Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1148: Old souls

The first thousand and forty-eight chapters

Perhaps from the time of StarCraft 1, Tang Yi has a good impression of Phoenix, who regards honor as his life, is loyal, brave, and upright, so he sneaks to the battlefield where Phoenix is ​​very natural, pulls the trigger against the mechanical intelligence four-legged monster, and the EMP grenade breaks. Going away in the air, burst into a ball of flashes, and the shock wave interfered with the continuous irradiation of the laser, winning a respite for Phoenix.

The stealth ability of the harsh environment protective clothing can fool the clones in the melee, but it is difficult to fool the mechanical brain. Perceiving the identity of the intruder, he could see that he was very excited, so he directly let go of the opportunity to break his wrist with Phoenix and put all his energy on Tang Fang. This made him very upset, and he could only hide behind the shield bunker armed with God and did not dare to appear easily.

In response to Tang Fang, after Phoenix trampled a clone to death, the phase jammer, which was different from the ordinary dragon knight painting, entered the charging mode. After a few breaths, it projected a dazzling light on the mechanical intelligent brain four-legged monster. Bloom behind him.

There are several black spots on the surface of the shield constructed by magnetic particles, and the particle flow breaks away from the confinement fence and flows into the black spots like a tide. Because the system cannot quickly supplement the missing particles, several holes are inevitable.

The fact that Tang Fang couldn't see the scene ahead did not mean that the detectors that were constantly watching the direction of the battlefield could not see it.

Emma immediately told him about this situation, thinking it was a good counterattack opportunity.

This reminded him of the Dragon Knight’s "Singularity Charge" upgrade project. For the average Dragon Knight, this research project is used to increase the range, but why is it possible to create a small singularity here in Phoenix, distorting a small range of time and space?

He found that he couldn't understand it, and he simply regarded it as a special skill given to Phoenix by the logic sister.

Emma’s explanation is that the phase jamming gun itself is a phase weapon. The phase splitting projectile fired by Phoenix’s charged attack must contain more antimatter than the phase splitting projectile fired by the average dragon knight. Perhaps it is the unevenness of the spatial phase. This leads to changes in the structure of the micro-world, faults or tears, which then evolve into small singularities, which can cause continuous damage to enemy targets within a certain range.

He could not understand the obscure principles and analysis, but he understood the last sentence.

"In other words, Phoenix's charged attack is an AOE type of damage?"

"You can say that." Emma said, "Be professional..."

"Stop, stop... now is not the time for science popularization." Tang Fang hurriedly stopped Miss Emma's habit of being a teacher.

At the same time, the light and shadow around the four-legged monster of the mechanical intelligent brain flashed, and three vetoes appeared in the battlefield space, mobilizing the power of the vetoes together, infiltrating the restraining fence area, and fully delaying the shield system's compensation process for missing particles.

The fire from the sniper position emerged, and the death gods gave up the suppression of the enemy's high positions. With their excellent mobility, they fell on the left and right sides of the mechanical intelligence four-legged monster, carrying the enemy's laser, and flashing red pulses. The D8 explosive was thrown into the slowly healed shield cavity.

Boom, boom, boom...

At the cost of two vetoes and three death gods, in exchange for D8 explosives to explode serially in a narrow space, the multiple superimposed thermal damage finally penetrated the restraining fence, disintegrating the shield system and suspension system of the mechanical intelligent brain quadruped. Turn it into a fixed-point fort with no athletic ability.

His cooperation with Phoenix is ​​quite tacit, and can even be described as perfect.

A phase-split projectile rises from the platform below to the sky, hits the ring structure under the robotic brain in a parabolic fashion, and explodes into a large fireball, temporarily paralyzing the robotic brain without its shield.

Tang Fang finally found a chance to get out of the bunker and took the opportunity to send the Nether Energy Blade into the core of the mechanical intelligence brain. Accompanied by a low and explosive sound, the wound bounced into a dazzling arc, and the light radiating from the surrounding patterns fell into silence, and the mechanical intelligent brain quadruped was finally destroyed and offline.

If it weren't for Phoenix's energy-saving blow that gave him the dawn of victory, he would really not dare to force the four-legged monsters of mechanical intelligence. Regardless of the peripherals of Epsilon, the defense power of the mechanical intelligent brain is actually average, but the reaction speed and the power of the laser are amazing. It can penetrate the centurion's plasma shield in one blow, and the protective clothing of the harsh environment is naturally difficult to resist.

While preparing to thank Phoenix, the expansion process of the new elements of the interstellar system suddenly started, and consciousness was pulled into the system space base selection interface.

The background light diminished, the four ethnic emblems went out in turn, the interface changed from bright to dark, the cursor flashed several times, and a line of characters flashed with a brisk ticking sound.

"System, restart......ok!"


"Prepare, dates..."



"Run, now!"


With a low buzz, the system is back online, the base selection interface appears, and the totem is brightly shiny.

Emma's voice sounded in time: "Commander, change the address according to the memory pool data recorded in the system log. The new element is located at the Protoss base, the number is 1."

Just like his guess, the new element is indeed in the Protoss base. Tell Phoenix to pay attention to the surrounding environment. He put his consciousness into the Protoss base and browsed the foldover menu of the probe. After no new elements were found, he switched the focus to the folding door. Suddenly, he found that the icon of the mechanical sentry had a background light fluctuation, and then clicked Press the hot key, the menu bar flashes, and it switches to the sub-option.

From left to right are mechanical sentry, motivator, and catastrophe. Among them, the mechanical sentry and the motivator are highlighted to unlock, and the catastrophe of the Tadalin faction is still locked in gray.

"The four-legged mechanical intelligent brain corresponds to the purifier faction motivator?" He thought it was a variant of the immortal, but considering the existence of the mechanical intelligent brain, it was logically said.

Motivator is an auxiliary combat unit of the Purifier faction corresponding to the mechanical sentry of the El faction. The system provides sample analysis reports of 2 core components.

1. Portable space-time acceleration device: The scientists of the Purifier camp analyzed the space-time force field of the mothership core, miniaturized and portable, after phase correction and coherence, obtained the space-time acceleration capability similar to the Protoss hub, and This device is implanted with the stimulator assist system to project a small space-time force field to help your units gain faster attack speed and movement speed.

Second, the phase mode: similar to the transmission prism, each motivator can generate an energy field, enabling one's own side to access the psionic matrix and crossover network on hostile positions, supplying energy for frontline combat units, and helping reinforcements quickly reach the battlefield.

The cost of the motivator is the same as that of the mechanical sentry, 50 crystals and 100 gas, occupying a population of 2.

In the Legacy of the Void campaign mode, he likes this unit very much, and the time acceleration skill is undoubtedly a magical skill. But the phase mode is rarely used, because it always feels that the folding prism is more flexible. However, in reality, the volume of the fold-over prism is not suitable for certain special combat environments, such as street fighting and sneaking operations behind enemy lines. In this case, it is obviously more appropriate to invest in motivators. It should be known that after switching to phase mode, not only can it be used to fold over combat units, but it can also provide a psionic matrix for the phase turret.

Thinking of this, he thinks that the motivator unlocked too in time. In the current combat environment, the target of the fold-over prism is too large. Once it appears, it will become the white knight’s living target. If it is replaced by the motivator, it can effectively use the complex terrain. The small-sized ground unit, phase turret will bring many surprises to the enemy.

The new battle plan was formed in his mind, but before he was put into effect, the warning message from Phoenix interrupted his thinking.

Tang Fang quickly moved his attention to the real world and found that Phoenix was caught by several clones, and a figure quickly approached his area.

It was the man in the cloak who hid his face behind his hood. Judging from the broken hem, the process of breaking through Tang Lin's interception was not easy.

"Are you going to avenge that mechanical face?" While speaking, he told Tang Lin not to worry about himself. After getting rid of the entanglement of the clone leader, he hurried to help Ulaner, because the guy who relied on the old and sold the old was about to die.

The man in the cloak did not speak, but the response to Tang Fang's question was a gunshot. It came from the golden Paladin M5, the most famous heavy pistol in the human world, just like the desert eagle during the earth civilization period.

The bullet enough to smash a human skull did not hit his body, and the carbon warhead burned into a plume of soot on the face of the V-shield.

"I think you should introduce yourself before you start, because if you don't talk about it now, you may not have a chance next."

The cloak man pulled the trigger again, and the result was the same as last time, the carbon bomb turned into a plume of soot and disappeared.

"I said that the answer to this question will be perfectly answered the moment you go to hell."

Tang Fang sighed, and the goddess of storm suddenly put down his right hand, and thunder gushing out, turning into a swift lightning to shoot at the cloak man's face door, flowing fire across the air, like the sound of tearing cloth.

An electric arc burst out from under the cloak, and the man slid to the left extremely quickly, avoiding the lightning shot from Tang Fang.

"Sure enough." He was not surprised. The cloaked man seemed to have the ability to manipulate electric current just like Mr. J.

Thunder and fire spewed under the cloaked man's feet, and the speed increased greatly. The Paladin M5 was replaced by a high-frequency sword, and it fell with the wind and thunder.

Tang Fang hurriedly retracted the goddess of the storm, and leaned towards the high frequency sword.

With a creaking sound, the high-frequency sword and the goddess of the storm crashed into one place, but what made Tang Fang puzzled was that the man in the cloak did not take into account the phantom energy blade in his left hand, and let the light cut through the cloak and lifted it from his chest. tease.

At the moment, Tang Fang had the upper hand, but his face became very ugly. At the moment when the Nether Energy Blade pierced the cloak and pierced the opponent's chest, he keenly sensed something wrong, because the Nether Energy Blade The speed of the penetration was very fast, without any resistance, like a cloud of air behind the cloak.

At this moment, the cloak was blown away by the violent wind generated by the side grenade explosion, and flew back, and the hood covering the face also moved away, revealing a face that had been hidden for a long time. No... it's half a face.

Tang Fang's expression was first horrified, then doubtful, then gloomy. "It's you... Tripatti!"

Although there was only half of a human face, and although that half of the human face was greatly changed from before, from the outline, from the eyes, and from the mole under the ear, he still recognized the identity of the enemy.

Since the death of Hymn Will, the XIAN Political Promotion Committee took power, and Gilcott took the Singer family and gave a slaughter warning to those new faction remnants who were ready to move. Tripatti and his Sea Peacock disappeared from the eyes of the world. In the middle, no one knows where he went, even Tang Fang did not expect that he would enter the Ark and become a dog of Noah.

But thinking about it carefully, this is normal. After all, they have a common enemy. They have destroyed his family and seized his power. Of course he has reasons to avenge, of course to join forces with God’s armed forces, and of course to become as present. Such a person is neither a ghost nor a ghost.

Seriously speaking, it is not half a human face, it is a human face, but starting from the center of the eyebrows, the left side is made of flesh and blood, and the right side is filled with fine light, which vaguely outlines the outline of some facial organs. .

It’s hard to imagine that only half of the human body can survive, but the scene before him clearly tells Captain Tang that Tripatti is not only alive, but also alive and well, and he also gains power that ordinary people can’t control~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Isn’t it scary, incredible? "Tripathi said: "Do you know how much I have suffered to master this power?" How many sins have you suffered? In fact, I should thank you, because it is the power of hatred that supports my body and will, and finally perseveres and gains the power of revenge. "

Perhaps because he was too excited when he spoke, his left brain twitched slightly and his lungs accelerated up and down, which looked really scary.

"I said I would let you know who I am... the moment you go to hell." As soon as the voice fell, Tripatti's right body was in a trance, turning into a pure energy body, separated from the flesh and blood body, towards Tang Fang hit his body.

Tang Fang didn’t know the state of the last soul of the Singh family. Even Emma couldn’t provide detailed information to explain Tripatti’s state. The flesh and blood body on the left should have been modulated to obtain Ipsy. The strength of the dragon, but no one knows what the energy body on the right is and what kind of ability it possesses.

Of course, he knows very well that he can't let the opponent hit him anyway.

The two rails of the goddess of storm, who pierced into the energy body and returned without success, instantly bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and the high-energy electron stream rolled up a destructive vortex. Knowing that the phagosome cannot withstand its attack, no matter how strong Tripatti's energy body is, it is impossible to withstand the stream of violent particles that can tear time and space.

Indeed, Tripatti's choice could only be to temporarily avoid the edge, and the energy body suddenly disappeared, followed by the harsh warning from the detector.

The mob said to A

Thanks to Bingzhou God of War, Xiaobu, Xuanmoxuan, Book House ALAN, Burning Wand, and book friends 1611182203058978 for their rewards.

In addition, some nasty ghosts are like women's aunts, who will toss once or twice a month.

Don't bother me!

This book comes from

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