Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1191: I, Queen of Blades


People learned what happened in Klengel through a piece of video that was pieced together from various angles.

The first to appear was the completely destroyed Torchlight City, the forest was burning in the flames, the ruins of the buildings were everywhere, the corpses were everywhere, and the stumps and arms were scattered in the streets.

The vehicles of the defense forces were piled up on the street, and the blood stained them red.

The lighthouse symbolizing Juguang City turned into fragments of buildings and sank into the lake. The sunset glow illuminates the blood and floating corpses by the lake, like a cruel picture.

Juguangcheng... it's over! Such a cruel thing...who did it?

Just when people were full of doubts, the picture began to change, it became no longer smooth and fragmented, but from another perspective, it answered people's doubts.

Under the clouds, a huge monster swam past, and the sharp tentacles forcibly tore apart the Sky Mothership, carrying raging flames and smoke from the sky, and fell into the distant valley.

Fighters whizzed past nearby, and the missiles landed on the huge body of the monster, exploding into groups of flames. But this didn't have much effect at all. Instead, a group of flying dragons was encircled and hunted, and it quickly turned into a fire wreck and turned away.

Countless king insects passed through the clouds and flew towards Juguang City with strong winds and howls.

At this time, cysts swelled up on the surface of the beast's body, and many acrospores separated from the mother's body and quickly shot to the ground.

In the next picture, the Warcraft flew towards the Juguang Lighthouse, and the lake water was affected by the tidal force, and there were waves.

In the next picture, the Zergling opened its mouth wide to the camera and made a terrifying scream. In the distance, there were images of a Hydralisk cutting off the body of a policeman. Then there were people fleeing in all directions. The sky flashed from time to time.

In the next picture, Leiju overturned the military's enhanced armored vehicle, and nearby soldiers died. Then the big foot smashed the heavy tank next to it, and the driver's blood shot from the gap in the armor, dropping drop by drop on the messy street.

A shadow obscured the light from the sky, and the camera jittered a few times and moved over. Above a tall building, the brood lord swam slowly, and countless broods spread their fleshy wings and flew toward the military and police assembly area in a gliding manner.

The next picture was shot in the sky, where cockroaches like a gray trend walk through the streets and alleys. As long as they encounter a person holding a weapon, they will open their mouths and spray a burst of green saliva, melting the target into a pile of abominable debris.

In some spacious areas, swarms of cockroaches clustered around larger saboteurs. Fireballs lifted off from the back, turned into bolide and fell, and exploded in the presidential palace, police station, machine gun checkpoint and other areas.

The next picture also came from the sky. The camera first swept across the ground where the wreckage of large and small fighter planes were scattered, bringing the flames and smoke pillars into the horizon, and then suddenly moved forward, oncoming densely packed dragons and corrupters.

A thick beam of light lifted into the sky from a distant valley, swallowing a group of flying dragons nearby. This did not have much impact on the situation of the battle, but exposed their position, and more dragons fluttered their wings and flew towards the target. In the further airspace, some inflexible big crabs shook their bodies, and sprayed a cloud of green material toward the armored convoy driving on the ground.


The protagonists in the above-mentioned pictures are all recognized by people, and there are many biological weapons that people do not recognize.

There are huge wheels rolling by, crushing into rows of armored vehicles, groups of strange creatures of Marines. There were also large dragonflies flying by like a bomber, dropping one after another to the air base. There is also an evil demon that looks like two eyeballs glued together, can move several kilometers in an instant, sweeping the stronghold with a laser beam.

In short... Krengel's star fell into chaos, and death and destruction spread rapidly on this planet.

Many people know where the biological weapons appearing in the first half of the video data come from and whose signature combat power is. There is no doubt that this is the revenge action of Morningstar Casting against the Republic of Date.

The Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet made a surprise attack on the Dilar star system, causing many casualties. Nowadays, the group of biological warships counterattack Pliden Almaty, which is naturally a very reasonable thing.

Captain Tang is back? He really did this?

Many people draw a question mark in their hearts. According to his style of behavior in the past, shouldn't he do such an extreme thing... Killing Pliden? Almaty and other politicians have nothing to say, but why implicate those innocent civilians? And almost killed all the soldiers of Krengel Star. This...this is really cruel. If he did it, how much hatred and anger would it take to make him lose himself and give birth to boundless killing intent?

The last scene of the video data was beyond everyone's expectations. The person in charge of this revenge operation was not Captain Tang, but a woman they had never seen before...

She has a human-like face, but with inhuman whip hair on her head, and a pair of black bone wings behind her, wrapped in an armor that resembles an exoskeleton.

Pliden Almaty died at her feet, crushed by her right eye with a sharp high heel, pierced through her skull and died.

Who is she? Is Tang Fang's novice?

When everyone was puzzled, the woman said to the camera: "I... Queen of Blades."

The picture ends here, but the term "Queen of Blades" is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Queen of Blades? Not Tang Fang! What is the relationship between the two of them?

In short, the people have many doubts. Some people speculate that the biological battleship was originally lent to Tang Fang for use; others speculate that she was a newly developed humanoid weapon developed by Morningstar Casting; others believe that Tang Fang’s disappearance is inseparable from her, and even she has already lent Captain Tang Killing and gaining control of the swarm, so that it can reasonably explain why the two Behemoths under the control of the xi political committee suddenly disappeared and became the Queen of Blades in the Battle of Krengel.

For people in unrelated countries, this is more like celebrity gossip, arousing reverie and suspicion. For the Republic of Date, it is naturally a catastrophe. When Pliden Almaty and other high-level officials die, the entire country will inevitably fall into turmoil and war.

The Date Republic is not from the Star Alliance, the Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic, and even if the government collapses, it will not cause too much disturbance. After the death of Han Jingyun, Pliden Almaty was in power, and the nature of the country was closer to the monarchy's independent ci structure. Once the superstructure suddenly died, it is conceivable that those unconstrained and selfish local forces would cause trouble. .

The inverted constitution (referring to the xi political promotion committee of the Turanx United Kingdom) formed by the Republic of Date and the Sauron Empire collapsed in this way, and the former fell into serious internal friction.

Facing the sudden change, Jaina Britannia reacted very quickly, leaving the Socatu star system on the one hand. Carry out the divine hidden plan, so as not to become the dead body under the knife of the Queen of Blades like Pliden Almaty. On the one hand, it ordered the Sword of Oath Special Guard and other armed fleets to abandon their offensive behavior and retreat to the border between the two countries. Without the containment of the Armed Fleet of the Republic of Date, the New Skywalker Guard and the 23rd Ranger Regiment were sufficient to keep the Armed Fleet of the Sauron Empire from the country.

The crusade formed by Edna, Li Yun and others was thus abandoned by the Sauron Empire. Empress Jaina just sent a symbolic email telling them that they had done their best and hoped that they would do their best.

What made them especially angry was that after abandoning them, the woman immediately extended her tentacles to the Republic of Date, which was in a state of civil strife, and began to foster puppet forces. It seemed that she wanted to rush to countries such as the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire, and the Charles Federation. Occupy a favorable situation before doing it... After all, Pliden Almaty and his henchmen are dead, and he can’t kill all Han Jingyun’s people. The chaos in the Republic of Date is destined to last for a long time. time.

Kirklaf I, Zaire Abdul and others also made almost the same arrangement. While guarding against the Queen of Blades continuing to implement the beheading plan, they extended their tentacles to the Republic of Ida, actively fostered puppet forces, and implemented self-interested arrangements. The Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic took the lead and changed the "color" of the Date Republic.

On the other hand, they worked very hard to connect the Queen of Blades to the Tang side in the disaster of Krengel Star, and constantly used media power to exaggerate the pain of the torchlight remnants, and aroused the people to confront the Queen of Blades and the black hand behind the scenes (Tang Fang) Hatred to stabilize his rule.

In the Dilar star system in the Tianchao region, Kylienia received contacts from Lilietta, Adam Oliver, Henrietta, Antoinette and others, asking her if Tang Fang is back. , Does the guy who calls herself the Queen of Blades cast a new member of Morningstar?

Obviously, it is impossible for them to find the answer in the Delar star system. Not to mention that Henryetta and others don’t know what happened. Even the core members of Morningstar Casting such as Kylienia and Grant don’t understand the origin of the Queen of Blades. , What is the relationship with Tang Fang.

However, this account will be counted on Tang Fang in any case, unless he stands up to the people and shed his responsibilities. Otherwise, no one with a normal mind would think that this matter has nothing to do with him.

He did have reason to retaliate against Pliden Almaty, but he had done too much in this matter. It was even more thrilling than his previous actions that shocked the world, such as destroying the Singh family and torturing the Merlin Star official.

Zhao Jiali's mood is very complicated, she doesn't know how to approach this matter. If the rumors from the outside world are true, and what the Queen of Blades did was instructed by the Tang Fang, should she hate him or be grateful to him?

Hate him for ruining her hometown? Thank him for avenging his grandfather?

She was at a loss, really at a loss...It seemed that everything had changed since joining Morningstar Casting.

Once upon a time, she longed for this kind of life, because from the perspective of an ordinary person, she felt that the lives of those in Tang Fang were really wonderful. She didn't really feel the suffering hidden under the wonderfulness and handsomeness until she was inside.

Tang Fang... still has no news, but his influence on the Hilumbel region has been increasing with the passage of time.

How many people look at the stars at night and ask: "Where are you? Are you dead or alive?"


The core area of ​​the Dead Sea.

This is an area of ​​nothingness, unlike the Tartarus Abyss, which makes people think of a tremor, as if the 12 Demon Gods don't know when they will wake up from their deep sleep and bring death and destruction to the Hilumbel region. Although it is very dark here, it is very calm, like a forest without wind.

From the sea of ​​dead silence, the star space is far away, the starlight is particularly indifferent, only the Milky Way remains.

In this open field, a person wrapped in black leather armor was still in the void, not knowing whether he was dead or alive, or how long he had been in this state. Is it one day, one month, or one year? In short... He is like a drop of water in the ocean, perfectly blending into this world, coexisting with the long night.


"Tang Fang, the long journey has come to an end, Guangming is smiling at you... Open your eyes and embrace your destiny." Zeratul's face flashed before his eyes.

"When are you going to sleep." Tassada was harsher than he imagined: "Comfort is for the dead. Since you are still alive, don't try to fool around by pretending to be dead. Open your eyes... Don't be a coward."

Suddenly, Tasada's face was distorted and turned into Noah's face: "I am waiting for you in hell..."

That face changed again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was tearful Athena: "I hate you...I hate you Tang Fang..."

"Brother... It's almost Tang Yun's birthday, what gift are you going to give her?" Then he changed to Tang Lin.

Then Claire...she said nothing, as if a weightless ghost held him on the cheek and kissed him, then turned and floated towards the sky.

He stretched out his hand to catch, but he caught nothing, he opened his mouth to shout, but did not call out the girl's name.

Suddenly a magic eye appeared in the sky, with a scarlet cross in the middle. The pupils swayed along the cross for a while and then disappeared, turning into a huge dark vortex, pulling Kleyya into the infinite darkness of another dimension.

He felt that his heart was about to jump out, and tried his best to call her name: "Kleiya...no...don't..."

At this moment, it was dark in front of her eyes, Kleiya was gone, the Void Vortex was gone, only the thumping heartbeat was still reverberating in the ears, and the throbbing still remained in her body.

"I...Where is this?" He tried to open his eyes, and saw the distant and indifferent starlight, and saw the long-lasting light belt, some familiar and some kind.

He endured the pain from his head, tried to find the lost memory, and then the original blurred picture became clear bit by bit.

Athena left the world of the Ark in the Twilight Wing. The temple was shattered under the attack of the battleship’s main guns. He was sucked into the external vacuum and finally lost the opportunity to return to the real material world. At that time, the Ark world had collapsed, and the tide of destruction had arrived, and all matter would be annihilated in the anti-matter universe and turned into the purest energy in space.

He should have died at that time, but...but why did he come back alive? Could it be **** here, or... he was lucky to save his life?


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