Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1161: Destroyer

Could it be that the surrogate, like Noah, has acquired the inheritance of unknown civilization and technology, just like the latter proclaimed himself a sage, and also gave himself the nickname "x"?

It's messed up, it's really messed up. The video data provided by Athena answered some questions that had troubled him for a long time, but brought new thinking. About the lost battle, the origin of the Devourer, the background of the establishment of the Ark world, the grievances of the three ancient civilizations, and the will and messages of someone from the Third Committee who once descended on the planet Laxsis... just like nothing. The chaotic mystery of the clues made him extremely headache.

At this moment, the image before him changed again, from a scene of mass killings to small-scale conflicts. The landing forces from an unknown civilization are stronger than the Ailantes and Ypsilons, but on average, some individuals equipped with special weapons (such as the three-piece suit similar to Freya, were robbed by Zhou Ai). The walking spear rod) is stronger than those landing knights.

He personally watched an elder Ypsilon wearing a special robe with an eye pattern embroidered on his right chest using a very savage way to tear the black knight's armor with magnetic force. The old man's control over electrical energy revealed during the battle, not to mention Freya is far behind, even if Soya and Cathy join hands, they cannot match.

When he focused on the eye pattern and thought of what he had seen and heard in the Lost Lands, remembering that it was one of the three totems symbolizing the civilization of Ypsilon, representing the attribute of "science", the next scene happened It surprised him.

There is no flesh and blood behind the torn Nano Armor, and there is no mechanical inner armor, but a stream of energy that is completely concentrated by light, piercing the robe against the stunned gaze of the old Ypsilon, and passing through.

In the next moment, the energy flow condenses into a human form, with facial features and body shape exactly the same as the old man of Ypsilon.

Behind the energy body, the nano-arms turned into black rain and fell to the ground, with the damaged dark heart in the middle.

Of course, there is also the body of the old Ypsilon gradually stiffening.

Tang Fang's face suddenly became ugly, and he finally knew the origin of Tripatti's energy clone.

How about Noah is a copycat genius who can simulate the combat characteristics and attack methods of the unknown civilization landing knight based on the human body. If you simply stand from a scientific and academic standpoint, and do not mix humanity, philosophy, morality and other factors, Noah's inheritance and development of science and technology left by the Ipsyron civilization, the Ailan civilization, and the unknown civilization are worthy of all human beings. And sure.

From this point of view, the other party is really qualified to dress up, for example, proclaiming himself a "sage" title.

The image record stopped at this moment, and the pupil of the mechanical intelligence brain core retracted into the inner shell.

Athena said: "There are some similar pictures, but there is no need to show them all. I believe you will understand after watching these. Lord Noah's worries are not groundless. In the vast universe, there is another powerful civilization watching humans come out. Earth, entering the space age. Master Noah calls them destroyers."

"We don't know when and in what way they will appear, just like the Epsilon civilization and the Ailan civilization, to erase the mark of mankind."

"What do you think will end up in the end with the technological power possessed by mankind, facing the civilized forces of the destroyer level?"

"This universe has been peaceful for too long. It has been so calm that humans have forgotten it. Without the care and caution of the Star Alliance period, it has become arrogant and arrogant. It is believed that this is the era of mankind. The Ypsilons and their civilization have long been History is abandoned and annihilated in the long river of time."

"I remember there is a word in Chinese called'揠miao encourages growth'. In fact, mankind was not prepared at all, and was brought to space by the legacy of the Ypsilon people. The background of this small and fragile civilization is not enough to support the rapid development of science and technology. In this kind of nearly stocking and lack of external oppression, they have returned to the state of earth civilization. Various countries have begun to fight for their own interests. Oppression and bullying have become more and more fierce, and the opposition between material civilization and spiritual civilization tears the entire society. ."

"Under such circumstances, there must be someone who will help and guide this fragmented and fragile civilization on the right track, reshape the balance, and ensure that mankind can survive the disaster, ultimately defeat the destroyer, and complete self-salvation and sublimation."

After listening to Athena's words, Tang Fang finally understood that Noah called this place the Ark, and called himself the true origin of the prophet.

Guide human civilization on the right track, reshape the balance, work together to defeat the destroyer, complete salvation and sublimation... There is no doubt that this is an undisputed path of prophecy.

Tang Fang squeezed his eyebrows and said, "I have to admit that this is an infectious speech. I am ashamed and ashamed. As a strong human, I have never done anything like Mr. Noah. With the rise and fall of civilization, the survival of human beings is our responsibility, and we just want to eat together and wait for death to survive safely, and by the way do some de-violent activities."

Athena said, "I'm very pleased that you can think so, but it's actually not too late to wake up..." She stretched out her right hand: "Come on, to help Lord Noah is to help all mankind, including yourself."

Tang Fang looked at her eyes and shook his head: "Sorry, I have my philosophy, you have your choice. The most difficult thing in life is the principle, and the most precious thing in life is also the principle. Whether God is armed for justice or not, For the sake of redemption, please forgive me for what you did."

Athena's outstretched hand slowly retracted and hung on the outside of her leg armor. The expression change was not visible under the silver mask, but it was able to clearly capture her loss and depression.

"In the final analysis, it is the antagonism of values." She sighed and said: "The ten countries of the Hilumbel region are side by side. The dictatorship ti and the people's zhu ideological trend contradict each other, which aroused the storm of the times. The committee is struggling, the surrogate is watching the fire from the other side, and the Morningstar casting stirs up the chaos...If you were Lord Noah, what would you do? How would you choose?"

"Unscrupulous means is wrong, but if you don't do anything, it is the sinner who ruins human civilization. We are born in troubled times and face powerful foreign enemies. We have no time to change the world little by little, and only the road to redemption is left. As for the merits and demerits, let future generations comment."

He thought for a while, not knowing how to refute her.

If you put it in the past and someone invites him to save the world, he must think that the person’s brain is burned out, and the second disease has deteriorated into second cancer. But after seeing those video materials, he was very clear that Noah's worries were not groundless, and perhaps in the near future humanity would really face the threat of destroyers.

Tang Lin and Claire have been hiding behind the bunker and quietly listening to the conversation between the two in front of them. At the same time, they carefully observed the surrounding environment, looking for weak links in the blockade built by God's armed forces, so that they can use this information to quickly break through when the two sides are talking about it.

"I think Athena's statement is very reasonable. Although Noah's approach is a bit extreme, it is a quick and effective way. For things like unifying thinking, the fear created by strong force is far more practical than reasoning."

Claire slammed his finger on his forehead: "I think Noah's brainwashing ability is more terrifying than the technological power that God has armed with...No, this is no longer in the category of brainwashing, it is simply enlightening power."

Tang Lin said in a puzzled way: "In fact, he can make the Destroyer's existence public and use external pressure to force humans to make changes. This might produce good results."

Kleiya gave him the second horror, which made him grin full of dissatisfaction, but did not dare to fight back, so he could only hold his forehead and look at her aggrieved.

"Spring silkworms will be eaten up when they fall into the colony. If they are stepped on by the soles of adults, what will happen?"

Tang Lin thought about it for a while, then suddenly realized: "You mean... doing this will cause chaos in the world?"

Claire nodded: "At least it is not appropriate to make the Destroyer's existence public."

When the two later exchanged views on Noah's behavior, Tang Fang suddenly thought of a key point.

"Those images tell about the Destroyer's struggle with the Ypsilons and Ailantes in the Ark World, but it does not mean that they will be interested in humans. As far as I know, the Ypsilons are very exclusive. The civilized races cannot be sure whether there are old grievances between them and the Destroyer civilization, which will lead to the end. And as an emerging civilization, humans have never had a dialogue with the Destroyer civilization, let alone disputes of interest, so You can't arbitrarily think that they destroyed the Ark World, and then they will raise a butcher knife against humans.

Athena didn't answer immediately, her body slowly rose, looking at his face with condescending eyes.

There was no change in her facial expression, it was still so cold and monotonous, but he could clearly feel the thick ridicule, which was stronger and richer than the blue flames ejected by the Victory Goddess thruster.

"Do you think that human civilization, as a descendant of the Epsilon civilization, is likely to become friends with the Destroyer civilization? Do you think they are good and kind?"

"Heh...A mere human, how is it different from a cockroach for that level of civilization?"

There is nothing wrong with what she said. Although many people do not want to admit it, it is true that human civilization has moved out of the earth and into space because of the influence of Epsilon technology. From an objective point of view, there is nothing wrong with saying that it is the successor of the Epsilon civilization.

Just like Captain Tang is accustomed to controlling the future with his own power, it is impossible for mankind to pin the rise and fall of civilization and the survival of civilization on the racial disposition of the destroyer. This is no less than a big gamble, and the stake is the safety of all mankind.

Noah's concerns are real, and his mockery is reasonable. Because this is just Captain Tang's arrogant words, avoiding facts, or deceiving himself and others.

The sudden appearance of the sword light and sword shadow broke this conceptual confrontation, making Tang Lin and Claire behind the bunker dumbfounded, a little unacceptable, it was really surprising to think that Captain Tang was also irritated.

This idea came quickly, and went quickly. The sudden outbreak and expansion of the war did not give them much room for thinking. The stone pillars that collapsed due to the explosion forced the two out of the bunker, and the laser from the "big lobster" was shot among the rubble. Swept across, leaving a line of flame texture.

Mohandar took Tang Lin and Kleiya behind another bunker, quickly disappeared, and appeared in the sniper hideout on the second floor of the ruins on the left in the next second. He raised the knife and fell to send the enemy to the west.

A high-ranking Templar appeared at the core of the battlefield, holding his right hand lightly, the light burst on the head of the "Large Lobster", several high-power searchlights were smashed, and the mechanical intelligence brain was also affected. Shots.

Two dark templars activated their flashing skills, leaving a faint light mark on the spot. One of them appeared on the arm armor of the large lobster in a stiff state, approaching the location of the mechanical brain very quickly, and smashed the core with one sword. , Exposing the precision parts inside.

Another dark templar appeared under Zeratul~www.wuxiaspot.com~The curved warblade wiped Athena's throat. Where did I think of the Victory Goddess' back wing turning sharply, the injector shot a stream of fire, the body quickly moved down, avoiding the dark patriarch and the dark templar's ladder offensive, while extending the right hand, the highly compressed zero particles shot out from the palm, accurate Hit the body of the Dark Templar.

At the same time, the dark templar who smashed the skull of the "Large Lobster" was knocked away by a flying clone, and fell on the ground for a while, and the armor-piercing bullets from the ruins behind left flying stars and burn marks on the place where he rolled. , And a sharp impact.

The dark templar reacted quickly, evading the sniper's shots, but ignoring the threat of the mechanical monster, until a shrimp claw swept past, the flamethrower turned on, and the high-temperature plasma swept the entire area like a dragon.

The light from a distance suddenly appeared, and a little green rainbow passed through the plasma storm and accurately hit the mechanical intelligent brain core of the "Large Lobster" whose head was exposed to the external environment. The warhead pierced the electronic eye and input a high-temperature jet to the internal sensitive components, causing serious damage.

The warhead exploded and tore through the wound, and a dazzling electric arc gushed from the inside, creaking.

However, this is still not a fatal blow. The "Large Lobster" did not fall down immediately, swaying from left to right like a drunkard, and the plasma flow from the double claws drew a semicircle in the surrounding area, leaving behind a flame jungle.

The one-eyed bullet that hit the mechanical intelligent brain came from the **** of death exclaimed. Kleiya was immediately pulled back behind the bunker by Tang Lin after firing her shot. Her scalp just fell, and dozens of armor-piercing bullets whizzed past the bunker. Hesitate, I'm afraid it has been shot.

The clones ambushing on the two wings of the war zone are preparing to rush out of the bunker to attack the cyclone fanatics and mechanical sentries blocking Tang Fang. The plasma storm brought by the sudden runaway of the "Large Lobster" slowed their pace, and they had no choice but to choose Avoid the edge temporarily.

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