Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1207: Jedi strikes back

Ingrid Alexander was in a dilemma and could only tighten the line of defense to the utmost extent. She huddled inside the Sotuk star system and prospered fortifications to deal with the mountainous fear created by the intrepid commander-class fortress.

In the current situation, the Phoenix Imperial Navy’s act of occupying the Sotuk star system is basically asking for trouble, because the deep-space wandering behavior of the Intrepid Commander-class fortress almost cut off the Phoenix Imperial Navy headed by the Jupiter Expeditionary Force and its rear positions. Link. But it is difficult for Ingrid to give up the Sotuk star system, and the domestic situation does not allow her to do so.

War is a continuation of politics. Isn't the Jupiter Expeditionary Force's attack on the Star League an attack on the domestic die-hards?

On the other side, in the Republic of Date, civil strife is endless, the 23rd Ranger Regiment of the Turanx United Kingdom and the new Skywalker Guard Chen Bing Sauron are on the border of the Sauron Empire, and the Sword of Oath Special Guard Commander Ilham Besonov panting. Not angry.

In such an external situation, the Star Alliance government can concentrate on resolving internal worries.

At the same time, Morningstar Casting claimed that there are a group of thugs who confuse the people to attack Tang Fang and plot to attack the Dillard star system in the Star Alliance. In view of the tension currently facing the Star Alliance government, it decided to send a special operations team to assist. A fox hunt led by Adam Oliver.

Kylienia said "assistance", but in fact this special operations team is very rough, because the leader is not someone else, it is Uncle Howson and Mr. Churchill.

Many people don't understand why Kylienia, a master who knows people and uses them well, chooses to lead the special operations team with two friends, which is simply a self-destructive move.

Until later, many people woke up like a dream. She is not a self-destroying sign, she is still knowing people and making good use of it.

Howson and Churchill’s style are comparable to those of the investigators sent by the Star Alliance, specifically used by Kylenia to deal with the top-faced figures that the Star Alliance government is not good at. They don't care about whether the target is an old man or a woman, what kind of status they have, and what contributions they have made in certain areas. They directly kill the ones that are harmful to Morningstar Casting, and rectify them to the extent that they can no longer take care of themselves before handing over to the Star Alliance government.

Their style of acting is similar to cutting off before playing, killing and crippling the target before publicizing their crimes, unlike the Star Alliance investigation procedure, which requires hearings, lawyers, and court.

This is not the work of the Star Alliance government. Even if there are opponents, they can't trouble Adam Oliver, but let them go to the Morningstar casting theory, to argue with the ruthless characters like Howson and Churchill, which dare to go? Unless you don't want to live anymore.

Furthermore, Morningstar Casting is not doing things for no reason, but doing it under the circumstances of conclusive evidence. The so-called extraordinary actions in extraordinary times are precisely because the Adam government is relatively weak, which has allowed the reactionary forces to grow stronger and cause various passive situations.

The question facing the people of the Star Alliance now is whether they want principles, laws, or Morningstar casting, and Captain Tang. Allowing these capitalists and chaebols to do whatever they want will stimulate Morningstar to forge independence. If Captain Tang is satisfied, these careerists must be punished appropriately.

For the Adam government, for one reason or another, some people who have controlled social resources for a long time should not be moved lightly, but for Uncle Howson and Mr. Churchill, there is no one they dare not move. Morningstar casting needs to be scrupulous. It is necessary to pursue balance.

Moreover, their actions will create a sense of fear. Some people think that they can resist the large-scale investigation of the Star Alliance government through inaction, chaos, and even defection as before. Howson and others will let them realize the fate of doing so. , At least there is a glimmer of life in the hands of Adam Oliver and others, and in the hands of these two people...that is life is better than death.

Until this moment, many smart people suddenly realized that they finally knew what medicine was sold in the gourd of Adam's government.

They got it wrong, Adam Oliver didn't do nothing, but was waiting for a favorable opportunity. The frenzy of criticism directed at Tang Fang eventually caused the Adam government and Morningstar Casting to play a role.

To put it simply, the five nations of the Star Alliance, the Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic, the Turanx United Kingdom, the Silver Eagle Group, and Morningstar Foundry united and contributed to this conspiracy. The Phoenix Empire, the Sauron Empire, the Sulu Empire, and the Monya Empire were completely used.

It was precisely through this trend that various countries supported Tang’s self-reliance and created an atmosphere of panic for the Star Alliance civil society, making people mistakenly believe that he would really part ways with the Star Alliance because of this incident. This is because it is related to his vital interests. , Those guys with a sense of justice must carefully weigh whether it is worthy of the people of the Republic of Date.

Tang Fang vaguely responded that the relationship with Queen Blade would dissipate like a gust of wind. At the same time, the Adam government has shown evidence that there are ambitions behind this incident. How will ordinary people react? Naturally hate...Hate gritted his teeth, wishing to get rid of those despicable behind-the-scenes.

In this way, a sufficient foundation of public opinion has been established, and those celebrities and wealthy businessmen who have a certain degree of prestige and control many social resources will not arouse too much noise on the social level. After all, these people almost harmed the entire Star Alliance, almost Severing the friendship between Morningstar and the Star Alliance is not enough for civilians not to deal with it.

The Phoenix Empire, the Mongolian Empire and other hostile countries relied on the social atmosphere of the Star Alliance and the loopholes in the national system to cause one after another. However, the Adam government, with the cooperation of Morningstar Casting, saw tricks and tricks. Although it experienced a lot of chaos, It also took the opportunity to remove the spies that the enemy had planted inside, and cleared away the obstacles hidden in the civil and officialdom.

The Adam’s government was cowardly and incompetent, but the conditions were not ripe before and it was not allowed to do so.

The Sauron Empire and the Phoenix Empire finally woke up, and it took a long time for the enemies to collude and perform a scene.

When the Star League society was undergoing tremendous changes and turmoil, in the deep space of the Sokanada Line, Freya held the Pooh bear pillow that Tang Yun gave her, and looked at the woman on the big screen with a hostile look. There was a lot of resentment about Tang Fang talking with that guy for half an hour.

Lilietta said: "I remember that when I contacted Kylenia last time, she herself might have been away from the Delar star system for a few months to find a beautiful place to relax. I am curious how you kept her. ?"

Since the Bahamut Pirates helped Yeliu at a critical moment to block the battleship of the Republic of Date headed by the Nightcrawler, Kylienia stopped being deeply guarded against Lilietta, and the words slowly grew. From a perspective, they are the same kind of people, very capable, and all have a lot of distress.

How could a smart person like her not feel the unhappiness and grievance in Kylenia's heart.

Tang Fang touched his nose and said awkwardly: "It's actually very simple. I haven't stayed in the Delar star system for a long time. Before she lost her temper, I hid in the Sokanada line of defense..."

Lilietta was stunned for a moment, and then burst into a hearty laugh: "You really are..."

Who is Kylenia? Serious, serious, mature, capable, workaholic... She has a lot of similarities with her. It is because of her similar personality that she understands.

Without waiting for her to happen, Captain Tang left Dilal's star system and turned his head and ran to the Sokanada line to take refuge. What will Kylenia do? Also left behind the desperate Dilar star system, will you leave it wayward? She can't do anything like that, so she can only clean up her emotions and work hard.

For Kylenia, career and work are far more important than personal emotions.

And Tang Fang saw through her personality, that's why he did this kind of thing, like a child who had not grown up and acted spoiled in front of his mother... Although this description is not appropriate, the feeling is really similar.

"I specially asked someone to buy a small fortune cookie from the Monya Empire, and waited until she was almost relieved before going back."

Lilietta stared at the shy and shy-looking Captain Tang in front of him for a while, and immediately couldn't say, "Okay, you are calculating me..."

Ever since the Bahamut Pirates formed an alliance with Morningstar, when did Tang Fang show a pitiful expression in front of her, he always hides when he can, and hides when he can. Also pretend to be innocent.

He must have known about the change in Kylienia's attitude towards her.

Among the senior executives of Morningstar Casting, Claire and Yuffi are good sisters who met during the Charles Union; Grant, Walton, Nehemiah and others are the Crotan Rebels; Byron, Chen Jian, Stephen Su, Yasen Nicholas is the original leader of the Apollo Pirates; Kudria and Alina are from the United Kingdom of Turanx and are closely related to Tang Yun and Tang Lin; Roy, Yingluo, Bai Hao and Linglong are a family of four ; Howson and the veterans do not need to be, they are the old people of Yuan Dynasty who have followed Tang Fang from the very beginning. Only Kylenia... Although she has gained the respect of everyone by virtue of her extraordinary ability, in fact, there are not many people who can be like a good sister, no, there should be none.

Her style is unique in Morningstar Casting, because of the difference in age and experience, there is an insurmountable gap with Claire and others, which will undoubtedly make her feel lonely and lonely.

She can tolerate loneliness and loneliness, but when she meets someone who has similar personalities and experiences and can be trusted, she will naturally get closer and closer.

According to normal logic, Captain Tang pretended to be pitiful in front of him, and when the Bahamut Pirates contacted the Dilar Star System again, she would definitely help him with kind words.

We must know that now Howson and Churchill lead a special operations team to cooperate with the Adam government in combating the reactionary forces in the Star League. There is a lot of intelligence from the Bahamut Pirates. She and Kylienia meet every day, so naturally they will be the best guests.

"Is there?" Tang Fang smiled: "No... a kind and upright person like me..."

"Okay, okay." Lilietta interrupted his boasting: "Don't worry, I will help you kindly."

Tang Fang said, "How can I thank you?"

"How about being promised by the body?"


He didn't reply yet, and Miss Freya at the back seemed to have noticed a cat moving by a mouse, and all her hair was flying.

"Okay, business." Lilietta said sternly: "Did Virginia? Alexander fell into your hands?"

Tang Fang raised his eyebrows: "Hey, your news is really good."

Lilietta said, "No, I guessed it." After a pause, she continued: "Although I don't know the extent of the political chaos in the Phoenix Empire, the situation seems far from simple. You'd better have a psychological preparation. Even if you hold His Majesty, Ingrid Alexander will never compromise easily."

He nodded: "For this...I know very well."

Looking at what happened in the year since his disappearance, anyone who knows a little about the political struggle can see the subtle changes in the political situation of the Phoenix Empire. The main battle, headed by Lorenz Alexander, uses troops for the Star Alliance, which seems to be conquered outside, but in fact it is aimed at the country.

In some countries, there is no diplomacy, only internal affairs.

"It's good if you have a square inch." Lilietta doesn't have much more: "That's it, just contact us if you need it."

Just as Tang Fang said goodbye and was about to disconnect from the communication, she suddenly said, "Don't forget to find some good men for your sister."

"..." Without hesitation, he directly pressed the stop button.

Freya walked from behind and wrinkled her nose and said, "This old witch who wants men to go crazy."

He smiled and scratched her nice nose: "Ha... Freya will be jealous anytime."


Three days later, the lost wandering planet suddenly appeared in the Talida star system bordering the Republic of Date and the Star Alliance.

Since the death of Han Jingyun, the Night Wind Assault Fleet has been incorporated by Plettenberg Almaty. As a strategic Talida star system, it is no exception. The commander of the Heratim Guard was replaced by a person from Pliden Almaty ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and played a helpful role in the attack of the Dilal star system by the Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet .

La Prado, the city in the sky, recovered after experiencing the zombies riots. The internal facilities have not changed much, but the passenger flow has been much scarce. Because of the war and history, after all, no one wants to become the kind of monster without thinking. Even though the Republic of Date has repeatedly clarified that the disease has been eradicated, the situation has not changed much.

After the Queen of Blades captured Krengel, the Republic of Date fell into civil strife. The new commander of the Talida star system, Alta, took the opportunity to cleanse the opponents in the army, completely mastered the armed fleet, and interacted with Jaina of the Sauron Empire. ?Britania secretly formed an alliance, while reaching out to the country, trying to establish his political prestige in order to achieve something.

In fact, not only did he have an affair with Jaina Britania, Alta was an out-and-out double-faced man, and he had conversations with Antoinette on the phone and Adam Oliver. Seeing the wind and steering the rudder, the means of diversifying the source from both sides is a must.


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