Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1203: Starting point and ending point (below)

The gunner was ordered to shell out as soon as the spacecraft appeared, and must destroy the target before the Hydra (Gnivorer) took action. So they pressed the fire button first, and then they could see what was on the other side, and their faces became very, very ugly.

A Ypsilon fortress appeared there, and it took a few shells before it appeared, not to mention who was sitting on it. What is the cost of going to the Jakarta Burr star system? In short, it will never be in a good mood.

This kind of behavior is not even provocative, it is simply death.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to break in", now it is more appropriate to put this sentence on their heads than on the other side.

The expressions on Boyle Ben and Hannibal Sheen’s faces are so ugly and ugly. They never dreamed that things would unfold like this. They don’t know if the other party is unlucky. Anyway, they are absolutely unparalleled. Invincible big S, B.

To provoke a Ypsilon fortress with their small broken ship, what is it that you are tired and crooked?

Just when many people speculated about the origin of this fortress, and searched through all the memories in their minds, they could not find the impression that it had appeared before, and guessed whether it was a super battleship under the Dragon Whisperer’s banner. Each ship received a copy from Broadcasting in the public frequency band.

That is a piece of video material. The protagonist is a man, an unforgettable guy.

"Yeah, long time no see, how have you been?"

"Tang Fang, it's Tang Fang!" Looking at the face on the big screen, everyone has everyone's thoughts and everyone has their emotions.

Yell Adams's gloomy expression disappeared without a trace, like a sudden lick of honey, and the whole person floated up.

The same is true for the Star Alliance naval soldiers. No matter how they view the relationship between Queen Blade and Tang Fang, how they view the relationship between Morning Star Casting and the wars of the Ten Kingdoms, in short, the arrival of Tang Fang gave them hope of victory.

Bayern Torres was in the opposite mood with Yell Adams, and his face became worse than before. It was the first time he and Tang Fang met, but no matter what, he didn't think that the other party would show up at this juncture to help him, or to watch the fun.

For more people, the first thought that came to mind was "He didn't die. After a year, he came back again, driving a Ypsilon Bastion ship. There is widespread rumors that he is missing. Is he missing? Is it possible that he was not missing at all, just playing with new toys in an unknown place?"

Seeing that face on the big screen, Hannibal and Poyle calmed down, because they and Captain Tang had an old hatred, what does it matter if they add a bit of new hatred? Based on the analysis of the current situation, even if the Hydra and the Eater did not fire, the opponent would not easily let them go.

Unlike all of them, the former head of the Apollo Pirates, Albert, is already retreating. It is precisely because he is usually cautious that he can survive the crises again and again, and he has directly and indirectly complained with Captain Tang, and he can live his life in a cool manner, unlike Plettenberg Almaty and Sange Will Olippo. De became a corpse like that.

Many people are curious. Tang Fang only drove one Ypsilon fortress and landed in the Burning Legion and Pirates' coalition. What exactly did it want to reduce the pressure on the front line? Use the powerful defense of the Ypsilon Bastion ship to resist the attack of the fleet? Solving the siege of the Jakarta Burr star system?

Albert's idea is more amazing, or it can be said to be bizarre.

Who is Tang Fang? The master who has deceived everyone in the entire Hilumbel region with his cleverness is an out-and-out demon king. Will he fight an uncertain battle? Recklessly driving a fortress into the enemy's main line?

He has been away for so long and has not shown up for more than a year. Now that the situation in the Hilumbel region has become extremely tense, will he appear silently? how is this possible! If he were Tang Fang, he would definitely make a big news to let everyone know that he was back, and boost the morale of Morningstar Casting and the friendly army by the way.

What is big news? Is the news of the birth of a Ypsilon Bastion ship big enough? No, it's a bit too close. What if you add the plot of the Burning Legion and the Pirate Allied forces annihilated?

So Albert is very careful, very cautious. People who are cautious are generally a little clever.

Yell Adams didn't think so much, but knew that the time had come for the Jedi counterattack, so he ordered his warships to switch from a defensive formation to an attack formation and try to move closer to the location of the Ypsilon fortress.

He always felt that Tang Fang was a little pretentious in doing this. Even though it could be seen from the appearance that it was a battle fortress, it could be said to be armed to the teeth, but the enemy had thousands of battleships. No matter how powerful the battleship Ypsilon was, It may not be able to withstand artillery fire like the tide.

Bayern Torres chose the latter between retreat and attack because he was unwilling, really unwilling. Anyway, there are only a few Burning Legion battleships where the Ypsilon Bastion ship appears, most of which are the battleships of the Pirate Alliance. With those cannon fodder blocking in front, it is very easy for his fleet to evacuate.

So... let's try how powerful Captain Tang's new toy is.

In short, he doesn't think this thing is more terrifying than the wandering planets of the Dilar star system.

Boyle and the others were also unwilling to give up like this. Ever since Tang Fang came to the Tianchao star area, they have been wandering and wandering like a bereaved dog, fleeing and fleeing again.

No one wants to live such a life. Now the other party has only one fortress, and their side has the Burning Legion, many pirate groups, how can they fight a game, try who has a harder fist.

Of course, when ordering the warships to attack under his command, the Hydra and the Eater began to move backwards, so as not to become the focus of Captain Tang's attention and be attacked by a cannon.

The pirate regiments that make up the coalition are mixed, and the warships of the pirate regiment are also chaotic, so the brilliance that shoots at the energy shield is varied and different.

The Fearless Commander-class fortress appeared in the enemy's main formation. It was also a 5KM-class battleship with a large target. Naturally, there was no way to avoid artillery fire from the surrounding... Tang Fang did not intend to evade.

The ship’s basic shield is similar to the Starlight Shield of the Angel, but in terms of energy level and strength, it is not comparable to the latter. The projectiles that are directed at the ship’s hull will ripple on the surface of the shield, like rain. The clear lake aroused countless ripples.

It looks thrilling, but it doesn't actually cause any damage to the hull.

Like the Siren Pirates, Condor Pirates, Johnny’s family... etc. The Pirates that are not active in Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall’s no man’s land know about Captain Tang only by rumors. Because there is no real fight, there will always be some illusions.

Just like the military propaganda of some countries, how advanced and powerful it is, it is said to be tall, hard, fierce, and durable. In fact, it is only a tool to fool the people to promote patriotism, a political need. Appearing to show off to the outside world, it is essentially to spread fear inside. And it does not rule out the possibility of telling empty words and lies, fraud... But the specialties of politicians and businessmen.

Like the legendary deeds made by Tang Fang and Morningstar, it is hard to guarantee that it is not because the Star Alliance government has carried out excessive or false packaging for political purposes to arouse national sentiment.

Compared with the White Beard Pirates, Hannibal Pirates, and Cobra Pirates, the Pirates who have truly seen the strength of Morningstar's forging, their attacks are the hardest, the artillery fire is the most intense, and the morale is the highest.

Intrepid commander-class fortress bridge, feel the battlefield in the panoramic projection environment, far more shocking than the battlefield on the big screen and virtual sand table. However, Miss Freya dozed off on an adaptive seat, ignoring the various bounces flying in the distance. As long as Tang Fang is by her side, she will feel at ease. The wind and waves outside and her inner peace are as far away as a world.

"If Kylinia knew that a shot would waste a lot of zero-isotope crystals, would he call me a prodigal." Tang Fang stood in front of the Hestia system with a helpless expression: "She said she was going to take out Three months to go on vacation... She said it was more than a year since I left, and now she should relax... Actually, I know very well that she is protesting, wronged, and losing her temper... Ah, ah, woman. , It's trouble."

There was a lot of fire outside, and he was still thinking about complaining.

For a "tired and lazy person" like Tang Fang, now that Clareya is not there and Zhou Ai is away from home, Kylienia will pick up and strike again, leaving him troublesome for Morningstar's trivial matters, which is simply his life.

Freya was awakened by his voice and said heartlessly: "Where are sister Kylenia going on vacation? Shall we go together too?"

Captain Tang sighed and issued a command to the Hestia system.

The core position of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress is not the small plane of the Void Seeker, but a black sphere with an uneven surface and a grid structure. There is no light during the flight and no energy radiation is generated.

However, when he gave the command, the originally dark sphere was filled with light and turned into a light sphere that was even more dazzling than "Jakarta Bur". A shocking energy radiation burst, and the spear tip structure of the ship's bow resembled blooming flowers. The leaves splay outwards, exposing many crystal lattices.

The indistinguishable gravity flow starts from the bow of the ship and radiates out a cone area, covering almost 60% of the area of ​​the coalition forces.

The gunner of the Pirates battleship was still roaring sternly, and the cigarette in the corner of his mouth gave out smoke, and the sound stopped abruptly after a second. The smoke seemed to suddenly burst foam, disappearing without a trace.

The pirate warship that was close to the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress was directly disintegrated at the molecular level and collapsed. The farther battleship was pulled by the tide to break into large and small fragments, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a sea of ​​garbage.

The warship made of steel and alloy is so, not to mention the humans inside.

In almost an instant, more than 60% of the warships were damaged, severely broken, and slightly dismembered. It's like dreaming, fast is incredible, fast unacceptable.

The surviving soldiers of the Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet who have experienced the surprise attack on the Dilal star system regard the wandering planet as a dreamlike existence, and frequently wake up when they dream back at midnight. For the people of the Burning Legion and the Pirates coalition, the wandering planet or something, compared to the Ypsilon fortress in front of them, is completely kind Santa Claus.

In less than a cigarette, more than 3,000 warships were gone...no more...not even a whole body was left, the close ones were annihilated without a trace, the distant ones were fragmented. Once familiar companions, familiar warships, one face will be destroyed.

How is this possible, why is it so!

The Hydra and the Eater retreated so much, but still did not escape the fate of demise, so Boyle Ben died, and his fat daughter could no longer use his father's background to dominate. So Hannibal? Fortunately, he died, but unfortunately the frozen human leg in the refrigerator in the captain's room...

Albert was lucky and did not die in the catastrophe just now. Rommel, the leader of the Cobra Pirates group, also survived, trembling looking at the miserable image on the big screen, cold sweat on his forehead like a spring.

"Retreat...Retreat...Retreat now..." he yelled.

After experiencing what happened just now, he finally knew why Tang Fang dared to drive a boat alone into the enemy line, because in the eyes of Master Captain, everyone around was rubbish, not even the mob.

Compared with the fortress ship in front of me, the wandering planet is far worse in power.

In the face of something impossible to defeat, do you not retreat and stay and wait for death?

There were more pirates who were frightened. Yale Adams also had a lot of cold sweat on his forehead. He did not expect that the Ypsilon Bastion ship in front of him had such combat power, and Tang Fang did not give any warning before firing, just in case the navy was stationed. Its warships accidentally entered the cone of strike zone, and the end will definitely not be better than the battleships of the Pirate Alliance and the Burning Legion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The staff are silent, what can they say? They have nothing to say. After the wandering planet, Morningstar Forge has mastered such a super weapon again. If you count those new warships, which sovereign country's fleet will be Captain Tang's opponent? I am afraid that only legendary forces like the Supreme Council and Dragon Whisperers are qualified to compete with Morningstar.

The battleships of the Pirates were defeated, and the battleships of the Burning Legion were retreating in an orderly manner, preparing to evacuate the battlefield.

Bayern Torres finally made up his mind to leave. Because of the arrival of Captain Tang, he took the first step in StarCraft, and the golden bridge in front of him was cut off. He can only accept the shame, and then look back.

If he continues to resist, the loss of the Burning Legion will be more serious. He dare not use his future to bet that the Ypsilon Bastion ship cannot execute the second gravity shock in a short time.

His conjecture is correct. The Dreadnought Commander-class fortress indeed has no way to trigger the annihilation cannon a second time before the loop matrix decays to the ground state. In fact, CD time or something is not the point, and it hurts him to squander many zero isotopes in one shot. If converted into gas, this gun would consume almost 80W of gas, the value of 10 Void Glow Ships...if not counting the population.

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