Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1186: Melee (4)

The first thousand and eighty-six chapters of melee (four)

Cathy is helpless about this situation. Even if she knows the wandering planet well, she does not dare to get too close to Kristel, which will bring a series of unpredictable consequences and threaten the people in the refuge.

It seems that the separation of Harder Lee and others is a foregone conclusion, and there is almost no power to stop them from leaving.

This is also the result of various intelligence deductions from the AI ​​system attached to the Creator.

Regrettably, Mr. Admiral’s information is not complete. It can also be said that...the world’s understanding of unicorns is not complete.

The unicorn in Rules' hands was just a horse, and it didn't grow a magical unicorn until it fell into Tang Fang's hands and became a real unicorn.

The moving silver cut into the sights of the ships, and the Mitsubishi battleship blocked in front of the Creator. There was an unbelievable expression on Harder Lee's pale face, and he stared at the big screen with his original sharp eyes.

On the other side of the display, the Unicorn is rapidly deforming. The angle between the two rhombus structures at the tail expands, opens to the outside, and becomes a rotating Mitsubishi body. The ray weapon originally placed under the bow folded inward and landed on the core of the Mitsubishi, facing the direction of the ships.

As the edge blades of the Mitsubishi structure are opened, a stream of blue particles emerges from the inner grid, radiating a magical nebula scene like a ribbon fluttering in the wind.

Soon, Harder Lee received an emergency call from the bridge staff. The space structure around the Creator became unstable, and the warp engine could not build a time bubble, and entered the virtual space to perform a jump.

As a relic warship, it... was intercepted by the Unicorn? What the **** is going on.

At this time, the command unit received the intelligence gathered by the subordinate ships. Not only was the USS Creator intercepted, the warships at the rear were also disturbed and could not enter the virtual space.

According to the calculation results of the AI ​​system, the area from the western hemisphere to the high-altitude orbit of Christier is affected by a force field, and the curvature of time and space is unstable, and the speed transition cannot be performed.

Harder Lee was both regretful and very puzzled. He regretted not leaving early. If he didn't strictly follow Pliden Almaty's instructions to kill, burn, and destroy, kill the central military port and battleship production line and leave immediately, how could he be caught by the wandering planet. He wondered when the Unicorn had the ability to transform it, sowing a curvy interception net of such a range, and using his own force to prevent thousands of warships from leaving the battlefield.

In the front is the Unicorn obstructing the road, and behind is the gravitational vortex of the wandering planet.

This is the forbidden sky belonging to Kristel.

"Attack, attack... the target Unicorn, the whole ship is shooting." Seeing Harder Lee's disheartened expression, the deputy commander of the Republic Security Forces issued an attack order.

The Unicorn intercepted thousands of warships at once, forbidden to cut off the sky of Kristel, it was very expensive to come, if it could take this opportunity to gather fire and destroy it, it might not be possible to escape.

His judgment was very correct. In order to maintain the speed interception net, the Unicorn could not move. As a result, the projectiles fell on it overwhelmingly, making the energy shield radiant.

On the bridge of the Unicorn, Abathur looked at the creator and the battleship of the Republic of Date at the other end of the window and said: "Combat mission... the organism Abathur... is not suitable for... the crash probability is... high."

Valentin said angrily: "If you don't waste time on the long-winded, and choose to fight back, then the probability of our survival will be higher."

The ninth director sarcastically said: "It's not that you, an idiot, insist that it execute the interception plan."

"You shut up." Valentin said, "There is no place for you to speak..."

Abathur ignored the two people's bickering, and actually pressed the fire button on the keyboard according to Valentine's suggestion to counterattack the cruiser-class warships that were more advanced.

When the shield strength of the Unicorn dropped to 20%, the wandering planet finally completed a macro jump and appeared in the area behind the unicorn, facing the warships of the Republic’s security forces.

The fan blades on the edge of the Unicorn Mitsubishi structure were closed to stop radiating outward to intercept particles, and the three sets of thrusters were fully opened, leaving the original position extremely quickly, and flew toward the area where the Bahamut Pirates group was located.

In the next second after it removed the interception net and accelerated its departure, the gravitational vortex formed in the sinkhole, and the warships of the Republican Security Forces that had escaped due to angle and geographical reasons were all captured, including Harder Lee’s Creator. No exception.

Relic battleships also have strengths and weaknesses. Not every battleship has the capabilities of Quetzalcoatl, and not every leader has a loyal dog like Woolf?

Many attacks landed on the surface of the tiankeng without causing any injuries. Occasionally, a flash of light emerged from the depths of the tiankeng, and that was the destruction of the warship that had just been swallowed by it. Ruskin shuddered as he watched those desperately struggling, but was still being pulled into the dark giant mouth bit by bit by the battleship of the Republic of Date.

Before the Creator entered the sinkhole, Harder Lee sent out a text message-take care of my family.

On the next breath, the dark space bloomed with dazzling brilliance. This attack-type relic battleship equipped with 4 condensed light cannons was destroyed in this way and ended up with the gravedigger.

There is no doubt that the news was sent to Plidden Almaty.

Even if he detonated the reactor to blow up the ruined warship, he would not leave it to Morningstar to cast. Unlike Woolfsky, it is not because of loyalty, he just wants to seek a rich life for his wife and children.

The explosion of the Creator caused a crisis of defeat, and the warships that attacked the Bahamut Pirates accelerated their escape, and could no longer resist. For them, the wandering planet has become a dreamlike existence, and the commander died in his country. Under the influence of fear and dazed emotions, the collapse inevitably occurred.

The situation on the Nightwalker was very bad. Lieutenant General Lauderno was full of pride when he was chasing the Yeliu Li. Now those passionate emotions have disappeared, not because of the end of the Maker, but mainly because of his own situation. .

I don't know when, the Bahamut Pirates has shifted from passive defense to strategic counterattack, and has not left the Dillard star system, choosing to cooperate with the wandering planet to harvest the battleships of the Republic of Date that have lost their fighting faith.

Those modified warships were not a threat to the Nightcrawler, but somehow, the pyramid drones that were originally wandering around the Bahamut Pirates group abandoned their defense plan and turned from defense to offense. The Nightcrawler was surrounded by a narrow area.

In the words of Lieutenant General Lauderno, he got into someone else's encirclement without any confusion.

This is the function of the Dragon King's Heart... Lauderno did not expect that Lilietta was moved to catch the Nightcrawler when he saw the wandering planet appearing on the battlefield of Dillard.

He had to make a choice if he blew himself up like the Creator or surrendered.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to Lauderno. His confidant sent an emergency call. There was a large-scale disturbance in the power compartment and storage warehouse area. Some soldiers did not know where to obtain the firearms, and they wrecked the interior. Facilities, moving towards the bridge.

It was a leak in the night, and the boat was caught in the wind again late. Lauderno panicked and looked at the staff in the equipment pool in front of him with fearful eyes, for fear that these people suddenly took out their weapons and broke him.

At this moment, he suddenly realized one thing, he cared more about his life than family members.

It's better to die than to live, and surrender to the Bahamut Pirates. Anyway, those guys have always had a good reputation. As for the way forward...

When Lauderno was thinking about it, a gloomy light flashed across the sky, and at 6 o'clock the black light crossed the line of defense built by the unmanned pyramid of the pyramid and appeared around the Dark Nightcrawler. Before he could react, a light storm spawned on the central screen, stinging the eyes of many people on the bridge.

The red warning light from the damage control management system was submerged in this white light.

After a few breaths, the light slowly faded, revealing an amazing scene below. The energy shield of the Nightcrawler was torn apart by the irregular gravity field, the keel of the ship's hull quickly bends, and the cracks spread in the shell, like broken glass on the ground, it was dismembered into large and small wreckage and scattered to the surrounding space.

A ruined battleship... just so destroyed? The Nightwalker... just ruined?

In the horrified gaze of the staff of the battleship of the Republic of Date, the black mang quickly left at 6 o'clock and returned to the airspace of the mothership, end to end, turning into a black sting needle again.

Lauderno did not die under the attack of the Dragon King's Heart, nor did he die in the soldier's rebellion. He died in the gravitational space of the Seraph... Miss Soya did not even give him a chance to surrender.

In the eyes of mankind, it was an extremely precious relic warship. Although it was not as advanced as the Seraph, it was enough to hang down any warship made by a sovereign country. But for Miss Ailan, it was just a battleship, the enemy's battleship, nothing more, how to deal with it all depends on her preferences.

Soon after the Apostle drone shattered the Nightcrawler, the Unicorn, which had left the high-altitude orbit of Christie, also arrived in this area. Valentin was extremely dissatisfied with Miss Soya's wasteful behavior.

"What a prodigal girl, the Night Crawler was destroyed by her..."

Bulwell said: "Vanity and jealousy are the nature of women, and I didn't expect even aliens to be no exception."

Valentin said, "What do you mean by this?"

"What a terrible old man with no EQ, you deserve to be a bachelor for a lifetime... Which girl have you ever seen who likes to hit someone else's shirt?"

Valentin was taken aback for a moment. Thinking about it, it really makes sense. In terms of dress, not many people are willing to wear the same clothes as others, especially women.

The Seraph is a relic warship known for its secrecy and mobility, and the Nightcrawler is also a warship known for its secrecy and mobility. They are not clothes, but the truth is the same.

"You...you...you..." The old man "you..." didn't say a complete word for a long time.

"Abathur, I told you to dispel his thoughts a long time ago, saying that one day he will bite back and bring immeasurable losses." On this kind of problem, Bourwell could not be said, so he had to let his anger on Aba Se body.

Abathur ignored him and pressed a button on the console.

The Unicorn, which had already switched from interception mode to destruction mode, appeared on the route of the battleship of the Republic of Date. The honeycomb transmitter under the bow radiated a dark red light, 24 rays of destruction suddenly erupted, and 14 nearby ships of the Republic of Date. The battleship caught fire and exploded at almost the same moment, losing the possibility of entering the virtual space.

At the same time, the curvature of the space-time in the distance oscillated, and battleship after warship appeared.

That is not the reinforcements of the Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet, but the Morningstar Casting Vanguard Fleet headed by Hades-class aircraft carriers. They finally got rid of the entanglement of the Saint Anthony fleet and returned to the Delar star system.

However, the battle here has come to an end. The Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet dropped nearly 4,000 warships, and the remaining 1,000 warships fled the battlefield in an embarrassing manner.

"It's over." Liliata didn't care about Seraph destroying the Nightcrawler, and sighed heavily as she watched the place where the battleship of the Republic of Date disappeared. The outside world believes that Tang Fang's disappearance will bring a heavy blow to Morningstar Casting. Now is a good time to get rid of this cancer that has disturbed the calm of the Helenberg Region.

However, who could have thought that he had hidden the existence of the wandering planet. From what happened in Halifax, Captain Tang had planned to use it to yin. The poor Republican Security Forces and the Nightwind Assault Fleet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will be the talking and laughing stock of everyone in the entire Hilumbel region after today.

In fact, she was wrong, this was not a conspiracy at all, it was just a last resort of Kylenia. She really didn't want to exchange the results with such sacrifices. In her eyes, the Republican Security Forces and the Nightwind Assault Fleet were not as precious as the pet dog raised by Morridon.

No one thought that the Republic of Date would take such retaliation. The Sulu Imperial Navy slowed down Grant and others’ rescue efforts, so they could only rely on the wandering planet with a curvature level of only 3.X, but Lori Swann. The gravity generation module is being modified. Although it is not possible to create a new large-scale gravity field generation device, the death torture instrument of the Zarzi can be removed and integrated into the speed navigation system, which increases the speed of the war.

After all, the sequelae resulting from the use of the death torture device on the Apophis are terrifying and taboo, and no one on the Angel is willing to accompany it often. Nehemiah had contacted Tang Fang many times for this matter, and he was so annoyed that he asked Lori Swan to see if he could transplant the death torture to the wandering planet's gravity generation module.

Because it will take a certain amount of time from stopping the renovation project to restoring the system configuration, otherwise, it will arrive faster, and it can be said that there will be no Bahamut Pirates at that time. The Central Star Harbor may not be able to be saved. The battleship production line should be able to be preserved. Even if it is impossible to be intact, it will never be destroyed as it is now, and the test ship will be completely destroyed.

The mob said to A

Thanks to book friends 20170311133929848, just like daffodils, book friends 130208123601421, book friends 20170311094217226, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, Magic Jack, likes to wear black short sleeves, and dreams of being able to reward freely.

This book comes from

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