Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1131: Extra gain

Perhaps because of its strong offensiveness, but at the expense of load capacity, Leviathan's cost is 50 higher than Behemoth, up to 1500w crystals, 1500w gas, and a population of 700.

In short, spending 1500w crystals and gas to summon Leviathan can only increase the upper limit of 700 units.

If you gain something, you lose... Tang Fang didn’t waste too much energy on this issue. He scanned the resource reading in the upper right corner of the system, even though Yemengade contributed nearly 300w crystals and 200w gas resources, reaching 1300w+ and 950w+. But compared to the resource consumption of 1500w, there is still a lot of distance.

"I knew it would be like this, I wouldn't call Dags when I was in Akron."

This was just a casual rant. In fact, he knew very well that even if Dags was not summoned and those resources were saved, there is no way to summon Leviathan immediately, because the number of poetry and history units that the system can accommodate has reached the upper limit.

a Turn around Behemoth to fight for Leviathan's population? He would only do this when he was crazy, not to mention that now 3 Behemoths are not around, he didn't even have a chance for a.

"Big brother, what's the matter with you, is it okay?" Tang Lin's question came from the communicator, because he was delayed on it for a long time, neither clarifying the situation to the two of them nor instructing the king to move. They Thought something went wrong.

"I'm fine, I'm looking for a way out." He promised, he stopped worrying about Leviathan's affairs, turned his attention back to reality, and asked Emma if he had found the weak spot, although Yemengade was dead and stopped moving. But it also marked that its body turned into a prison, and it was not an easy task to break through the hard biological tissues and escape from birth.

Emma sent it a scan of the terrain and marked several coordinates at the same time. That was the weak spot scanned by the detector during the process of reviewing new elements. As long as you choose one place to get through, you can help them get out of here as soon as possible. .

Tang Fang chose an area close to Shekou, where the scan data showed that the thickness of the biological tissue was the smallest.

He neither used the Thunder Beast to dig a hole nor cast a hole in the Void Glow Ship. Instead, he summoned a Thor, sat in the cab, communicated with the superluminal electrons stored in his mind, and used Thor’s Hammer particles to accelerate the cannon. A shot with amazing destructive power.

He knew he couldn't explode Yemengade's head with this level of attack, but it shouldn't be difficult to use it to make a hole in a weak spot.

When the special operations transport ship received the order to continue its upward movement, Tang Fang pressed the fire button, and the light emitted by the particle stream illuminates everything around it. Black cracks appeared along the shooting trajectory, and then closed. The adhering biological tissues in the front were shattered by two particle streams, and a path of weird and fragrant meat appeared.

Tang Fang jumped out of Thor's cockpit and directed the detector to scan the tunnel accurately. As he expected, Thor's blow did not penetrate the weak zone, which was about 30 thicknesses from the skin of Yemengade.

He was suddenly fortunate that if there was no incubator to severely inflict Yemengada, and then he was imprisoned by God's armed forces. If he really had to face it in its heyday, what price would he have to pay to defeat it?

He thought about it carefully, I was afraid that there was no other way to remove the swallow body. However, using the phagosome on epic creatures of this level is definitely an act of playing with fire. Once the body is set on fire, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even though he has seen many epic creatures along the way, he still knows a little about this powerful creature. Like the giant snake encountered at the Ypsilon space station, there are phagosome gene fragments in the long gene chain, but it is only affected by the Ypsilon. The suppression of human gene fragments does not show the characteristics of phagosome polymer. If the phagosome gene fragment is contained in the DNA of Yemengade, it can be dealt with by the method of dealing with the incubator.

However, if Yemeng is added to epic creatures like aqbd-1 asexual jellyfish and mutant tree monsters, the DNA chain contains less Epsilon human genetic material, and will not have enough resistance to phagosomes, which will give birth to one. 20k-class phagosome polymer, this behavior is tantamount to putting a demon into the world.

He was awakened by the sound of footsteps behind him, and he turned his head to see Tang Lin and Claire leaving the cabin and coming to where he was.

"How? Did you find a way out?"

He raised his right hand, Goddess of Storm: "There is only 30 thickness left, enough to deal with it."

Claire didn't say much, nodded, and followed him towards the tunnel of flesh and blood opened up with artillery fire.

Fortunately, the surrounding biological tissues were scorched by high temperature, unlike the **** rain environment behind. Although the soles of the feet felt uncomfortable, they finally saw the light of going out.

Tang Lin looked at the protective suit that was stained red by snake blood and complained: "I think the current situation is better than going out from the chrysanthemum position, but it is just a kind of self-comfort."

Tang Fang said, "You can go back and drill your butt."

Tang Lin choked back with a word. Claire squeezed his back violently.

After walking forward for a while, the tunnel that was as high as two people became narrower and narrower, so Tang Fang had to activate the goddess of the storm and continue digging forward. When the real-time scanning data from the detector showed that there was only 5 thickness left, and the outside world was in front of him, Tang Fang suddenly stopped, because he suddenly realized that the weak part was in the position of the python body, and he saw A half-person high, transparent spar wrapped in effusion, although it is already dim and full of cracks on the surface, he still recognizes the identity of the spar ------the energy stone of dreams .

He originally thought that Yemengada experienced the battle of the wandering planet and encountered the armed hunting of God. He must have fought very fiercely. He was afraid that he had consumed all the energy of the energy stone hill in his forehead, otherwise he would not be weaker than human intelligence. He would definitely not succumb to Noah and be a big pet at ease.

From a horrified glance outside, I saw the numerous scars on its body, to the Fallen Angel stranded in the stomach cavity, and there was no mental shock wave along the way, which seemed to confirm the conclusion that the t-energy stone hill was destroyed.

Fortunately, the weakest area he chose to leave here as quickly as possible corresponds to the huge hole that appeared after Yemengada lost the t-energy stone hill. Inside this hole, there is a half-human t-energy stone fragment wrapped in the wound fluid.

"This is... the energy stone?" Tang Lin also saw the transparent spar full of cracks in front.

How could Tang Fang explain to him, piercing the effusion membrane, ignoring the foul-smelling transparent mucus, hurried forward, put his hand close to the half-human t-energy stone, and prayed to the gods and Buddhas, hoping for it The energy is not exhausted.

The moment the palm of the hand touched the t-energy stone, the cracked stones on the surface shattered and turned into millimeter-level scattered light spots, shaking a few times against the lighting of the protective clothing in the harsh environment, and disappeared like a world of evaporation. Horizon.

Tang Lin and Kleiya's faces were very ugly, and it was a pity that a half-human t-energy stone would shatter.

Only Tang Fang didn't think so, he saw something very special. Those broken spots did not disappear, but turned into a kind of rainbow-colored characters, which were thrown into his mind one after another.

In the next moment, consciousness is pulled into the core of the system without control. There is no base selection interface here, only the endless void and a huge rotating celestial body that emits silver-white light.

Those rainbow-colored characters resemble a stream of clouds, ignoring the ring outside the white ball and injecting into its core.

Just like what happened when the core level of the system was upgraded for the first time, the celestial body emitted a more intense light, and the outer ring orbiting along the orbit continued to open outward, the overflowing colored light of the celestial body and the surface of the ring became deeper and deeper. The blue texture makes this void no longer monotonous.

"The available energy source is detected and the conversion process starts..."

"The system core level 2 has been detected, the target has been located, the loop matrix has been opened, and the charging has begun..."

"The integration process starts..."

"Integration progress 12......22......50......99......"

"Integration is complete..."

"The data core has woken up."

"Detected system core level 3, optimize resource ratio, update system information..."

"The StarCraft module has responded, the content is loading, please wait..."

"The system is back online."

Sister Logic's emotionless voice sounded, but it fell in Captain Tang's ears but it was so beautiful and cordial.

However, she has always been an unkind person, ignoring Captain Tang's excitement and kicked him back to the system space.

It was replaced by Emma's voice: "Congratulations, Commander, the system core level has been raised to 3."

"Report the system upgrade."

"Current system core level 3. Protoss unit upper limit +1000, human unit upper limit +1000, Zerg unit upper limit +1000, mixed element upper limit +100. Hero unit upper limit +6, poetry unit upper limit +4."

"Developed, developed..." He has always thought that he has experienced many setbacks and difficulties, and is no longer as frivolous as before. However, after hearing Emma's report, he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart. He just wanted to open up Laughing up to the sky.

The core level of the system is increased from 2 to 3, which is much more rewarding than the original upgrade from 1 to 2. The upper limit of each of the three tribe units is increased by 1000, and the capacity of the Hunyuan unit has also increased to 300 population, not to mention there are 6 hero units and 4 poetry units.

Since Dags and Yageclaw were summoned, there was only one hero unit left, which made him feel pressure to a certain extent. He was thinking about whether to play the Bliss Pure Land account. He didn’t expect Liu Yinghuaming, and Zeratul first. He pitted himself into the world of Ark and met Yemengade, who was "not what it used to be", turning bad things into good things.

After a long time, he finally suppressed his excitement. He turned his attention to the 4th base and looked at the location of the key stone. Sure enough, he saw that the originally floating fragments had been integrated and became a complete Sarnaga key. stone. In this way, it means that he finally has the means to suppress the phagosome polymer.

In addition to this, he also discovered that the illusory crystal originally suspended above the relay station of the Hunyuan Temple Obelisk has become a bit more solid, and the dark green light and surface texture can be blurred.

"What the **** is this?" Emma certainly doesn't know, and Sister Logic will not talk too much, but what is certain is that this thing is related to the t-energy stone, and the continuous collection of the information contained in the t-energy stone will make it change from illusion. real.

After confirming all the data changes, he left the system space and turned his consciousness back to the real world. He found that Claire and Tang Lin were looking at him with a worried look, so they smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

The girl breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I thought you couldn't stand the blow of the t-energy stone breaking and fell into a state of emotional out-of-control."

"It's okay... Anyway, the data collection has been completed."

Naturally, she and Tang Lin didn't understand the meaning of this sentence. Considering that Captain Tang has always been mysterious, this kind of thing has long been no surprise. In short, he is fine, and everything else is not important.

"Let's go, there is still a little distance to go out." He distinguished the direction, stepped on the slimy effusion, and continued the previous tunnel excavation work.

When the remaining amount of the project was close to 2, there was a violent shaking under his feet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tang Lin's expression changed greatly: "Could it be possible that this thing will come back to life?"

Tang Fang held on to the fibrous tissue around him, carefully felt the strength coming from the soles of his feet, shook his head and said, "No, Yemengade has not been resurrected. Anyway, go out first."

He tried to stabilize his figure, adjusted the energy output of the goddess of the storm to the maximum, and hit the relatively hard cuticle in front of him with a full blow.

With a loud bang, the gray earth and rocks embedded in the hole in Yemengade's forehead splashed outward, and the three of Tang Fang jumped out and slid along the texture of the giant snake's head.

The light falling from the sky is not very bright, it can be said to be very dim. Tang Fang squinted his eyes and scanned behind him, showing a surprised expression. Yemengade’s brain was destroyed by elemental creatures detonating debris from the sun, but the entire snake head did not explode as expected. Except for the area near the nasal cavity, it basically maintained its original shape. This shows how hard its bones are. It can withstand shock waves of that level.

Of course, Yemengade is no longer the point. Although the snake's head is still intact, the tissues and organs inside are in a mess under the impact of the explosion.

He didn't waste too much energy on this giant snake. He jumped on the back of an Euglena with Tang Lin and Kleiya, and looked up at the sky above his head.

The towering cliff head concealed the brilliance of the stars, but could not conceal the searchlight of the Giant Spirit-class super battleship.

There are 3 Djinn-class super battleships hovering in the sky...but Tang Fang feels that this description is not rigorous. Although the top 3 battleships are similar in appearance to Djinn-class super battleships, there are many differences in details. The most significant difference is the front. The fungus-shaped warship did not have a dense muzzle, but split left and right, exposing a huge internal space, and then the anti-gravity core in the middle shot out a thick towing beam, slowly pulling Yemengade's body from the ground.

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