Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1164: Noah

The first thousand and sixty-fourth chapter of Noah

The first thousand and sixty-four chapters Noah

However, those panic emotions had not had time to show up on the face. The other two crystal pillars of the crystal tower in front of them heard fine crackling sounds, and the tortoise cracks created by structural imbalance were transmitted to the surroundings extremely quickly. Soon, what happened to the first pillar was repeated. The fine cracks became one piece, countless crystal fragments peeled off, huge ravines expanded in the weak part of the pillar structure, and then there were two loud noises. The crystal tower finally Unable to maintain, it pressed against the crystal cliff in the direction of the transmission platform.

boom! There was a loud bang, and then the scream of the earth, and many spars sprang out like fragments of missile explosions, rushing like lightning, sharply deceiving steel nails.

Tang Lin and Claire fell to the ground, and the energy ball in the abdomen of the mechanical sentry was shining brightly, and the force field appeared not only in the sky, but also in the area near the three to resist the sharp shards that splashed out.

The crystal tower scraped a huge gully on the spar cliff. The space where the sanctuary was located was violently turbulent. The scattered broken spar on the ground bounced, fell, bounced, and fell... crackling like hail falling to the ground.

Click! Click! The structure of the crystal tower burst somewhere, and the scattered light and shadow fell from the sky accompanied by the central giant. With a bang, the three of them almost jumped up.

Every time a boulder hits the ground, Claire feels her heart trembles, almost rushing to her throat. Faced with this kind of disaster, human beings will clearly realize their insignificance. She is very fortunate to have Tang Fang by her side, otherwise she and Tang Lin would have been buried alive by the falling spar above their heads. Even with the cooperation of the hurricane chariot and the mechanical sentry, Tang Fang finally summoned the steel fortress of the Thor Siege Mech. The rubble piled around the three of them turned into small hills and surrounded them.

Under the continuous falling rock and rain, cracks began to appear on the ground, and some areas even sank noticeably, which undoubtedly aggravated the fears of Kleiya and Tang Lin.

The turbulence lasted for not a short period of time, and the crystal tower finally stopped collapsing, like an oblique wood against the leaning building, piercing into the depths of the crystal cliff.

Although there were still some finely divided spar stones falling, the crystal mountain peak did not collapse, but from that perspective, most of the sanctuary has been destroyed, leaving only its shape and no quality.

A thunder beast appeared in front of the three of them, separating the surrounding spar like a physical bulldozer, barely clearing a way to the outside world, allowing the shocked three to leave the refuge and enter the space of the temple after the disaster.

Claire and Tang Lin looked at the fallen crystal tower and the devastated ground in silence, their eyes full of fear and shock. Tang Fang is different. Since leaving the shadow of the Thunder God Siege Mech, he hasn't looked away from the sky above his head.

The mission of the crystal tower is to carry a cloud of circulating mist that releases a faint energy fluctuation. After the crystal tower falls, the cloud of circulating mist also loses its ability to float, and begins to descend from the top of the temple, but at a very slow speed.

"Hey, where's Noah? When will that guy be going to be a tortoise, is it possible...has been smashed to death by a falling rock?" Tang Lin muttered softly, seeing that his resentment towards Mr. Sage was deep.

Claire was equally puzzled, and hesitated for a while and said, "Could it be that everything is a blindfold, he is not here at all?"

Tang Lin said: "It's very possible... Unfortunately, the black knight and the white knight are already crushed to pieces, otherwise you can dig out some useful information from them."

The two talked for a while and looked at Tang Fang's location, because Captain Tang hadn't said a word since he walked out of the shelter. This was obviously an abnormal thing. Then, the two followed his gaze and looked towards the sky, and finally discovered the lower and lower flowing mist... No, that can no longer be described by mist, but the giant vortex that covers the dome.

It is no longer soft and white, and the center of the wind gleams from time to time, and it is fleeting. What makes people feel very strange is that they can't hear the sound of the squally roaring wind, nor the dampness of the typhoon. It's like...just like the storm overhead happened in another world, the three people saw nothing but projections.

To put it simply, the space inside the mirror and the space outside the mirror are in two completely different worlds.

After a few breaths, this panicking and depressing feeling was broken by a sound, as if a complete mirror surface suddenly shattered, frightening the person in the mirror.

"Tang Fang! Look at what you have done, what have you done..."

The sound echoed in the temple after the disaster, everything was different from when it came, only the echo remained, ethereal and clear.

"You are like an immature child, rising in destruction, marching in destruction, reincarnation in destruction. Anything that does not conform to your position, whether you want it or not, a lot of dust that has become history, in time Go far away in the torrent. You can destroy a country, you can break a kind of shackles, you can start a **** war, that's nothing, because compared to human heritage, civilization continues, just a humble spray in the waters of thousands of miles."

"But you should never, you should not, you should not let down my expectations of you, let down the legacy and experience passed down to us by the Ypsilon people, choose to remain naive, choose to continue to perish, and bring destruction to the Ark World, disappointment bring me."

"I thought you were a reliable partner, but you chose to betray. I thought that Morningstar Casting and God's Arms could work together to break the spiritual shackles of the souls that bind mankind, and bravely face the threat from the destroyer, but the result is So disappointing."

"I'm fed up with your arrogance, fed up with your stubbornness, fed up with your brutality, ready to meet the sage's wrath, you sinister villain."

Tang Fang touched his nose with some embarrassment, looked at Tang Lin and said, "Aren't you curious about Noah's whereabouts? Here, the wise man is here, who had a second-degree hit."

Claire said: "This is the first time I have heard such a clear and refined accusation of blood and tears, and he seems to be the first person to call you "Insidious Villain"?"

"As far as the righteous partner is concerned, his enemies are of course sinister villains. This is nothing wrong." Tang Fang wanted to tease Mr. Sage a few more words, but after all he didn't say it, pretending to be optimistic and replaced by surprise.

He suddenly lowered his head, looking at the place where the crystal tower fell, his eyebrows twisted together.

Tang Lin and Claire couldn't see what was happening there, he could.

In the field of vision of the detector, some black particles are scattered between the fragmented crystals. Because they are too slender, the surrounding environment is messy and disorderly. Even if the gain equipment of the harsh environment protective clothing gives the visual bonus, they cannot be observed.

There is no doubt that this kind of nanoparticles came from the heart of darkness. After the black and white knights were wiped out by the destructive power of the elemental creatures' self-detonation, some of the nanoparticles turned into light snow and fell among the crystal chips. However, at this moment, they should have been still sliding on the ground like water, and finally injected into a crystal ruin.

After a few breaths, the spar piled into small hills collapsed from the middle to the outside, and a black figure stepped out slowly, as if stepping up an invisible staircase to the sky.

At the same time, behind a large rock in the corner, a bright figure appeared, seemingly flying, slowly rising.

The black knight and the white knight... are not dead? ! Tang Lin and Claire's expressions changed drastically, and they didn't understand that these two guys were clearly under the crit of elemental creatures, and they fell from a height of thousands of meters with a raging flame. Even if they burned, they should fall to death. Why are they suddenly alive now? ? This is incredible.

When Tang Fang noticed that the nanoparticles were flowing on the ground, he anticipated that things might change like this, but it didn't mean that his inner world had no waves. Like Tang Lin and Kleiya, he was also full of doubts, wondering why two people who died like that suddenly resurrected.

This doubt comes and goes quickly, because he keenly caught an anomaly. In fact, it can also be regarded as two exceptions.

When nanoparticles restrain the leaked energy produced by elemental organisms’ self-detonation, a large part of them are directly evaporated into basic particles. Nanoparticles reunited from the ground cannot completely envelop the body of the black knight, and it will take some time for the Dark Heart to regenerate them. , So you can see the face behind the armor.

Tang Fang didn't recognize that face, but what was certain was that it was not a human face, but an Ailantian face.

The white knight’s side is roughly the same. The crystal skin is seriously damaged when it weakens the leaked energy produced by the elemental creature’s self-detonation. It cannot regenerate in a short time, so it exposes another face, which is also not a human face, but an Ypsilon s face.

Tang Lin and Kleiya quickly discovered this situation and looked at each other with a **** expression on their faces.

Apart from Cathy and Soya, it was the first time that they saw a living Ailante, not to mention that there was an Ipsyron next to their company. To some extent, this was tantamount to a life miracle. .

Because of the existence of the detector and Emma, ​​Tang Fang’s reaction is always as fast as the two. When their focus is still on the Ypsilon and Ailan, his eyes have fallen to hundreds. The black cyclone core at a height of meters.

Against the backdrop of the wandering lightning, a figure shrouded in black mist slowly landed, stopping between the black knight and the white knight. If you look far enough, you can tell that the black mist is not gunpowder or haze, but a very strange energy particle. Sometimes it floats around the figure, sometimes it merges with the figure, making people feel I don't understand what kind of substance it is.

But what is certain is that there are a pair of blood red eyes hidden behind the black mist, staring coldly at the location of the three.

Tang Lin squeezed Hekati firmly, swallowed, and said, "Then...Is that thing difficult..."

"Yes, he is Noah... but I don't know whether it is Noah who has been fused, or Noah who has not been fused."

Claire said: "I think his condition is somewhat similar to that of the Archon?"

"No, it's not the same." Tang Fang said: "Remember the Destroyer commanders covered by the haze in the video materials provided by Athena? He is more inclined to express force field than the energy life of the Archon. It can be called force field life...but sometimes energy life and force field life are unified, similar to the relationship between magnetic field and electric energy."

Tang Lin frowned, with a dazed look: "Brother, I don't understand what you mean."

More than he didn't understand, Tang Fang himself didn't understand it very well. The above explanation was just repeating the inference that Emma made in conjunction with the scan report of the detector. He knows more or less about energy life. After all, there are examples of Archons and Dark Archons, but what the **** is Lichang Life?

Claire also did not understand his explanation, and looked at Noah with a thoughtful expression: "I remember that in the video data provided by Athena, the Destroyer Commanders covered by the haze diverged a kind of thin gold, and Noah The status is very different."

Tang Fang said: "God knows how he made himself look like this. Don't underestimate his ability. You have to know that there are up to 79 modulation records related to him in the library. Facing such a second-degree burst table, it is surprisingly powerful. The transformation madman, it’s not surprising that any strange things happen to him."

Tang Lin and Claire nodded together and had a strong consensus on this matter.

Noah, who was hidden in the black mist, watched quietly as the three of them talked about themselves. He didn't interrupt him from beginning to end. After the Tang dialect, he said in a cold voice, "Are you finished?"

Tang Fang looked up at him, without speaking. Tang Lin moved Hekatti and placed it in front of him.

"Struggle as much as you want, you saboteurs."

When the voice of anger echoed in the ruins of the temple, the black knight turned into a black light and shot directly at the place where the three of them stood.

The skin under the white knight's neck seemed to be covered with ice flowers~www.wuxiaspot.com~, ascending very quickly, covering the face of the Ypsilon. He acted later than the Black Knight, but the attack reached the battlefield sooner.

A light plastic sword appeared on the outside of the left hand, lit up with a dazzling flash, hitting the detector that had been floating in the sky for monitoring and scanning, and exploded into a large fireball.

While the light plastic sword was shot, the white knight's right index finger drew a circle. The hurricane chariot that had just taken an attacking position encountered a high-energy laser cut from the sky, bursting into flames one after another, leaving clusters of flames in the spar ruins. .

At the same time, the black knight's right hand smashed the sickle with the wind and thunder to Tang Fang's chest, and the tip of the goddess of storm bounced off the dazzling net, and set off toward the sharply slashed black sharp front.

Unexpectedly, Gou sickle softened extremely quickly, retracted into the black knight, and the goddess of storm rushed into the air. At this moment, a projectile hit the ground and bounced back, bypassing the goddess of the storm and piercing Tang Fangmen.

Fortunately, he reacted promptly, a ball of electric light burst out in his left hand, and with a loud bang, he burned the projectile shot from below.

But as a result, the left empty door opened wide, unreservedly exposed in front of the black knight's left arm, and the black spear pierced.

A silver light slashed through, and the black spear pierced into two pieces, and a burst of rainbow light erupted from the gap between the blades of Hekati's sword, which split into a mountain epee, sealing Tang Fang's front door. The projectile from the death **** passed by from the right side, and shot at the dark heart of the black knight's chest.

The mob said to A

Today is a special day, and this book has been continuously updated for 1001 days.

Shanruzod told the king the story of One Thousand and One Nights, and finally touched the other side, and he became married and the white head grew old together. And the story I want to tell is not over yet.

With a thousand emotions, all kinds of words are turned into a sentence...Thank you all for your company, I will continue to work hard.

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