Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1137: Lilith

Half of the black shadow flew up into the sky, and a little blood sprinkled under the sun, not many, falling on the ground like a snow plum blossoming.

There was no screaming, and no painful expression was seen. The right hand that originally pierced Tang Lin dropped, and the other dark green tissue on the abdomen suddenly came back to life, like a venomous snake. It stretched quickly and keratinized quickly, turning it into one. Bring a terrifying spear.

At the same time, the sword-sharp tail feathers behind Lilith followed the pace of the **** spear and pierced the opposite man from both sides of her body. To put it bluntly, her body is full of weapons, and every part is not lethal.

Tang Lin regretted that he should not attack blindly. Hecate was a powerful melee weapon, but while the female demon in front of him was good at hand-to-hand combat, she also had many weird methods. Moreover, she is really shameless.

Perhaps for the clones, the useless emotion of shame has long been stripped from the spiritual world by Noah, and they can use their bodies at will. But he is different. There is no way to treat the naked female body in front of him as nothing, even if it is clear in his heart that the guy in front of him is no longer human.

"Drink!" In a burst of shouts, the left hand that had cut off the black bone spurs wrapped his right hand, Hecarty changed from one-handed to two-handed grip, Tang Lin's eyes widened instantly, the current around his body surged, and Hecarty's blades gapped It shoots out a substantial wave of particles, changing the softness and delicateness of the original, and it becomes fierce and bursting.

The dark-green tissue entwining the sword's body resembles a sudden burst of bark, and the fissures meander like snakes, and bunches of red brilliance shoot out from inside.

The more cracks there are, the brilliance gradually becomes a general trend, and the dark green tissues are washed away by the particle tide and turned into countless fragments, which are like scattered ashes in the red sky, evaporating.

The **** spear didn't pierce Tang Lin's heart because the above scene was very slow, but it was actually very fast. It didn't run out in the blink of an eye. If Lilith continues to be hard, the longer and wider Hekati will pierce her body first.

As a result, the **** spear suddenly softened, and she retracted under the drive of her suddenly distorted body, and her whole person left the range of influence of Hecate's violent particle wave.

Tang Lin used Hecate's unique attack method to evaporate Lilith's chest, and he couldn't hold on himself because of excessive consumption. He knelt on one knee, panting heavily. There are still a few scars on his body, which are caused by the black tail feathers bypassing the area of ​​effect of the red particle wave during the opponent's retreat. Fortunately, they are not serious, but some skin injuries.

The **** spear returned to its original appearance, still wrapped around the waist and abdomen, covering the key parts. Unfortunately, the chest wrapped was evaporated by Hecate's particle storm, so Lilith could only stare at it with her upper body naked, a little cold and a little frightened. A sword.

Tang Lin panted for a while and stood up with his sword pestle on the ground. In the process, he suddenly saw that the black bone spurs cut by the nether energy blade turned into a crawling biological tissue, squirming quickly towards Lilith's position. He climbed to the upper body with his thigh, returned to the broken right arm, twisted for a while and turned back to his hand.

His face was ugly. Although the previous fight seemed to hurt each other, he actually lost. Lilith was really tough, much higher than Athena and Mr. J's combat power.

Tang Fang saw the confrontation between the two of them in his eyes, glanced at the webbed claw monster that was getting closer and closer behind him, and said: "No wonder I haven't seen the chase armed with God for a long time. It turns out that Noah arranged Lilith with that monster early in the morning. Snipe us here."

Claire said: "Lilith's offensive method is very similar to Bai Hao's Dark Heart."

Tang Fang shook his head and said, "No, there are weaponized body tissues in the God-armed clone army, but they only have arms that can be deformed, and Lilith can be weaponized. Two clones with deformed parts have been It's the elite and commander level. I don't know which level a clone like her will be classified into."

"What are you going to do?" Kleiya glanced behind her. Since the lightning ball was absorbed by Tang Fang, the webbed claw did not continue to attack and chose to accelerate forward. Now she has left the forest, and the first two feet formally set foot on the square.

"Lilith's severed body will turn into a small living body, relying on the biological induction with the mother to return, which reminds me of the reinforced corpse beast I encountered at the funeral of Duke Congreve." Tang Fang looked at moving his right hand. The female demon of said: "It is impossible to completely kill her with ordinary attack methods. One must be guaranteed to be fatal and not to give her a chance to reunite."

As the two of them were talking, the webbed claws stepped on the square with four legs behind them, but did not move on. The head made of the upper body of the male Ailante looked at the location of the three people, and suddenly shook his body. Stomped hard with one foot on the ground.


The vibration and muffled sound from under the feet awakened the two of them. Following the reputation, they found that the body of the webbed claw monster pieced together with corpses was filled with a dark green mist, which quickly spread to the surrounding area under the effect of the wind caused by the shaking of the body.

"Be careful, those mists are poisonous!"

In fact, without Tang Fang’s reminder, Kleiya also knew that the webbed claws could not do this for fun: "What should I do? Should I leave here first and retreat to a safe place?"

"You forgot, it can fly." Tang Fang narrowed his eyes and said with a cold voice: "It seems that if you don't kill them, there is no way to find the control center of the consciousness link network with peace of mind. First concentrate on solving Lilith and say..."

He got up and walked to the confrontation area between Tang Lin and Lilith. Kleiya looked back at the webbed claw, and suddenly found three huge black holes appearing in the mist-filled area, accompanied by thunderous roars, and three thunder beasts appeared, quickly Rush into the depths of the green mist.

The size of the web claw monster is twice as large as the thunder beast's feet. In order to reduce the advancing speed of the green mist, while testing the depth of the opponent, to see if it has other abilities, Tang Fang invested 3 thunder beasts at once.

Lilith also witnessed a scene in the fog area, her face changed slightly, and then she showed a sneer smile, suddenly shaking Black Wings and flying into the sky, watching Tang Fang and Kleiya walking one after another, her hands turned into 7 ulnar spurs, behind her back The tail feathers resembled a dancing sword, and even the jagged edges of the black wings revealed a sharp murderous intent.

When Tang Fang walked to Tang Lin's side, she turned in a circle in the sky, taking advantage of the momentum to dive down, the diffusing light from the tail enveloped the three of them.

With one enemy three, she has enough ability to do so. Because Tang Fang is inferior to Tang Lin in terms of individual combat effectiveness, Kleiya is even more inferior.

Tang Lin took a deep breath and prepared to take a step forward to protect Tang Fang and Claire behind, but Tang Fang stopped him and chose Lilith, who was swooping down facing the sky.

The black wings blocked the sunlight and cast a shadow like a demon on the ground. Those tail feathers and bone spurs flashed with dazzling cold light, and there was a weak current surging at the roots. She knew that thunder and lightning was useless against Tang Fang, so she had never used the abilities belonging to the Ypsilon, only to strengthen her own combat effectiveness.

Just when she was close to the ground of the square 5 meters, those tail feathers could almost touch the bodies of the three of them, suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she caught an ancient monster species shrouded in faint silver light in the void on the left.

She failed to pierce Tang Fang’s chest because the gravity from the ground suddenly increased several times, and her body couldn’t adapt to it for a while. She fell to the ground from a height of 5 meters. Fortunately, she changed the shape of bone spurs in time to soften the body tissues for buffering. No harm.

She didn't know what the suspended creature that appeared suddenly was, but what was certain was that the powerful gravity exerted on her was the suspended creature that floated behind her with a silver ribbon and was enveloped by a light energy haze.

Since the Hunyuan Destroyer was unlocked, Tang Fang has only used it during the battle for the Fallen Angel. Except for the black 6 and black 5 who have fled, those who have seen the power of Hunyuan Destroyer and Hunyuan Raiders Are all dead. God's armed forces who are enemies of the Anubis Legion naturally do not know their existence.

Lilith resisted the gravitational cage, and tried to look up at the opposite side. Tang Fang was not fascinated by the beautiful chest shape that was squeezed in front of him, his right hand was drawn backwards, and the death **** in Kleiya's arms marveled at his palm, jumping high when the enemy was out of control. Started and slammed.

"Do you think you can kill me like this? Dreaming!" Lilith's loss of lift-off ability under the gravitational cage does not mean that she has lost the ability to resist. Tang Fang jumped into the air. Before the double-headed gun fell, its body suddenly shattered and changed. A lot of scattered biological tissues swim outwards quickly.

Not being able to fly into the sky does not mean that you cannot move left and right. Use the power of the Ypsilon to create a reverse electric field in the body to tear the body apart, thereby breaking through the gravitational prison. I have to say that she is really smart.

Faced with the disintegrating and fleeing biological tissues, Tang Fang slashed at least one arm and could never hurt its roots. As long as he leaves the gravitational cage and gathers his body again, he will be able to regenerate his severed limbs with the help of Mo Luo.

Mo Luo, naturally refers to the webbed claw monster in the green mist.

The light and shadow around the Hunyuan Destroyer were woven from 1 to 10. The multiple gravitational cages acted on the place where Lilith was divided, and the broken biological tissues inevitably slowed down.

The death **** in Tang Fang's hand suddenly split into two in surprise, and the double-headed gun was covered with dazzling thunder and fell in front of the fastest escape biological tissue, inserted into the depths of the floor, and spread out a power grid.

The two power grids are unfolding again, and the goddess of the storm and the **** of death marvel at the latter part of the guns and swords. The scattered biological tissues are trapped under the dual blockade of the gravitational cage and the high-voltage power grid.

Tang Fang looked down as if foreseeing the danger, desperately looking for the scattered biological tissues that escaped, his arm pulled back to catch the Hecarti thrown by Tang Lin, and all the electrical energy absorbed by the webbed claw was injected into the long sword.

Click... Click... Click...

In the crisp sound, the sword body module unfolded and the long sword turned into a giant sword. The red tide appeared in the gap, dispelling the bright sunlight and blocking the three figures. It was shrouded in a red world for hundreds of meters, colliding with the green fog behind, causing a Color storm.

The Hunyuan Destroyer withdrew the Nether Energy, Tang Fang fell from the sky, and Hekati pointed at the center of the grid.

Hecate could stimulate a wave of particles in Tang Lin's hands, and naturally it was a different look in Tang Fang's hands. With the continuous injection of high-energy electrons, the red particles spewing from the gap between the modules accelerate and swell, and at the moment of hitting the target, they rapidly expand into a red galaxy with the blade as the base point.

There was no sound, and even the sound of electric current was submerged in the ocean of energy. Tang Lin and Kleiya only felt that the soles of their feet sank, and the solid ground that started with Epsilon Technology collapsed as a whole, sinking into the ground one meter. Deep, the two of them were blown down by the subsequent shock wave, relying on the support of the **** to barely hold them.

These two people followed Tang Fang's instructions to stay away from the war zone as much as possible, still in such an embarrassing situation, it is conceivable how much damage Lilith at the core would suffer.

After the Milky Way, there was a shock wave and a huge amount of dust, and then a huge roar from the ground. The green mist around the square was brought up by the strong wind and rolled back, forming a fierce hurricane, dispersing all the dust, and revealing an amazing scene behind.

It's a pity that both Tang Lin and Claire were shocked by the vision, and didn't have the energy to take care of what happened on the second battlefield.

The shock wave went away, and the dust flying into the sky began to dissipate, and the sound of rubble rolling down could be heard again. The two were not entangled in the numerous scars washed out by high-energy particles on the surface of the protective clothing in the harsh environment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ gathered their eyes and looked towards the center of the battlefield.

Hecate was inserted on a raised boulder in the center of the basin. Tang Fang stood next to him. He firmly held the hilt with his right hand. The gap between the blade modules below was red, and occasionally a jet of air flowed out, blowing away dust nearby.

At the beginning of the Luerzan Research Institute, his full blow almost collapsed the entire underground building, and the high-frequency sword was fragmented due to the inability to carry the erosion of high-energy electrons. Now that it was replaced by Hecate, a ring basin was created. It seems that the scale of damage is similar to that of the original, but the materials used to build the entire square come from the Epsilon civilization, and far surpass human materials in terms of hardness, toughness, and corrosion resistance.

Tang Lin opened his mouth, and it took a long time to hold back a sentence: "Should I...should I give Hecate to Big Brother?"

Claire said: "He won't want it, because...that is Kudria's dowry."

"Hmm...huh?" The half-year-old thought for a while and finally came back to his senses: "Eh...what are you talking about?!"

She ignored Tang Lin's embarrassment, picked up the death **** who was shaken by the shock wave and walked to the isolated island where Tang Fang was.

Hecate has always been sharp, but when used by Tang Fang, his power is largely reflected in the stream of red particles. Most of Lilith's biological tissues were annihilated by the energy storm, except for the one pinned to the tip of the sword.

When Tang Fang withdrew Hecate from the crevice of the stone, the piece of biological tissue bounced up and shot towards the area where the webbed claw was. However, the green light flashed, Miss Lilith's last piece of flesh and blood failed to escape.

He suddenly shook his right hand, which was stopped in the air, and a lot of ashes flowed from the heart of the fist as the lightning bounced.

"Mo Luo..." He raised his head and looked into the distance, but as soon as the voice fell, his consciousness suddenly moved into the system space out of control.

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