Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1156: Zelatu

Their appearance is very peculiar. Compared with the Ypsilon battleship, Tang Fang feels more like the Ailantian battleship. It looks like a handguard thorn sword strung with two staggered dna chains. There is a different kind. Beauty, it seems that the special shape of the Ammonite-class warship was inspired by this kind of relic warship.

These two unidentified relic warships are not equipped with energy weapons or projectile weapons. They are equipped with a weapon that can distort the structure of space, similar to the feathered serpent of the 13th Prince Halifax Stewart of the Monya Empire. God number. It's just that the twisted field of force constructed by the wings of the Quetzalcoatl is mostly used in defensive situations, and the two relic warships suspected of coming from the Ailante civilization used them in attack situations.

Naturally, their attacks are not enough to build a black hole that swallows everything. Only weapon systems that exist at the level such as the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, Protoss Mothership, and Ark World can create a source of gravity of that level.

The role of these two relic warships in the battlefield is more like the interception ship of a sovereign state, but they are not used to lock the target's warp speed navigation ability, but are used to stretch or compress the spatial structure of the target area to delay or accelerate The target’s action or attack power is similar to the ability of the mothership’s core.

The Void Seeker almost fell into the stagnant space they created. Fortunately, Zeratul was a dark templar, and his control of the void and ghost energy was far more powerful than the psychic power of El Star. The structural changes of time are very sensitive, which helped him successfully escape the attack of the two ruined warships and survive the chase and interception of the armed forces of God.

However, it is not enough to survive. His goal is the temple, Noah...

The Void Seeker suddenly activated the two-wing injectors, using the rapid injection of Saitos oxide to gain acceleration, throwing away the God's armed fleet behind, and digging into a hole at the edge of the fan blade. I don't know what kind of weapon caused it. The cross-section of this penetrating injury is as large as 3 kilometers in diameter, and the Void Seeker can travel freely inside.

Only twelve sea witch-class unmanned combat ships caught up, but they were also suddenly accelerated by the Void Seeker and fell for a long distance. They had to rely on charged ion cannons for interference shooting to narrow the gap between the two.

Facts proved that this move was very blind and unwise. The Void Seeker flew forward for a while, and suddenly encountered an attack from near the exit. It turned out that there was an Airland warship blocked there.

When the back of the ruined warship spiraled through like water and gathered to the silver tip of the bow, a twisted space with a diameter of 3 kilometers appeared on the only way of the Void Seeker.

There are twelve sea witch-class unmanned battleships hunting in the rear, and facing the distorted space of the Ailante battleship structure in front, no matter how you look at the Void Seeker, it has been driven to ruin. Zeratul seems to be reckless for himself. Behavior pays a price.

At a critical moment, the energy used by the Void Seeker's core to construct a small plane burst out, turning into a green tide and shooting out from the bow orbit, leaving many dense arcs in the air, rushing out of this wound tunnel.

Those violent energies did not hit the target, and the Ailante battleship successfully avoided the impact of the green tide and flashed to a farther place, seeming to have the ability to teleport.

In fact, Zeratul didn't have much hope for the attack just now. The Ailante battleship was only an incidental target, and the target of the green tide was the distorted space in front. These special void energies from the Sarnaga crystal can be used to construct a small plane in the void in the center of the Void Seeker, and of course it can also be used to interfere with the twisted space created by the Ailante battleship.

Unfortunately, the tug of war between the Void Seeker and the Ark World a few hours ago almost exhausted the void energy stored in the central cavity. After Tang Fang arrived, he never got a respite. The remaining energy was not enough to crush the battleship made by the Ailante battleship. Twisting the space, only splitting a narrow safe passage, not enough to accommodate the hull of the Void Seeker.

Faced with this situation, Zeratul chose a very tragic way.

The two-wing injectors turned on again, and the Oxide of Saitos sprayed out, and the Void Seeker flew to the inner wall of the tunnel extremely quickly, and the side of the hull scraped over the broken structures, sputtering dazzling sparks. From a distance, it looked like a machete cutting through the wall and driving along the narrow passage through the twisted space created by the Airant battleship.

The Ailante battleship moved to a long distance to avoid the attack of the void energy and was unable to lay a second blockade. The Void Seeker left the tunnel in this way and escaped into the sky with the rain of rays made by the charged ion cannon.

Zeratul escaped with excellent determination and judgment, but the Void Seeker suffered serious damage in the operation just now. The side that was in contact with the inner wall of the tunnel was seriously deformed, cracking in many places, revealing the damage inside. The structure and dazzling electric sparks, and even the energy shield have become very unstable.

Suffering from this ordeal, the Void Seeker finally did not dare to provoke Noah's majesty anymore, the injector opened again, Saitos oxide shot out, and decisively accelerated away from the fan blade area, and flew away from the Ypsilon space station.

The twelve sea witch-class unmanned battleships gave up after chasing for a long time. Instead, they sailed to the airspace where the paradise star is located with 100 fast battleships from the rear, leaving only more than 30 battleships to continue their pursuit mission to avoid tricky and flexible pursuits What little action does the number of people make?

The enemy’s departure did not let Athena, who was responsible for the defense of the Ypsilon space station, relax. The other twelve Sea Witch-class unmanned combat ships and one Astral Trident battleship with a length of more than 600 meters are located by a half fan blade. The area drove out, entered the nearby airspace, and began to lead 100 warships dedicated to God's armed forces on patrol missions.

Unlike the previous two Ailante battleships, the Astral Trident battleship is slightly different from the Astral Trident battleship in Tang Fang's impression, and it should be modified and repaired by God's armed forces.

The Void Seeker has left the airspace where the Ypsilon space station is located. According to common sense, it is impossible for Tang Fang to know the existence of the Astral Trident warship, but the fact is that he not only knew it, but also saw that it was a semi-relic warship- -----If it is divided according to the definition of relic warship and semi-relic warship by sovereign states.

He saw through Zeratul's eyes what happened in the fan blade area after the Void Seeker left.

Yes, from digging into the tunnel, to falling into the abdomen and back to the enemy's situation, to breaking through the enemy's blockade in a tragic way to escape to life, all these are the strategies used by the Dark Master to paralyze the enemy. When the Void Seeker crossed the inner wall of the tunnel, Zeratul used his teleport ability to leave the car and sneak into the Ypsilon space station.

This was a very risky move. Tang Fang persuaded him not to do this, but the old man did not listen to him, he insisted on his own opinion and implemented it. Fortunately, it succeeded. It was not affected by the power of the charged ion cannon, was not squeezed to death by the battleship and the inner wall of the tunnel, and it did not become a ghost in the void. It survived tenaciously, relying on the complex combat environment and its own ability to successfully avoid it. God-armed eyes and ears to achieve the desired goal.

Zeratul told Tang Fang his thoughts, and then glanced at the intact fan blade opposite, left the dilapidated corridor, entered a passage that looked like a ventilation duct, and walked towards the root of the fan blade.

In order to avoid the surveillance of God's armed forces, he can only sneak into the church from the inside by walking on foot.

With a length of several hundred kilometers, the fan blade is obviously not a short distance, and it takes a lot of time. Fortunately, this incomplete fan blade has been abandoned for a long time and is in a weightless environment, which is very helpful for reaching the end point as soon as possible.

When the Dark Master sneaked into the Ypsilon space station alone, the situation of the Paradise Star and Sky Battlefield was also constantly changing over time. The warships belonging to God’s Armed Forces are naturally far from comparable warships to sovereign nations. After discarding nearly a hundred warships, with the aid of the Odyssey armored mothership, the remaining ships began to evacuate from the atmosphere and enter an area where the planet's gravity is weak.

The flying epic biological clusters began to become crazy. A large number of monkeys ignored the heat radiated by the stern thruster and crazily destroyed the surrounding electronic facilities. Some were directly burned to ashes by the high-temperature plasma because they strayed into the injection chamber.

An ammonite-class battleship ignited a raging fire under the suicide attack of the monkey and monster cluster, and a series of explosions occurred in the power room of the tail. The dust flew into the sky, and dozens of monkey monsters who had not been able to leave died in the secondary disaster.

In the sky facing the ruins of the Ypsilon building, facing the wing-legged horseshoe crab-class armored ship known for its powerful defenses, the Minotaur no longer spit purple slime, but reunited together and turned into a black dragon with its body The collision is adjusting the hull of the ship.

A minotaur hitting it didn’t have much effect, but when ten, fifty...a hundred minotaurs hit an area at the same time, the heavy shell of the wing-legged Limulus-class armored ship began to deform, and the warship had no way to stabilize its course. , Like a person trapped in a quagmire, can only rotate back and forth in the atmosphere, there is no way to escape the planet's gravity well.

"These **** beasts..." The superb battleship bridge numbered js-s12, the clone leader in charge of command work, looked at the battle damage report in his hand and shouted with an angry expression.

No one expected such a change. Not long ago, Athena sent the news that the White Knights, Tripatti and others had lost contact to the heads of the fleet, ordering them to pay close attention to the movement of the ground, and at the same time send more cloned marines to the paradise world for combat missions.

Since Tang Fang used the battered group of people and the Four Protoss to break through the enemy’s last blockade in Paradise World, occupy the central castle west transport platform, and promptly destroy the transport channel connected to the clone cultivation facility, so that God’s armed forces are completely lost. The link of the library. This seems to indicate that Tripatti, the White Knight and others are in a very bad situation, and the library is very likely to fall into Tang Fang's hands.

The sage Noah did not know why he was offline, and delegated the task of capturing Tang Fang to Tripatti and Athena. Now that the former has lost contact, the latter can only pin their hopes on the God Armed Fleet stationed around Paradise Star, ordering them to do their best to stabilize the battle, so as to buy enough time for the sage to wake up.

However, the Void Seeker no longer traveled downstream, and flew to the airspace where the Ypsilon space station was located with a false shot. In order to protect the safety of the sanctuary, Athena could only regain her gaze on the Paradise World, focus all her energy on the emergency of encircling and suppressing the Void Seeker, and delegate the command of Paradise Star Battlefield to the leader of the clones.

In her opinion, even if Tang Fang could defeat Tripatti and others and occupy the library, it would never be possible to break through the security strategy set by Lord Noah in a short time and gain the operating authority of the library, let alone master the biological "mind" Control System.

Therefore, she is still very optimistic about the situation in the Paradise World. At least under the double blockade of the epic creatures and the God Armed Fleet, Tang Fang definitely cannot threaten the safety of the sanctuary and the life of Lord Noah.

The commanders of the paradise star atmosphere and the high-altitude orbital garrisoned warship generally had similar ideas, but when they continuously transported clones to the paradise world through the orbital airdrops and lifting platforms, the epic creatures on the surface rebelled.

The epic creatures living in the terrestrial environment are not terrible. Those flying epic clusters are scary. Even if they are baptized by multiple tactical nuclear bombs, small flying epic creatures, mainly monkey monsters, minotaurs, and dragonflies are still distributed in large numbers on the surface world~www .wuxiaspot.com~ The total number exceeds 100,000.

In the face of their fierce and undaunted attacks, the ships could not think of any way to deal with them except for fleeing.

"This is the js-k32 ship, the output power of the propulsion system has dropped to 25%, and the warship is falling to the surface." The report from the commander of the rear warship is transmitted on the data link network, which is different from the emotional changes of ordinary people before the warship crash. , The broadcaster’s voice was very calm and indifferent, as if indifferent to the fate of himself and the crew.

"This is the js-s41 ship, requesting the js-s37 ship to provide fire support to clear the left-wing enemy."

"This is the js-a19 ship. It has already left the gravity field of the'paradise' and is adjusting its course, preparing to carry out fire protection for the ships behind it."


The ship-borne mechanical intelligent brain screens and classifies the information reported by the participating ships to the data link network, and then delivers it to the commander for processing and response. At the same time, it coordinates the resource ratio of the ship's weapon system, power system, and injection system for tactical avoidance. With joint attacks.

Most of the information processing cores of the warships belonging to God’s Armed Forces are mechanical intelligent brains, and the crews are also specially modulated clones. In terms of psychological quality and tactical cooperation in the face of crises, they far exceed the sovereign state fleet composed of ordinary people.

If 100,000 flying epic creatures are used against a sovereign nation’s conventional fleet, the battle may have already ended, and the ground of Paradise Star will become a battleship cemetery. However, God’s Armed Forces will only drop less than a hundred battleships, and most of the remaining battleships will be It has left the scope of the planet's gravity field and entered the outer space.

This is definitely a brilliant record that can be flaunted, but for a man armed with God, it is not brilliant at all, not brilliant at all, on the contrary it is disgusting and very angry.

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