Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1135: 3rd unlock item

According to previous examples of the liberation of Liberty Wings technology, two items should be unlocked at once. Since there is no gas mine in the system space, the new elements of the refinery cannot be confirmed, so what about parallel technology?

He selected the Star Trails Command Center, and he found an icon composed of double scvs in the right menu bar. The mouse moved over to display the "command center reactor". This technology allows two scvs to be built at once.

Judging from the role and characteristics of the interstellar system, the "command center reaction furnace" is very tasteless, this is not playing a battle, and building two scvs at the same time does not make any sense to him. However, in the "Wings of Liberty" campaign, the "command center reactor" is an optional project, and the other parallel project is the "automated gas refinery".

According to the previous unlocking practices of Freedom Wings technology, these two battle technologies should be unlocked together.

The "command center reactor" is very tasteless, but the corresponding "automated gas refinery" is not tasteless. If Emma's calculation is not problematic, this technology will give him the ability to convert zero isotopes into gas resources.

The zero isotopes in the black ball in the theta quadrant, the zero isotopes of the wandering planet...This means that I will no longer worry about gas resources in the future, and I don't have to worry about who to go to shovel the wool.

These days, the Zodiac has been staying in the warship harbor of the wandering planet. Walton had nothing to do, so he was sent together to investigate the internal environment of the gaseous planets in the Star Covenant and Turanx United Kingdom to determine Distribution of zero element resources.

What’s interesting is that the only gas giant planet in the Akubado star system that the Star Alliance government leased to him not long ago contains a patch of zero plains inside, but it is limited by the harsh internal environment. , Cannot be mined by conventional means, and must go to the Lost Lands to find the Ypsilon drilling equipment, and cooperate with the Angel and the Mondre for related operations.

However, people are not as good as the sky, so he put the mining of "Erna" internal zero soda on the agenda, instead of hanging up like the simplified Dyson ball system, the system gave him a big surprise.

The "Automated Gas Refinery" has been unlocked...This is tantamount to giving him a key to the gate of wealth.

When he found the first unlock item, he began to look for the second one. When the mouse clicked on the supply station, he found a familiar golden icon in the right menu bar ------ data synchronization has been completed.

The second unlock item is this thing? Well, anyway, the process of visualization of the Terran base has taken another step forward. Although the scale is a little smaller, it is better than standing still.

Next, he looked for the third unlock item, but what puzzled him was that he searched all the buildings, including the scv's construction list, and the accessory pendants of the production unit, but found nothing.

He repeatedly asked Emma if he had made a mistake. The system did not regard the "automated gas refinery" and the "command center reactor" as one element, but as two elements. But Emma's answer denied his conjecture and insisted on the previous statement.

He was a bit wronged, he really worked hard, but he really couldn't find the third unlock item that Miss Emma said.

"Tang Fang, what the **** are you doing? Do you know how long you haven't moved? 15 minutes, 15 minutes!" Kleiya's voice awakened him, and when he looked up, the water screen interactive window was unable to accept new features for a long time. Instructed to enter the dormant state, Tang Lin and Claire looked at him sadly.

It wasn't that he had been distracted on the spot before, but he had never been in a daze for a long time like today, and it was inevitable to have a lot of worries. After all, this is the Ark World, and the two knew nothing about the diamond structure in front of them.

"I'm fine." He smiled at the two of them, no longer entangled in finding the third unlock item anyway, pointing to the huge structure with the upper and lower modules in front of him fully opened and said: "This device is Noah transformed the zero isotopes into the cornerstones of the purple streams flowing across the surface of the planet, which is also the source of survival for those epic creatures."

Tang Lin and Claire looked at the huge structure in front of them, not knowing what to say.

"By the way, what did you find?"

Tang Lin pointed to a darkened area in the deepest part of the hall and said, "There seems to be a device similar to an elevator car. I don't know where it leads to."

"If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the path to the center of the consciousness link network." Tang Fang looked at the diamond-shaped structure that spread out like flowers and said: "You go over there first, I'll be there later."

The two nodded, and walked towards the innermost hall without asking much.

He summoned an scv, hesitated and re-entered the system space, then summoned a worker bee and a veto, and sent it to the diamond-shaped structure platform with a tractor beam to give an order to change the extraction field.

The chase sent by Noah must be behind his ass. He didn't have time to go to the lower space to find the zero isotope warehouse, but he wanted these zero particles that were diluted and transformed by the diamond structure to be absorbed and refined by the extraction field.

The worker bee did not disappoint him, and it turned into a huge biological pipe entwining the core parts of the diamond structure, and began to transform into the extraction field.

He did not stay in place to wait for the mutation to complete, left the platform, and quickly walked towards the area where Tanglin and Kleiya were.

Compared with the crystal hall outside, the room where the car stays is slightly less bright, but the wall where the car is located has more complicated patterns, and the wandering energy stream flickers at a very fast frequency, making life a little nervous .

"Let's go." He greeted the two of them. He stepped into the completely transparent car and waited for Tang Lin and Kleiya to stand up, pressing their hands on the electric mang wandering area on the right.

Similar to the opening process of the stone door in the pyramid room, as the Ypsilon rune forms a circulation, the crystal door closes and the car starts to move downward.

Compared with the lifting platform from the ground, the speed of the car is not fast. Through the transparent crystal wall, you can see the energy pattern extending downward from the inner side of the circular tunnel, which is shining with a blue brilliance. It is a little beautiful at first glance. It is inevitable to get bored.

I don't know how long it has been, the girl leaned against the crystal wall and yawned. When she was about to take out the compressed biscuits in her pocket and share it with the two brothers to fill her stomach, the endless blue light outside was replaced by a silver light.

The car stopped and stopped in a white space. It looked like a big room when it was thrown over the crystal wall. There was no people in it, no energy patterns, no epsilon or human equipment, only the protruding ceiling and convex. High platform out of the floor.

There is a circular tunnel at the core of the two high platforms, and the tunnel in the middle of the high ceiling platform is naturally the passage through which the cars fall. However, the three of them did not continue down the tunnel in the middle of the high platform on the floor. The transparent car began to rotate in the area between the upper and lower platforms, and the speed was very fast. It was almost that the three of Tang Fang just felt slightly dizzy, and then changed from the state of head and feet to head. Then the car enters the floor tunnel and continues to descend.

From the outside, the trajectory of the car is all the way down, but for the three people in the car, it is rising.

Tang Lin looked at the energy pattern outside and said, "This...what's the situation?"

No one can answer this question. Kleiya also looked outside blankly. Tang Fang did not waste energy on this trivial matter. His eyes were attracted by the rising gas resource value in the system space, and then he felt that he might know what Emma said. What is the third new element of

A worker bee mutates into an extraction field with a production efficiency of 5 gas increments/3 seconds. Therefore, in the past, he used multiple extraction fields or refineries to work in parallel to reduce time.

Before building an extraction field for the diamond structure, he just planned to do an experiment to see if the Zerg and Protoss have the same ability to refine zero isotopes after unlocking the "Automated Gas Refinery" technology.

While the car was going down, he confirmed the relevant speculation that the unlocking of the "automated gas refinery" technology did give him the ability to refine zero isotopes, and Sister Logic thoughtfully gave this ability to the Zerg extraction field and The absorption cabin of the Protoss.

The "Automated Gas Refinery" technology only means that the equipment can refine zero isotopes. It is shown in the game to save the number of scvs, worker bees, and probes. It does not mean that it can increase the amount of gas collected.

But now the gas resource collection speed in the system is not increased by 5 gas/3 seconds, but by 2500/3 seconds. 2500: 5,500 times, the gas collection efficiency has increased 500 times.

Such a discovery made him stunned, wondering if he was mistaken, but rubbing his eyes and rubbing his eyes, his consciousness left the system space and then entered. He was sure that the gas resource value had indeed increased at a rate of 2500/3 seconds.

This can only explain one thing. This unlocking not only allows the refinery to refine zero isotopes, but also increases the amount of collection per unit time. It just so happens that there is a "microfiltration system" research project in Liberty Wings Technology that can increase refinery output.

In the campaign mode, the technology parallel to the "microfiltration system" is the "Star Trail Supply Station", which has already been launched after being unlocked at the Star Trail Command Center, so Emma said that the number of unlocks was 3, but he could not find the third unlock. item.

what does this mean? The most obvious benefit is that it can maximize the zero-element energy contained in the diamond-shaped structure, and let the entire system of feeding epic creatures make his wedding dress.

Looking at the rapidly growing elementary resources in the system space, it seemed that Leviathan was waving and smiling at him. Previously used nuclear bombs to attack those flying creatures outside, allowing crystal and gas resources to take a leap, but now they have gotten the diamond-shaped structure. Just give him some more time, 1500w crystal and 1500w gas are not difficult.

In fact, he also knows that the god-armed fleet has already entered this planet. Once those people start pursuing, they will inevitably find the extraction field on the rhombus structure. He can only pray for the blessings of the gods and Buddhas, and let the clones move slowly. It is possible to collect more gas resources.

Just as Captain Tang was wandering between joy and anxiety, Claire's exclamation and the slight vibration from the soles of his feet made him wake up from his reverie.

"How...how could it be!" Tang Lin's voice was full of shock and confusion.

Tang Fang quickly turned his attention back to the real space, looked over through the slowly opened car door, and was also stunned.

Just like a scene that would appear in mythology, they passed through a long tunnel, as if traveling through time and space, and came to a beautiful new world. Different from the barrenness of the ground, there is a lush green space in the distance. The branches are facing the sun from the sky, stretching the young leaves with emotion, and enjoying the afternoon quietly.

Tall trees and plants stand in the distance, and the mist shades the lush canopy, lightly staining a green hill.

There are crisp birdsongs passing through the gaps between branches and leaves, like the light swaying slightly between the trees, not dense, but very real.

Claire took off her mask, rubbed her eyes vigorously, making sure that she was not mistaken, and then raised her head to look into the sky, which was not blazing, but the gentle sun, puzzled: "We... where are we?"

Her reaction was normal, but anyone with normal thinking would suddenly come to a paradise of life from such a barren planet, I am afraid they would have to ask why? This is where?

Tang Fang scanned the surroundings and looked at the tepid and burning sun in the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and sighed: "If I guess right, this should be the underground world of a barren planet."

"Underground world?" Tang Lin said, pointing to the sun in the sky, "Big Brother, you... really have imagination." When he was young, he read many fantasy books and read many fairy tales, but he couldn't do anything. Link the scene of real experience with the fantasy of predecessors.

Tang Fang said: "Humans can transform a barren planet into a livable world, so how can the Ypsilons not turn the core of the planet into a small sun?"

"It's okay to compress the inner core of the planet into a small sun!?" Tang Lin's admiration for the Ypsilon was raised by another level.

Although Tang Fang was equally shocked, he would not have too strong emotional fluctuations like Claire and Tang Lin.

Protoss can collect sun fragments to construct a solar furnace, which is used as the energy source of the Spear of Arden. Moreover, he has been to the Theta quadrant a long time ago, and he has a very in-depth understanding of the ability of the Ypsilons to develop the inner space of the planet. Since they can create the West Tower Quadrant, they must also create the West Tower World, West Tower Continent, West Tower Space...

"If I am not mistaken, the barren world on the surface of the planet is not the habitat of epic creatures. This is it." Tang Fang walked out of the semi-open hall where the car was located and walked towards the outside square.

He did not find the consciousness link network center for the first time, his eyes fell on the branch of a giant vine, where there was a creature over 2 meters in length that looked like a snake, but there was a lizard with two front feet facing three people. Keep spamming, exuding extremely strong hostility.

"Just like Athena said, really a smart guy." Naturally the speaker was not Tang Lin, nor was it Claire.

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