemengade's intestines.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... Flying snake's intestines wrapped around the bodies of the three people accurately, pulling them from the ground into the air.

The three vulture chariots sprinted forward and were knocked over by the surging strong acid waves, turning into a pile of rapidly melting scrap iron in a blink of an eye.

At the moment when he entered the belly of the king insect, Tang Lin shuddered as he watched the wreckage of the vulture chariot that was going with the waves.

Yemengade didn't give Tang Fang much time to think, and accompanied by a loud bang, his body suddenly turned over, and the long river of stomachache turned into a wide waterfall with no end, pouring from above.

The king worm made a grunting roar, and the thick and hard outer skin actually began to melt under the action of stomach acid. Fortunately, the speed was barely acceptable. After all, the body tissue of the Zerg unit has high corrosion resistance, not to mention the thick skin. The famous king worm.

Kleiya knows the characteristics of the king's insect very well: "This is not the way to go. Although it is thick and thick, it can withstand the impact of a nuclear bomb, but if it is attacked by stomach acid many times, it may be difficult to survive.

Tang Lin added: "One more thing, it's not fast enough."

As if to confirm the two people's statement, Yemengade turned over again, and more and more stomach acid stirred up rows of waves, causing a second injury to the king insect.

Tang Fang is very clear about the difficulties he is facing now. Considering whether to transfer to a protoss transport ship, it may be able to persist for a longer time. If it is used with the Void Glow Ship to simultaneously ablate, it may be possible to drill a hole in the belly of Yemengada. .

The latest data submitted by Emma interrupted his contemplation. According to the analysis of Yemengade’s gastric acid by the Star Orbit Command Center, although this organic acid is different from Akron’s acidic seawater, it is very likely to be tumor Absorb and transform into a blanket.

He thought for a while, decided to postpone the storm and try it with a fungus blanket tumor. Because he is more willing to use this special method to humiliate Noah than a strong offensive with no technical content. There is a saying that he gets up from where he falls, and goes out from where he chooses to come in, and also breaks Yemengade's big teeth.

The queen appeared in the stomach acid and gave birth to a blanket of tumor. He quickly confirmed Emma's inference that the bacterial blanket tumor can indeed assimilate organic acids and transform it into bacterial blanket tissue, but the conversion speed is obviously not as good as Akron's strong acid marine environment. What's even more depressing is that the long river of gastric acid flowed so fast that only after the insects gave birth to a blanket of tumors, the tumors were taken away by the waves. The blanket tissues spread by the blanket tumors drifted away, and there was no way to form blanket islands or even the mainland. Unless you take your time, and trade time for space, and greatly increase the concentration of the bacterial blanket tumor in the stomach acid river, it is possible for Yemeng to suffer from stomach stones.

Unfortunately, what he lacks most now is time.

"It seems that we can only attack...wait." He suddenly thought of something.

On the next breath, Yemengade turned over again, and his stomach fluctuated rapidly. At this moment, a black shadow flashed behind the king insect, a huge beast fell from the sky, splashed with countless waves, and the surrounding acid solution began to solidify, and the bacterial blanket tissue spread out at an extremely rapid rate, which was more rapid than that in the normal environment. The spread of tumors is tens to hundreds of times faster, forming a blanket island with a diameter of nearly one kilometer in a short time.

"It's done." A smug smile appeared on Tang Fang's face. Tang Lin and Kleiya also saw the scene below through the retinal structure of the Wang Chong's abdominal capsule.

In the core of the fungus blanket island, a huge dark brown follicle squirts quickly, with many black holes in the middle fungal umbrella structure. With the body's breathing behavior, large strands of large fungal blanket tissue are sprayed out.

It was the first time they saw a creature that could lay a blanket of bacteria on a large scale, and the most common one was blanket tumors.

Yes, it is the fungus tower that was unlocked together with the Destroyer of Worm.

In Akron's artificial land plan, because the bacteria blanket tumor can cope with the strong acid ocean, he did not put the bacteria tower. It wasn't until I fell into the dilemma that I remembered that there was something more advanced than the tumor in the system.

The Junta, which evolved from the tunnel bug, did not disappoint him.

So the second fungus tower, the third fungus tower, the fourth fungus tower... appeared in the water below the king insects one after another, connecting the fungus blanket islands.

Yemeng added the old technique again and planned to use the gesture of turning over to wash down this fungus blanket island, but it was actually used by Tang Fang to build a fungus blanket dam in the stomach cavity, and all the acid falling on it was assimilated by the fungus tower. For the bacteria blanket tissue.

It should be understood that these things are similar to the tunnel bug, the body has great flexibility, and it can be stretched almost infinitely in the network environment of the bug tunnel. Now that the fungus blanket dam is formed, the stomach acid will be absorbed by the fungus tower no matter where it falls from, and become a fungus blanket lumps that block the stomach cavity.

Tang Lin and Claire were dumbfounded, and looked at him with very incomprehensible eyes: "This is fine too?"

"Why not?" Tang Fang said, "I am not Monkey King, but I can still choke him to death."

The king insect continued to fly forward, and Yemeng added it as if he had accepted his fate, no longer tossing, letting several fungal towers turn those stomach acid into stones, creating a fungus blanket slide connecting the mouth.

Tang Lin was very puzzled: "Why doesn't it struggle anymore?"

"Although I don't know what Noah did to it, what is certain is that the current Yemengade is not the Yemengade we encountered when we were on the wandering planet." Even if the giant snake swallowed the Fallen Angel. , And caused him a lot of trouble, but he always felt a little dull, not as smart as the wandering planet period.

The most obvious point-it has not used mental shock waves, only relying on body structure to hinder them from moving forward. He didn't know the details, but knew that something must be wrong.

From the stomach cavity to the middle part of the esophagus, it was completely covered by bacterial blanket tissue. It was confirmed that there would be no more stomach acid. Tang Fang and the three left the king's ventral sac and re-summoned the vulture chariot to drive towards the head. However, when they reached the neck area, it suddenly came. The change interrupted their journey again.

From the outside, there are many translucent sarcomas in Yemengade’s neck, and you can see the light yellow fluid swimming in a vortex pattern. In fact, there are not only such sarcomas on the outside, but also on the inside, and they are numerous.

Tang Fang originally thought that those sarcomas resembled the venom glands of ordinary snakes and stored toxic substances. But when they burst one after another, the light yellow liquid splashed out, and one small basilisk fell to the ground, he knew that he was wrong, it was not a venom gland or a cyst at all. To some extent, it is similar to an incubation unit and is used to preserve these symbionts.

Why is it a symbiote, not a cub? Because these basilisks are not like Yemengada at all, they have two heads, their facial features are very similar to that of a vicious piranha, and their necks do not have a scarf-like fleshy membrane. They are rows of sharp spines extending to the forehead. Narrow, a bit like hair.

Tang Lin wanted to use the speed of the vulture chariot to rush over, not to get entangled with these annoying things. He didn't know that the sharp thorn shot at the right engine broke his illusion. The vulture chariot started to fire on the right and dragged hundreds of meters on the ground. Hao Tang Lin responded in a timely manner, trying to control his direction to avoid the car overturning, jumped out of the cockpit before the second wave of shots arrived, and relied on several landing rolls to stop the momentum.

With a bang, the vulture chariot exploded into a ball of fire, and the expanding light dispelled the surrounding darkness.

Tang Fang and Claire saw what happened before them, and quickly stepped on the brakes, relying on the reverse thrust to draw an arc on the ground.

Tang Lin took the opportunity to flash between the two and looked at the double-headed basilisks outside with solemn expression. To describe them as small, it is because the size of 20km added to Yemeng is very small, but they are much taller than human beings, almost 7 or 8 meters long, even if they are coiled on the ground, they are as high as two stories.

They are not only tall, but many, many, many, many!

In terms of body size, Yemengah is bigger than Behemoth. You can imagine how many double-headed basilisks can be stored, even though it is only a section of the neck, even though only the medial sarcoma is broken. In terms of quantity, even if there is no 1000, There are also 800.

The three were besieged in the middle, and the vulture chariot in front was hunting and burning, occasionally making a loud noise.

When Tang Fang swept around, he suddenly felt a strange feeling, a bit like when Kerrigan was thrown on Tanzanis by Mengsk, and Noah's primary goal was obviously to capture himself alive.

It is a pity that he is not Kerrigan, and Noah is not a Zerg master.

When the two-headed basilisk screamed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shot sharp thorns at the vulture chariot, the beast roared like thunder, and a huge shadow fell from the sky, blocking the front of the three Tang Fang with its body.

Hush, hush, hush... Massive thorns filled the battlefield, but something enough to penetrate the steel hit the thunder beast bone plate, and most of them were bounced and crackled.

Following Tang Fang's order, they began to charge against the spike rain. The thick soles of the feet slammed the ground, with a muffled sound, like a super bulldozer rushing into the place where the double-headed basilisk is assembled, the two bone blades are opened forcefully, and then they are closed. With a scream, the round snake head flies into the sky. , With corrosive blood splattered everywhere.

They are behemoths in front of humans, and obviously become small when facing Thunder Beast.

This time, Tang Fang didn't leave his hand, and summoned all the Thunder Beasts in the system space in one breath, watching them turn into a hurricane, shattering the outer double-headed snake array.

Before Tang Lin drew the long sword from his back, the **** of death shot an arc of thunder in Kleiya’s hand. The projectile smashed the right head of a double-headed basilisk that had escaped the harvest of the bone blade. He shot his head sideways, turned his face and glanced at Tang Lin.

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