Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1158: Pave the way

It actually shredded the Ammonite-class battleship alive. This is very rough, very savage. The visual impact caused is no less powerful than the devastating blow of the Odyssey's main gun Purgatory Gate.

God’s Armed Forces has conducted investigations on Tang Fang and others, and has a deep understanding of the military and technological level of Morningstar Casting. Although Noah can’t say "knowing yourself, knowing the enemy and winning in a hundred battles", he is very clear about the importance of collecting intelligence on opponents. .

For Alpha-seven and others, the most powerful living battleship in Tang Fang's hands is the giant space whale codenamed "Behemoth". However, various signs indicate that this cosmic lifeform does not have the ability to attack. It is just a large biological transport mothership and strategic platform, which is mostly used for interstellar travel and soldier transportation.

However, in this war, Tang Fang not only occupied the library, successfully instigated many epic creatures, and really disgusted them once, but also threw an unprecedented large biological warship into the space battlefield.

This time is not a strategic platform like Behemoth, but a real warship killer, Sky Titan.

The power displayed by the giant beast was shocking, and it also revealed a message - Tang Fang has taken action. Now the epic creature and the living battleship cluster cast by Morningstar have united to open the curtain of the final battle.

Paradise World, the central control room of the library.

Claire and Tang Lin looked at the holographic projection image of the sky silently. About the past 5 minutes, the girl retracted her gaze and looked at Tang Fang, who was ignoring the situation of the outside world and focusing on the control equipment.

"Do you really want to put all your troops into the paradise star high-altitude orbit, and the final battle with the God Armed Fleet?"

Tang Fang stopped his work, looked back at him, smiled and said, "My goal has not changed... Go to the temple to see Noah, find the answers to those questions, and then decide to kill him or use other means ."

This is not an answer at all, but a restatement of psychological expectations and combat strategies.

Crea remembered what he said to the two not long ago. Athena cut off the transmission channel between the library and the Ypsilon space station. He cut off the transmission channel between the library and the planet where the clone cultivation facility is located, so Paradise Star became a space. Isolated island.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that there is only one way to enter the sanctuary-to break the blockade set up by the God Armed Fleet outside the Paradise Star and open a **** path to the Ypsilon Space Station.

At this moment, Tang Lin's puzzled voice came from behind: "Big Brother, how did you open the transfer platform connected to the clone cultivation facility?"

After the battle with Tripatti, the White Knight and others, Tang Fang immediately shut down the transmission platform connected to the library and the clone cultivation facility, which gave them a precious breathing opportunity and mastered the entire paradise world. . Nowadays, the consequences of reopening the transfer platform that connects the library to the clone cultivation facility can be realized by thinking about it.

Claire turned her head to look, and she saw that the energy circulation that had been blocked just now had been reopened.

Tang Fang didn't explain anything. Instead, the surveillance image of the area where the platform was transmitted was transmitted.

After the battle with Tripatti and others, Mohandal, Gestalt Zero, and Phoenix, who entered the system space, reappeared in the library, each led a team of Protoss infantry into the teleportation platform, and reversed transmission to the planet where the clone cultivation facility was located. .

Tang Lin frowned, and then suddenly realized: "Since Athena has closed the transmission channel between the Ypsilon space station and the library, we can still bypass the clone cultivation facility."

Claire said: "I really hope that Athena is not as smart as you... This might help us reach the temple as soon as possible."

Tang Lin blinked, and said blankly, "Are you...are you sarcastic?"

He didn't know what the girl's words meant, but he could hear the playful emotions in her voice.

"Since Athena has decided to cut off the transmission channel between the Ypsilon space station and the library and obstruct our journey to the sanctuary, unless her brain burns out, she will leave such a simple loophole for us to drill." Creya said: "If Tang Fang's reasoning is not wrong, and Noah's fusion process is at a critical moment, Athena must have shut down all the transmission platforms connected to the church."

"Is that so..." Tang Lin turned his face and scanned the surveillance video in the area of ​​the transmission platform: "Then why did the big brother do this?"

Open up a second battlefield, make God's Armed Forces uncomfortable head and tail, and then find a chance to break through the blockade and go to the Ypsilon space station?

Claire shook her head and looked at Tang Fang's busy back with a puzzled look...What are you planning?

I don't know how long in the past, the space war in the paradise star's high-altitude orbit has entered a stalemate. Leviathan took a blow from the Odyssey's purgatory door, and suffered serious damage to his body, and a large amount of blood overflowed from the wound.

The Odyssey suffered a blast of plasmid, a serious fire broke out on the diamond-shaped platform below, and the frame of the purgatory gate was also broken by the spine, but it did not hurt the roots and could continue to operate.

Tang Lin's palm was covered with a layer of sweat, and his eyes stared at the Odyssey unblinkingly. Especially before and after the Purgatory Gate went online, there seemed to be a big rock hanging in his heart, very nervous.

Claire pays more attention to Tang Fang. Since the high-altitude orbit ignited the war, he has not seen the holographic projection image sent by the detector directly, as if indifferent to the battle above his head, and has been operating the corresponding paradise world. The console of the Star Core Sun fiddled with alien text that she couldn't understand.

The flying epic creatures of Mingming Paradise have all joined the space battlefield. What is he doing?

As if to respond to her feelings, Tang Fang suddenly stopped, then turned to look at the two people behind, smiled and said, "It's done." He was very happy, and there was a sense of accomplishment.

"What is it?" Tang Lin was startled and asked subconsciously.

"The transformation of the star core sun... succeeded." He jumped off the front platform and walked straight to the library gate, not wasting the slightest energy in the battle scene of the paradise star high-altitude orbit.

Claire and Tang Lin looked at each other, hurried to catch up from behind, left the central control room, and headed to the uppermost roof of the library.

During this process, Tang Fang explained to the two of them how he had systematically modified the star-core sun through the accumulated scientific and technological data of Epsilon in the past.

Only then did they understand what he had been up to and why he was indifferent to the situation on the space battlefield.

Whether it is the space battlefield where Leviathan is located, or the clone cultivation facility battlefield where Phoenix, Mohandal, and Gestalt Zero are located, it is the smoke bomb used by Captain Tang to paralyze Athena.

If you really have to wait until the space battlefield to decide the winner and split a **** road to the Ypsilon Space Station, I am afraid the daylily will be cold. They must rush to the sanctuary as soon as possible and control or kill Noah before the integration is complete. However, the teleportation platforms connected to the temple were all locked by Athena, and there was no way to cut corners to reach the target location.

Tang Fang was very clear about the dilemma he was facing. At first, he was very distressed until Emma gave him a suggestion. Now that Athena has shut down the transmission platform that connects the temple to the foreign facilities, it has been blocked. Fast channel, why not set up a new transmission channel to bypass the blockade set up by the God Armed Fleet.

He thought Miss Emma was telling a joke, which was not good at all.

Not to mention that the Star Orbit Command Center does not have a complete quantum transmission technology reserve, even if there is, will Athena let him build the transmission platform? How long will it take to build such a fast track? Not to mention the setting up of terminal equipment at the Ypsilon space station. If this can be done, wherever he needs to build any transmission platform, he can go directly to Noah.

He thought "she" was playing him until Miss Emma said the second sentence.

The star-core sun has the ability to transport a large number of epic creatures from the Paradise world to the surface. According to the information held by Emma, ​​this transmission technology is different from the Ashtorando system encountered in the Lost Lands, and it is also different from the transmission of the Theta Quadrant. Platform, but a more advanced technology of transmission technology, perhaps related to the t-energy stone.

Although Tang Fang and others drove the Fallen Angel to the sanctuary, the energy radiated by the crystal peak of the Ypsilon space station was transferred to the surface of the paradise star. They did not obtain the data sealed in the sanctuary, but Emma speculated based on various signs. The transmission technology used by the Epsilon space station is very similar to the transmission technology used by the star core solar. The only difference may be the size of the output power.

To put it simply, the Ypsilon space station can transfer large targets to every corner of the Ark world, while the star core sun can only transfer epic creatures from the underground world to the earth world.

Does that mean that as long as the output power of the star core sun is increased, the same transmission effect as the crystal mountain peak of the Ypsilon space station can be obtained?

Of course, with the technological level of the Star Core Sun, unless the Phase Technician Kerax is in, or has the ability to carry out equipment transformation, it still takes time. With the resources he has now, it is impossible to fundamentally change the structure of the star core sun.

But you can change the way of thinking. Since the transmission module of the star core and the sun can transmit a large number of epic creatures to the surface, can the transmission scale be reduced and the excess energy used to increase the transmission distance?

With this idea, he revised the resource allocation plan of the star core and sun, and re-planned the operating parameters of the transmission module according to Emma's vision. This is why he is indifferent to the situation in the paradise star high-altitude orbital battlefield and the clone cultivation facility battlefield, and has been busy at the console.

After listening to his introduction, the three of them have arrived at the upper platform of the library. The crystals covering the sky dome have long been opened, revealing a circular hole, and you can see the sky outside and the star-core sun hanging overhead.

Claire didn't pay attention to the changes in the sky, and was still thinking about what Tang Fang said just now.

"Are you sure this mode of teleportation is feasible? Will it not send us to the star in the middle of the Ark World, or the broken planetary core that we saw when we first entered?"

From this, it can be seen that she is much more delicate than Tang Lin. That kid has never thought about this kind of thing. Anyway, the elder brother will do whatever he wants.

Tang Fang said: "The space model of the Star Core Sun's transmission module configuration is only the range of the Paradise Star and its gravity field. If you simply change the operation parameters of the transmission module, of course it is not enough to send us safely to the Ypsilon space station. However, Coincidentally, there is someone who can help us provide space-time coordinates and sneak into the Ypsilon space station without disturbing Athena."

The old face of Zeratul appeared in Tang Lin's mind and said with a wry smile: "Brother... are you sure he won't cheat us again?"

Tang Fang touched his nose and said awkwardly, "It should be...no."

Claire shook her head, sighed, and did not comment on this matter.

The sky suddenly darkened, and the solar eclipse that happened just now took place again. A silver light beam shot through the crystal opening and landed on the platform where the three people stood.

On the next breath, the three figures disappeared, and the beam of light falling from the core of the eclipse disappeared. The crystal sphere outside the library slowly closed, and the paradise world restored its former tranquility~www.wuxiaspot.com~the paradise star high-altitude orbit The battle continues, and the battle between the God Armed Fleet headed by the Odyssey and the biological weapon group headed by Leviathan has become fierce.

Mohandel, Phoenix, and Gestalt Zero led the Protoss warriors to the attack on the other side star where the clone cultivation facility is located, and caught the enemy by surprise.

Neither Athena nor Alpha-gray, the only surviving clone on the other side of the star, expected that Captain Tang would suddenly activate the teleportation channel, start a space battle and open up a second battlefield at the same time, it seems that he wants to use the paradise star. The base area and springboard began to move forward, eroding the power of God's armed forces.

She was very anxious about the current situation, but she couldn't find a way to break the game. The only choice was to order the frontline combat troops to resist the enemy's attack with all their strength, stabilize the line of defense between the Paradise Star and the Star Beyond, and wait for Noah to wake up.

Athena didn’t know that the Epsilon space station guarded by a frigate of warships was not as safe as she thought. In the hidden area where the fan blades of the sanctuary meet the crystal mountain peak, three uninvited guests came to this place. Quiet world.

As the shelter of the sage Noah, there are no epic creatures here, only a patrol team composed of a few clones and robotic brains, and huge abandoned buildings.

Zeratul was not surprised at the three people's arrival, and did not even look back.

He stood in the dark viewing cabin, looking at the crystal mountain with infinite starlight opposite the glass window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tang Lin and Claire lacked confidence in this method of transmission. When their consciousness returned to their bodies, they found that they had successfully arrived at the Ypsilon space station instead of turning into pure energy particles, or getting lost in the dark and cold universe. With a long breath, the huge boulder hanging in my heart finally fell to the ground.

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